How will they rule ??!

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Great statement by US Rep Crowley-D after losing primary:

""The Trump administration is a threat to everything we stand for here in Queens and the Bronx, and if we don't win back the House this November, we will lose the nation we love," Crowley said. "This is why we must come together. We will only be able to stop Donald Trump and the Republican Congress by working together, as a united Democratic Party."

I'm so happy he sees what Trump is doing to them. So wonderful.
Sooo...why did we go through all this shit again? Why are the judges who ruled against the travel ban still receiving a paycheck from taxpayer dollars?

"The exclusion of aliens is a fundamental act of sovereignty … inherent in the executive power," the Supreme Court said in 1950. And lest there be doubt, Congress adopted a provision in 1952 saying the president "may by proclamation and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens and any class of aliens as immigrants or non-immigrants" whenever he thinks it "would be detrimental to the interests of the United States."

How many times must the SCOTUS rule on the same issue?
Joe Crowley is a white guy in an anti white guy party currently. He's played up race since the beginning. Tonight it came back to bite him.

These people are idiots. They ramp up the anti-white rhetoric to pander to minorities because they think minorities are stupid and manipulate them for votes.

But guess what? When you create tribalism and tell everyone else that white guys are evil, they turn on you and what do you think occurs when the demographics continue to grow in the other direction? You think they will show mercy? Lkl
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These people are idiots. They ramp up the anti-white rhetoric to pander to minorities because they think minorities are stupid and manipulate them for votes.

But guess what? When you create tribalism and tell everyone else that white gure are evil, they turn on you and what do you think occurs when the demographics continue to grow in the other direction? You think they will show mercy? Lkl

The demographics are definitely headed in the wrong direction, but if Candace Owens et al can continue to inform and educate, then there is still hope.

Kennedy will be replaced by the same vote, Ginsberg is the money shot. Once that bitch is gone we can make some real progress with SCOTUS and idiot proof our country somewhat from the liberals.
Nope. Enlighten me?


You think reid actually talked to a holocaust survivor in El Paso?

This is my favorite bullshit from Dems. “We’re so scared. People are terrified of this fascist admin. Now watch as we continue to follow, harass and threaten conservatives, discriminate against them, assault them, try to shoot them, vandalize property/riot, root for the economy and stock market to crash, support a corrupt deep state and on spend every second of the day trying to bash this ‘scary dictator’ and his family and call for his son to be kidnapped and put in a cage with a pedophile. #Resist.”
The lefties many are Democrats and how many are socialist?

Nominating socialist. Venezuela is their role model.

I will say this.... on paper socialism is the greatest system ever devised. We all share and share alike. When you are 14 what could make more sense? A 28 year old socialist for Congress.

Too bad the real world is the polar opposite of what is on paper.
Surprised the owners of the Red Hen haven’t already been interviewed a dozen times on both CNN and MSNBC...

A ‘nazi’ walked in their door and they heroically resisted. Those owners should be interviewed everyday, right after the pornstar’s lawyer.

When I hear a socialist described as a "progressive"

We have two ancient white guys puppeteering a bunch of myopic millennials.

You have a new heroine whose big idea is abolishing ICE. Yep, nothing will help the poor boroughs of NYC like a few million more poor Latinas.

The Dem establishment is freaking the hell out today, they have lost control of their monster.

And then she shut down the restaurant for a week or two. This is comical because they’re always super tough when they try to bully others but then become total cowards when the spotlight is on them.

You harass someone simply trying to eat and even follow them across the street once they politely leave and now you’re a giant pussy because you can’t handle being bothered.
Surprised the owners of the Red Hen haven’t already been interviewed a dozen times on both CNN and MSNBC...

A ‘nazi’ walked in their door and they heroically resisted. Those owners should be interviewed everyday, right after the pornstar’s lawyer.

Actually the opposite happened.. The KKK actually hate Trump. Read the under red line of the Wash Post

The socialists taking over the democratic party think guaranteed jobs is good platform to run on. Basically every company out there is hiring right now. How in the hell does this even become an issue for them right now? And why would anybody think that this is a good idea?

Liberals said no more civility.......-t then

If they were ever caught on film talking about how they harvest organs from aborted babies and sell them for profit..............

If they have bought into the "globalist" notion so profoundly that they really believe in collapsing our borders........

If they're an open socialist or communist

If they're advocating the over throw of our Constitutional Republic or this legally elected, standing President......

Then cease efforts to convince them of better views
Stop thinking of them as fellow country members
Start realizing that they are domestic terrorists & have already declared war on you and your families

And materially start preparing for the conflict their Marxist organizers must - and will - follow


And then she shut down the restaurant for a week or two. This is comical because they’re always super tough when they try to bully others but then become total cowards when the spotlight is on them.

You harass someone simply trying to eat and even follow them across the street once they politely leave and now you’re a giant pussy because you can’t handle being bothered.
Zero concept of cause/effect, all emotion and feelings. Why you see very few liberals in business. Under Obama, his approval for small business owners was regularly in the high 20s/low 30s.
The lefties many are Democrats and how many are socialist?

Nominating socialist. Venezuela is their role model.

I will say this.... on paper socialism is the greatest system ever devised. We all share and share alike. When you are 14 what could make more sense? A 28 year old socialist for Congress.

Too bad the real world is the polar opposite of what is on paper.

Keep in mind that on paper it also outlines a world view based on Marx's "Dialerctical materialism" --- (no right wrong / good evil / only the material 'reality' of mankind driving history via CONFLICT)......

and the sickening / historically measurable aspect of SOC that establishes the Socialist State as a temporary state of "human evolution" --- that's designed to "progress" Communism

So the same sick FK's that want you to believe a man is really a woman if he wears a dress and believes he's a woman.....and want to criminally prosecute you if you don't go along with the idea.........the same gaggle of history's LAZIEST, MOST SPOILED, LEAST LITERATE Socialists to ever emerge.......that would kick off a revolution that features their "Dictatorship of the Proletariat"......

That's when they get to do with you what they want to do to you if they gain control.....
This has ALL happened before -- most of the terms and tactics haven't been been changed

Start realizing that you truly would rather be dead than red
You really need to know where your line in the sand is with some of this stuff

Some things Are worth fighting for right?

shitfire and Sasquatch......I've not slept all night

These people are nuts. They live in their own world and repeat whatever BS sounds horrible.

Muslim ban? 92% of Muslims are unaffected by the travel ban. And as previously mentioned 100 times, Obama did this without as much as a whimper from Dems.

Separating parents and children? You mean something that happens everyday to law breakers everywhere, everyday? Not to mention the families are reunited pretty quick if everything checks out. I love how no dem will bring up child trafficking... but then again I could see why they’d be upset about less children to fondle.

Dictators and allies. Pretty sure your party was cheering for NK and complaining how mean Trump was to their dictator leader. Then peace is made between N and S Korea and you’re mad... but of course you are.

Forcing black athletes into patriotic displays? First off, what a racist POS. I wasn’t aware it only was for black athletes. Second, you mean they can’t stay off the field? They still have a choice to not come out with their hand over their heart?

Trade wars? Must break her heart that we have a president worried about America.

TL;DR liberals like this are batshit crazy and live in their own minds. They wake up everyday and bathe in scarecrows fear toxin. They are insane.
I’ve noticed that the white women on the left consists of these groups.

- The miserable ugly feminist
- the model/actress who works in entertainment and it best serves them to go along with the machine.
- The braindead college kid
Talked to a brainwashed liberal yesterday who seems convinced that the right is the one who went further right and not that the left has went further left.

One thing that some leftists do is try to claim they’re moderate. It’s hilarious. It’s similar to our chumps on here who are too cowardly to admit they’re leftists.
You're right - if you actually go read the Exec Orders they do not put a "ban" in place

Last time I read the revised version it also happens to include specific verbiage about:

International cooperation with other / allied islamic / ME nations to help vet ppl from certain backgrounds

It states a preservation and protection of our "liberal" allowance of expression for women and even homosexuals

((it's been about 6 months since I"ve read it but would bet all that's still in there))

and aside from what's in there.......take a long ....DEEP drink of what's happening in many areas of Europe

Not just the rape gangs

Not just the naked rejection and hatred towards non-islamic culture

Not just the epidemiological impact and public health angle of millions of non-vaccinated human vectors.....

But --- most sickening -- the support and advocacy (to include legal threats against their own citizens who would SPEAK AGAINST the criminally insane policies) .... coming from Public leaders as well as the Vatican, WHO, UN and nearly all media / programming.......

What's happening there right now isn't an accident and it isn't even really a secret
That's all I'll say about that angle of things

When I hear a socialist described as a "progressive"

We have two ancient white guys puppeteering a bunch of myopic millennials.

You have a new heroine whose big idea is abolishing ICE. Yep, nothing will help the poor boroughs of NYC like a few million more poor Latinas.

The Dem establishment is freaking the hell out today, they have lost control of their monster.
This tweet made me laugh, "fascist" was too weak

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Surprised the owners of the Red Hen haven’t already been interviewed a dozen times on both CNN and MSNBC...

A ‘nazi’ walked in their door and they heroically resisted. Those owners should be interviewed everyday, right after the pornstar’s lawyer.
Yep, the left's latest martyr.