How will they rule ??!

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If someone wants to spend their evenings watching Rachel Maddow and Sean Hannity, they are voluntarily eating up propaganda.
This board is a terrible representation of reality, so there’s that. I never talk about politics or hear anyone talking about politics in the real world. Most people just don’t care. Obviously people talk about it during presidential election cycles, but most people would rather talk about important things like their families, sports, etc. I spend probably 300 hours on a golf course every year with people who are almost exclusively conservative Republicans and we spend zero minutes talking about politics.

Short answer, you can tendencies and beliefs that fall on either side of the middle line and still be logical. If you’re on the hardcore fringe of either side, you’re probably an idiot.

You never hear anyone talking politics? You live on the north pole or something? Even then, I am sure those on the land of misfit toys are talking about Trump.

And there is no middle ground at this time....there is Trump, and there is the radical left. Two choices. That's the list. You are on his team, or you're fired...and that is the way he wanted elected because of it...and we are watching the country kick ass as a result of it. No need to try and over-analyze it because if you do, you're probably an idiot.
I loathe these beta pussies who would be the first ones eaten alive when push come to shove.

So check this- beta male in glasses, with a PhD in Islam who is offended by the joke of a father protecting his daughter with a gun.

How do these people even exist in the real world? I’m more convinced every day that this country should be split up or to fight for it.

When his daughter turns 18, I'll bang her and make him watch. If tries to "talk" me out of it. I'll bang him and bitch slap him too.
I loathe these beta pussies who would be the first ones eaten alive when push come to shove.

So check this- beta male in glasses, with a PhD in Islam who is offended by the joke of a father protecting his daughter with a gun.

How do these people even exist in the real world? I’m more convinced every day that this country should be split up or to fight for it.

You say shit like this every day - why don’t you start it? If you’re so sure half the country are crazy, gender confused subhumans, start killing people.
Yesterday in Houston at the Barbara Bush memorial service.

♪♫ one of these things,
is not like the others,
one of these things,
Just doesn't belong ♫♪
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When his daughter turns 18, I'll bang her and make him watch. If tries to "talk" me out of it. I'll bang him and bitch slap him too.
16 is legal in Kentucky. [winking] after I bang his daughter and wipe my dick on his drapes I'll slap his wife on the ass and have her make me a sammich and bring me 3 fingers of his finest scotch. If he wants to offer an insider trading stock tip, I'll listen to him. Otherwise, thanks pal.
16 is legal in Kentucky. [winking] after I bang his daughter and wipe my dick on his drapes I'll slap his wife on the ass and have her make me a sammich and bring me 3 fingers of his finest scotch. If he wants to offer an insider trading stock tip, I'll listen to him. Otherwise, thanks pal.

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The country may not share the same admiration according to some propaganda outlets.

French armed forces chief quits after clash with Emmanuel Macron over budget cuts
'I won't let myself be f***ed like that,' general was reported to have told parliamentary committee.
Wednesday 19 July 2017 08:45 BST

PARIS ERUPTS: Furious scenes on streets of France as 200,000 rally against Macron PUBLISHED: 07:27, Fri, Mar 23, 2018 | UPDATED: 10:19, Fri, Mar 23, 2018
Opinion polls show a paradox: a majority of voters back the strike but an even bigger majority back the reforms, including cutting the number of public sector workers and introducing merit-based pay.

Eh, I dont know enough to judge but if we allowed 200k idiots to shape our opinions... we would hate trump
You say shit like this every day - why don’t you start it? If you’re so sure half the country are crazy, gender confused subhumans, start killing people.
In response to the idiot who was offended by a picture of a father pretending to be ready to defend his daughter. Once again you don't get it. When these pansies decide it is time to do something they will find the road very unfavorable. They live in a very small bubble and are the brain washed type I was posting about earlier. The real world will eat those pansies alive.
Didn't take her long to bow to the mob. Pathetic.

I don’t understand apologizing for something you believe in or would do (short of something like murder, assault, etc.)

On that note, it’s always conservatives apologizing for what they think. Kathy Griffin can post a photo holding Trump’s head... apologize.... then take it back. Kamala Harris can joke about killing Trump and all have a nice belly laugh. Shaniah Twain says she would have voted for Trump and feels the need to say sorry for offending cry babies. The double standards are mind boggling.
I’m pretty open minded actually. I was one of those “The sky is falling” people when Trump won the election. In retrospect I was wrong. I lean left on some things and right on others. I respect the opinioms of many posters here. Some are just conduits for partisan garbage who do nothing but repost garbage, but there are plenty of smart people here as well.
"repost garbage". Borrow an American backbone and name names.
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why doesnt the prostitute belong in the picture?
If you are calling Melania, an immigrant that you so covet, a prostitute, then what do you call the black trans that controls the piece of shit muslim you dared call a president?

I've told you not to respond to me personally, idiot. I'll tell you what you need to know. Pay attention.
I don’t understand apologizing for something you believe in or would do (short of something like murder, assault, etc.)

On that note, it’s always conservatives apologizing for what they think. Kathy Griffin can post a photo holding Trump’s head... apologize.... then take it back. Kamala Harris can joke about killing Trump and all have a nice belly laugh. Shaniah Twain says she would have voted for Trump and feels the need to say sorry for offending cry babies. The double standards are mind boggling.
I hate when people on our side apologize. Its bullshit. The left never apologizes for anything.
If you are calling Melania, an immigrant that you so covet, a prostitute, then what do you call the black trans that controls the piece of shit muslim you dared call a president?

I've told you not to respond to me personally, idiot. I'll tell you what you need to know. Pay attention.


And why are liberals so mentally ill? Cruz was a liberal. The guy in Vegas was a liberal. The guy who tried to kill that Republican senator was a liberal. Bin Laden was a Liberal. Saddam was a liberal. The guy who tried to kill Rand Paul. Liberal.

and this guy...

Dems that kill with AR 15's are martyrs and are lauded by the left. They kill people with AR 15's to further the cause of gun control. It sounds counterintuitive because like any other leftist thought, it is.

Doesn't it seem weird to anyone else that AR's are being used in so many shootings lately? I mean, if I was going to kill a bunch of people at random, I think I would choose one of the multi shot 12 gauge shotguns with 00 buck. That's 9 32 caliber bullets with each pull of the trigger. Much faster than semi auto.

Dems are behind the recent killings and resident idiots like platinum and jameslee are potential puppets.
Isn’t it weird how the timing of these things occur? Like they’re “activated” or something like out of Bourne Identity/Manchurian Candidate.

Weird how Google is shutting my web down because they are liberal.

Look ya'll if I end up dead. It's not because I am sad or an accident. Liberals, especially Hillary Clinton and the Obama gulag have had me murdered. I have done some things to ensure that my murderers have been caught. I have a hangman's code to be given to very well known Trump associates if I die.

I'm not important. But Google and Clinton, Obama are murdering off Trump supporters.
I’m in Costa Rica now but the shat is getting real in nicaaragua. I’m not sure the us media is covering it but it’s about to blow up into an all out civil war. The Sandinista president and Vice President are husband and wife and the people won’t stop til they’re gone. Journalists and students are being slaughtered. Wouldn’t be surprised if USA gets involved fast
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