How will they rule ??!

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Just so you guys can see how mentally fragile the intolerant leftist psychos are on college campuses today, take a look at the video.

This comes after CSULA canceled conservative Ben Shapiro's speech on campus because only leftist ideals are allowed AT A PUBLICLY FUNDED UNIVERSITY.

You know why Trump is doing so well, because as a man with a Checkered past he basically admits to his flaws, and keeps it moving with no apologies.

Lots of Americans have been trained to be ashamed of themselves for reasons we are trained to judge! Call it what you want but people are pulling for Trump simply because they are sick of stupid politics and like seeing a man stand strong when the enemy attacks.

He might not do a damn thing right but damn it he just might bring back some f'n pride to this country!
You know why Trump is doing so well, because as a man with a Checkered past he basically admits to his flaws, and keeps it moving with no apologies.

Lots of Americans have been trained to be ashamed of themselves for reasons we are trained to judge! Call it what you want but people are pulling for Trump simply because they are sick of stupid politics and like seeing a man stand strong when the enemy attacks.

He might not do a damn thing right but damn it he just might bring back some f'n pride to this country!

Thank you! The self-loathing, white guilt, anti-American apologetic crap we are indoctrinated with has grown tiresome.
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The last 3 candidates have been John McCain who never muttered anything of note about Christianity, a mormon, and now have a guy leading that referred to 2 Corinthians. Perhaps that is overplayed.

It's the party's platform. Read it some time. They used God 12 times in 2012. Lefties made zero mention.

McCain wasn't super Bible guy but that silly coont who ran with him was. The GOP is the religious party. They branded themselves that way in the 80s. Joe Don't Give A Damn Public sees Republicans that way.

All their ideas aren't bad, but aligning yourselves with that type - even if by perception - isn't going to score cool points with those coveted undecideds. That's my whole point. You know, perception is reality.
I truly liked Mega's post..

I did also. It had a lot of truth to it. With tragic elements. What is to be concluded when it must be accepted that there is risk in appealing to remaining population with values? The left keeps using the word "religion" but it is really about values, some issues. Take the issue of late term abortion. You don't have to be religious or even mostly moral to find some of these practices and techniques objectionable, wretched, macabre even. Not trying to start a discussion about abortion, but that is just one popular political issue in which if the observer doesn't "just go along with it" he is instantly labeled as among the "religious."
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Are these guys running for President of Mexico? Starting to wonder if we're going to talk about the economy, government spending taxes, national security, etc....or just immigration.
I did also. It had a lot of truth to it. With tragic elements. What is to be concluded when it must be accepted that there is risk in appealing to remaining population with values? The left keeps using the word "religion" but it is really about values, some issues. Take the issue of late term abortion. You don't have to be religious or even mostly moral to find some of these practices and techniques objectionable, wretched, macabre even. Not trying to start a discussion about abortion, but that is just one popular political issue in which if the observer doesn't "just go along with it" he is instantly labeled as among the "religious."

I agree. Great post.
Just angry.

Got ample opportunity to beat Hillary. Keep getting this vision of Libertarians in a room with Republicans. Then Libertarians say "if ya'll just shut the f*** up for a minute and let us take over, we could actually decrease gov't intervention in your lives."

I so want that to happen
Keep getting this vision of Libertarians in a room with Republicans. Then Libertarians say "if ya'll just shut the f*** up for a minute and let us take over, we could actually decrease gov't intervention in your lives."
is that something the either major party actually wants, though?
LIsten, it is so obvious that CNN is out to destroy Trump tonight that it is embarrassing. Like Trump or hate him, he is scaring the shit out of the establishment in order to get this sort of public execution.

I call things the way I see them. This is horseshit the way they've set him up tonight on all sides and yet he's punching and punching back against all the candidates and the moderators.
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Thought this was interesting. Hillary thinks she beats Trump easily, but he's the one she least wants to face. Maybe both sides are right on the Trump dilemma:

Host Joe Scarborough told Chuck Todd, “I will tell you who is horrified right now. Bill Clinton is horrified at the prospect of every time Hillary Clinton bringing up women’s issues, Donald Trump puts out an Instagram ad and by the end of the campaign Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton are synonymous.”

Todd said, “There are two things that the Clinton’s people believe are true. Number one, that they can beat Donald Trump and they think that they can potentially beat him by a fairly large margin. And that it’s the last person they want to run against. They simultaneously believe both things.”
Trump's stand on not allowing people to die in the streets if he is President shows exactly why he will be a very formidable candidate in the general. If they don't take him out soon I think we could be at that beginning stage where a runaway juggernaut is born and he sweeps into the general with an overwhelming victory over Hillary.

Right now Trump is under siege with every candidate and moderator out to get him and he is in a knife fight. One on one I have no idea how a candidate can beat him in a general. He can be put in the most difficult situation imaginable, look terrible for a few minutes, then land a crushing KO punch and come out smelling like a rose. He is truly a formidable candidate to behold.

No advertising. No ground game. No PAC money. Just the force of his personality overwhelming all conventional political norms. Amazing to behold.
Thought this was interesting. Hillary thinks she beats Trump easily, but he's the one she least wants to face. Maybe both sides are right on the Trump dilemma:

Host Joe Scarborough told Chuck Todd, “I will tell you who is horrified right now. Bill Clinton is horrified at the prospect of every time Hillary Clinton bringing up women’s issues, Donald Trump puts out an Instagram ad and by the end of the campaign Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton are synonymous.”

Todd said, “There are two things that the Clinton’s people believe are true. Number one, that they can beat Donald Trump and they think that they can potentially beat him by a fairly large margin. And that it’s the last person they want to run against. They simultaneously believe both things.”

Easy win but 6 months of the worst insults she has ever endured.

As for Z's post on the debate, the guy could take a dump on the stage tonight and gain 2 points.
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Thought this was interesting. Hillary thinks she beats Trump easily, but he's the one she least wants to face. Maybe both sides are right on the Trump dilemma:

Host Joe Scarborough told Chuck Todd, “I will tell you who is horrified right now. Bill Clinton is horrified at the prospect of every time Hillary Clinton bringing up women’s issues, Donald Trump puts out an Instagram ad and by the end of the campaign Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton are synonymous.”

Todd said, “There are two things that the Clinton’s people believe are true. Number one, that they can beat Donald Trump and they think that they can potentially beat him by a fairly large margin. And that it’s the last person they want to run against. They simultaneously believe both things.”
I agree with this completely. Excellent take.

Although I do not believe it is anywhere near a given. Once Trump is one on one there is the very real chance he can also win in a landslide. When he pivots in the general there is a strong chance you see one helluva political candidate unleashed. He will no longer be hemmed in on the right in a Republican Primary, once that constraint is gone then he can go full Trump and God help us we don't know what FULL TRUMP is going to look like until he unleashes it a la Zoolander in the General. I can't wait to see that. Going to be the funnest election in history if it is indeed Trump vs the Clintons.
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I don't remember what that was taken from but yeah none of the system wants that. There should be riots going on about this caucus bullshit.
[roll] I have no idea how that happened. It was a quote from Willy on this page.
Rubio dominated this debate. Too little too late though. Trump will be the nominee and will get trounced.
How did Rubio dominate? I'm curious in 100% honesty.

When Donald said Your a choke artist and your a liar, they both looked like "quit picking on us".
Just saw a tweet that in the betting markets Trump saw a significant decline and Rubio went up tonight. I know some people go by those markets more than the polls. I'm not convinced that they are the bellwether some make them out to be......
Goodness Terrible Ted! He is unbearable!

I'm not a Rubio guy because he is new and it is clear and I'm not sold on what he is about. I'd be interested to see if he doesn't win the nomination if FL will re-elect him as senator.
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I agree. Great post.
Just angry.

Got ample opportunity to beat Hillary. Keep getting this vision of Libertarians in a room with Republicans. Then Libertarians say "if ya'll just shut the f*** up for a minute and let us take over, we could actually decrease gov't intervention in your lives."

I so want that to happen

I want that to happen too, Willy. But where is the "want" for decreased govt. in a culture with rampant, increased "want" to depend? Completely agree with your sentiments, and with your right to be angry. I quit watching the debate tonight. It turned into a circus act with Rubio and Cruz on either side of Donald. And then the sight of Gov. Kasich - the only truly qualified man remaining in this entire election cycle and by plenty - struggling for an opportunity to get a word in edgewise, and when he did sensible remarks from him seemed out of place for the wild scene. Just a bad show and view. Maybe it got better. I shut it off. It may have been near the end anyway.
Choke artist.......

So how did Rubio win? Just curious? Seriously.

My take is nobody won tonight on debate performance. Donald may have lost some appeal tonight on his. By that, Rubio might "credit" the most from the debate (guessing) and maybe that's why they would say he won. Not my take. During the mayhem I would say Cruz handled himself the best, but there was too much wildness for me to give good marks.
Choke artist.......

So how did Rubio win? Just curious? Seriously.

I don't know if he won, but I think he's onto something. I don't think Cruz's long-winded litigator style does any bit of damage to Trump. He can appeal to someone's head all he wants -- and when it comes to finding inconsistencies in Trump's statements over time, there's certainly an appeal to be made -- but Trump simply pivots and shouts that down too quickly. Far more damaging is the critique that generate laughter and even Rubio's laughter itself. At one point Trump said, "I don't repeat myself ... I don't repeat myself." And he looked more uncomfortable and defensive in Rubio's line of attack.
Rubio attacked stuff Trump wasn't prepared for because it was so long ago.

Not to defend Trump but when your in construction you try to save money at every facet, so hiring illegal workers, which they weren't apparently, is part of it. Also those workers legally sued Donald and won, they asked for 1 million but it was never disclosed what they got.

If they were illegal that's odd, but they were off the books for sure!
I think Rubio is getting better with Donald who is great practice. But I think we all want to see Donald vs Hiliary for the TV of it. Man the things he will say are going to be worth it!
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Rubio attacked stuff Trump wasn't prepared for because it was so long ago.

Not to defend Trump but when your in construction you try to save money at every facet, so hiring illegal workers, which they weren't apparently, is part of it. Also those workers legally sued Donald and won, they asked for 1 million but it was never disclosed what they got.

If they were illegal that's odd, but they were off the books for sure!

The Rubio attack on Trump was particularly effective because immigration is the one issue that Trump has really defined himself with. Any good political strategist knows you have to tear down someone's supposed strength, and by bringing up the workers on that particular issue (and tying it in with the joke about building the wall that way), it was uncomfortable for Trump because it struck at the heart of what he's campaigning about.
Don't disagree and had it been 100% accurate it would be a huge blow. But not only is it barely true, it's closer to false and anyone who does what Rubio says will see that

You can't be illegal and sue for bad working conditions. There was no fine but instead a lawsuit, and the amounts were never reported.

I did what Rubio said.

Also on Trump university, like Donald said he has won most lawsuits because it wasn't his university. He sold rights to his name so the school could sell. They in turn she Donald because they are too stupid to read and they lose the lawsuit.

It is sad and Donald knows it's coming but he in turn she's for his legal fees and wins so it's just his time they take up.
If Trump wins Texas it is over!

I can't stand Ted. I'm ok with Rubio and think he will be a president one day.

I think Kasich and Carson will be in Trumps cabinet somewhere!

Also think if Trump offered Mark Cuban the VP, who has said he would do it for trump, then this would be the coolest president/VP candidates ever!
Lied about what?

Jones may be right, but Kasich is a tough sell too.

The only thing about Kasich is this -- he's not really even making an attempt to run a conventional primary campaign (i.e. campaigning 'right' in a GOP primary, or 'left' in a Democrat primary). Since he is a very conventional candidate (in the traditional sense), that tells me that he's not seriously campaigning with the goal of winning the primary, but jockeying for a national position either as the Veep or in the Cabinet. To Democrats and Independents it's natural he would be the most likable of the candidates for that reason (doesn't alienate non-Republicans as much), but to Republicans who won't vote for him he's not 'moving the goalposts' right in the primary, which will make those people wonder how much the goalposts will move as he's making deals and governing.
won't get to watch the full debate until sunday, but these highlights are cringe-worthy. of all candidates to have to take on Trump....poor Marco.