How will they rule ??!

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Correct. I don't think @rqarnold realizes it went much further than just the YouTube comment.

As you noted, in January, a close relative of Cruz's personally contacted the FBI and was very specific and detailed with them. They literally warned the FBI, telling them that the kid was obsessed with guns, killing small animals, hurting himself, had a desire to kill people and was a grave danger to the public.

No one is saying arrest him on the spot over what someone reported, but the least they could have done was follow up to see if it was credible.
A close relative? Not exactly. An anonymous tip was received on the FBI tip line in W. Va on January 5th. That tip line received 766,888 tips last year or over 2100 per day. There are 150 who work in that call center. My gut tells me that a lot of tips that go there get "mishandled" and that a small percentage of those tips ever get acted upon.


Law enforcement: Broward County sheriff's deputies were called out to the Cruz home about 30 times over the past seven years, according to news reports.

School officials: Other sources reported that school officials used email to warn teachers of Cruz's behavior. One teacher said they were told that Cruz should not be allowed on the school campus with a backpack. Cruz was expelled from Stoneman Douglas High in 2017.

Social workers: An investigator with Florida’s Department of Children and Families learned Cruz was cutting himself in late 2016 after breaking up with his girlfriend. The investigator was “concerned about (Cruz's) talk about wanting to purchase a gun and feeling depressed,” according to the agency’s investigation records.

Health workers: School officials asked Henderson Behavioral Health in Broward County to investigate reports of Cruz had cutting himself and fighting with another student. According to the DCF on Oct. 7, 2016, a school official reported that Henderson had "determined that (Cruz) was not at risk to harm himself or others."

In other words there were many people a lot closer to Cruz than the FBI that had direct contact with him yet you want to center blame on the FBI for missing 2 out of over three quarters of a million tips? Actually only one actionable tip, the first tip in September was researched and they could not determine the source of the comment.

“In 2017, the FBI received information about a comment made on a YouTube channel. No other information was included with that comment which would indicate a time, location or the true identity of the person who made the comment. The FBI conducted database reviews, checks, but was unable to further identify the person who actually made the comment.”

Perhaps some of the people above who also missed on Cruz failed to do what was necessary to get Cruz in the database so that when the FBI searched for information it was there to be found?

Castle, in high school or college, when a teacher would assign a random 20 page paper, you got a stiffy didn't you?


I went into middlesboro a really good student and football player

Then discovered 3 types of tasty fruit all at about the same time

Grades suffered
Quit football

Took up guitar though

Didn’t become a serious student until I started undergrad at community college of Omaha a few years later

THEN quickly discovered that I liked historical research literature and whatnot

Better late than never I guess
A close relative? Not exactly. An anonymous tip was received on the FBI tip line in W. Va on January 5th. That tip line received 766,888 tips last year or over 2100 per day. There are 150 who work in that call center. My gut tells me that a lot of tips that go there get "mishandled" and that a small percentage of those tips ever get acted upon.


Law enforcement: Broward County sheriff's deputies were called out to the Cruz home about 30 times over the past seven years, according to news reports.

School officials: Other sources reported that school officials used email to warn teachers of Cruz's behavior. One teacher said they were told that Cruz should not be allowed on the school campus with a backpack. Cruz was expelled from Stoneman Douglas High in 2017.

Social workers: An investigator with Florida’s Department of Children and Families learned Cruz was cutting himself in late 2016 after breaking up with his girlfriend. The investigator was “concerned about (Cruz's) talk about wanting to purchase a gun and feeling depressed,” according to the agency’s investigation records.

Health workers: School officials asked Henderson Behavioral Health in Broward County to investigate reports of Cruz had cutting himself and fighting with another student. According to the DCF on Oct. 7, 2016, a school official reported that Henderson had "determined that (Cruz) was not at risk to harm himself or others."

In other words there were many people a lot closer to Cruz than the FBI that had direct contact with him yet you want to center blame on the FBI for missing 2 out of over three quarters of a million tips? Actually only one actionable tip, the first tip in September was researched and they could not determine the source of the comment.

“In 2017, the FBI received information about a comment made on a YouTube channel. No other information was included with that comment which would indicate a time, location or the true identity of the person who made the comment. The FBI conducted database reviews, checks, but was unable to further identify the person who actually made the comment.”

Perhaps some of the people above who also missed on Cruz failed to do what was necessary to get Cruz in the database so that when the FBI searched for information it was there to be found?

The FBI dropped the ball, to act as if they didn’t is absurd.
I understand they get a ton of calls, but when you’re warned for the second time, that a kid has threatened to shoot up a school, and then that kid shoots up a school, and you didn’t even send out a feeler, you screwed up.

You’re absolutely correct about your other assessments, they all screwed up too. The difference is they didn’t blow off 2 warnings.

It’s a tragedy, the whole situation is, I feel for everyone involved.
A close relative?

Yes, according to most every report, the tipster was a close relative/friend. He had a very limited number of people in his personal orbit. The tipster knew things, very personal things, things that only someone very close to him would know.


As for everything that followed after this, how does any of it back up your original claim of...

Second amendment folks worried about a slippery slope with regards to banning any weapons yet you’re ok with making exceptions with regard to due process. Guess you aren’t worried about THAT slippery slope?
Castle would not only have written his 20 page paper the first night the assignment was given but probably offered to write a few classmates papers as well. The teacher (no doubt at least a mild marxist) while grading the papers would have been overwhelmed with the anti-communist stance in several of the papers.

But what about The Great Lakes...and yet a handful of her students a rebuke of the giant evils of communism past and present

Hahaha — I just shared this with my wife

You just lobbed a little happiness all the way into our living room.....mister
Hahaha — I just shared this with my wife

You just lobbed a little happiness all the way into our living room.....mister

Your reply cut out half the final paragraph which is the best part. The original message in full was my best catsillustrated paddock work of the day.

Glad Mrs. Castle liked it. I trust she hasn’t the slightest affection for Marxism or Communism.
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Enforcing laws about guns that are already on the books would be a really good start. The guy that shot up the church in Texas should not have been able to purchase a gun. If the laws were enforced properly he wouldn't have had the gun he did.
But don't we have to figure that into our thinking? Background checks are only as good as the data in the database that is searched. People have to enter that data which is a source for errors and omissions. Databases from each locality have to be connected...another potential disconnect.

If you are dependent upon data searches to keep us safe then you're going to miss and miss a lot.
The FBI dropped the ball, to act as if they didn’t is absurd.
I understand they get a ton of calls, but when you’re warned for the second time, that a kid has threatened to shoot up a school, and then that kid shoots up a school, and you didn’t even send out a feeler, you screwed up.

You’re absolutely correct about your other assessments, they all screwed up too. The difference is they didn’t blow off 2 warnings.

It’s a tragedy, the whole situation is, I feel for everyone involved.
Didn't blow off 2 warnings? Try 30!

I never said they didn't drop the ball, I said there were many people much closer to the situation that had direct contact and the ability to act. In a list of responsible parties they would be at about the end of that list.
But don't we have to figure that into our thinking? Background checks are only as good as the data in the database that is searched. People have to enter that data which is a source for errors and omissions. Databases from each locality have to be connected...another potential disconnect.

If you are dependent upon data searches to keep us safe then you're going to miss and miss a lot.

but see, idiots like you and your alter ego are dependent on the almighty government to keep us safe. just keep passing more laws and let the gubment have more power, that will work. criminals will obey the new laws better than the old ones.
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That's a lib thing too. They were largely behind the idea/movement that just because you're unstable that you don't need to be locked up because you have rights too. Net, far fewer in mental institutions today than 30-50 years ago.
Since I wrote this heard that we have 1/1000 in institutions vs. 60 years ago.
but see, idiots like you and your alter ego are dependent on the almighty government to keep us safe. just keep passing more laws and let the gubment have more power, that will work. criminals will obey the new laws better than the old ones.
Why don't criminals have RPGs? Seems to Steven Paddock had wanted to do some real damage he would have stocked his arsenal with RPGs, maybe a .50 caliber... but we don't sell those things to civilians, do we?
You don't much need to worry about what criminals can get if law abiding civilians can't get them either. Less you forget that all of the recent school shooters obtained their weapons legally.
So how are the kids getting into the school?

Bill, my mother was a teacher, my wife and daughter are teachers. The doors are locked at my wife and daughter's schools. My wife will call me and ask me to bring something to her school. Her room is in the back of the school so I drive around go up to the locked door and knock...some kid, teacher or parent in the school comes and opens the door...every time.

But let's say I want to shoot up the school...I don't have to get in, I can just wait until 3:40 when the school bell rings and wait for them to come to me en mass as they leave for the day. Or if it's an elementary school I wait for recess and get them in the school yard.

Whatever defensive measure you want to take I can adapt and still accomplish the mission if I'm allowed to carry enough offensive firepower.

The fact that so manynof your type. Or the type that can stand your arrogant petulant ass are educating out youth is a big part of the problem.

Is this person (who I’ve neber heard of) saying the students and media knew about this shooting beforehand and as such had this all set up already?

Alex Jones is hiring.

Bra, you're always looking for the bogey man. Only a partisan liberal could take that from that tweet. Come on, I thought we were making progress.
Didn't blow off 2 warnings? Try 30!

I never said they didn't drop the ball, I said there were many people much closer to the situation that had direct contact and the ability to act. In a list of responsible parties they would be at about the end of that list.

They were the only ones that we know of that were told directly that he was a threat to shoot up a school.

"Flashback: CNN and MSNBC Helped Russia Sow Discord by Promoting Fake Anti-Trump Rally"
One of the revelations in Friday’s indictment handed down by Special Counsel Robert Mueller was that alleged Russian attempts to sow disunity in 2016 included the organization of both pro- and anti-Trump rallies in New York City on the Saturday after Election Day.

A check of their November 12 coverage showed both CNN and MSNBC gave enthusiastic coverage to the Russian-organized anti-Trump rally that day, with live reports every hour. Correspondents celebrated the idea that it was “a love rally,” and repeated the marchers’ anti-Trump mantras, such as: “We reject the President-elect.”"

No, Russian Bots Are NOT Pushing Pro-Gun Messages After Florida School Shooting

The Florida massacre and Russian bots came together in a CNN article today, "Russian bots promote pro-gun messages after Florida school shooting." There’s just one problem: the data that CNN cites do not support their claim.

Like so many stories recently about what Russian bots are allegedly up to online, CNN cited the Hamilton68 dashboard to claim that Russian bots are promoting "hashtags and topics related to the shooting," including "#falseflag, #fbi, #gunreformnow, #fbigate, #parklandschoolshooting, the name of the shooter -- Nikolas Cruz -- and Florida."

So, I headed over to Hamilton68 to check it out. What I found was that these topics and hashtags were not, in fact, leading the lists of top or trending hashtags and topics on the dashboard.

CNN also cited a similar dashboard at Interestingly, they only cite the two-word frequency data from this dashboard, not the hashtags data. The two-word frequency data does show some of the topics CNN identified as being used by the supposed propaganda bots that tracks. It is a different story with the hashtags, however, where only #guncontrol makes the list.

Finally, there’s the issue of claiming that the messages being pushed are "pro-gun." Just looking at the topics and hashtags used does not tell us what the content of the tweets contains and certainly does not reveal that they are mostly "pro-gun." Some of them, like #gunreformnow and #guncontrol, which were most popular, seem more likely to have been anti-gun.

We need to be concerned about Russian cyber interference and we need to respond. Both of those were confirmed for us today with DOJ’s indictments. There are nefarious actors up to no good on social media. They should be held accountable. Today we took an important first step in that direction.

However, we must resist the urge to see Russian bots around every corner and under every bed. Hamilton68 and other tools like it can provide valuable insight, but only if we interpret them properly. They can also be used to draw conclusions that their data do not or cannot support. This can have serious consequences, especially when policymakers rely on news reports about this data to call for social media platforms to investigate and censor users.
I don't know shit about guns. That's why I don't own one. I don't have the knowledge, information or education to properly handle a gun and I know that. I've shot a gun less than 10 times in my life and they were all supervised under the watch of a licensed professional. The far left seems to think that guns can sprout arms and legs and literally kill people on their own. While the far right thinks they need to pack a grenade launcher in their home in the event that a house burglar comes calling one night. I don't ever think we'll reach the point where all firearms are removed from the general public. A base percentage of our culture is far too passionate about guns to allow that to happen. I have friends with CCLs. I hang out with people who have an entire safe full of hunting rifles and handguns. However I don't know anyone (at least I don't think I do) who owns an automatic, semi-automatic, AR-15 or any sort of assault rifle. At least no one I know who wasn't in the military and trained with one as part of their daily function.

My question to those of you who are knowledgeable about guns and firearms is why would anyone need such a powerful assault rifle? For a licensed gun owner, aside from general appeal to collect such heavy duty weapons, what is the basic need to have an automatic assault rifle available to the general public?

This is not a trolling post, I am genuinely interested to get feedback from people who are more informed than me regarding firearms and why there is a need to have weapons like the AR-15 available to anyone who (ideally) follows the proper steps to obtain one.

Well, since no one else properly addressed your fake news

You can't go buy an automatic weapon there's roughly half a million in existence because they were owned prior to the 1982? Ban of automatic weapons.

There's actually not anythin specified as an assault rifle. The AR15 uses a .223 round. For comparison, a very commkin handgun uses a .45. An AR comes with a 30 round magazine. Some pistols hold up to 23. It takes more time to switch magazines on a rifle than a pistol. Pistols are better close quarter weapons. Hell, a couple shotguns would do insane damage.

An AR is fired at the same rate as almost any handgun. All rifles are responsible for roughly 300 of the over 8000 gun deaths a year . You're 18 times more likely to be killed by a knife or hands than a rifle.

When you want to troll next time, get your facts right .
They were the only ones that we know of that were told directly that he was a threat to shoot up a school.

Not remotely true. His school knew, the entire school, students, etc. He was banned from carrying a backpack before he was eventually expelled.

Point is, it’s a joke the media is only questioning the FBI when local sheriff, school district, students, parents, etc knew what he was capable of. Sheriff, child services and some other group knew he cut himself on Snapchat and threatened to shoot us thr school. There was some sort of evaluation by child’s services and they concluded he was fine.
Man, rqarnold and fuzz aren't even trying to hide that they're the same person anymore. Literally have the exact same opinion and are literally finishing arguments for themself.

What kind of grown ass adult has time to do that?
Not remotely true. His school knew, the entire school, students, etc. He was banned from carrying a backpack before he was eventually expelled.

Point is, it’s a joke the media is only questioning the FBI when local sheriff, school district, students, parents, etc knew what he was capable of. Sheriff, child services and some other group knew he cut himself on Snapchat and threatened to shoot us thr school. There was some sort of evaluation by child’s services and they concluded he was fine.

Child services visited his parents, to see if they were properly caring for him.

The students did know he was a threat, and as I posted earlier the school surely knew for the reason you posted.
My point on the FBI was mainly due to the conversation I had with Fuzz earlier where he simply blew off their responsibility in not even making a call.

There was a monumental f*ck up on all parties you mentioned.
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I know most of you are soulless gun nuts but a few of you may have hearts. My wife teaches 5th grade so I have to hear about teachers having heart attacks every time an alarm goes off every week. This is what teachers are dealing with now because we can't even have a conversation without the nutjobs screaming "2nd amendment!". Eventually a school in Louisville or Lexington will get shot up and maybe it will finally move some of you to action. Or even just move yoy to talk reasonably without trying to convince everyone the government is out to get everyone. Im sure the government with its tanks, drones, stealth bombers, malware on every device, 1 trillion warfare budget is real scared of your AR-15s.

In 7th period, out of nowhere today, the fire alarms at my school went off. My students stood up as they always do when the alarm goes off for drills.

My brain immediately went into robot mode. I recalled the incident from yesterday like a mathematician calculating a problem on a whiteboard. Zero emotions. Zero fear.

“Wait,” I said, holding up my hand. The kids froze. “Let’s sit for now,” I said calmly. They sat, looking at me in terror.

“What if it’s like—!!!” One child cried out, but I turned, shook my head, and kept my hand held out.

“It’s not. Probably someone pulled the alarm. It’s okay. Let’s just wait.”

We waited. I kept eye contact with the teacher in the classroom across the hall from me. We both shook our heads.

Then I waited to hear gunshots.

Do you hear me?

I stood in front of your children and I waited to hear gunshots.

I didn’t want to put them in lockdown just yet. Calmness and control is the only defense I have against a room of panicked teenagers. I turned and I looked every single one of them in the eyes and I nodded my head reassuringly. You are my babies. I have you. I have you.

I kept glancing across at the teacher across from me. He shook his head. We stayed still.

Suddenly, I saw our guidance counselor in the hallway. She beckoned for us to come out. I stuck my head out and said “it’s safe?” She said “Yes, let’s go out.”

“Come on, guys,” I said. “It’s all right. We can go outside.”

They behaved wonderfully. They followed me out calmly, we evacuated, and then we stood outside for 30 minutes while fire trucks and police cars checked out our building. It was a faulty alarm. Everyone was safe.

I took my children back inside. We had a successful drill. Everyone was safe. I even made a point to update parents and community that we were all safe.

School dismissed.

The kids left, chatting excitedly how they missed half a class period.

I sat at my desk.

My little sister came in to say goodbye for the day and I lost it. Sobbing, snot coming out, face burning, nauseated.

I was waiting to hear gunshots. I was waiting to hide my kids. I was waiting for the shots.

I’m home and I’m angry.

I stood in front of your kids and waited to die for them.


(Shared with permission from @Stephanie Kuzy Jenkins, image via JGI/Jamie Grill/Getty)
There’s a good chance WKU and Screwduke put this out there but whatevs, the David Hogg kid pushed too far and was too obvious.

His dad is FBI? Yeah, I’m sure that kid wasn’t totally coached.

I know most of you are soulless gun nuts but a few of you may have hearts. My wife teaches 5th grade so I have to hear about teachers having heart attacks every time an alarm goes off every week. This is what teachers are dealing with now because we can't even have a conversation without the nutjobs screaming "2nd amendment!". Eventually a school in Louisville or Lexington will get shot up and maybe it will finally move some of you to action. Or even just move yoy to talk reasonably without trying to convince everyone the government is out to get everyone. Im sure the government with its tanks, drones, stealth bombers, malware on every device, 1 trillion warfare budget is real scared of your AR-15s.

In 7th period, out of nowhere today, the fire alarms at my school went off. My students stood up as they always do when the alarm goes off for drills.

My brain immediately went into robot mode. I recalled the incident from yesterday like a mathematician calculating a problem on a whiteboard. Zero emotions. Zero fear.

“Wait,” I said, holding up my hand. The kids froze. “Let’s sit for now,” I said calmly. They sat, looking at me in terror.

“What if it’s like—!!!” One child cried out, but I turned, shook my head, and kept my hand held out.

“It’s not. Probably someone pulled the alarm. It’s okay. Let’s just wait.”

We waited. I kept eye contact with the teacher in the classroom across the hall from me. We both shook our heads.

Then I waited to hear gunshots.

Do you hear me?

I stood in front of your children and I waited to hear gunshots.

I didn’t want to put them in lockdown just yet. Calmness and control is the only defense I have against a room of panicked teenagers. I turned and I looked every single one of them in the eyes and I nodded my head reassuringly. You are my babies. I have you. I have you.

I kept glancing across at the teacher across from me. He shook his head. We stayed still.

Suddenly, I saw our guidance counselor in the hallway. She beckoned for us to come out. I stuck my head out and said “it’s safe?” She said “Yes, let’s go out.”

“Come on, guys,” I said. “It’s all right. We can go outside.”

They behaved wonderfully. They followed me out calmly, we evacuated, and then we stood outside for 30 minutes while fire trucks and police cars checked out our building. It was a faulty alarm. Everyone was safe.

I took my children back inside. We had a successful drill. Everyone was safe. I even made a point to update parents and community that we were all safe.

School dismissed.

The kids left, chatting excitedly how they missed half a class period.

I sat at my desk.

My little sister came in to say goodbye for the day and I lost it. Sobbing, snot coming out, face burning, nauseated.

I was waiting to hear gunshots. I was waiting to hide my kids. I was waiting for the shots.

I’m home and I’m angry.

I stood in front of your kids and waited to die for them.


(Shared with permission from @Stephanie Kuzy Jenkins, image via JGI/Jamie Grill/Getty)

I was terrified while reading that. Terrified....that you were a teacher and shaping minds of youths.

Glad you just copied pasted. Wheeew
I know most of you are soulless gun nuts but a few of you may have hearts. My wife teaches 5th grade so I have to hear about teachers having heart attacks every time an alarm goes off every week. This is what teachers are dealing with now because we can't even have a conversation without the nutjobs screaming "2nd amendment!". Eventually a school in Louisville or Lexington will get shot up and maybe it will finally move some of you to action. Or even just move yoy to talk reasonably without trying to convince everyone the government is out to get everyone. Im sure the government with its tanks, drones, stealth bombers, malware on every device, 1 trillion warfare budget is real scared of your AR-15s.

In 7th period, out of nowhere today, the fire alarms at my school went off. My students stood up as they always do when the alarm goes off for drills.

My brain immediately went into robot mode. I recalled the incident from yesterday like a mathematician calculating a problem on a whiteboard. Zero emotions. Zero fear.

“Wait,” I said, holding up my hand. The kids froze. “Let’s sit for now,” I said calmly. They sat, looking at me in terror.

“What if it’s like—!!!” One child cried out, but I turned, shook my head, and kept my hand held out.

“It’s not. Probably someone pulled the alarm. It’s okay. Let’s just wait.”

We waited. I kept eye contact with the teacher in the classroom across the hall from me. We both shook our heads.

Then I waited to hear gunshots.

Do you hear me?

I stood in front of your children and I waited to hear gunshots.

I didn’t want to put them in lockdown just yet. Calmness and control is the only defense I have against a room of panicked teenagers. I turned and I looked every single one of them in the eyes and I nodded my head reassuringly. You are my babies. I have you. I have you.

I kept glancing across at the teacher across from me. He shook his head. We stayed still.

Suddenly, I saw our guidance counselor in the hallway. She beckoned for us to come out. I stuck my head out and said “it’s safe?” She said “Yes, let’s go out.”

“Come on, guys,” I said. “It’s all right. We can go outside.”

They behaved wonderfully. They followed me out calmly, we evacuated, and then we stood outside for 30 minutes while fire trucks and police cars checked out our building. It was a faulty alarm. Everyone was safe.

I took my children back inside. We had a successful drill. Everyone was safe. I even made a point to update parents and community that we were all safe.

School dismissed.

The kids left, chatting excitedly how they missed half a class period.

I sat at my desk.

My little sister came in to say goodbye for the day and I lost it. Sobbing, snot coming out, face burning, nauseated.

I was waiting to hear gunshots. I was waiting to hide my kids. I was waiting for the shots.

I’m home and I’m angry.

I stood in front of your kids and waited to die for them.


(Shared with permission from @Stephanie Kuzy Jenkins, image via JGI/Jamie Grill/Getty)
Stopped reading after 1paragraph to answer this claim. I hate it when ppl say what are your guns going to do against a military with tanks, drones, etc. Typical Democrat face value non bigger picture. Ask yourself this...those tanks, do they run on magic or fuel? Who has the fuel...would it be private entities? Who builds those drones, tanks, it private manufacturers? That ammunition...does the government make it themselves or purchase it from private manufacturers? Are soldiers robots...or do they eat that starts from farmers and produce/livestock owners? Would you think many would defect if our government turned on its own ppl?

That's how citizens with their puny hand guns and AR15s beat a government.

Afterall, a bunch of rice farmers seemed to do pretty well with AK's in vietnam.
Stopped reading after 1paragraph to answer this claim. I hate it when ppl say what are your guns going to do against a military with tanks, drones, etc. Typical Democrat face value non bigger picture. Ask yourself this...those tanks, do they run on magic or fuel? Who has the fuel...would it be private entities? Who builds those drones, tanks, it private manufacturers? That ammunition...does the government make it themselves or purchase it from private manufacturers? Are soldiers robots...or do they eat that starts from farmers and produce/livestock owners? Would you think many would defect if our government turned on its own ppl?

That's how citizens with their puny hand guns and AR15s beat a government.

Afterall, a bunch of rice farmers seemed to do pretty well with AK's in vietnam.
If the government is incapable of taking over as you say then why the hell are you rednecks so afraid of it happening.