How will they rule ??!

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Wrong dumbass. We are thinking critically. Tucker was thinking critically. Not that we have to though since it is blatantly obvious where your bias lies. They take snippets of quotes out of context, they crop pictures in an effort to force a false narrative. Hell, they even knowingly tell bald faced lies to disparage Donald because they know more people will see the lie than see the retraction.

Why can't they just state the truth? I'll readily admit that sometimes the truth is bad for Donald. But you would have to be an absolute idiot to think that each and every thing he says and does is bad. That is what they try to push on weak minded fools who are incapable of thinking critically.
So thinking critically is ignoring other news sources and only watching the propaganda on Fox? Got it. The luddites of our day. Fox News is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Trump Organization now. Meanwhile the people are truly pissed off are getting their news from multiple sources, including Fox and see just how much a propaganda machine they are.

I love it when I see the righties on here put up quotes from black people as authentic because they found someone who agrees with their worldview, out of the 98% of AA who don't. Republicans been incarcerating and killing black men in record numbers since Reagan.
So thinking critically is ignoring other news sources and only watching the propaganda on Fox? Got it. The luddites of our day. Fox News is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Trump Organization now. Meanwhile the people are truly pissed off are getting their news from multiple sources, including Fox and see just how much a propaganda machine they are.

I love it when I see the righties on here put up quotes from black people as authentic because they found someone who agrees with their worldview, out of the 98% of AA who don't. Republicans been incarcerating and killing black men in record numbers since Reagan.

Actually black people have been killing black people in record numbers since Reagan. Maybe if your “critical” news sources told you that instead of trying to remove a legally elected President you’d know it.
Saw some headlines today that Mueller was prepping his obstruction of justice report.

One question I haven’t seen brought up is how is it possible for Trump to have obstructed Justice in firing Comey,, when there wasn’t a criminal investigation then?

We now know it was a counterintelligence intelligence operation, of which there was no info linking Trumps campaign to Russia.

We also know the FBI was playing politics and the top was corrupt under Comey, justifying the firing. So why is there even a Special Counsel? They aren’t appointed in search of a crime, they are appointed after evidence has been found.
This woman never fails to hit the nail on the head.
Communications Director for a group that claims to be about free markets and small government

Unapologetically supports Trump who is implementing tariffs left and right.

Budget deficit in May 2018 was 66% higher than last year. "The U.S. government’s budget deficit widened in the first eight months of the fiscal year, reflecting lower revenue from corporate taxes combined with ramped-up government spending."

Free markets and small government indeed. [roll]
Communications Director for a group that claims to be about free markets and small government

Unapologetically supports Trump who is implementing tariffs left and right.

Budget deficit in May 2018 was 66% higher than last year. "The U.S. government’s budget deficit widened in the first eight months of the fiscal year, reflecting lower revenue from corporate taxes combined with ramped-up government spending."

Free markets and small government indeed. [roll]
So if the GOP puts out a bill cutting spending, esp entitlements growing at multiples of the GDP growth, you won't be on here bitching about it?
Saw some headlines today that Mueller was prepping his obstruction of justice report.

One question I haven’t seen brought up is how is it possible for Trump to have obstructed Justice in firing Comey,, when there wasn’t a criminal investigation then?

We now know it was a counterintelligence intelligence operation, of which there was no info linking Trumps campaign to Russia.

We also know the FBI was playing politics and the top was corrupt under Comey, justifying the firing. So why is there even a Special Counsel? They aren’t appointed in search of a crime, they are appointed after evidence has been found.
Charges have been brought against 17 people and there have been several criminal convictions due to the counsel, with surely even more charges and convictions to come, I would imagine. That's why there is a Special Counsel.
Communications Director for a group that claims to be about free markets and small government

Unapologetically supports Trump who is implementing tariffs left and right.

Budget deficit in May 2018 was 66% higher than last year. "The U.S. government’s budget deficit widened in the first eight months of the fiscal year, reflecting lower revenue from corporate taxes combined with ramped-up government spending."

Free markets and small government indeed. [roll]

^ Who does this uppity black woman think she is? She is a stupid Trump supporter and doesn't know her place.

Keep at it Boston. Gotta keep these blacks on the democrat plantation where they can be controlled. Racist POS.
Charges have been brought against 17 people and there have been several criminal convictions due to the counsel, with surely even more charges and convictions to come, I would imagine. That's why there is a Special Counsel.

No, it wasn’t why the special counsel was appointed.

Nothing Manafort has been charged with is new info, it’s been investigated before.

Flynn and Papadopalous were charged for lying to the FBI, even though the FBI originally stated they didn’t.

The special counsel was appointed to investigate obstruction of justice, which was impossible since their was no ongoing criminal investigation, and the President can fire the FBI director anytime he chooses. On top of that the director had allowed a culture of corruption at the top of the FBI.
^ Who does this uppity black woman think she is? She is a stupid Trump supporter and doesn't know her place.

Keep at it Boston. Gotta keep these blacks on the democrat plantation where they can be controlled. Racist POS.
I guess if Republicans weren't always caught calling black people the N word or sending around monkey cartoons or all the other racist jokes and propaganda that spread like viruses through the conservative world you might get more than 2% of minority voters.

I see Republicans still trying to hold on to their anti racist views from over 50 years ago instead of the bigoted POS's they are today. The past means nothing when today you show your true colors with every vile thing Trump and his sheep say about minorities.
I guess if Republicans weren't always caught calling black people the N word or sending around monkey cartoons or all the other racist jokes and propaganda that spread like viruses through the conservative world you might get more than 2% of minority voters.

I see Republicans still trying to hold on to their anti racist views from over 50 years ago instead of the bigoted POS's they are today. The past means nothing when today you show your true colors with every vile thing Trump and his sheep say about minorities.

Lowest unemployment rate in history for blacks and Hispanics, and you’re worried meme’s?

That’s exactly what’s wrong with your point of view, and Dems in general. Words, and emotion mean more than reality.
As they inspect the nation’s gun stores, federal investigators regularly find violations of the law, ranging from minor record-keeping errors to illegal sales of firearms. In the most serious cases, like a sale of a gun to a prohibited buyer, inspectors often recommend that gun dealers lose their licenses.

But that rarely happens. Senior officials at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives regularly overrule their own inspectors, allowing gun dealers who fail inspections to keep their licenses even after they were previously warned to follow the rules, according to interviews with more than half a dozen current and former law enforcement officials and a review of more than 100 inspection reports.
One store was cited for failing to conduct background checks before selling a gun. Another store owner told investigators he actively tried to circumvent gun laws. One threatened an A.T.F. officer, and another sold a gun to a customer who identified as a felon. All were previously cited by the A.T.F. In each instance, supervisors downgraded recommendations that the stores’ licenses be revoked and instead let them stay open.
Of about 11,000 inspections of licensed firearm dealers in the year starting in October 2016, more than half were cited for violations. Less than 1 percent of all inspections resulted in the loss of a license.
Dozens of the A.T.F.’s inspection reports cited serious, repeated violations.
At Gun World in Hilliard, Ohio, a dealer was found in 2016 to have repeatedly sold firearms to people who appeared to be prohibited from owning them, including a customer who self-identified as a felon. It is a federal crime for a felon to have a gun.

An A.T.F. inspector recommended the store’s license be revoked. Citing Gun World’s “extensive noncompliance history,” the inspector’s supervisor agreed with the suggestion to revoke its license, according to a written report, but nonetheless downgraded the recommendation to a warning, saying it would give the dealer “one more opportunity” to get into compliance. Gun World remains open.
Top Guns in Madisonville, Ky., was cited last year for repeated failures to conduct federal background checks before selling firearms. An A.T.F. supervisor concurred with the inspector’s recommendation to revoke the license, but a senior supervisor downgraded it.
For gun dealers to lose their licenses, the A.T.F. must prove they “willfully” violated the Gun Control Act. Violating the law is not enough to justify the loss of a license; inspectors must prove that store owners knew they were acting illegally.

“Other regulatory statutes don’t have that,” said Adam Winkler, an expert on constitutional law and gun policy. “This is part of a larger pattern in the federal gun laws that make it hard for A.T.F. to enforce.”

To prove violations were willful, the A.T.F. seeks to establish a record of warnings. In warning letters, senior A.T.F. officials told dealers that violating the Gun Control Act again could jeopardize their license. But a review of A.T.F. records showed that even when stores had received such warnings and continued to violate the law, supervisors let them keep operating.