How will they rule ??!

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Bro, you sound like such a pussy. LMAO!!!!!! Little anti-American white man pounding his keyboard while he cries a puddle of tears.

Who hurt you?

I mean, are you really THIS triggered by Trump being the president of America?? By the looks of your posts everyday, I'm envisioning you as some delusional, deranged TDSer constantly refreshing Mother Jones and screaming at the sky. You're too unhinged to own multiple guns. In fact, can I ask one more question?

Have you purchased a pussy hat within the last year or so?
Manafort legal team: “the Special Counsel has not produced any materials to the defense...of communications between Mr. Manafort & Russian [officials].”

Mueller/special counsel: “The Office of Special Counsel has advised that there are no materials responsive to Mr. Manafort’s requests.”

Bro, you sound like such a pussy. LMAO!!!!!! Little American white man pounding his keyboard while he cries a puddle of tears.

Who hurt you?

I mean, are you really THIS scared of minority races in America?? By the looks of your posts today, I'm envisioning you as some paranoid maniac constantly refreshing Breitbart and shaking your fist at the sky. Bet you own multiple guns too. In fact, can I ask one more question?

Have you purchased a Tiki torch within the last year or so?

TGIF, brothers. It's been a long week and I'm ready to *****.

America isn't for you I hate to say it. Your "progressive" views are prolly better suited in Europe. I'm sure you'll fit in well there.

Oh, if you do move. Better hope your kid never has a life threatening illness. It won't end well
America isn't for you I hate to say it. Your "progressive" views are prolly better suited in Europe. I'm sure you'll fit in well there.

Oh, if you do move. Better hope your kid never has a life threatening illness. It won't end well

that and having your wife and kids raped and acid thrown on them by "refugees". and getting a jail sentence for a "hateful" tweet. Europe seems nice. exactly the type of society Bwls is looking for
So some idiots we elected decided it would be ok to let illegals live here “temporarily” for 30 years. Lmao.

Trump is fixing decades of corrupt nonsense, and he doesn’t even have to. He has a real job. He doesn’t need to deal with political idiots, but he chose to because he loves his country and he’s kicking ass. Just like he said he would.
Just read that none of the evidence that Mueller has against Manafort is the product of Mueller's special counsel investigation. Literally all of it is old evidence from an earlier investigation and literally none of it arose from the Russia investigation.

Combine that with the fact that, today, Mueller admitted to not even having evidence of communications between Manafort and Russia, and it's looking like Mueller has uncovered zero evidence of his own against Manafort.
Bro, you sound like such a pussy. LMAO!!!!!! Little American white man pounding his keyboard while he cries a puddle of tears.

Who hurt you?

I mean, are you really THIS scared of minority races in America?? By the looks of your posts today, I'm envisioning you as some paranoid maniac constantly refreshing Breitbart and shaking your fist at the sky. Bet you own multiple guns too. In fact, can I ask one more question?

Have you purchased a Tiki torch within the last year or so?

TGIF, brothers. It's been a long week and I'm ready to *****.

Not sure where that judge went to law school, but according to the lefty legal minds of the Paddock, Bob Mueller is Attorney General as appointed by Rod Rosenstein who was appointed b Jeff Sessions who was appointed by Donald Trump with the advice and consent of the Senate.

Guy needs to read a law book. Mueller literally has the unfettered power to do anything and everything he wants, contrary to what he thinks. Judge smacks Mueller down and he's going to be the next one in jail.
He has unfettered power because he was appointed by POTUS J. Edgar Hoover
Bro, you sound like such a pussy. LMAO!!!!!! Little American white man pounding his keyboard while he cries a puddle of tears.

Who hurt you?

I mean, are you really THIS scared of minority races in America?? By the looks of your posts today, I'm envisioning you as some paranoid maniac constantly refreshing Breitbart and shaking your fist at the sky. Bet you own multiple guns too. In fact, can I ask one more question?

Have you purchased a Tiki torch within the last year or so?

TGIF, brothers. It's been a long week and I'm ready to *****.
Do you even current day linguistics, bruh?
I don't want his kids sick. My point being is that Bwls is better suited in Europe. He'll fit in there.
This will always be a country for everyone right here in KY, TX, FL, CA, you name it. But only if we have the courage to accept them and they have the desire to contribute.
Cheers! :cheers2:
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This will always be a country for everyone right here in KY, TX, FL, CA, you name it. But only if we have the courage to accept them and they have the desire to contribute.
Cheers! :cheers2:

Man, I'll drink beer with an European anyday. Just needs to take his/her political views back to Europe.

Look I can stand the classic liberal, but not today's liberal. They can take the first flight to London and suck muslim dick and fight "hate thoughts" all they want. But not here.

Sick of it
Trump is basking in the 3.9% number but unemployment only went down because 250K people dropped out of the labor market. The thing you guys used to bash Obama for every day and said made his employment numbers fake. jobs added was way below projections because the number of employable americans is basically empty now with wages stagnant
DOJ finally unredacts the part of Comey's statement where he testifies to Congress that Flynn never intentionally tried to deceive the FBI.

After reading this it's obvious the DOJ was running cover for Comey, Mueller and the 'investigation'. There's no reason it should have ever been redacted.

Edited to add a tweet that contains an image of the document.
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Trump is basking in the 3.9% number but unemployment only went down because 250K people dropped out of the labor market. The thing you guys used to bash Obama for every day and said made his employment numbers fake. jobs added was way below projections because the number of employable americans is basically empty now with wages stagnant
Maybe they found a job? Obama was a cluster muck. I hope he catches a virus.
While media obsesses over stormy, Cohen, and rudy... trumps approval ratings climb. Lol dems and media dont know what to do.
Trump is basking in the 3.9% number but unemployment only went down because 250K people dropped out of the labor market. The thing you guys used to bash Obama for every day and said made his employment numbers fake. jobs added was way below projections because the number of employable americans is basically empty now with wages stagnant
Wonder if bammer 's numbers were ever skewed by people dropping benefited from people dropping out of the labor market?
Wonder if bammer 's numbers were ever skewed by people dropping benefited from people dropping out of the labor market?
They were skewed by people dropping out. And this thread railed on it daily but now conveniently let it slide. Wage stagnation makes a relatively soon recession guaranteed. cost of goods are rising because the economy is doing well pushing inflation. With gas over 3.00 and rising consumer spending will dip hard again. CPI will easily outpace wage growth for the foreseeable future. The tax reform should have had controls in place that only allowed companies to reap the rewards if they also rewarded their employees. But the GOP was only concerned with paying back their donors & lobbyists so we will be back to 2008 economy in the very near future. Same cycle over and over and over. Dem takes office and gets the economy stable, Rep takes office and throws all the new money at the rich and recession follows. And both parties pile up the debt along the way screwing over the common american.
They were skewed by people dropping out. And this thread railed on it daily but now conveniently let it slide. Wage stagnation makes a relatively soon recession guaranteed. cost of goods are rising because the economy is doing well pushing inflation. With gas over 3.00 and rising consumer spending will dip hard again. CPI will easily outpace wage growth for the foreseeable future. The tax reform should have had controls in place that only allowed companies to reap the rewards if they also rewarded their employees. But the GOP was only concerned with paying back their donors & lobbyists so we will be back to 2008 economy in the very near future. Same cycle over and over and over. Dem takes office and gets the economy stable, Rep takes office and throws all the new money at the rich and recession follows. And both parties pile up the debt along the way screwing over the common american. or is not the economy better now than during bammer's years? Is there not more excitement now about our economy than during his reign? You are absolutely correct when you mention both parties piling on the debt. That's what "politicians" do...and Trump not being a politician is why I voted for him and will vote for him again.
What exactly do you call throwing money at the rich? Give me an example of a dem getting the economy stable and a Republican subsequently fouling the waters.
There are pros and cons to every economic situation. Yes, when the economy starts churning, prices rise and usually wages are slow to keep up. That happens regardless of the pol in the office. The economy is cyclical. bammer could have benefited from one of those cycles as did b clinton. However, unlike bc, bammer's goal was to lower us to the level of all those nations we'd screwed over throughout the years. If I'm not mistaken, he even apologized for our actions.
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They were skewed by people dropping out. And this thread railed on it daily but now conveniently let it slide. Wage stagnation makes a relatively soon recession guaranteed. cost of goods are rising because the economy is doing well pushing inflation. With gas over 3.00 and rising consumer spending will dip hard again. CPI will easily outpace wage growth for the foreseeable future. The tax reform should have had controls in place that only allowed companies to reap the rewards if they also rewarded their employees. But the GOP was only concerned with paying back their donors & lobbyists so we will be back to 2008 economy in the very near future. Same cycle over and over and over. Dem takes office and gets the economy stable, Rep takes office and throws all the new money at the rich and recession follows. And both parties pile up the debt along the way screwing over the common american.
But let me guess, Bernie's govt jobs for all isnt economically illiterate at all and is a great idea. Righhhht. Just like when dems talk about raising minimum wage but are too dumb to realize if there is no job to begin with, theres no wage to change, or they just have no basis in real economics to begin with when it comes to wages
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Trump is basking in the 3.9% number but unemployment only went down because 250K people dropped out of the labor market. The thing you guys used to bash Obama for every day and said made his employment numbers fake. jobs added was way below projections because the number of employable americans is basically empty now with wages stagnant
You mean when barry's numbers got skewed bc ppl took part time jobs...or bc Barry just added federal jobs, that's the only thing that grew while he was in office. Ps, govt jobs dont produce revenue, they work off taxpayers..hence they dont grow economies