How will they rule ??!

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And the Republicans will block it until we end with a wishy-washy political idiot who is essentially there only to validate the legislator, regardless of the Constitution i.e. Roberts
"Following the constitution" means not making stuff up out of thin air to push through abortion or gay marriage. At least with Citizens United you could at least derive freedom of speech out of it. But the first two - what the hell?

Roe v. Wade is not a crowning achievement is judicial restraint, sure, but the gay marriage case was not that hard if you're anything but an originalist re: constitutional amendments, and originalism has a host of issues, the main one being originalism tends to be what the justice wants it to be (which makes it weird, maybe inconsistent, that Scalia was such big textualist when it came to statutes).

It used to be like that. Ginsburg was suggested by Orrin f*cking Hatch and was confirmed by a 96-3 vote.

RBG was eminently qualified and getting her through now would take months. Same for Scalia. Different times.
Obviously not. We've had courts uphold slavery. I'm speaking of the "modern" courts

Sorry, hadn't finished that part before posting. Obama as a SCOTUS justice (which isn't happening) would be the least qualified justice since... a while. Kagan was at least solicitor general for a bit and clerked at the circuit court and SCOTUS level. But, yeah, historically there were some appointments that would make us lol today.
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Trump is acting like a spoiled little brat kid. He's totally disruptive and immature in his actions. Unless he can get control over himself, they should take him off the stage.
at least this debate looks and feels like an actual, you know, debate.

get carson off that stage ASAP and let's get down to business.
It being the responsibility of the sitting president and all.

Only republicans would imagine it being a controversy that the president fill a supreme court eleven months before leaving office. Somehow I don't see McConnell not voting if his seat was up for election this year. Maybe Obama can nominate a justice who wants to prevent coal miners from getting pensions. Then McConnell would push it through just to screw over poor Kentuckians.

McConnell not bailing out a mismanaged union doesn't equate to screwing over coalminers. Matt Jones was silly for suggesting it, and you're silly for repeating it.
Turkish artillery opening fire on Kurdish and Syrian positions now in a significant escalation
Numerous reports of Saudi warplanes being moved into Turkey as well and another 'escalation' coming tomorrow --- Looks like there may be either massive airstrikes on the way from Turkey / Saudi forces and/or ground troops going in as well

Big question will be how Russia responds

This is the kind of thing that leads to major regional conflicts
his contempt for vulnerable people was f--king visceral and he was for executing both minors and the mentally retarded

but i owe it to wayne dougan to pretend to be upset at this bloated opus dei freak's passing
As someone who wasn't going to vote, this is the kind of thing that can get me to the booth.

With RBG going out, the thought of filling two seats with conservatives is a bit much. I'd rather not return to the Wild West or boost sales of coat hangers.
2016 Senate elections:

34 seats up for election
-- 24 of the 34 are currently occupied by Republicans
-- Only 13 of the 34 are considered to be in play
-> only TWO of those 13 are currently occupied by Democrats (Colorado and Nevada)

"In Play" seats in blue/purple states that the GOP is having to defend:
New Hampshire
Let's just say, for fun, that we don't care how people respond and we just pull out of the ME 100% and wash our hands of the situation.

Then what? Seriously who gives a damn! Get out of there and don't let those sick 3rd world folks near us.

I don't mean to sound scared or racist but let's fix America for a little while and then worry about the world.
Klee vs Kandinsky study. Absolutely you're right.

very interesting. Took some time to reflect after reading. Made me think of two things. The social formation of the global warming / climate change community and their propensity to ostracize dissention. And two, the manner in which young children rank and file - develop meanness at early ages toward other children that don't fit in. My own grandchildren are bad about this. I was right. Your understanding of such subjects makes mine out to be the raw skilled novice that it is. Thanks very much for sharing
his contempt for vulnerable people was f--king visceral and he was for executing both minors and the mentally retarded

but i owe it to wayne dougan to pretend to be upset at this bloated opus dei freak's passing

First of all, if a minor or "mentally retarded person" has the wits to kill someone in cold blood, it only stands that he should face the death sentence.
It's sad the the SCOTUS has become political. They are supposed to follow the constitution not their personal political beliefs. Shouldn't matter who appoints them.
Then Scalia is probably your guy. He had an abiding philosophy - what did the words in the text mean to the people who passed the law? That is a standard that he held to, irrespective of the outcome it leads to. So, for example, he held that burning the American flag - certainly an act he found personally repugnant - was an expression protected by the first amendment. Contrast that with those who view the Constitution a a "living document", which means that it means whatever a majority says it means. And that leads to, as an example, a constitutional right to privacy that is found no where in the constitution, and somehow went unnoticed for nearly 200 years. Then, out of the blue, a group of justices in the 60s "found" that right. Look!! Right there!! It's right there! Even if you agree with some of those results, the dangers of giving any majority - here, 5 justices out of 9 - the power to rule any way they want should be obvious.....
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It's pretty disconcerting to already be resigned to the fact that no one who respects the actual language of the Constitution has even a modicum of a chance of even being mentioned as a possibility

What's ironic. Scalia was prolly the best at the language of the Constitution
very interesting. Took some time to reflect after reading. Made me think of two things. The social formation of the global warming / climate change community and their propensity to ostracize dissention. And two, the manner in which young children rank and file - develop meanness at early ages toward other children that don't fit in. My own grandchildren are bad about this. I was right. Your understanding of such subjects makes mine out to be the raw skilled novice that it is. Thanks very much for sharing

Man, your stuff on taxes has made me think too. More about how to be a better saver of money and how to appreciate it.
Welp, I made a few posts about next prez having to fill a few SCOTUS postions. But no one listened to dumb ass Willy. Nope. Just GD idiot.

Gonna let you Repubs and Dems fight it out. While nurturing a plant, one of ya shits on it, the other pisses on it and then blames each other for effing it up.

Burn in Hell. I'll be dancing with Darren Moscoe you MF'ers
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Yeah you dick licks are gonna dipsy-do right up to your voting booth. Prolly banter in line "about how much America needs to change" or "that effing Trump racist POS". Yeah, go on. You miserable twats. Vote in another POS and then in 2020 we'll be here dickering again. Nothing changes.

PS. Don't forget your political bumper stickers so you can show who's boss. HMMPF!
Gonna post something that absolutely carries no weight.

You pussies. Don't come crying to us Libertarians for our votes. Jack offs. Once ya'll ruin this place, you'll be beggin for us to come save you. Well, tough f***** didley doo, lick my balls and my stool. We ain't gonna bail you out Nope, kiss my ass. I remember when this country was awesome. Back when the Native Americans were running the show c*** suckers

Edit: The more I think about it. I hate your families for generational voting. Hate mine too. Wish I could go back and stick my fist in every family member's anus. GD Aunt Patty screw you too. Hated her.

You know you damn Repubs and Dems have worked together to screw us. No bill gets passed other than Obamacare, you Repub and Dem have needed signatures for everything else. Ya'll effed us. Then try to blow out our ass with your garbage media. GD families giving birth to future voters. effing hate you
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It should be said that if the senate stalls, it could cost them majority. Dems are down 5. More importantly, there's a gap between when we change presidents and when we change congresses. Sonic the Senate stalls and loses those seats (or even ties, as VP has the tie breaker), there will be a small gap where Obama can push through his nominee. This is a very delicate situation for conservatives. If they don't play this right, they'll probably get blasted in November, especially if Obama nominates Sri, someone who is legitimate friends with Ted Cruz and was unanimously pushed through in 2013.
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Gonna post something that absolutely carries no weight.

You pussies. Don't come crying to us Libertarians for our votes. Jack offs. Once ya'll ruin this place, you'll be beggin for us to come save you. Well, tough f***** didley doo, lick my balls and my stool. We ain't gonna bail you out Nope, kiss my ass. I remember when this country was awesome. Back when the Native Americans were running the show c*** suckers

Edit: The more I think about it. I hate your families for generational voting. Hate mine too. Wish I could go back and stick my fist in every family member's anus. GD Aunt Patty screw you too. Hated her.

You know you damn Repubs and Dems have worked together to screw us. No bill gets passed other than Obamacare, you Repub and Dem have needed signatures for everything else. Ya'll effed us. Then try to blow out our ass with your garbage media. GD families giving birth to future voters. effing hate you

IPA? Stout?
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RBG will be 83 soon but Anthony Kennedy will be 80 and Breyer will be 78 before the next president is elected. The next president will surely get 2 nominees. Obama already has 2 so this would give him a 3rd.
Today's bluster aside, McConnell is in a quandary here. If they stone-cold cockblock Obama all year and end up losing the Senate (very possible), they could end up watching an extremely liberal Justice appointed once the next congress takes office.

If they negotiate towards a moderately-liberal appointment this spring, they might avoid another RBG and instead compromise on a Kennedy
huh? What? There is no quandary, Obama doesn't get to fill this slot, period, no negotiations no bargaining. Price the left pays for him ruling for 7 years without compromising or negotiating, price they pay for blocking gwb judges like Estrada and Owens.

Liberals can and will do their best to force it but it will not happen. Their threats are toothless, gop would lose more base votes in nov allowing another Obama pick on the court than they would gain allowing it to happen.
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huh? What? There is no quandary, Obama doesn't get to fill this slot, period, no negotiations no bargaining. Price the left pays for him ruling for 7 years without compromising or negotiating, price they pay for blocking gwb judges like Estrada and Owens.

Liberals can and will do their best to force it but it will not happen. Their threats are toothless, gop would lose more base votes in nov allowing another Obama pick on the court than they would gain allowing it to happen.
Yea, all you so called conservatives...

When you don't like the actual rules of government, ignore them!

Pretty much par for the course.

Not a Christian? Let the government make you one! Always wanting the government to do things for you!

(See how hyperbole works)
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Yea, all you so called conservatives...

When you don't like the actual rules of government, ignore them!

Pretty much par for the course.

Not a Christian? Let the government make you one! Always wanting the government to do things for you!

(See how hyperbole works)

You can actually say that about almost all politicians.
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huh? What? There is no quandary, Obama doesn't get to fill this slot, period, no negotiations no bargaining. Price the left pays for him ruling for 7 years without compromising or negotiating, price they pay for blocking gwb judges like Estrada and Owens.

Liberals can and will do their best to force it but it will not happen. Their threats are toothless, gop would lose more base votes in nov allowing another Obama pick on the court than they would gain allowing it to happen.
So they should block any/all Obama nominees even if it significantly raises the risk of a far left justice being confirmed by the new Senate next year? Seems about as logical as Cruz' government shutdown theatrics.