How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Because Americans are dumb & lazy and don't understand how our systems work. Trump is a complete buffoon and is absolutely terrible at pushing through policy. Bevin is still a buffoon but is actually very effective at pushing through his policies. Look at Kansas, the GOP took completely over and knew exactly what they wanted to do and reshaped the entire state. To bad they reshaped it into an economic shithole. State governments get a lot more done much faster but can also crash & burn a lot faster. Or look at California, the Dems took back complete control and fixed a gigantic budget problem and exploded the economy while also passing a ton of really stupid regulatory laws.
California is bankrupt bub

Also, Detroit still is a dem utopia

Also, Connecticut bankrupt bc dems

Also, NYC has flooding subways and broken trains...bc democrats

Illinois...bankrupt bc democrats
Is this guy a fricken moron?

Dems fixed california budget? They're expected near a 2 billion deficit.

Not to mention the pension fund is almost 20 billion in the red.. and they're going bankrupt... but by god, platimumdouche is thrilled and slurping the Ds because they pretended to have a balanced budget for 4 years. Lol

they have a budget of 200billion so 2bil for one year is nothing. they are projected for a 20billions surplus over 10 years. before Brown they had a 30billion deficit

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Also, new reports out tonight that Comey leaked his memos to two other people other than his friend. He testified under oath that he only leaked to his friend.

Plus, it was exposed that Comey's friend had special government employee status at the FBI, given to him by Comey himself. Another fact that he hid from Congress while under oath.

How many times has this guy perjured himself?
Because Americans are dumb & lazy and don't understand how our systems work. Trump is a complete buffoon and is absolutely terrible at pushing through policy. Bevin is still a buffoon but is actually very effective at pushing through his policies. Look at Kansas, the GOP took completely over and knew exactly what they wanted to do and reshaped the entire state. To bad they reshaped it into an economic shithole. State governments get a lot more done much faster but can also crash & burn a lot faster. Or look at California, the Dems took back complete control and fixed a gigantic budget problem and exploded the economy while also passing a ton of really stupid regulatory laws.

Demcrats are racist as hell. Dems are scared man. Our black American brothers and sisters are waking up to the fact that the dems have used them as slaves for votes. Dems are awful people.

Anytime a black person tries to better themselves on their own or doesn’t think Dems are their saviors, they’re labeled as crazy and racist against their own. Hell, BLM won’t claim a black man that’s a cop. He’s called blue and not black. In their minds you’re only black if you think you’re a victim and cry racism at every turn. And in turn these are the people Dems target to be their base. The easily used and manipulated. It’s disgusting.
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Facebook admits it did not read terms of the app that harvested data of 87 million.

- "We did not read all of the terms and conditions," CTO Mike Schroepfer told U.K. lawmakers at a parliamentary committee hearing.
- Schroepfer said that Facebook did not notify the U.K.'s data protection watchdog after it learned of the sharing of data with Cambridge Analytica.
- He said it was a "mistake" that Facebook hadn't notified users of the data leak earlier than it did.

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Comey may in fact be crazy. If that guy believes all the BS coming out of his own mouth, he is literally insane.

Though I guess he needs to do all these appearances. He's going to be spending a lot of money in legal fees in the coming years.
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Comey may in fact be crazy. If that guy believes all the BS coming out of his own mouth, he is literally insane.

Though I guess he needs to do all these appearances. He's going to be spending a lot of money in legal fees in the coming years.

How the hell did that guy ever get to be the head of the FBI? That guy is in love with himself, a habitual liar and crazy corrupt yet he's now adored by the media. That is so effed up beyond belief. I've never seen a guy more desperate for attention.

He's lucky that we now operate in a never-ending red tape of where there's no accountability for these types because not too long ago, he would be executed for treason and rightfully so.
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Lol Cuomo and his order. Knowing good and well he has no authority at all over ice.

They should double ice enforcement there now.

Moves like this show that Dem leaders are intent on pushing for a major blow up.

For the last 24 years, they are used to having control or having the Republicans bend to their will. Trump isn’t doing that, and now we’re seeing how Dems and their leaders act when they can’t get everything they want.
Just in case anyone is keeping score at home of who the supposed "good guys" are
- The ones who want the government in charge of your life
- The ones who defend corruption and are mouthpieces for deep state intel agencies and political parties
- The ones who have social media tech companies, mainstream media publications and political parties colluding with each other
- The ones who ignored Antifa and then called them heroes and compared them to WWII soldiers when they got the spotlight
- The ones who try to silence speech and then think it's okay to assault you over it
- The ones who demand you fund the murdering of babies in the womb
- The ones who refuse to enforce the law and push for an invasion of the country and population replacement
- The ones who try to destroy you for stepping out of line if you don't participate in their groupthink
- The ones who want to disarm you
- The ones who want to take the money you worked for and redistribute it to pieces of sh.t for votes

You're no good guys.
For the last 24 years, they are used to having control or having the Republicans bend to their will. Trump isn’t doing that, and now we’re seeing how Dems and their leaders act when they can’t get everything they want.

There's a ton of Republicans who have no business calling themselves Republicans. They're no different from Democrats.

The jig is up though. Look at what has occurred when an outsider came in and couldn't be controlled. It's a total meltdown. When have you ever seen such open insanity and disgard for the law?
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Jobs half of what was expected and they revised last month down 50k jobs. Stock market on track before the midterms to go almost back to where it started when Trump took office. His approval is starting to backslide again, still hasn't even broken 50%. Ya, GOP gonna get prison raped in Nov. Stock market and jobs were literally the only thing Trump had to gloat about. He loses those and he's just a sad cheeto in a big chair. He can't even tweet about Rasmussen anymore since it is dropping. His new plan is try to distract everyone with the national guard. Someone should let him know that when Bush & Obama did the same thing it was overall negative for them. It's not their job, border crossings are already low, and its absurdly expensive to use the Guard on the border.

What layoffs? U.S. jobless claims fall to lowest level since 1969.

#MAGA. :americanflag:
There's a ton of Republicans who have no business calling themselves Republicans. They're no different from Democrats.

The jig is up though. Look at what has occurred when an outsider came in and couldn't be controlled. It's a total meltdown. When have you ever seen such open insanity and disgard for the law?

That’s the biggest issue. You can’t find a Democrat who might as well be a Republican. If you’re a Democrat, you’re lock step with the rest.

That’s exactly why I’m an independent. Republicans often say what they have to say to get votes and then go and pull a 180 after they’re voted in.

Makes me shudder to think where we’d be if Hillary had won.
That’s the biggest issue. You can’t find a Democrat who might as well be a Republican. If you’re a Democrat, you’re lock step with the rest.

That’s exactly why I’m an independent. Republicans often say what they have to say to get votes and then go and pull a 180 after they’re voted in.

Makes me shudder to think where we’d be if Hillary had won.

If Hillary had won, plenty of us would have been trying to seek out places to move to. Republicans wouldn't have had the backbone to stop her. She would have had the SCOTUS, which meant the 2A was on the table and they would have imported millions of Muslims and Mexicans within a month. Think about all of the stuff we know about right now simply because Trump got the White House. You think any of the Comey, DNC, FBI stuff comes out if Hillary won? Nope.
That’s the biggest issue. You can’t find a Democrat who might as well be a Republican. If you’re a Democrat, you’re lock step with the rest.

That’s exactly why I’m an independent. Republicans often say what they have to say to get votes and then go and pull a 180 after they’re voted in.

Makes me shudder to think where we’d be if Hillary had won.

It's interesting how quickly things have changed. I've never seen anything like the Dem Party's radical shift to far left. They used to at least pretend to give a crap about American interest, the working class, patriotism, and not even 10 years ago, they weren't collectively on the trans/LGBT crap/gay marriage stuff. Obama wouldn't even agree with it until before the 2012 election.

Now, if you think transgender is a mental illness, want to keep more of the money you worked for, don't want open borders, back the constitution and 2A, put America first, see a huge issue with Islam and believe every person is capable of achieving what they want and are responsible for their own actions= "Nazi" bigot.
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It's interesting how quickly things have changed. I've never seen anything like the Dem Party's radical shift to far left. They used to at least pretend to give a crap about American interest, the working class, patriotism, and not even 10 years ago, they weren't collectively on the trans/LGBT crap/gay marriage stuff. Obama wouldn't even agree with it until before the 2012 election.

Now, if you think transgender is a mental illness, want to keep more of the money you worked for, don't want open borders, back the constitution and 2A, put America first, see a huge issue with Islam and believe every person is capable of achieving what they want and are responsible for their own actions= "Nazi" bigot.

Alright, so I've openly said on this site that I consider myself a sane democrat. @PhattyJ4UK has tried to tell me I'm actually not a democrat. Wildcat and ymmot have labeled me a radical leftist. @Mashburned thinks I am a bot. So someone tell me what I am based on the below.

  • I'm pro choice but not pro late term abortions - first trimester is probably where I would limit it if I was making that call
  • I'm an atheist
  • I think there are 2 genders, period
  • I don't care what consenting adults do in the bedroom
  • I'm indifferent to guns. I don't own any but don't care how many any law abiding citizens want to own
  • I think our military should keep their noses out of places they don't belong
  • I think Islam is incompatible with western culture
  • I want to pay less taxes
  • I think healthcare should be affordable and accessible
  • As a legal immigrant that went through the process, I think anyone who wants to immigrate to the US should have to follow that process
  • I think @Willy4UK is a sexy bastard
Alright, so I've openly said on this site that I consider myself a sane democrat. @PhattyJ4UK has tried to tell me I'm actually not a democrat. Wildcat and ymmot have labeled me a radical leftist. @Mashburned thinks I am a bot. So someone tell me what I am based on the below.

  • I'm pro choice but not pro late term abortions - first trimester is probably where I would limit it if I was making that call
  • I'm an atheist
  • I think there are 2 genders, period
  • I don't care what consenting adults do in the bedroom
  • I'm indifferent to guns. I don't own any but don't care how many any law abiding citizens want to own
  • I think our military should keep their noses out of places they don't belong
  • I think Islam is incompatible with western culture
  • I want to pay less taxes
  • I think healthcare should be affordable and accessible
  • As a legal immigrant that went through the process, I think anyone who wants to immigrate to the US should have to follow that process
  • I think @Willy4UK is a sexy bastard

Clearly you’re a robot programmed to be an insane left wing radical democrat with modern democrat tendencies that happens to not be a democract at all sometimes.

The bold part makes you gay.
Alright, so I've openly said on this site that I consider myself a sane democrat. @PhattyJ4UK has tried to tell me I'm actually not a democrat. Wildcat and ymmot have labeled me a radical leftist. @Mashburned thinks I am a bot. So someone tell me what I am based on the below.

  • I'm pro choice but not pro late term abortions - first trimester is probably where I would limit it if I was making that call
  • I'm an atheist
  • I think there are 2 genders, period
  • I don't care what consenting adults do in the bedroom
  • I'm indifferent to guns. I don't own any but don't care how many any law abiding citizens want to own
  • I think our military should keep their noses out of places they don't belong
  • I think Islam is incompatible with western culture
  • I want to pay less taxes
  • I think healthcare should be affordable and accessible
  • As a legal immigrant that went through the process, I think anyone who wants to immigrate to the US should have to follow that process
  • I think @Willy4UK is a sexy bastard

Your positions on issues give insight but the intensity of those issues are just as important. For instance, with some people the abortion issue is everything. They will not vote for someone who isn't in agreement on that issue even if all other issues are closely aligned. So which of those positions you listed are most important to you?
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Your positions on issues give insight but the intensity of those issues are just as important. For instance, I don't understand people for whom the abortion issue is everything. They will not vote for someone who isn't in agreement on that issue even if all other issues are closely aligned. So which of those positions you listed are most important to you?

Agree with you about single issue voting - from my chair, I don't see Roe v Wade ever being overturned. I side with Trump there in believing that it's settled law - as such, voting democrat simply because you are pro choice is a silly position to take IMO (and vice versa for the other side of that argument.)

My top 2 priorities are probably healthcare and education. As someone who grew up in Canada, I don't think single payer is the solution, but there has to be some middle ground. My wife went through cancer treatment in 2016/2017 and thankfully we have good insurance, because it was well into the 6 figures.

Based on what I see, our education system needs an overhaul. I have a son in 9th grade who is not good at math. In interacting with his teacher about his grades, I was informed that "most of the class is failing so they will get an opportunity to reassess." To me, that's a terrible reflection on the teacher and/or curriculum.
Alright, so I've openly said on this site that I consider myself a sane democrat. @PhattyJ4UK has tried to tell me I'm actually not a democrat. Wildcat and ymmot have labeled me a radical leftist. @Mashburned thinks I am a bot. So someone tell me what I am based on the below.

  • I'm pro choice but not pro late term abortions - first trimester is probably where I would limit it if I was making that call
  • I'm an atheist
  • I think there are 2 genders, period
  • I don't care what consenting adults do in the bedroom
  • I'm indifferent to guns. I don't own any but don't care how many any law abiding citizens want to own
  • I think our military should keep their noses out of places they don't belong
  • I think Islam is incompatible with western culture
  • I want to pay less taxes
  • I think healthcare should be affordable and accessible
  • As a legal immigrant that went through the process, I think anyone who wants to immigrate to the US should have to follow that process
  • I think @Willy4UK is a sexy bastard

Probably an independent like many of us here. It's becoming increasingly more unreasonable though to label anyone's overall political view. So many, myself included, vary depending on the issue.
As someone who grew up in Canada, I don't think single payer is the solution, but there has to be some middle ground. My wife went through cancer treatment in 2016/2017 and thankfully we have good insurance, because it was well into the 6 figures.

To drive prices down while maintaining quality there needs be more competition. Government involvement drastically reduces quality while having minimal impact on price.

Hate to hear about your wife. Really you were in the best place in the world to handle such a health event. Access to the best treatment available at the fastest availability.
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