How will they rule ??!

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They were skewed by people dropping out. And this thread railed on it daily but now conveniently let it slide. Wage stagnation makes a relatively soon recession guaranteed. cost of goods are rising because the economy is doing well pushing inflation. With gas over 3.00 and rising consumer spending will dip hard again. CPI will easily outpace wage growth for the foreseeable future. The tax reform should have had controls in place that only allowed companies to reap the rewards if they also rewarded their employees. But the GOP was only concerned with paying back their donors & lobbyists so we will be back to 2008 economy in the very near future. Same cycle over and over and over. Dem takes office and gets the economy stable, Rep takes office and throws all the new money at the rich and recession follows. And both parties pile up the debt along the way screwing over the common american.
When did we ever hear about ADP giving out employment numbers under O'bama? The people who print the paychecks are giving us these numbers now because there is a real increase in employment.

You have not chosen wisely and your apparent political affiliation only serves to expose your idiocy. Dumbass.
They were skewed by people dropping out. And this thread railed on it daily but now conveniently let it slide. Wage stagnation makes a relatively soon recession guaranteed. cost of goods are rising because the economy is doing well pushing inflation. With gas over 3.00 and rising consumer spending will dip hard again. CPI will easily outpace wage growth for the foreseeable future. The tax reform should have had controls in place that only allowed companies to reap the rewards if they also rewarded their employees. But the GOP was only concerned with paying back their donors & lobbyists so we will be back to 2008 economy in the very near future. Same cycle over and over and over. Dem takes office and gets the economy stable, Rep takes office and throws all the new money at the rich and recession follows. And both parties pile up the debt along the way screwing over the common american.
Translation: "I'm jealous as hell".

Your stock market predictions suck thus far, as have your other economic prognostications. It's a great time to be alive in this great country of ours.

Game. Set. Match.
They were skewed by people dropping out. And this thread railed on it daily but now conveniently let it slide. Wage stagnation makes a relatively soon recession guaranteed. cost of goods are rising because the economy is doing well pushing inflation. With gas over 3.00 and rising consumer spending will dip hard again. CPI will easily outpace wage growth for the foreseeable future. The tax reform should have had controls in place that only allowed companies to reap the rewards if they also rewarded their employees. But the GOP was only concerned with paying back their donors & lobbyists so we will be back to 2008 economy in the very near future. Same cycle over and over and over. Dem takes office and gets the economy stable, Rep takes office and throws all the new money at the rich and recession follows. And both parties pile up the debt along the way screwing over the common american.
Forgot this:

Tulsi Gabbard on Tucker. Oh yeah! She's a dem but she just said that "it's not about Trump, it's about peace".

I like this chick. She needs to be the voice of the Dem party. Talks about mistakes Rep's make but also acknowledges mistakes that Dem's make.



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Who's to say the unredacted memo the judge receives is the actual memo? Are they going to give him evidence that proves they are criminals? They can put anything they want in there to fill in the blank. No different than destroying emails and claiming they are about grandchildren.

Trump needs to empower the military to come in during the night and arrest Mueller, Comey, Clinton, O'bama et al, and cite national security as the justification because these cocksuckers are attempting to overthrow the legally elected government of this country. We can figure it all out later but I want these assholes at the business end of an M-16 saying "yessir".
For those interested, new Ancient Aliens episode. Includes all the stuff that came out last December; secret Pentagon program (Advanced Aviation Threat Identification), Luis Elizondo, Tom DeLonge, Harry Reid, F-18 UFO videos, Bigelow Aerospace, etc... Oh, and one of the guest commentators is John Pedesta.

For those interested, new Ancient Aliens episode. Includes all the stuff that came out last December; secret Pentagon program (Advanced Aviation Threat Identification), Luis Elizondo, Tom DeLonge, Harry Reid, F-18 UFO videos, Bigelow Aerospace, etc... Oh, and one of the guest commentators is John Pedesta.

Even ufo alien children are not safe from John Podesta.
This cannot be emphasized enough.

I was a subscriber to "Wired" magazine until a few months ago. Great magazine... when they stick to what they know.

Articles on what a great "Thought Leader" Obama is (again, a guy who can't string 2 words together without a teleprompter), "Why is Trump anti-science?"... were just too much to take.

In order to cancel, I had to state a reason... well they got one... although I doubt they understand.
I got a dual subscription to Popular Science and Wired ~3 years ago. Then I realized I don't actually read magazines any more, they just sit in a basket by the porcelain throne. I can't remember if it was 3 or 4 years I pre-paid, but hopefully some day the subscription will run out.

But yeah, Wired regularly sends e-mails to my inbox touting their latest stories, and they definitely lean left. Same for Ars Technica, good site for in-depth tech coverage, but you can't get news about tech without getting sideswiped by leftist doctrine.
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stormy doesn't do anal? I don't believe it. I will bite the bullet for the paddock and research stormy daniels + anal on and You are welcome paddock. WE MUST KNOW THE TRUTH!

You’ve been researching for almost an hour... only a few hours left until we know the truth!
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