How will they rule ??!

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Federal Judge questions whether Mueller has overstepped his mandate in Manafort case.

“I don’t see what relationship this indictment has with anything the special counsel is authorized to investigate,” U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis in the Eastern District of Virginia said. At tense hearing at the federal courthouse in Alexandria, Virginia, the judge said Mueller should not have “unfettered power” in his Russia probe and that the charges against Manafort did not arise from the investigation into Moscow’s alleged meddling in the 2016 U.S. election.....
also gross negligence does not have "intent" in the statute. That's the very defining characteristic of the law is the one they used to NOT indict her. you didn't MEAN to? When has that ever been an excuse for breaking the law?
Never. I've always heard that ignorance of the law is no excuse.

When is the last time the cops went to someone's house with a search warrant and allowed the person to tell them they were busy right now and could they come back tomorrow?

When is the last time a suspect in a criminal investigation was allowed to destroy evidence directly related to the investigation without any penalty?
Federal Judge questions whether Mueller has overstepped his mandate in Manafort case.

“I don’t see what relationship this indictment has with anything the special counsel is authorized to investigate,” U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis in the Eastern District of Virginia said. At tense hearing at the federal courthouse in Alexandria, Virginia, the judge said Mueller should not have “unfettered power” in his Russia probe and that the charges against Manafort did not arise from the investigation into Moscow’s alleged meddling in the 2016 U.S. election.....
Welcome to the club Judge.
already throwing Giuliani under the bus.

“He started yesterday. He will get his facts straight,” Trump said while leaving the White House on his way to the NRA convention in Texas. “Virtually everything that’s been said has been said incorrectly.”
“When Rudy made the statement, he had just started and wasn’t totally familiar with everything"
already throwing Giuliani under the bus.

“He started yesterday. He will get his facts straight,” Trump said while leaving the White House on his way to the NRA convention in Texas. “Virtually everything that’s been said has been said incorrectly.”
“When Rudy made the statement, he had just started and wasn’t totally familiar with everything"
Unemployment at 3.9% and denuclearization of NK and this bum is stuck on Stormy Daniels.

This is why you guys are going to get destroyed in November. And the best part is, you bums still wont learn a lesson.'s an article about the sit in. I mean....students are fed up and tired of racism, yet not one example is given.

“If they can do it in 1950 with Dr. King, we can do it here at Centre College in 2018,” Taylor Morris said.

There is far more racism against white people than anyone in this country by multiple forms of measurement- interracial violence, being allowed to be discriminated against through jobs, admissions, and teaching entire races of people that they're "victims" of whites, that you can't be "racist" to whites, constantly mocking whites, not reporting racial issues when whites are the victim, teaching that whites are privileged and face no challenges and that their hard work and success is a result of "privilege." No one is judged more in this country than whites. That's the truth.

One of the best memes about this goes like
Minority- "As a white person, you don't know what it's like to be judged for the color of your skin."
White person- "Um yeah, I just was."
I wonder when the media will realize that most of America has tuned them out.
This cannot be emphasized enough.

I was a subscriber to "Wired" magazine until a few months ago. Great magazine... when they stick to what they know.

Articles on what a great "Thought Leader" Obama is (again, a guy who can't string 2 words together without a teleprompter), "Why is Trump anti-science?"... were just too much to take.

In order to cancel, I had to state a reason... well they got one... although I doubt they understand.
already throwing Giuliani under the bus.

Federal Judge questions whether Mueller has overstepped his mandate in Manafort case.

“I don’t see what relationship this indictment has with anything the special counsel is authorized to investigate,” U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis in the Eastern District of Virginia said. At tense hearing at the federal courthouse in Alexandria, Virginia, the judge said Mueller should not have “unfettered power” in his Russia probe and that the charges against Manafort did not arise from the investigation into Moscow’s alleged meddling in the 2016 U.S. election.....

But but but but @Platinumdrgn and @fuzz77 say he had the power to do anything.

Remember that 3 day argument platinumdouche had with me over this... hmmm seems i was right platinimdouche
Not sure where that judge went to law school, but according to the lefty legal minds of the Paddock, Bob Mueller is Attorney General as appointed by Rod Rosenstein who was appointed b Jeff Sessions who was appointed by Donald Trump with the advice and consent of the Senate.

Guy needs to read a law book. Mueller literally has the unfettered power to do anything and everything he wants, contrary to what he thinks. Judge smacks Mueller down and he's going to be the next one in jail.
The interesting question about the memo beyond the obvious (the redaction) is the fact that recently it came out that much of these actions are taking place under an amended and greatly expanded appointment of power that was executed only after the challenge came up.

Will that relate back to the initial appointment? Or will it be viewed as a second and separate appointment for which there was no authority? Seems like the judge is clearly leaning towards the latter.
Rod Rosenstein Has Botched the Mueller Probe

Neglecting to place restrictions on the Mueller investigation is grounds for his removal.

Rod Rosenstein is doing a star turn as principled defender of the law, but he’s performed abysmally as deputy attorney general, and President Donald Trump would be fully justified in firing him.
seattle is looking to tax businesses a head count tax..

this could piss amazon off greatly as it will severely raise the tax paid

There is far more racism against white people than anyone in this country by multiple forms of measurement- interracial violence, being allowed to be discriminated against through jobs, admissions, and teaching entire races of people that they're "victims" of whites, that you can't be "racist" to whites, constantly mocking whites, not reporting racial issues when whites are the victim, teaching that whites are privileged and face no challenges and that their hard work and success is a result of "privilege." No one is judged more in this country than whites. That's the truth.

One of the best memes about this goes like
Minority- "As a white person, you don't know what it's like to be judged for the color of your skin."
White person- "Um yeah, I just was."

Bro, you sound like such a pussy. LMAO!!!!!! Little American white man pounding his keyboard while he cries a puddle of tears.

Who hurt you?

I mean, are you really THIS scared of minority races in America?? By the looks of your posts today, I'm envisioning you as some paranoid maniac constantly refreshing Breitbart and shaking your fist at the sky. Bet you own multiple guns too. In fact, can I ask one more question?

Have you purchased a Tiki torch within the last year or so?

TGIF, brothers. It's been a long week and I'm ready to *****.
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