How will they rule ??!

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[laughing] @ "this is my specialty".

November 9, 2016...


I wonder how it feels to be this bad at your "specialty"? I would feel so freaking depressed if I found out all that time and money I spent studying and all those hours worked, to just find out everything I thought was the complete opposite of the truth and I actually have no idea what Im talking about when it comes to my "specialty" haha.
Sounds like a great band name
Sounds like some good eatin', too. And none of that all beef stuff. Give me the pork bologna, specifically deli sliced Boar's Head brand.

Matter of fact, from here on out, gentrifried is the only kind I'm going to eat. Gonna take pride in pounding 'em down with privilege and smugness.
Sounds like some good eatin', too. And none of that all beef stuff. Give me the pork bologna, specifically deli sliced Boar's Head brand.

Matter of fact, from here on out, gentrifried is the only kind I'm going to eat. Gonna take pride in pounding 'em down with privilege and smugness.
I loved Umbrella Steaks growing up. They really were a treat, at least for us poor kids.
Get ready for the nationalization of the energy sector:

As part of the plan, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) could exercise emergency authority under national security laws to direct the operators to buy electricity from coal and nuclear facilities, according to a memo reviewed by Reuters.

Good ole socialism(or is it communism) at play here. Let the excuses begin
Get ready for the nationalization of the energy sector:

As part of the plan, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) could exercise emergency authority under national security laws to direct the operators to buy electricity from coal and nuclear facilities, according to a memo reviewed by Reuters.

Good ole socialism(or is it communism) at play here. Let the excuses begin

Lol great stuff as usual
Get ready for the nationalization of the energy sector:

As part of the plan, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) could exercise emergency authority under national security laws to direct the operators to buy electricity from coal and nuclear facilities, according to a memo reviewed by Reuters.

Good ole socialism(or is it communism) at play here. Let the excuses begin

We need to start building nuclear power plants at a furious pace.

And by the way...were you on here crying about the nationalization of the energy sector when O'bama was pushing for cap and trade? That's what he was trying to do. Coal plants would have been taxed beyond their ability to operate. Of course, we would still have to have electricity, so who do you think would have to step in to run them? That's right, the government. Then you would have had the government in charge of production and distribution. I think they have a word for that.
Jesus christ... wouldnt it be the fricken definitionnof racism to say... minorities csnt make it on their own, we must lower the bar in order to get them hired.

And that pedophile

This is lost on retarded white Democrats.

To them, they think conservatives are racist for not wanting the country to be turned into the third world and the culture destroyed (same thing Japan does but is in unison about) and thinks it’s racist to expect everyone to have an ID to vote and that everyone is in control of their own path.

Somehow that’s “racist.”

But Democrats thinking the white leftist savior who needs to speak up for minorities because minorities couldn’t possibly speak for themselves, isn’t “racist.” Somehow it’s not “racist” to think minorities aren’t capable of finding the DMV to get an ID. Somehow it’s not racist to think they can’t make it on their own without the government as their savior and enforcing mandatory quotas and lowering the bar.

What Democrats do is manipulate these people for votes. That’s a fact.

Why is Amy Mek and her family going to be ruined for spotlighting what Islam is and does while Islam/Muslims get a pass for the massive rape and violence and destruction they cause everywhere?

The media will not cover what Muslims do. They will freak out over a Christian bakery but say nothing to Islam. You had a Muslim massacre people at a gay night club and still the press made it about guns and not Islam.

I loathe media and the double standard.

Why is Amy Mek and her family going to be ruined for spotlighting what Islam is and does while Islam/Muslims get a pass for the massive rape and violence and destruction they cause everywhere?

The media will not cover what Muslims do. They will freak out over a Christian bakery but say nothing to Islam. You had a Muslim massacre people at a gay night club and still the press made it about guns and not Islam.

I loathe media and the double standard.
I've had Amy Mek on my favorites list for a couple of years now. In fact, she's the only twitter account I have on favorite. The press didn't have anything to say about her until Trump retweeted her. Now they have to destroy her for telling the truth.

The left doesn't care about racism, or hate speech, or gay rights, or anything else for that matter. What they care about the most and what scares them the most is the TRUTH. The truth hurts and it hurts the left's agenda more than anything else.
yeah I'm gonna say this is a lie. Really love when the party who loves to spread lies and fake news pulls some stats out of the arse and then doesn't even link to a source.

Pretty awesome to see all the R bags defending a racist like Roseanne. keep the excuses coming! Evidently no one can be racist unless they come out a say explicitly I am racist, or call someone the N word. Say anything else and they can make excuses (see above)

Poor Roseanne she didn't understand the difference between racist statements that get you fired and racist statements that get you elected President. She'll learn though.

Pretty incredible that Amy Mek’s husband loses his job while Joy Reid and everyone like her keeps their jobs.

Hope the comeuppance occurs one day.

I've had Amy Mek on my favorites list for a couple of years now. In fact, she's the only twitter account I have on favorite. The press didn't have anything to say about her until Trump retweeted her. Now they have to destroy her for telling the truth.

The left doesn't care about racism, or hate speech, or gay rights, or anything else for that matter. What they care about the most and what scares them the most is the TRUTH. The truth hurts and it hurts the left's agenda more than anything else.

sorry, not a big amy mek fan.. she lasted a week on my follow list. if i want middle aged women making memes about something, some true, some not.. i can get that on my neighborhood facebook feed.

she just seemed a little too much

having said that, firing her husband over this is BS..and im not quite sure it would fly, but they should file an EEOC claim that they fired him due to her being Jewish.
We need to start building nuclear power plants at a furious pace.

And by the way...were you on here crying about the nationalization of the energy sector when O'bama was pushing for cap and trade? That's what he was trying to do. Coal plants would have been taxed beyond their ability to operate. Of course, we would still have to have electricity, so who do you think would have to step in to run them? That's right, the government. Then you would have had the government in charge of production and distribution. I think they have a word for that.

Yeah, it is called partisan posting. Cardkilla only recognizes that which would implicate Trump.
She posted a lot of videos that were true. They show how muslims truly feel about the US. They hate us and no amount of coddling from the left is going to change that.
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