How will they rule ??!

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Wonder what life is like for those two lover FBI agents right now?? Guess their marriages are on life support (likely already were), have to be embarrassed with their texts being seen by the world, likely scared to death about seeing prison time, and the list goes on. Yet, they are still being paid by the taxpayer. Hope they are beyond miserable right now.
So the "secret society" was a calendar club and the Obama meeting was for the Russia counter intelligence. Good job fox & trump spreading fake news 24/7. Thank God this conspiracy forum represents a minority of america.
Your backs gonna go out from carrying Obamas water like that.
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You numbskulls arent very good at sarcasm. The dude, whatever the **** his name is, bought everyone calendars with all the meme pictures of Putin with his shirt off. Hannity Just conveniently left out the first 2 parts of the text message where they talk about the calendars.
How Hannity reported it:
Maybe it should just be the first meeting of the secret society.

The actuall text message:
Are you even going to give out your calendars? Seems kind of depressing. Maybe it should just be the first meeting of the secret society.

Hannity is just Alex Jones wannabe and Trump falls for every idiotic thing he runs with.
What about Obama's inaugural address? Honestly curious...that would be a fair comparison.

Also, if you're inferring that Obama is an egomaniac or narcissistic...Trump wins that war anytime.

Let’s compare when Trump goes to a memorial for dead cops due to his and he media’s escalating of hysteria and then makes the speech about himself instead of the cops.

I’d love to have seen how Obama and Michelle would have reacted if they weren’t worshipped by Hollywood and media 24/7. You all would fold in five seconds if you received the type of scorn Trump has got ever since he became a threat.
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How on earth does that calendar shit make those texts any better?

They've clearly discussed setting up a "secret society" whatever the hell that is, or none of it would make any sense. Unless the immediate following text says: "secret society? WTF?"

"Bring it to the meeting" would make no goddam sense to anyone unless we'd previously discussed or scheduled a meeting.
Glad to see our government continues to be obsessed with spending more money that we do not have. GOP is no different than the Dems. Get power and the desire to spend is just as bad.
you just figured that out despite it being the case for the last century?
I've always been curious about this;

Idris Elba - British
Andrew Wiggins - Canadian
Chris Rock - African American

Why do we stuff "African" in front of American for black folks here? I don't think that occurs in any other country.

I'd say slavery and the civil war. But yea let's act like slavery was only in old America.

Didn't happen anywhere else. o_O
you just figured that out despite it being the case for the last century?
Mostly true but rich from a liberal. Entitlements have to be addressed and any time the GOP mentions raising the SS age or more accountability for welfare or medixxxx the 'granny pushed off the cliff" bullshit starts. FFS, look at the dramatic hysterics over the tax cut and net neutrality. Your party is one big pussy hat protest.
You numbskulls arent very good at sarcasm. The dude, whatever the **** his name is, bought everyone calendars with all the meme pictures of Putin with his shirt off. Hannity Just conveniently left out the first 2 parts of the text message where they talk about the calendars.
How Hannity reported it:
Maybe it should just be the first meeting of the secret society.

The actuall text message:
Are you even going to give out your calendars? Seems kind of depressing. Maybe it should just be the first meeting of the secret society.

Hannity is just Alex Jones wannabe and Trump falls for every idiotic thing he runs with.
You continue to slip into the abyss of ignorance. Point of no return is near.
I have a lot of respect and love for that man... Many many many years ago. Around 9/11.

But I'm done with anything bush these days. Go paint.
My problem with the Bush's, Romney etc is that is the only time they speak out. Nothing to help the party battle the media. They are worthless.

BTW, saw Corker tweet out praise for the GOP immigration plan. Funny how when he is not criticizing the GOP none of the media cares.

No mainstream coverage of the recent story of how many currently elected black democrats seem very chummy with Louis Farrakhan.

Hell, Ellison almost was DNC chair and has a history of praising the hateful and ignorant Farrakhan. This crazy white guy with no chance to win in a reliably democratic district is about to get 100 times more coverage