How will they rule ??!

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Just because something looks good, or because the majority likes it, or because is seems like the right position to take humanly speaking, does NOT make it right. One has to look at the overall impact as well as absolute standards of right/wrong....and whether you wish to admit or accept the fact, there are absolute standards.
Where do these "absolute standards of right/wrong" come from? Please enlighten me.

hopefully Trump fills his hotels with his 100% safe asbestos so all his ass kissers can die off.
you can tell Trump loves the attention he gets by pardoning black people when he doesn't even bother to know that Ali can't be pardoned because he has no record and Carter already pardoned everybody that draft dodged in vietnam.
So, you all know that Trump is not going to actually listen to the NFL players' requests, right?

He will get tons of requests, not review any of them, turn them all down and then claim that the NFL players really don't care.

And you will all eat it up just like every other stupid publicity stunt Trump pulls.

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Hillary never killed anyone. Just lots of suicides around her. People shoot themselves from 5 or 6 feet away.
In the back of the head and leave notes saying no foul play.
Like Vince Foster, found shot in the head. With his head lower than his body. Yet virtually no blood at the crime scene. The body had obviously been dumped there.
So, you all know that Trump is not going to actually listen to the NFL players' requests, right?

He will get tons of requests, not review any of them, turn them all down and then claim that the NFL players really don't care.

And you will all eat it up just like every other stupid publicity stunt Trump pulls.
Yeah, it's not like he listened to anyone else ever and got people released from prison or North Korea or well..................lets just say he is not finished yet. This is just the tip of the iceberg and you guys are panicking because of all of the positives he has accomplished. Your barrage of negative lies is beginning to crumble under Trumps mighty roar of truth "YOU GUYS ARE FAKE NEWS! and "WE ARE MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Man that felt good.
One of the better posts here. What I will tell you is--- I was screaming about this problem many years ago (25 at least) and my solution then was, well part of it, was to put employers of illegal immigrants in jail. Don't fine then because they have more money than time. Conservatives on this board argued against me then and denied there was a problem. I also have steadfastly said we have a major problem with our policies south of our border and that too was rejected by people who defended all things corporate. So when you say I know about "invaders" from the south you're right. And I will tell you and say again this problem is a result of our policies that have been put in place ever since the damn banana republics were formed. This is not new to me as I can remember when the trailer parks were built in Daviess County down in the river bottoms to house all the illegals the farmers were bringing in with the help of the Ursuline nuns, but the policies I'm talking about started before that even. With all due respect I doubt there are three people that post here who know very much of what I'm talking about---people have a long history of not listening and acting as if they can acquire knowledge by osmosis. I'm hoping you sir have an open and curious mind there's not many here that do.
I appreciate the response.

I agree about screwing things up 25 years ago with bringing illegals to work, big mistake, especially big employers are guilty.

IMO, the problem now is stopping it from continuing. Like I said, these kids at my daughters school are recently here and are continuing to poor in using my tax dollars as resources.
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Trump made a fool of himself trying to get Russia back in the G8. complete stooge. his NK summit better go well or his foreign policy is a complete epic failure.
I appreciate the response.

I agree about screwing things up 25 years ago with bringing illegals to work, big mistake, especially big employers are guilty.

IMO, the problem now is stopping it from continuing. Like I said, these kids at my daughters school are recently here and are continuing to poor in using my tax dollars as resources.
For your consideration, as is the case now, obviously when immigrant labor was needed, there were jobs. The problem is there are not enough Americans willing to work. Met with a client the other day who is depressed and anxious. Lack of money and his own place to live are two major contributors according to him. Yet, he says he will not just take ANY job. There are some jobs he says he "just can't stand to do".....When I was his age, I would have picked up bloody diarrhea with my bare hands if that's what I needed to do to put gas in my car, pay the rent and have $ in my pocket.
Knowing you'll likely dispute, minimize, scoff, etc... I'll say it anyway. They are biblical and I believe they are part of the emotional and psychological make-up of every person put there by our creator.
For your consideration, as is the case now, obviously when immigrant labor was needed, there were jobs. The problem is there are not enough Americans willing to work. Met with a client the other day who is depressed and anxious. Lack of money and his own place to live are two major contributors according to him. Yet, he says he will not just take ANY job. There are some jobs he says he "just can't stand to do".....When I was his age, I would have picked up bloody diarrhea with my bare hands if that's what I needed to do to put gas in my car, pay the rent and have $ in my pocket.
The fact that you're pushing your Christian bigoted bullshit from a position of authority on people just looking for help is sickening. I've never personally insulted a poster on this site before, but you're the worst of the worst. I sincerely hope you re-evaluate your life and take a cue from Anthony Bourdain.
The fact that you're pushing your Christian bigoted bullshit from a position of authority on people just looking for help is sickening. I've never personally insulted a poster on this site before, but you're the worst of the worst. I sincerely hope you re-evaluate your life and take a cue from Anthony Bourdain.

Ram should send all his deadbeat clients to your house. Give you a chance to back up your empty message board virtue signaling and put your liberal generosity and compassion into action.
For your consideration, as is the case now, obviously when immigrant labor was needed, there were jobs. The problem is there are not enough Americans willing to work. Met with a client the other day who is depressed and anxious. Lack of money and his own place to live are two major contributors according to him. Yet, he says he will not just take ANY job. There are some jobs he says he "just can't stand to do".....When I was his age, I would have picked up bloody diarrhea with my bare hands if that's what I needed to do to put gas in my car, pay the rent and have $ in my pocket.
True, we make it too easy for Americans to not take a job. Any able bodied man can get a job or three.
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The fact that you're pushing your Christian bigoted bullshit from a position of authority on people just looking for help is sickening. I've never personally insulted a poster on this site before, but you're the worst of the worst. I sincerely hope you re-evaluate your life and take a cue from Anthony Bourdain.
FYI, my views are irrelevant when working with clients. They develop treatment goals and objectives. The only thing I do is work with them to identify options. They pick and choose what they want to do. Curious as to your assumption that my Christian views are brought up in therapy. They are not. If a client wants to pursue religion, I help. If he wants to become an avowed muslim, I help him figure out how to do it. Also curious as to your use of labels like "bigoted" and "bullshit".

My views relative to my client choosing not to work is indeed a concern as he says that's a problem for him but he allows irrational notions to interfere with his doing what he actually wants to do.
I appreciate the response.

I agree about screwing things up 25 years ago with bringing illegals to work, big mistake, especially big employers are guilty.

IMO, the problem now is stopping it from continuing. Like I said, these kids at my daughters school are recently here and are continuing to poor in using my tax dollars as resources.
I still think prosecuting employers who are breaking the law as well is a proper response regardless. Little hope of corporate America paying the price for their crimes. That was my biggest criticism of Obama but I doubt any president regardless of party will ever do the right thing and make bankers pay for breaking the law any more than a fine they pay out of petty cash.
For your consideration, as is the case now, obviously when immigrant labor was needed, there were jobs. The problem is there are not enough Americans willing to work. Met with a client the other day who is depressed and anxious. Lack of money and his own place to live are two major contributors according to him. Yet, he says he will not just take ANY job. There are some jobs he says he "just can't stand to do".....When I was his age, I would have picked up bloody diarrhea with my bare hands if that's what I needed to do to put gas in my car, pay the rent and have $ in my pocket.
Well my hands on, eyes on, experience is watching a drywall superintendent making $80,000.00 a year working for a South Carolina contractor at Fort Knox going on his two week vacation back to Mexico where his home was. I watch mexican sheet metal crews brass into the Scott paper job in Newman KY just west of Owensboro, I worked in Texas on the largest Construction project in North America where 75% of the skilled labor was illegal mexicans. I wound up getting a room in a motel late at night near Chicago only to wake up in the morning surrounded by mexicans who couldn't speak english and were looking at me and my partner with highly suspicious eyes. I can assure you those jobs were wanted by highly skilled tradesmen with proven American citizenship. Non-union contractors made a fortune hiring illegal mexicans to work on government jobs with a mexican boss paying his crew pennies and although against the law no mexican was going to file a complaint and lose their job being arrested and deported back to mexico. A lot of the stuff on here is from my personal observation and experience. Here I read total BS without foundation and absolutely nothing like what I've seen and experienced on large construction sites all over the eastern united states. I've talked directly to these workers and their bosses since I had to coordinate work with their crafts. But there are very few conservatives that would listen then and I doubt they'll listen now. In fact I bet there are a few people here that know I speak the truth and do not have the nads to admit it.
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FYI, my views are irrelevant when working with clients. They develop treatment goals and objectives. The only thing I do is work with them to identify options. They pick and choose what they want to do. Curious as to your assumption that my Christian views are brought up in therapy. They are not. If a client wants to pursue religion, I help. If he wants to become an avowed muslim, I help him figure out how to do it. Also curious as to your use of labels like "bigoted" and "bullshit".

My views relative to my client choosing not to work is indeed a concern as he says that's a problem for him but he allows irrational notions to interfere with his doing what he actually wants to do.
You look down your nose at others and call it righteousness. You air out the dirty laundry of people coming to you for help on a sports forum. Isn't that a breach of patient/counselor confidentiality and illegal? All in the name of your imaginary bearded sky friend. How about looking at what Jesus actually said about those obsessed with money if you're so devout. You make Willy and warrior look reasonable by comparison.
I still think prosecuting employers who are breaking the law as well is a proper response regardless. Little hope of corporate America paying the price for their crimes. That was my biggest criticism of Obama but I doubt any president regardless of party will ever do the right thing and make bankers pay for breaking the law any more than a fine they pay out of petty cash.

Well my hands on, eyes on, experience is watching a drywall superintendent making $80,000.00 a year working for a South Carolina contractor at Fort Knox going on his two week vacation back to Mexico where his home was. I watch mexican sheet metal crews brass into the Scott paper job in Newman KY just west of Owensboro, I worked in Texas on the largest Construction project in North America where 75% of the skilled labor was illegal mexicans. I wound up getting a room in a motel late at night near Chicago only to wake up in the morning surrounded by mexicans who couldn't speak english and were looking at me and my partner with highly suspicious eyes. I can assure you those jobs were wanted by highly skilled tradesmen with proven American citizenship. Non-union contractors made a fortune hiring illegal mexicans to work on government jobs with a mexican boss paying his crew pennies and although against the law no mexican was going to file a complaint and lose their job being arrested and deported back to mexico. A lot of the stuff on here is from my personal observation and experience. Here I read total BS without foundation and absolutely nothing like what I've seen and experienced on large construction sites all over the eastern united states. I've talked directly to these workers and their bosses since I had to coordinate work with their crafts. But there are very few conservatives that would listen then and I doubt they'll listen now. In fact I bet there are a few people here that know I speak the truth and do not have the nads to admit it.

You want my take? I'd hire those Mexicans over American labor 8 out of 10 times on any day of the week.

Wife and I went through a bathroom remodel back in 2006. I returned from Iraq a few months earlier. Previously, on two different occasions, we hired white, Americans to complete the job. One is a family relative. They screwed it up and stole our money. So, we turned to our neighbors across the street, third-generation Latinos. They brought in their own crew, illegal Mexicans and other illegal Central Americans, finished the job in record time and charged us 1/3 what we asked. Very professional. We could not pay them enough. Got a similar story about my in-laws. They saved over $2,000 digging up a busted sewer line by using Latino day labor.

Come here legally. Do good work and I will pay you well.
I still think prosecuting employers who are breaking the law as well is a proper response regardless. Little hope of corporate America paying the price for their crimes. That was my biggest criticism of Obama but I doubt any president regardless of party will ever do the right thing and make bankers pay for breaking the law any more than a fine they pay out of petty cash.

Well my hands on, eyes on, experience is watching a drywall superintendent making $80,000.00 a year working for a South Carolina contractor at Fort Knox going on his two week vacation back to Mexico where his home was. I watch mexican sheet metal crews brass into the Scott paper job in Newman KY just west of Owensboro, I worked in Texas on the largest Construction project in North America where 75% of the skilled labor was illegal mexicans. I wound up getting a room in a motel late at night near Chicago only to wake up in the morning surrounded by mexicans who couldn't speak english and were looking at me and my partner with highly suspicious eyes. I can assure you those jobs were wanted by highly skilled tradesmen with proven American citizenship. Non-union contractors made a fortune hiring illegal mexicans to work on government jobs with a mexican boss paying his crew pennies and although against the law no mexican was going to file a complaint and lose their job being arrested and deported back to mexico. A lot of the stuff on here is from my personal observation and experience. Here I read total BS without foundation and absolutely nothing like what I've seen and experienced on large construction sites all over the eastern united states. I've talked directly to these workers and their bosses since I had to coordinate work with their crafts. But there are very few conservatives that would listen then and I doubt they'll listen now. In fact I bet there are a few people here that know I speak the truth and do not have the nads to admit it.
There is truth when people say business owners wanted cheap labor and were able to find it in immigrant workers who would work cheap. There is a segment of Repub leadership that does not want to stop illegal immigration. We've seen that as both sides drag their feet re: President Trump's suggested measures. The truth is this from my experience, though likely not as expanded as yours: There are jobs available and have been jobs that American workers would not take simply because they'd prefer receiving benefits vs working. I've personally encountered these people. At the same time, our system of hand-outs is partly to blame. To be honest, most people would probably rather take free benefits than work for say $100 more every couple weeks.
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