How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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the group buying the ads for Hillary is a 501c4, just like the NRA. PPFA is a 501c3.

again, it's a faux divide, but it's a legal one. feel free to get your panties in a wad about it, though.

and color me skeptical about a $4B non-profit only spending 35k on lobbying efforts, but your point is well-taken.
Not sure why you needed to use the panties remark when all I did was post the data... but you got a like from fuzz for what that is worth. The NRA does not get federal money and does not advocate something as unpopular with the people of the country as late term abortion.
I have never called for ending funding to PP but that is a highly questionable organization that blatantly pays for protection to the DNC to keep from having any accountability.
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Also worth noting Cecile Richards had HRCs super secure/secret email address and corresponded on the reg, most likely about how Repugs wanted women to die in botched abortions atknot.
Which of those 3 items is untrue?
At least 2 of the 3. The third is questionable.
You must have a really boring life to be so obsessed with my identity. How about we all state our real name, address, occupation, place of employment and complete voting record since you've been of age. You go first.
At least 2 of the 3. The third is questionable.
You must have a really boring life to be so obsessed with my identity. How about we all state our real name, address, occupation, place of employment and complete voting record since you've been of age. You go first.
You weren't rqarnold? And you go to church?
The poll covered what...23 years and was pretty consistent. But just for you I looked to see if they had updated the poll and I'll be damned if they hadn't! This was published in Jan, 2015.
Dude, I was just messing with you.
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My favorite thing about trolls is when they refer to you reminding them of what they have said as "obsession"
The NRA does not get federal money
and neither does the lobbying org that is buying those ads for PPFA/Clinton
I have never called for ending funding to PP but that is a highly questionable organization that blatantly pays for protection to the DNC to keep from having any accountability.
And it's quite obvious that, unlike most 501c3 orgs, they need to shunt money towards a 501c4 in order to buy protection.
That hair could not be split more finely jamo. Beyond the legalese of accounting orgs set up to funnel money, there is no other group remotely like PP. They do some highly unethical shit and the DNC keeps them unaccountable.
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If Trump wins the national election and does a decent job. It will all be assured that Repubs can get another Repub in 2024.

Lose this election and we may as well have one party.

All they have to do is quit pandering to the "Murrikka is a Christian nation. Live by the laws of the God we believe in" crowd and they're back in business. Limited government and fiscal responsibility is what I'd be preaching. I wouldn't say a word about anything social because they come off as the damn narc at the party. Don't like gay marriage and all that other shit? Don't partake. Simple. But, they'd rather pander to the Kim Davis crowd for votes.

The more they pander to the kooks the less they have a chance at getting support from the undecided people in the middle who likely don't give a damn about what imaginary friends their politicians play with.

In other words, the "moral majority" shit that helped the GOP so much in the 80s is killing them now because as each generation passes this nation gets less religious. My generation doesn't cling to that shit as hard as my parents' generation, and the generation after mine is less religious than mine is.

Most people simply don't want to be told by a political party that some deity doesn't approve of their life. It's a terrible political strategy that only will work in places where the education rankings are super low (aka the south).

The Democrats are awful, and if the red team can't knock em off after 8 years of Obama, they should just quit. Seriously, GOP should run on the "Do what you want in your crib, we'll try to not spend all the money and we'll all be cool" platform.
Direct quotes are just that. No confirmation bias required. Is he lying now or was he lying then?
Unless you have a crystal ball and know the future, it's all just conjecture at this point. Ain't it, bud?

Chew on that a while and then GFY.
Yep, tell FUZZ about 5 other possibilities and he gets stupid. Oh I am sorry, you were already there.
All they have to do is quit pandering to the "Murrikka is a Christian nation.
The last 3 candidates have been John McCain who never muttered anything of note about Christianity, a mormon, and now have a guy leading that referred to 2 Corinthians. Perhaps that is overplayed.
How awesome is this #WhichHillary trending hashtag? It's been the top trend for six hours on Twitter.

It's pretty sad to see the people putting someone on blast because the bought and paid for media refused to do it.

I can at least respect Sanders for being consistent. No way in hell would he get elected but I can respect him more than Hillary.
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I am not sure what to think about healthcare, just don't think the gov't should be in charge of it.

Agree. Government should be in charge of as little as possible.

This is what pisses me off so much with Republicans. You need to get behind one freaking guy. He might not be your favorite, you might not even like them but you have to make sure Hillary doesn't win.

I may not be a huge fan of anyone the GOP puts forward, but it wont be Hillary. Ill turn out to vote against Hillary even if her opponent is a steaming pile of human feces. Im willing to bet most any republican or anyone who can think objectively for themselves will do the same.

the group buying the ads for Hillary is a 501c4, just like the NRA. PPFA is a 501c3.

again, it's a faux divide, but it's a legal one. feel free to get your panties in a wad about it, though.

and color me skeptical about a $4B non-profit only spending 35k on lobbying efforts, but your point is well-taken.

Its a circumvention that needs to go away, imo. Non profits should have no hand in politics at all. Same goes for anyone taking government funding or loans.

All they have to do is quit pandering to the "Murrikka is a Christian nation. Live by the laws of the God we believe in" crowd and they're back in business. Limited government and fiscal responsibility is what I'd be preaching. I wouldn't say a word about anything social because they come off as the damn narc at the party. Don't like gay marriage and all that other shit? Don't partake. Simple. But, they'd rather pander to the Kim Davis crowd for votes.

Totally agree and Ive said this many times. The problem is the primary. Every primary, you have fools like Ted Cruz and/or Huckabee who start bible thumpin. That drags everyone down into the muck, because you need evangelicals to win the nomination. Then by the time the general rolls around, youve already given the left 15 sound bites regarding social issues that they play non stop. Obama won his last election entirely on irrelevant social issues, and the first one mainly on social issues.
How about the guts of this young lady

Thats great. Shes making a stupid point but Im glad to see Hillary being called out no matter what. Especially by the ridiculous racial movement the Dems created and funded.

Im sure this girl was quickly expelled from the group shortly after this incident though. Can only confront GOP. No Dem confrontation allowed.
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The last 3 candidates have been John McCain who never muttered anything of note about Christianity, a mormon, and now have a guy leading that referred to 2 Corinthians. Perhaps that is overplayed.

Personally, I hope Trump starts finishing in 2 place in these primaries.
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Why don't you tell Fuzz the other 5 possibilities. I'll grab popcorn and watch.
Yeah, you missed the point again. He pointed out that you grabbed on to one statement and ran with it like it was gospel. Too easy.
Serious question wky...what is it that you consider to be Republican? Do you have a litmus test that they must pass? Seeing the chart I posted above being either Republican or Democrat is a dying breed. Most folks are in the middle somewhere. Trump, for all his warts is definitely in the middle.

I consider myself right of center. Not a full blown capitalist, and I believe giving too much money and responsibility over our lives and well being to the government never ends well (see Russian Revolution end result). I believe in 'some' regulation over business to protect the environment and consumers. I don't think abortion should be legal unless to protect the life of the mother or a crime against the mother. I don't think it should be supported with tax dollars. I think government should protect innocent life.

I can't tell where Trump is. I just know he seems to have massively dangerous ego.
Thats great. Shes making a stupid point but Im glad to see Hillary being called out no matter what. Especially by the ridiculous racial movement the Dems created and funded.

Im sure this girl was quickly expelled from the group shortly after this incident though. Can only confront GOP. No Dem confrontation allowed.

Yep. Dems have thrived on creating racial division and making minorities feel "oppressed." I see it every single day on campus. Everything has to be made about race and it's always from white liberal professors. They love portraying themselves as the savior to these people.

The funny thing is, the northeastern liberal elites would never want to live around these voting blocks they have. You think they'd want to live by illegals, live in black majority neighborhoods or offer to have Muslim refugees live among them? Nope.

I do enjoy seeing her get blasted and her hypocrisy come to light as well as all of her corruption but it's comical to think someone else is responsible for blacks committing crimes.

Oh, man. You could just tell they weren't used to a black person putting them on blast. They knew that was a fragile thing. It's really easy to bash whites, conservatives and Christians but not so much when it's a minority, is it Hillary? And I doubt MSNBC/CNN will touch this.
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Its a circumvention that needs to go away, imo. Non profits should have no hand in politics at all. Same goes for anyone taking government funding or loans.

the general practice of having entire organizations based upon funneling money towards lobbying efforts is disturbing, but that's the system we've let our legislature perpetuate. Not that SCOTUS has anything to do with it...
I consider myself right of center. Not a full blown capitalist, and I believe giving too much money and responsibility over our lives and well being to the government never ends well (see Russian Revolution end result). I believe in 'some' regulation over business to protect the environment and consumers. I don't think abortion should be legal unless to protect the life of the mother or a crime against the mother. I don't think it should be supported with tax dollars. I think government should protect innocent life.

I can't tell where Trump is. I just know he seems to have massively dangerous ego.
So is every other industrialized country in the world on the same path as the Russian Revolution?

You believe in "'some' regulation"...don't most people?

You wrote 5 sentences...3 of them addressed abortion.
Yeah, you missed the point again. He pointed out that you grabbed on to one statement and ran with it like it was gospel. Too easy.
As you see above, and why I did not post those articles earlier, it is useless. Trump says something he likes, it is true. Trump says the opposite, it just means it is unknown. Dude is just batshit crazy.
As you see above, and why I did not post those articles earlier, it is useless. Trump says something he likes, it is true. Trump says the opposite, it just means it is unknown. Dude is just batshit crazy.
I agree that Trump is batshit crazy...but he has never run away from his stand on universal care. He's played semantic games when pressed at times but he has always been fairly clear in his intent.

I've stated what he has said. If elected, will he do it? HTF knows. What a POTUS actually does in a large part is determined by how well they can get congress to follow. BTW, Bernie has said he would do away with ObamaCare too. So do you think Trump and Sanders have the same healthcare plan?

I've not assigned any truth of fiction to anything other than quoting what the man said.
Hey, I'm all for universal care so it a positive for me.
Personally, I hope Trump starts finishing in 2 place in these primaries.

If it means beating Rubio or Cruz. I don't care. Sick of the godbots whoring out religion to win elections.

I truly liked Mega's post.

"Do what you want in your crib, and we'll try to keep that spending down"

Problem is, if Rubio gets elected, he'll blow just as much money as Obama. Sick of these fake conservatives. Fakey fake ass fakes. Rubio absolutely makes my blood boil. Seeing that loser lose after seeing how he "helps" Florida would be music to my ears.
The last 3 candidates have been John McCain who never muttered anything of note about Christianity, a mormon, and now have a guy leading that referred to 2 Corinthians. Perhaps that is overplayed.
dude, that's the only song he's got. show some compassion.
I used to truly believe he had no chance in the general. Now im not so sure. Noone thought he had a chance in this primary, and hes steamrolling people.

Well, it's simple, and we'll know soon enough. Either the ceiling that people have claimed Trump has is real, or it's not. And who knows. He does have negative numbers and "would never vote for under any circumstances" numbers higher than anyone in memory. So maybe it's true, when it gets down to 2 Repubs, or certainly in a general, he just can't get over 45% or whatever the claimed number is, and he'll be toast. But sometimes candidates just seem to have ceilings until they don't. Dukakis was said to have a ceiling in the Democratic primary. Sometimes people either don't know a guy or maybe he just doesn't seem presidential - and that kind of thing wears off over time. The public gets used to a guy, gets used to the idea of him being president, and there goes your ceiling....
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Well, it's simple, and we'll know soon enough. Either the ceiling that people have claimed Trump has is real, or it's not. And who knows. He does have negative numbers and "would never vote for under any circumstances" numbers higher than anyone in memory. So maybe it's true, when it gets down to 2 Repubs, or certainly in a general, he just can't get over 45% or whatever the claimed number is, and he'll be toast. But sometimes candidates just seem to have ceilings until they don't. Dukakis was said to have a ceiling in the Democratic primary. Sometimes people either don't know a guy or maybe he just doesn't seem presidential - and that kind of thing wears off over time. The public gets used to a guy, gets used to the idea of him being president, and there goes your ceiling....
If either party had a reasonable moderate as the standard bearer they would win in a landslide against the other side. Instead we have a bunch of Republicans trying to out right wing each other vs criminal liberal HRC. How great is that?
GD I smoke some weed read politics and makes me GD angry. Absolutely piss poor angry. Ya know, it's partially my fault. I set at home and smoke my weed and get drunk and bitch and complain. Yet, I don;t go out and stand on corners volunteering for Gary Johnson and trying to do my part. So I guess I'm really just angry at myself. Man, this weed is good.

Yep. Dems have thrived on creating racial division and making minorities feel "oppressed." I see it every single day on campus. Everything has to be made about race and it's always from white liberal professors. They love portraying themselves as the savior to these people.

The funny thing is, the northeastern liberal elites would never want to live around these voting blocks they have. You think they'd want to live by illegals, live in black majority neighborhoods or offer to have Muslim refugees live among them? Nope.

I do enjoy seeing her get blasted and her hypocrisy come to light as well as all of her corruption but it's comical to think someone else is responsible for blacks committing crimes.

Oh, man. You could just tell they weren't used to a black person putting them on blast. They knew that was a fragile thing. It's really easy to bash whites, conservatives and Christians but not so much when it's a minority, is it Hillary? And I doubt MSNBC/CNN will touch this.

Ya it was Hillary. And I agree we'll never get whiff of this from MSM.

Youre exactly right about the "do as I say, not as I do" mantra from the Dems. They all want illegals flooding in and voting for them; but not living around them. They all wail against rich white people and demand income equality; but it doesnt apply to them of course. They pushed Obama care down our throats, then exempted themselves from it.


the general practice of having entire organizations based upon funneling money towards lobbying efforts is disturbing, but that's the system we've let our legislature perpetuate. Not that SCOTUS has anything to do with it...

SCOTUS killed the best attempt at meaningful campaign finance reform. Based on recent decisions, I dont know any restriction at all on political speech, in the form of restricting campaign contributions, will pass muster.

Well, it's simple, and we'll know soon enough. Either the ceiling that people have claimed Trump has is real, or it's not. And who knows. He does have negative numbers and "would never vote for under any circumstances" numbers higher than anyone in memory. So maybe it's true, when it gets down to 2 Repubs, or certainly in a general, he just can't get over 45% or whatever the claimed number is, and he'll be toast. But sometimes candidates just seem to have ceilings until they don't. Dukakis was said to have a ceiling in the Democratic primary. Sometimes people either don't know a guy or maybe he just doesn't seem presidential - and that kind of thing wears off over time. The public gets used to a guy, gets used to the idea of him being president, and there goes your ceiling....

All true. I think for a long while, people thought he wasnt serious and it was for publicity. I think the more serious people saw him become, the more he talked (no matter what he said) the more people started wandering over to his camp.

Once he puts out Cruz, I think Cruz's supporters will turn to Trump. So will Carson's. Theyre both anti establishment candidates and so is Trump. Thatll put Rubio in a real bind. Rubio will pick up Kasich supporters, what few they are.

I think the polls are probably right. Only problem is, when it comes to actual votes it SEEMS like Trump does better than the polls. I really think its because he has a fair contingency of closet supporters that show support only at the booth. What else can explain it? You cant find any non-lunatics who say they support him, but he keeps steamrolling people.

I saw someone post earlier about a potential Trump/Rubio ticket. That wouldnt be bad. Neither would Trump/Kasich. Those would at least unify the GOP and likely deliver at least one necessary battleground state. For whatever reason, I dont see Trump doing either. Itll be someone else.
I've not assigned any truth of fiction to anything other than quoting what the man said.
Hey, I'm all for universal care so it a positive for me.
Can you post us his official position on healthcare, much less universal care, from his website since you are certain it is a positive for you and your belief that our govt should and is capable of being the sole provider of healthcare?

As for his own health care plan, Trump has offered broad statements but few details -- similar to his promises to deport all undocumented immigrants through "management."

Stephanopoulos challenged him on how his plan would differ from Obamacare, if both are aimed at making sure everyone is insured and would involve government help. Trump said it was true -- "I want people taken care of," he said, adding that maybe Cruz has "no heart." But Trump said he does not want a single-payer system.

So, Stephanopoulos asked, how would it work?

"We're going to work with our hospitals," Trump replied. "We're going to work with our doctors. We've got to do something. ... We'll work something out. That doesn't mean single-payer."