How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
You want to play this game? With me? Really?
DUDE I have literally NO IDEA what you're talking about! It's kinda sad too cause you've always seemed like one of the more reasonable posters around here, mostly posting comedic stuff when we could all use a little more levity in our lives.
DUDE I have literally NO IDEA what you're talking about! .
Usual denial. I knew it. We all knew it. Par for the discussion.
It's kinda sad too cause you've always seemed like one of the more reasonable posters around here, mostly posting comedic stuff when we could all use a little more levity in our lives.
So, now we retreat. Punctuation is thine friend. A noted lack thereof is telling. Anything else?
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Usual denial. I knew it. We all knew it. Par for the discussion.

So, now we retreat. Punctuation is thine friend. A noted lack thereof is telling. Anything else?
Oh I get it now, you literally think I'm another poster I guess. Whatever man, enjoy being mad at me for something I didn't do. Also that would be "thy" not "thine". Still have no idea what sex or being a GI has to do with any of this.
Oh I get it now, you literally think I'm another poster I guess. Whatever man, enjoy being mad at me for something I didn't do. Also that would be "thy" not "thine".
Such a small, primitive entity art thou. Color me not surprised.

Your days of attempting such simplistic interjections on other posters here are numbered in this particular thread, Señor. My advice is shut the hell up before your ass gets owned.
Such a small, primitive entity art thou. Color me not surprised.

Your days of attempting such simplistic interjections on other posters here are numbered in this particular thread, Señor. My advice is shut the hell up before your ass gets owned.
Yall love conspiracy theories, should have figured you'd aim them at anyone who disagreed with you. Seem to recall you levying the same accusations against fuzz, johnKBA, levi and some others. NEWS FLASH Hillary got 32.7% of the vote here in KY, there are a lot more of us than you'd like to think. Why are you even here to begin with, don't you live in Texas? Probably one of those insufferable UK basketball/insert-successful-football-program-here fans.
Yall love conspiracy theories, should have figured you'd aim them at anyone who disagreed with you. Seem to recall you levying the same accusations against fuzz, johnKBA, levi and some others. NEWS FLASH Hillary got 32.7% of the vote here in KY, there are a lot more of us than you'd like to think. Why are you even here to begin with, don't you live in Texas? Probably one of those insufferable UK basketball/insert-successful-football-program-here fans.
Listen here, you incredible, INCREDIBLE, loon. I don't give a god diddly damn what the hell that silly bitch managed back home in KY. She sucks, and so do you, too.

You come on here thinking you own this place with some very shallow BS, all the while disrespecting long-time posters who have been here for YEARS! Yes, YEARS! God damn it, I posted on the old board while stationed in Iraq back in 2005-2006. This board kept me going back then over satellite connectivity while we avoided getting our asses blasted by Hadgi IEDs.

Get the hell out of here with your PC BS. Leave. Go. If you want to contribute in a civilized manner, cool. But, god damn it, leave the good folks alone here.
Listen here, you incredible, INCREDIBLE, loon. I don't give a god diddly damn what the hell that silly bitch managed back home in KY. She sucks, and so do you, too.

You come on here thinking you own this place with some very shallow BS, all the while disrespecting long-time posters who have been here for YEARS! Yes, YEARS! God damn it, I posted on the old board while stationed in Iraq back in 2005-2006. This board kept me going back then over satellite connectivity while we avoided getting our asses blasted by Hadgi IEDs.

Get the hell out of here with your PC BS. Leave. Go. If you want to contribute in a civilized manner, cool. But, god damn it, leave the good folks alone here.
Yall love conspiracy theories, should have figured you'd aim them at anyone who disagreed with you. Seem to recall you levying the same accusations against fuzz, johnKBA, levi and some others. NEWS FLASH Hillary got 32.7% of the vote here in KY, there are a lot more of us than you'd like to think. Why are you even here to begin with, don't you live in Texas? Probably one of those insufferable UK basketball/insert-successful-football-program-here fans.
And for the record. I may meet up with @JohnKBA in Lex come July 3. We'll drink a beer or two together. I respect John, Canadian or not.
And for the record. I may meet up with @JohnKBA in Lex come July 3. We'll drink a beer or two together. I respect John, Canadian or not.
Maybe play a few rounds of golf like the old people you are. Yall can worship your god together. Money. See if it gets either of you into heaven.
Maybe play a few rounds of golf together like old white people do. Yall can worship your god together. Money. See if it gets either of you into heaven.
Thanks for the racist comment.

At any rate, if you really must know, I plan on reserving a room out by I75 at Days Inn and checking out the craft beer scene out south Lex. Plan on riding my folding bike to a couple breweries. I get out when traveling and experiencing all the good peeps near my old alma mater. I WALKED Lex last November.
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Plan on riding my folding bike to a couple breweries. I get out when traveling and experiencing all the good peeps near my old alma mater. I WALKED Lex last November.
Good to see you're still mobile at your age. Couple more years and you'll be a homebound, bitter, nonfunctional keyboard warrior. Instead of just a bitter one.
[laughing] Dollars to donuts you couldn't defend this to even a philosophy 101 student. Moral Relativism is rightly trashed by most anyone, secular or religious, with even an ounce of intelligence.
Truth by definition excludes all that which is false, otherwise there is no truth at all not even the "your truth" Oprah talks about...

You ultimately have to abandon reason and logic to believe what's coming from the (I'd still like to think) lunatic fringe of the left. More and more though people are buying in to these pernicious lies like white privilege and toxic masculinity without bothering to think them through because they sound true. Then the cherry on top is the rhetorical slight of hand intellectuals used to get them to abandon reason and emotionally ensconce these absurd ideas has them unwittingly behaving in the very racist and sexist manner they purportedly rally against.
It's a myth that there are absolute standards for right and wrong. Standards change with time.

It appears that you're only issue with same sex marriage is semantics. Civil Union vs Marriage. But in the US marriage is also a legal status that has nothing to do with any religious context.

The Catholic church refused to marry them because he wouldn't convert so they got married in the Methodist church.

Once you allow discrimination how far do you let it go? Do you allow a restaurant to put up a "Whites Only" sign? Can I pay women or blacks one thing and white males another?
So you want to raise taxes on 90-95% of Americans... flat taxes have been considered in the past and the rate of 17% has been used as the revenue neutral rate that would be required.

BHO gave no "support" to Iran, they were trying to negotiate a deal with Iran to prevent it from developing nuclear weapons. I love and support my children but I tell them when I think they've messed up.

I understand your views. In many cases, it's simply a matter of perception. I choose to look at one side of the coin and you the other.

I do believe there are absolute rights and wrongs...and a lot of gray areas. You can choose to believe that or not.

As for marriage: I made it clear my belief on equal treatment. I don't oppose equal legal status. Again I'll say it: Any two people that want to form a legal partnership should be able to do so. As for the person you knew that couldn't be married in a Catholic church so they went to a UMC... I've read there is a rift over this issue that threatens a divide even in that church

The $600 food stamp thing was 10 years ago with a family of three. The person was not wise in the use of the benefits and was constantly asking her friends for money. Same woman picked up a job making about $200 a week most months. She told me she was told she had to quit working or her family would lose medical benefits.

My comments re: Appalachia were based on what people who grew up there told me and what I experienced. You are right in saying poverty existed before the war on poverty. I'm saying, based on what I've seen, dealt with and heard from people living there that benefits took away the drive to seek a better life. I hate it when I see someone's spirit has been killed. They quit trying. That's what I've seen as the result of generational welfare. Now that I live in the city, I see the same. As I've said earlier, I wouldn't even mind seeing a guaranteed minimum living. Mind you, one that is sufficient to sustain life but with no extras. Add that I'd like for there then to be an allowance for recipients to work. Example: Keep your benefits. If you make $1000 working, we'll reduce your benefit by x percent. Once they reach a certain level of income, the entire gov benefit would be discontinued. Give them reason to seek work is honorable... and the respect that goes with it. IMO, every person on this earth has talents that, if developed and utilized can make this world a better place.

I'm very familiar with the state of childcare. Go to the guaranteed minimum living proposal above. Take the FDR's works programs. IMO, at least people were working. Require people receiving any type government benefit to be in the program. Put them to work. There's lots of meaningful work that needs to be done they could do..daycare, cleaning parks/road sides/waterways, additional security in public buildings. Their pay package would be: Guaranteed minimum income + say $2 bucks an hour. Just put them to work. I guarantee they'd feel better about themselves. Who knows where that might lead. My contempt with the system is that in almost every case I've seen in, the system robs people of pride and the drive to better themselves.

As for taxation. You cite stats relative to what taxation on the wealthy. Again, I believe the wealthy should pay their fair share. IMO, that means an equal proportion.

IMO, the Iran/nuke deal was not in Israel's best interests. Why does Iran need nukes? If they'd align themselves with us, act appropriately toward Israel, they might have an ally in us. You are right in that lots of Jews are Dems. I didn't realize that until I read up on it. Lots of Dems support Israel. Not every thing bho did was bad for Israel. I read polls that reported about half Jews polled saw bho as a strong advocate. I'm for Israel's right to exist. I also support their claim to their land. No problem slapping them on the wrist from time to time, but Never for allowing anyone in their nation to come to harm or for her to give up land.

Oppose paying blacks, reds, yellows, women less than white men for the same work. I support protected status. At the same time, I support a business man being able to say what he will or won't produce. I also support a business man limiting certain behaviors in his place of business. People can't help their race, gender, etc... They choose their behaviors.
Very family oriented. Dude. I so admire those folks.

We're talking future Americans here. And we've got PC buttholes who wanna change the world because they want to import every Central American wingnut, Che Guevera asshole into the equation.

Look, man. I dodge cars driven by drunks swilling Modelo enough. Hope and change, man.

Almost everything they make up here they send back to their family while they live like paupers

As hard working and family first as these people are, they would certainly do what it takes to get citizenship. But only if that was the route mandated. Instead it's the open door policy in return for future votes.
This was exactly my point. People are people. He was talking about offering employment opportunities in Gatlinburg. What are the demographics in and around Gatlinburg? He didn't have to specify what race they were. We already knew and it was irrelevant anyway. He chose to point out the milkiness of their skin to differentiate them from his idea of normal welfare takers. AKA brown people, in his mind.

Youre literally a god dam*** idiot. Youre the same guy that said only mexicans cross the border and join gangs. Racist.

The point of me saying they were white is because i knew moronic idiots like yourself would just assume i was talking about the part of the population that is 20.9% spanish or 6.9% black. It was a disclaimer. I was showing that i see poor traits in all people you twit.

Austin, my first son is from a morristownian.. unfortunately, due to the bullshit ive gone through with those hilljacks, i see my son as mixed.. half normal, half melungeon.. luckily, my dna is so strong and i steamrolled them in custody court, ive pushed out all the melungeonness.
How most of you don’t have KBA and Dio and those posters on ignore is beyond me?

I don’t know much of what is going on or be argued about cause y’all are arguing with one or more of the posters I have on ignore so I can’t see their post. I decided to enjoy this place and put the childish/trash posters on ignore for good. Promise you, you will enjoy this place a lot more if you do. In real life, if there is a person that can’t be rationalized with or a person who acts low you constantly engage them in discussion? No, you just don’t talk to them. My advice is do the same here.
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So if our economy is so great as conservatives are saying, why are we increasing the national debt by over a trillion dollars this year? I will refer you back to a question I asked years ago, How do bankers make money? Conservatives are consumed with themselves at the expense of their children and grandchildren. Here are some numbers that have been fact checked by Snopes

Ronald Reagan:
Took office January 1981. Total debt: $848 billion
Left office January 1989. Total debt: $2,698 billion
Percent change in total debt: +218%
George H.W. Bush
Took office January 1989. Total debt: $2,698 billion
Left office 20 January 1993. Total debt: $4,188 billion
Percent change in total debt: +55%
Bill Clinton
Took office 20 January 1993. Total debt: $4,188 billion
Left office 20 January 2001. Total debt: $5,728 billion
Percent change in total debt: +37%
George W. Bush
Took office 20 January 2001. Total debt: $5,728 billion
Left office 20 January 2009. Total debt: $10,627 billion
Percent change in total debt: +86%

I edited this post because a poster who could only see one thing though the numbers were compiled during Obama's term, therefor his numbers weren't complete. Although only partial numbers were available then the total debt added reported for Obama from other sources is 128% which still pales in comparison to Ronald Reagan, this notwithstanding the global economic collapse that Obama was handed when he took office. To ignore these numbers and still proclaim Reagan as a great President is simply talking out boths sides of your mouth, as is ignoring Mitch McConnell proclaiming his job was to see Obama was a failure is a great example of racism as well as party before country. A huge portion of the debt attributed to Obama was the result of saving this country from total economic collapse where he had no choice.
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So if our economy is so great as conservatives are saying, why are we increasing the national debt by over a trillion dollars this year? I will refer you back to a question I asked years ago, How do bankers make money? Conservatives are consumed with themselves at the expense of their children and grandchildren. Here are some numbers that have been fact checked by Snopes

Ronald Reagan:
Took office January 1981. Total debt: $848 billion
Left office January 1989. Total debt: $2,698 billion
Percent change in total debt: +218%
George H.W. Bush
Took office January 1989. Total debt: $2,698 billion
Left office 20 January 1993. Total debt: $4,188 billion
Percent change in total debt: +55%
Bill Clinton
Took office 20 January 1993. Total debt: $4,188 billion
Left office 20 January 2001. Total debt: $5,728 billion
Percent change in total debt: +37%
George W. Bush
Took office 20 January 2001. Total debt: $5,728 billion
Left office 20 January 2009. Total debt: $10,627 billion
Percent change in total debt: +86%
Barack Obama
Took office 20 January 2009. Total debt: $10,627 billion
Total debt (as of the end of April 2011): $14,288 billion
Percent change in total debt: +34%
That's rich. So we only measure Obama by the first 2 1/4 years of his presidency? Seems totally fair and balanced. Thank goodness it was fact-checked by Snopes!
It's common in this country for people to not understand that you can buy a lot of nice new shoes with a credit card and the ramifications that come later. Then some are just criminal.
So if our economy is so great as conservatives are saying, why are we increasing the national debt by over a trillion dollars this year? I will refer you back to a question I asked years ago, How do bankers make money? Conservatives are consumed with themselves at the expense of their children and grandchildren. Here are some numbers that have been fact checked by Snopes

Ronald Reagan:
Took office January 1981. Total debt: $848 billion
Left office January 1989. Total debt: $2,698 billion
Percent change in total debt: +218%
George H.W. Bush
Took office January 1989. Total debt: $2,698 billion
Left office 20 January 1993. Total debt: $4,188 billion
Percent change in total debt: +55%
Bill Clinton
Took office 20 January 1993. Total debt: $4,188 billion
Left office 20 January 2001. Total debt: $5,728 billion
Percent change in total debt: +37%
George W. Bush
Took office 20 January 2001. Total debt: $5,728 billion
Left office 20 January 2009. Total debt: $10,627 billion
Percent change in total debt: +86%

I edited this post because a poster who could only see one thing thoughts the numbers were compiled during Obama's term, therefor his numbers weren't complete. Although only partial numbers were available then the total debt added reported for Obama from other sources is 128% which still pales in comparison to Ronald Reagan, this notwithstanding the global economic collapse that Obama was handed when he took office. To ignore these numbers and still proclaim Reagan as a great President is simply talking out boths sides of your mouth, as is ignoring Mitch McConnell proclaiming his job was to see Obama was a failure is a great example of racism as well as party before country. A huge portion of the debt attributed to Obama was the result of saving this country from total economic collapse where he had no choice.

Levi, Obama was a shitty President. His foreign agenda was awful, foreign leaders knew they could walk all over him, and they did.
His idea of economic recovery was ballooning the government. It’s one reason why the fed kept interest rates at zero for the longest period in history. They knew the economy was weak and any fluctuation by them would send it into a recession.
Stop with calling everything racism, it does not help, in fact it hurt Obama because criticism helps Presidents keep from screwing up.