How will they rule ??!

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I think Trump will bring on a very strong VP pick if he gets the nomination. Just think he is too smart not to. If its the right pick, I think it will energize the hard core conservatives to come out and vote for him. One thing is for sure, if Trump and Hilary are the final two, he is going to exposure her worse than anything she could have ever imagined.

The problem is: those who will vote for hrc don't give two hoots about character.
Trump, Trump, Trump... I want Trump rammed down Republican's throats. A poison pill of their own design. Then, in the end, when they know they are done, then it will be at the hands of a guy that played them like rubes because he actually is a bigger liberal than Hillary ever dreamed of being.

I like knowing that. Knowing that not only my greatest mortal enemies have not only been defeated, but humiliated. Reduced to confused flailing inept loud mouths. Shouting at the wind and the clouds because they have no idea they've been had until the last possible second.. like Henry Fonda at the end of Once Upon a Time in the West.

This is a weak post given your candidate is Hillary. The GOP has screwed up bad in the past and is really trying to do so again. However, the people know this and have basically told them to wake up with their support of Trump showing that republican voters at least have the balls and moral courage to take a stand. On the other hand, democrat voters have sold out and have been doing so for a while. Corruption is the party line and they are toeing it like good little lemmings.
Trump is a carnival barker. And you are either blind, stupid or in denial if you think anything otherwise.

  • There is absolutely no depth to his statements, no reasonable explanation of how he will actually accomplish any of his claims. And it doesn't even sound like he's even bothered to learn position points beyond a 5 second answer.
  • He has flip-flopped on virtually everyone one of his position points in the past 18-24 months as he positioned himself to run. How do we know what he really believes in?
  • If you think he'll expose Hillary, wait until the liberal press unloads on him within 24 hours of the Republican National Convention ends. Not closets, but warehouses of skeletons waiting to be exposed.
  • If we aren't already, the US will be the laughingstock of the rest of the World. Who cares? We should--because no one will take us seriously.
Be careful what you ask for.
Are you talking about Trump or Obama lol?
This is a weak post given your candidate is Hillary. The GOP has screwed up bad in the past and is really trying to do so again. However, the people know this and have basically told them to wake up with their support of Trump showing that republican voters at least have the balls and moral courage to take a stand. On the other hand, democrat voters have sold out and have been doing so for a while. Corruption is the party line and they are toeing it like good little lemmings.
Hillary is not my candidate.
This is a weak post given your candidate is Hillary. The GOP has screwed up bad in the past and is really trying to do so again. However, the people know this and have basically told them to wake up with their support of Trump showing that republican voters at least have the balls and moral courage to take a stand. On the other hand, democrat voters have sold out and have been doing so for a while. Corruption is the party line and they are toeing it like good little lemmings.

One person's "balls and courage" is anothers "lemmings"...see how simple that is.

At least the Dems are consistant. The Republicans voting for a northeast liberal and claiming to be "taking a stand" in the process is the biggest crock of sh1t ever posted on the forum.

Keep shoveling my friend...
One person's "balls and courage" is anothers "lemmings"...see how simple that is.

At least the Dems are consistant. The Republicans voting for a northeast liberal and claiming to be "taking a stand" in the process is the biggest crock of sh1t ever posted on the forum.

Keep shoveling my friend...
It was simple because you missed it. Anyone can turn it around but, it does not make it so. Obviously you missed the point. No surprise though.
He has Teflon for who he has donated to. He openly admits it was because he wanted something in return. For example, he gave to Hillary because he wanted her to come to a birthday party, and apparently she did.

Exactly. There are no skeletons in the closet, because Trump will openly admit things and not lie about them. The Hillary donation is a prime example. Skeletons are only skeletons when people are afraid of their discovery.

The problem is: those who will vote for hrc don't give two hoots about character.

Very true. Otherwise, she wouldnt even be a candidate.
Trump, Trump, Trump... I want Trump rammed down Republican's throats. A poison pill of their own design. Then, in the end, when they know they are done, then it will be at the hands of a guy that played them like rubes because he actually is a bigger liberal than Hillary ever dreamed of being.

You may get your wish. But here's the deal. The people you wish to harm (pathetic character trait on your part) . . . don't care. They don't give two sh*ts if an alternative outcome sucks gloriously. Why? Because they are sick and repulsed by the weakness and sniveling, apologist leadership they have suffered for almost 8 years now, and do not wish to experience further at the risk from within that same cesspool of piss and shit.
You may get your wish. But here's the deal. The people you wish to harm (pathetic character trait on your part) . . . don't care. They don't give two sh*ts if an alternative outcome sucks gloriously. Why? Because they are sick and repulsed by the weakness and sniveling, apologist leadership they have suffered for almost 8 years now, and do not wish to experience further at the risk from within that same cesspool of piss and shit.
Trump vs Hillary represents the true outsider against the ultimate insider candidate. If that's how it plays out we are in for a great show.
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"Yes, your honor, I killed those 27 black prostitutes but give me credit for being consistent"
Of course the dummy GOP would botch this confirmation, as we assumed they would. Why sign a statement saying you wont even have a hearing? Congrats on giving Obama a few months worth of crying points, because he has a legitimate gripe.

All they had to do was let him appoint, then refuse to confirm. Thats it. Why not just follow the process?

You make good points. But you can also replace Trump with any candidate not named Sanders, and it all holds just as true. Sanders sucks, but he is the only one with years worth of consistency.

In fact, you can basically plug most candidates in the last 6-7 elections into any of those, and its still true; except Sanders and Perot. I didnt include Rand or Ron because they were never major players. Serious candidates are basically just frauds for the most part. Thats not ok. But its just how it is.

If you cant believe what they say, then you have to look at what theyll do. To know what theyll do, its best to look at what theyve done. Sanders will be a socialist. Clinton will be a crook. Cruz will have us fighting crusades. Rubio will be Obama 2.0 with an R next to his name; waiting for his programmers/handlers to give him further instruction.

Trump is the only one with a real world track record of success; major success. He wont be owned by any special interest groups. Hes not a career politician and doesnt really care about being cool or popular, so hes willing to make the tough decisions that noone else will. Hes not oppressively religious. Hes a very tough negotiator who nearly always comes out on top.

His ego is the only thing that concerns me. But...I do THINK he can reign it in when needed. Will there be skeletons in his closet? Im not sure. Hes led a pretty public life since the 80's. Hes been out there, not like most candidates who prep their whole life for this shot. Plus skeletons only hurt when someone tries to hide them, which I dont think Trump does. Its pretty fascinating.

I still liked Rand then Kasich best. Plus I still think Rubio/Kasich is the best bet in the general. But I wouldnt have dreamed Trump would be rolling like he is; especially with minority vote. He alone obliterated Bush. Then started crushing Cruz. This all after most everyone guffawed at his chances when he announced. So with him, it seems like anything is possible.

If he gets the nomination....IF....the debates with Hillary will be the greatest in the history of politics. Theyll break every viewership record known.

Most accurate and best summation of the current horrible situation our country finds itself in this election cycle.
I think there is more than a fair chance that Trump gets the nomination, gets chewed up by the Clinton machine in the general, quits mid race and leaves the Republican's scrambling for a candidate.

If the Clintons find something so damaging that Trump knows he won't win, then he'll quit mid race. I am sure of that.
^ Nonsense. The Clintons have a plethora of dirty laundry and I don't think Trump is concerned with how he's viewed considering the press he gets. He also isn't quitting.

I also think he has a shot against Hillary simply because of the turnout. Reps just have to get behind one candidate because if they don't, they will get 8 years of Hillary and they will have themselves to blame for staying home.
20% of Trump supporters disapprove with Lincoln freeing the slaves...and another 17% 'aren't sure' my God people.

And warrior-cat thinks it takes 'moral courage' to support Trump...jeezus you all listen to yourselves? Not one shred of morality in the most un-religious candidate out there. Which is what cracks me up about the religious right taking up for Trump or bashing Obama cause 'he ain't a Christian'...well neither is Trump, not even close. Rick Pitino has more morals than Donald Trump does.
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How many people that disagreed with using an executive order to free the slaves also disagreed with using an executive order to send the Japanese in the US to prison camps?

I mean, surely these people all have to be racists and they can't just be against Executive Orders, correct?

They didn't want the slaves to be freed, so the probably all would support an EO to imprison a group of non whites.
Actually, duh, never mind. I'm sure they were all against the internment of the Japanese because that was progressive icon, Democrat FDR that did that. Not because they didn't want a POTUS to be able to imprison a group of people.

Maybe when Trump gets in office he can use an EO to imprison anyone of Mexican decent.
I mean jesus. Obama has governed almost exclusively through executive order, and the country is probably as divided as it's ever been. Well I guess divided as it's been since that Civil War after the EO you're talking about.

Do you idiots ever stop to think about what you're saying? Or is everything actually so black and white to you (pun intended).
^ Nonsense. The Clintons have a plethora of dirty laundry and I don't think Trump is concerned with how he's viewed considering the press he gets. He also isn't quitting.

I also think he has a shot against Hillary simply because of the turnout. Reps just have to get behind one candidate because if they don't, they will get 8 years of Hillary and they will have themselves to blame for staying home.

I think you're wrong about the turnout. He will actually lose because of turnout, IMO. The lack of GOP turnout. Think about it. Hillary or Trump. Does that excite anybody to go vote?
^ Nonsense. The Clintons have a plethora of dirty laundry and I don't think Trump is concerned with how he's viewed considering the press he gets. He also isn't quitting.

I also think he has a shot against Hillary simply because of the turnout. Reps just have to get behind one candidate because if they don't, they will get 8 years of Hillary and they will have themselves to blame for staying home.

Thats a good point too. I think alot of people will turn out to vote AGAINST Hillary.

The other interesting aspect, is Trump has alot of closet support. Alot of people support him privately, and will vote for him, but not admit to it publicly. I think thats why some of these polls are coming up short in comparison to the votes hes actually getting.
I really hate Trump, but I feel like I'm back where I was with Romney.

I hated the guy, but all of the criticism from the left was so shallow and hypocritical, I just couldn't let it go.
I still say Trump isn't getting 50% of the GOP vote, much less 50% in a general election. The dems will cast Trump as David Duke, and a corporate crook, just for starters.
I really hate Trump, but I feel like I'm back where I was with Romney.

I hated the guy, but all of the criticism from the left was so shallow and hypocritical, I just couldn't let it go.

At least Romney seemed to be a decent man who respected people.
NYT Op-Ed: What Is Rubio Waiting For?

So what is Rubio waiting for? What is his campaign thinking?

Most likely, some version of this: Over the last few weeks, as Rubio hasmostly ignored Trump and mostly attacked Ted Cruz, Cruz’s numbers have gone downward in the region where he absolutely has to win, the Southland, and Rubio’s have steadily improved. Rubio was able to sneak past Cruz in South Carolina, he’s pulled ahead of him in new polls fromGeorgia and Oklahoma, and he’s even pulled within few points in a new poll out of Cruz’s home state of Texas (though two others show a larger Cruz edge). As a result, it is suddenly possible that on Super Tuesday Rubio will win more delegates across the South than Cruz, which would put the Texas senator’s campaign on life support.

Over that same period, meanwhile, Trump’s battleground numbers have mostly held steady, rather than spiking in the wake of his New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada wins. He’s at 29 percent in the Oklahoma poll, 28 percent in the Texas poll (where his unfavorable number is at 50 percent), and averaging 33 percent in the two most recent Georgia polls. These numbers leave him vulnerable to a last-minute Rubio surge (and in Iowa, South Carolina and Nevada, late deciders broke for Rubio), and even in victory they don’t promise a runaway lead in the overall delegate count after Super Tuesday.

So if you’re the Rubio campaign, looking at this landscape, you might say: Why change what we’re doing when we’re actually gaining ground? Why give Cruz a new lease on life by starting an ugly war with Trump just days before the S.E.C. primary might all but finish off the Texan’s chances? Why act panicked about Trump when he’s still so many hundreds and hundreds of delegates away from the magic 1,237? Why not do everything you can to get an effective two-man race before you face the slings and arrows of Trump’s outrageousness?

From their perspective, there’s no reason to play Churchill yet because Trump’s advance is less Hitler-in-France than Napoleon-in-Russia, and they’re like Marshal Kutuzov, the much-maligned Russian commander whose wait, wait, wait strategy was vindicated when winter overwhelmed the French. (With winter, in this case, being Trump’s relatively high unfavorable numbers relative to Rubio, his poor performance in general election polls, the ad campaigns that haven’t yet been unleashed against him but will be, etc.)
also, per Quinnipiac: Rubio is now trailing Trump 44-28 among likely Republican Florida. A winner-take-all state.

Meanwhile, Kasich is in a dead heat with Trump in Ohio, also a winner-take-all.
I don't think candidates are going to drop out fast enough to stop Trump in the primaries.

What will delegates do at the convention?
I am not sure how you campaign against Trump. Get in the mud with him even though he can get by with saying things no other pol can?

Hell he isn't even buying ads in the Super Tue states, like the Dems he gets so much free advertising he doesn't have to.
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Last few days have solidified Trump's inevitability which is why you are seeing this "bombshell" scrambling now... Somehting needs to happen soon to derail this train, i expect tonight's debate to be no holds barred
Attacking Trump will do no good. What are you going to do, point out his inconsistent positions or his flip flops or his liberal positions or his crazy statements? People already know those things and don't care. The people that like him like him despite all of those things, not because they are unaware of those things. A large segment of republican voters know that historically they have had a group of candidates from which to select a nominee or President, they all fell somewhere within an acceptable range of positions on various issues, all said more or less the right things and more or less checked the right boxes on some conceptual checklist. Then they get in office and don't do anything they said. So at least for now conventional candidates and conventional thinking are not relevant.

If only they understood a vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary.
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Trump would not be able to do anything he says he wants to do short of executive orders. The dems nor the GOP in congress would work with him.
Last few days have solidified Trump's inevitability which is why you are seeing this "bombshell" scrambling now... Somehting needs to happen soon to derail this train, i expect tonight's debate to be no holds barred

Trump literally blamed George Bush for 9-11/ the issues with the Iraq War at the last debate and destroyed Jeb and won handily in a notorious Bush state (SC). Trump is a no holds barred kind of guy. The dirtier Rubio and Cruz want to get, the further he will bury them.

As for the Clinton's, good luck bringing out his skeletons. His "skeleton's" are pretty well known over the years and people do not care. Let's be honest, the Clinton's have ALOT to hide so they better tread very carefully with Trump. He is the one guy who will have no problems going right back at them and twice as hard. The Clinton's have met their match with Trump. Will be an EPIC General Election if those two are the finalists.

Unless I see the tax bombshell myself, it looks like yet another sorry attempt by the folks in the establishment who are grasping at straws now. Pretty sad. Trump is too smart to do something stupid with his taxes with what is on the line now.

Yes, I know half what he says is BS.
also, per Quinnipiac: Rubio is now trailing Trump 44-28 among likely Republican Florida. A winner-take-all state.

Meanwhile, Kasich is in a dead heat with Trump in Ohio, also a winner-take-all.

I never would have believed it.


The Hill ‏@thehill 10m10 minutes ago
JUST IN: Planned Parenthood launches 7-figure ad buy backing Clinton | WATCH:

How convenient. Reason #1 why their federal funding should be cut ASAP. Even ignoring whatever it is they actually do there, no entity receiving federal funding should be allowed to openly campaign for a candidate. Especially nothing beyond grass roots level. If theyre a 501 (c)(3) this should clearly revoke their status.

I am not sure how you campaign against Trump. Get in the mud with him even though he can get by with saying things no other pol can?

Hell he isn't even buying ads in the Super Tue states, like the Dems he gets so much free advertising he doesn't have to.

Attacking Trump will do no good. What are you going to do, point out his inconsistent positions or his flip flops or his liberal positions or his crazy statements? People already know those things and don't care. The people that like him like him despite all of those things, not because they are unaware of those things. A large segment of republican voters know that historically they have had a group of candidates from which to select a nominee or President, they all fell somewhere within an acceptable range of positions on various issues, all said more or less the right things and more or less checked the right boxes on some conceptual checklist. Then they get in office and don't do anything they said. So at least for now conventional candidates and conventional thinking are not relevant.

If only they understood a vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary.

Thats the problem. Once you get his attention, his attacks have been visceral. First he destroyed Jeb. Now his attacks are destroying Cruz. Incredibly effective. I dont think Ive seen anything like it.

I used to truly believe he had no chance in the general. Now im not so sure. Noone thought he had a chance in this primary, and hes steamrolling people.
I really hate Trump, but I feel like I'm back where I was with Romney.

I hated the guy, but all of the criticism from the left was so shallow and hypocritical, I just couldn't let it go.
Cos, your problem with that statement is that there is as much criticism of Trump is coming from the right as the left.
Politics in general is shallow and hypocritical regardless of which side of the fence you stand.