How will they rule ??!

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This board is a terrible representation of reality, so there’s that. I never talk about politics or hear anyone talking about politics in the real world. Most people just don’t care. Obviously people talk about it during presidential election cycles, but most people would rather talk about important things like their families, sports, etc. I spend probably 300 hours on a golf course every year with people who are almost exclusively conservative Republicans and we spend zero minutes talking about politics.

Short answer, you can tendencies and beliefs that fall on either side of the middle line and still be logical. If you’re on the hardcore fringe of either side, you’re probably an idiot.
They may not talk about it but, they are saturated with anti Trump/American/White fake news all through the day and since they don't talk about it to get a real perspective, it is all they know (AKA, brain washed).
the mercenaries suicided themselves on troops Obama put in Syria and he doesn't want there. He launched missiles at an empty airfield, an empty building, and some empty storage containers. Russia was warned ahead of each strike and laid out acceptable strike areas. And immediately afterward he bows down to Putin and pulls back on any sanctions throwing Nikki Haley under the bus. That'll show em!

Love fantasy liberal drivel. Funny shit
They may not talk about it but, they are saturated with anti Trump/American/White fake news all through the day and since they don't talk about it to get a real perspective, it is all they know (AKA, brain washed).

Only people who choose to be saturated with opinions. I don’t watch cable news. 95% of the tv I watch is live sports.

If someone wants to spend their evenings watching Rachel Maddow and Sean Hannity, they are voluntarily eating up propaganda.
He didn’t say anything about caving to pressure. He said Yeti “sides with far left activist groups and cuts ties with NRA.”

Who are the people harassing/pressuring businesses to boycott the NRA? Not normal folks. Normal folks don't give a shit who they sponsor. His tweet is referring to a very specific group of people. Yeti caved to the far left activists and dropped the NRA, so, by default, they sided with them.

It also implies that anyone who has no ties with the NRA is anti 2A and far left.

No, it doesn't. It implies that the mobs out there harassing business/people, pressuring them to drop the NRA, are the far left activists.
I hope it happens to all of them on the left. I really do.
I think Trumps Syria responses show he's not actually willing to hold anyones feet to the fire, Just put on a big empty show.
Bless your little heart, Platinum. If Obama took any of the actions Trump has, you would be jizzing like a pubescent teen over his power/authority/assertiveness/righteousness.

...of course, if Obama had taken any of the actions Trump has, Syria may not be the huge morass it is now.
Who are the people harassing/pressuring businesses to boycott the NRA? Not normal folks. Normal folks don't give a shit who they sponsor. His tweet is referring to a very specific group of people. Yeti caved to the far left activists and dropped the NRA, so, by default, they sided with them.

No, it doesn't. It implies that the mobs out there harassing business/people, pressuring them to drop the NRA, are the far left activists.

We will agree to disagree. Apparently you either personally know the guy who posted the tweet and asked him what he meant, or you can read minds.

99% of people who spend their day tweeting opinions and retweeting opinions relating to politics are partisan hacks. I’d bet my next paycheck that this guy fits that description to a T.
He didn’t say anything about caving to pressure. He said Yeti “sides with far left activist groups and cuts ties with NRA.”

This implies Yeti is now a far left activist group since they have “sided” with them. It also implies that anyone who has no ties with the NRA is anti 2A and far left. At best it’s worded terribly, at worst the guy who wrote the tweet is a tool (I’ve never heard of him and know nothing about him.)

I own zero Yeti products and refuse to overpay for a product when I can get a comparable product for less. I think their time as a viable company is limited due to competition, unless they decide to drastically lower prices. I don’t think they’re a far left activist group though.
They caved to pressure and sided with the left therefore, they sided with the far left nut jobs. It is really that simple. If anyone does business with you for years and then stops when things get heated against you, you can pretty much sum it up to siding with the enemy which in this case happens to be far left nut job activist. There are no grey areas here, it is nut jobs vs the good guys.
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Apparently you either personally know the guy who posted the tweet and asked him what he meant, or you can read minds.

No, I've been paying attention to what has been going on. Since Parkland, the far left mob has put together a list of all NRA sponsors. They're going to stores protesting, holding "die ins", scaring away customers, etc.... They're calling, emailing, tweeting, Facebook messaging all day, every day.

They are harassing people/business, trying to beat them into submission until they cave and drop the NRA. If a business allows itself to succumb to these tactics, and drops the NRA for no other reason but to satisfy the mob, then they are cowards and, by default, they have chosen a side.
Only people who choose to be saturated with opinions. I don’t watch cable news. 95% of the tv I watch is live sports.

If someone wants to spend their evenings watching Rachel Maddow and Sean Hannity, they are voluntarily eating up propaganda.
Stop trying to be coy or are you really that dumb. Sports shows, morning shows, late night television, award shows, talk shows, reality TV shows, and almost all venues run by liberals (which is a lot) have a lot of negative talk going on all of the time about Trump and the racist right.

P. freaking S. I know you are not that dumb so, stop with the BS.
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To show how moronic Platinumdrgn's take about Trump's work in Syria


The stupidity of the hive-mind left is absolutely jaw dropping.
Stop trying to be coy or are you really that dumb. Sports shows, morning shows, late night television, award shows, talk shows, reality TV shows, and almost all venues run by liberals (which is a lot) have a lot of negative talk going on all of the time about Trump and the racist right.

P. freaking S. I know you are not that dumb so, stop with the BS.

I’ve watched 7 baseball games, 3 NBA games, 5 hockey games and over 7 hours of golf coverage in the last week.

I can count the number of political comments I’ve heard on zero fingers. I don’t watch fox and friends, good morning America, Today, or any other crap morning shows. I don t watch reality TV. My non sports tv consumption consists solely of reruns of Seinfeld, Law & Order, and family guy. So yeah, if one chooses not to listen to propaganda, it ain’t that hard to avoid - I get enough of it on this board :)
Wonder how much longer the media keeps this shooting in the news since its been pretty much confirmed that the killer is a liberal. Gonna guess CNN and MSNBC may throw in some more Stormy coverage tonight.
Guessing that it’s going to be more about the weapon of choice rather then his political leanings. His Father was a gd idiot for giving the guns back to his son.
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I’ve watched 7 baseball games, 3 NBA games, 5 hockey games and over 7 hours of golf coverage in the last week.

I can count the number of political comments I’ve heard on zero fingers. I don’t watch fox and friends, good morning America, Today, or any other crap morning shows. I don t watch reality TV. My non sports tv consumption consists solely of reruns of Seinfeld, Law & Order, and family guy. So yeah, if one chooses not to listen to propaganda, it ain’t that hard to avoid - I get enough of it on this board :)
Then, you are not the norm. This country is being slowly brainwashed by the left at every turn. This board serves as a counter to the fake news and trash. Sure on occasion, we get it wrong but, for the most part and this is seen here every day, lies from the left are debunked regularly here and your post lean left and sometimes echo what libs are saying so....
Then, you are not the norm. This country is being slowly brainwashed by the left at every turn. This board serves as a counter to the fake news and trash. Sure on occasion, we get it wrong but, for the most part and this is seen here every day, lies from the left are debunked regularly here and your post lean left and sometimes echo what libs are saying so....

I’m pretty open minded actually. I was one of those “The sky is falling” people when Trump won the election. In retrospect I was wrong. I lean left on some things and right on others. I respect the opinioms of many posters here. Some are just conduits for partisan garbage who do nothing but repost garbage, but there are plenty of smart people here as well.
I’m pretty open minded actually. I was one of those “The sky is falling” people when Trump won the election. In retrospect I was wrong. I lean left on some things and right on others. I respect the opinioms of many posters here. Some are just conduits for partisan garbage who do nothing but repost garbage, but there are plenty of smart people here as well.
Today's liberal mindset is impossible to maintain and is destructive. When they finally get control, they will turn on each other once they have control of the country. They need adversity to keep control. The mindset of every Dictator/Totalitarian leader in this planets history. Need an enemy to rally the base and to keep them in line. That is the left of today, they have lost their way.
Watching Emmanuel Macron interview on Fox. Gotta admit, I like the guy.

Also reminded me of the Bastille Day thread last year.


The country may not share the same admiration according to some propaganda outlets.

French armed forces chief quits after clash with Emmanuel Macron over budget cuts
'I won't let myself be f***ed like that,' general was reported to have told parliamentary committee.
Wednesday 19 July 2017 08:45 BST

PARIS ERUPTS: Furious scenes on streets of France as 200,000 rally against Macron PUBLISHED: 07:27, Fri, Mar 23, 2018 | UPDATED: 10:19, Fri, Mar 23, 2018
Opinion polls show a paradox: a majority of voters back the strike but an even bigger majority back the reforms, including cutting the number of public sector workers and introducing merit-based pay.
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Apparently you either personally know the guy who posted the tweet and asked him what he meant, or you can read minds.

To be fair, does that not work both ways? You either know him or can read his mind by opining on what he meant. It's just you're arguing the opposite.

They did side with the far left. That doesnt mean they are joining arms with antifa.
I loathe these beta pussies who would be the first ones eaten alive when push come to shove.

So check this- beta male in glasses, with a PhD in Islam who is offended by the joke of a father protecting his daughter with a gun.

How do these people even exist in the real world? I’m more convinced every day that this country should be split up or to fight for it.