How will they rule ??!

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Read the entire comment chain. He was acting like a twat for absolutely no reason. Wish one of those IEDs had hit a little closer to home. Maybe then we wouldn't be having to pay so much in taxes for the VA. Am I doing this conservative hate-mongering thing right?
I would not wish one hit close to you but, I would like to stick my old boot up your ass.
He served his country, you can't have a country like ours without some people puting their lives on the line to keep it strong and safe. Different thing all together.
Which of these was the Iraq war? We invaded a sovereign nation and overthrew its leader with absolutely no justification or reason. If you choose to volunteer for or support preemptive war that's on you and completely open to criticism.
Which of these was the Iraq war? We invaded a sovereign nation and overthrew its leader with absolutely no justification or reason. If you choose to volunteer for or support preemptive war that's on you and completely open to criticism.
Read the words. People join the military to serve their country, we don't make policy. We follow orders whether we agree or not. Plus, intelligence had WMD there. Also, you too are open for criticism if someone does not like your attacks on vets. Take like a man or woman whichever you are and quit whining to mom that you brother Willie doesn't get treated that way. That was so juvenile.

With apologies to Willie, don't think he would want you for a brother.
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Read the words. People join the military to serve their country, we don't make policy. We follow orders whether we agree or not. Plus, intelligence had WMD there. Also, you too are open for criticism if someone does not like your attacks on vets. Take like a man or woman whichever you are and quit whining to mom that you brother Willie doesn't get treated that way. That was so juvenile.

With apologies to Willie, don't think he would want you for a brother.
Agreed we're all open to criticism, the military included. Merely pointing out those that crow about double standards participating in a double standard. But really Support the Troops? Screw the troops, they know what they're signing up for and most are actively looking for violence in their young, testosterone-addled brains. We need to take a long hard look at exactly what we're doing around this planet as Team America World Police instead of blindly Supporting the Troops. Biggest waste of tax dollars by far.
And you understand that the left aren't going to win any elections pussy-footing around trying to be buddy-buddy like they traditionally have. It's a new era, the Trump era. Civility is dead.
The left will get what they deserve. If they can't rally around a better candidate than HRC and after this presidential term, they don't deserve to defeat The Donald in 2020.
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Agreed we're all open to criticism, the military included. Merely pointing out those that crow about double standards participating in a double standard. But really Support the Troops? Screw the troops, they know what they're signing up for and most are actively looking for violence in their young, testosterone-addled brains. We need to take a long hard look at exactly what we're doing around this planet as Team America World Police instead of blindly Supporting the Troops. Biggest waste of tax dollars by far.
I think you are about done here.
The left will get what they deserve. If they can't rally around a better candidate than HRC and after this presidential term, they don't deserve to defeat The Donald in 2020.
Agreed, if Dems nominate a decent candidate they will have a shot. Unfortunately for you it will be some psycho extreme left winger.
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The left will get what they deserve. If they can't rally around a better candidate than HRC and after this presidential term, they don't deserve to defeat The Donald in 2020.
More pandering from a fence-rider. We need to lead with bold ideas not throw up the most inoffensive candidate that's just palatable to the majority because they're so nice while Trump is a big meanie. This is the lesson Bernie taught us. Take a stance, make a stand. The right has known this for awhile. Lead, don't follow.
Agreed we're all open to criticism, the military included. Merely pointing out those that crow about double standards participating in a double standard. But really Support the Troops? Screw the troops, they know what they're signing up for and most are actively looking for violence in their young, testosterone-addled brains. We need to take a long hard look at exactly what we're doing around this planet as Team America World Police instead of blindly Supporting the Troops. Biggest waste of tax dollars by far.
Looking for violence? How f'n stupid are you? Theres endless reasons someone joins the military. To get away, structure, to get college paid for, literally endless other opportunities. And as he said, pol support them bc they are doing what their told. Also dumbass, not everyone in the military is frontline "warrior". Interesting this is what you think.

Also, for someone that supported Hillary, it's weird seeing you're talking about being world police...when you literally supported the Hawk, Ms. Regime Change herself..who's interested in zero diplomacy
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Agreed we're all open to criticism, the military included. Merely pointing out those that crow about double standards participating in a double standard. But really Support the Troops? Screw the troops, they know what they're signing up for and most are actively looking for violence in their young, testosterone-addled brains. We need to take a long hard look at exactly what we're doing around this planet as Team America World Police instead of blindly Supporting the Troops. Biggest waste of tax dollars by far.
You lack education and understanding for reasons of joining the military with this post. Perhaps some (much fewer than you think) join with the intent of violence. That is the hard line liberal stance used to rally the base against the military. Some join for furthering education (bonus money to pay for college), others to get out of a poor life and in need of someplace to go, others for a fast track to citizenship, some because of love for country and the need to serve her. There are many reason most of which are far from your thoughts on why.

Far from the biggest waste of tax dollars. Sure, a lot of money is wasted but that is a discussion for another time. We waste a lot of money on pork in congress as well but that does not seem to bother many people on the left. A strong and well financed military is necessary to preserve our safety and way of life. If the left wants a change, go somewhere else that has what you want.
More pandering from a fence-rider. We need to lead with bold ideas not throw up the most inoffensive candidate that's just palatable to the majority because they're so nice while Trump is a big meanie. This is the lesson Bernie taught us. Take a stance, make a stand. The right has known this for awhile. Lead, don't follow.
James is one of the biggest liberals here, but he is not an ahole.
trudeau trolling Trump with that picture of his grandpa's Canadian brothel is hilarious. the fact that the entire Trump wealth comes from Canadian whores is priceless.
You lack education and understanding for reasons of joining the military with this post. Perhaps some (much fewer than you think) join with the intent of violence. That is the hard line liberal stance used to rally the base against the military. Some join for furthering education (bonus money to pay for college), others to get out of a poor life and in need of someplace to go, others for a fast track to citizenship, some because of love for country and the need to serve her. There are many reason most of which are far from your thoughts on why.
I thought I read on here that the economy was booming? There are plenty of ways to make money according to those on this thread. If that's true why would somebody exclusively need to kill people just to make ends meet? As to the education question, this is one of a myriad of reason why college needs to be part of the rest of the education system if every job is going to require a college degree. No one should be put in a position where they're incentivized to kill to educate themselves. The GI Bill is a relic of the draft.
If the left wants a change, go somewhere else that has what you want.
Ah the old Love It or Leave It axiom. The same logic applies to you, if you don't like same-sex marriage or any other random policy position then you should get out of my country. Am I right?
1] Dio is on beer 30 after some golf and needs to sleep it off.

2] He actually believes this stuff and if that is the case, you will never be able to talk sense in to why try?

3] Obviously he is in desperate need of some attention...why give him that?

Regardless, too many of my friends here are playing right into that troll’s game.
More pandering from a fence-rider. We need to lead with bold ideas not throw up the most inoffensive candidate that's just palatable to the majority because they're so nice while Trump is a big meanie. This is the lesson Bernie taught us. Take a stance, make a stand. The right has known this for awhile. Lead, don't follow.
Yeah, Bernie bent over and took it like he was told too. You are not real good at this.
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More pandering from a fence-rider. We need to lead with bold ideas not throw up the most inoffensive candidate that's just palatable to the majority because they're so nice while Trump is a big meanie. This is the lesson Bernie taught us. Take a stance, make a stand. The right has known this for awhile. Lead, don't follow.
Thanks for finally taking a position that's not being offensive here in the Paddock. Maybe Bernie will win. Still not sure how he can pay for everything his minions want.
Thanks for finally taking a position that's not being offensive here in the Paddock. Maybe Bernie will win. Still not sure how he can pay for everything his minions want.
I give you quotes from Warren Buffett to address your musings.

In a 2011 op-ed in the New York Times, Warren Buffett wrote, “Last year my federal tax bill — the income tax I paid, as well as payroll taxes paid by me and on my behalf — was $6,938,744. That sounds like a lot of money. But what I paid was only 17.4% of my taxable income — and that’s actually a lower percentage than was paid by any of the other 20 people in our office. My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress. It’s time for our government to get serious about shared sacrifice. The [Forbes] 400 of us pay a lower part of our income in taxes than our receptionists do, or our cleaning ladies, for that matter. If you’re in the luckiest 1% of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99%."

Wonder what those numbers will look like now after the Trump tax plan?

Buffett pointed out that in 1982, the first year the Forbes 400 was compiled, those listed had combined net worth of $93 billion. At the time of the op-ed, the 400 had a combined net worth of $2.3 trillion, up 2,400% in 30 years, while the median household income rose only about 180% during that time. Meanwhile, the percentage of Americans living below poverty level remained at 15% over that period. “In recent decades, our country’s rising tide has not lifted the boats of the poor,” he said.
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Read the entire comment chain. He was acting like a twat for absolutely no reason. Wish one of those IEDs had hit a little closer to home. Maybe then we wouldn't be having to pay so much in taxes for the VA. Am I doing this conservative hate-mongering thing right?
Ha. And this was the same guy who was mad I was mean to an American-hating Canadian (after seeing multiple posts from a Canadian degrading Kentucky/Kentuckians). Unreal.... the liberal mind.
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When people who serve act as if all service members think the same or joined for the same reason, then I lose respect for their thought process immediately. I can respect their service while at the same time know they are as ****ed in the head as any other random American citizen.
Ha. And this was the same guy who was mad I was mean to an American-hating Canadian (after seeing multiple posts from a Canadian degrading Kentucky/Kentuckians). Unreal.... the liberal mind.
I even explicitly stated it was sarcasm with the last sentence but that's apparently still too difficult for most of yall.
I give you quotes from Warren Buffett to address your musings.

In a 2011 op-ed in the New York Times, Warren Buffett wrote, “Last year my federal tax bill — the income tax I paid, as well as payroll taxes paid by me and on my behalf — was $6,938,744. That sounds like a lot of money. But what I paid was only 17.4% of my taxable income — and that’s actually a lower percentage than was paid by any of the other 20 people in our office. My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress. It’s time for our government to get serious about shared sacrifice. The [Forbes] 400 of us pay a lower part of our income in taxes than our receptionists do, or our cleaning ladies, for that matter. If you’re in the luckiest 1% of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99%."

Wonder what those numbers will look like now after the Trump tax plan?

Buffett pointed out that in 1982, the first year the Forbes 400 was compiled, those listed had combined net worth of $93 billion. At the time of the op-ed, the 400 had a combined net worth of $2.3 trillion, up 2,400% in 30 years, while the median household income rose only about 180% during that time. Meanwhile, the percentage of Americans living below poverty level remained at 15% over that period. “In recent decades, our country’s rising tide has not lifted the boats of the poor,” he said.

Personal taxes for high earners went up under Trumps tax plan. the notion that they were getting cut was a fallacy from the Dems.

Corporations taxes went down, that was to incentivize them to bring money back to the US.
Personal taxes for high earners went up under Trumps tax plan. the notion that they were getting cut was a fallacy from the Dems.

Corporations taxes went down, that was to incentivize them to bring money back to the US.

Remember when America had a president named obama who absolutely came close to destroying the country as a clueless moron who added more debt to the country than 43 former presidents combined?

I do.
Personal taxes for high earners went up under Trumps tax plan. the notion that they were getting cut was a fallacy from the Dems.
Fake news.


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I give you quotes from Warren Buffett to address your musings.

In a 2011 op-ed in the New York Times, Warren Buffett wrote, “Last year my federal tax bill — the income tax I paid, as well as payroll taxes paid by me and on my behalf — was $6,938,744. That sounds like a lot of money. But what I paid was only 17.4% of my taxable income — and that’s actually a lower percentage than was paid by any of the other 20 people in our office. My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress. It’s time for our government to get serious about shared sacrifice. The [Forbes] 400 of us pay a lower part of our income in taxes than our receptionists do, or our cleaning ladies, for that matter. If you’re in the luckiest 1% of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99%."

Wonder what those numbers will look like now after the Trump tax plan?

Buffett pointed out that in 1982, the first year the Forbes 400 was compiled, those listed had combined net worth of $93 billion. At the time of the op-ed, the 400 had a combined net worth of $2.3 trillion, up 2,400% in 30 years, while the median household income rose only about 180% during that time. Meanwhile, the percentage of Americans living below poverty level remained at 15% over that period. “In recent decades, our country’s rising tide has not lifted the boats of the poor,” he said.
As with everything on the left - all talk and little action. Let's see Buffett pay extra in tax. I'd be willing to bet he took every exemption possible.

Let's see him pick out some families in poverty and set up a trust where he contributes 1 share of his stock per family.