How will they rule ??!

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I freaking detest Joy Reid. She is the worst trash in media and dumb as dirt...DUMB AS DIRT.
Man, remember when democrats used to say trumps campaign speeches were dark ?

I hear news commentators saying Kennedy is a rising star? The only way that douche is a star is if he's force fed...he was terrible.
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Also, Chuck Todd criticized the White House for not letting Trump ad lib the f--king state of the union speech.

Who is the first?

That's a great catch. They don't indict dead people. So they think at least two others are involved. Unless that was just really poorly worded.

Lol punching workers in the gut? You can tell that's a tweet crafted well before the speech.

No American worker felt punched in the gut after that. The only ones feeling gut punched would be Pocahontas and other libs
Why is it okay to be afro-centric first but not America first?

Why not blue ties with a sash? Why not something to show split support for culture and country? Nope. Rules do not apply here.

I can't even imagine what some dems will be wearing during Trump's 6th or 7th State of the Union

Keith Ellison going to show up like...



I freaking detest Joy Reid. She is the worst trash in media and dumb as dirt...DUMB AS DIRT.

Morons like this need to be chained to the nearest flag pole flying the American flag and paper cut once every 5 minutes.

Joy Reid is the only idiot that can try to make church, family and the national anthem sound like horrible things. And despite a few bad eggs the police protect us and keep law and order so every city isn’t Baltimore. And the military? You’re trash Joy.

Chanting USA sends scary chills down your spine? GTFO Sally. You’re no more a patriot than Ben Roethlisberger. You and people like you hate this country because it elected Trump... the first president in years who is trying to put America first.

1944? Why do Dems always have to go back to 1776, 1862, 1939, 1944, 1950, 1963, or any other year that is at least 35 years old to whine about. History is history. You learn from it and move forward. If you listened to these nuts you’d think a mob was outside waiting to lynch a black man. It’s 2018 and we’re as PC as we’ve ever been and it’s still not enough for these loons.

I detest these people.
I can't even imagine what they will be wearing during Trump's 6th or 7th State of the Union

Keith Ellison going to show up like...

You know, I jave zero issue with folks celebrating their culture. But there is a time, a place and a ****ing limit. Just use some common sense and self awareness. By acting like that, they make it about them not us. Perpetuating racism by forcing you to accept their differences at the detriment of job description and general respect for the office.

Do the job you were elected to do. You can celebrate your culture and throw racist fits on your own ****ing time like the rest of us.
You know, I jave zero issue with folks celebrating their culture. But there is a time, a place and a ****ing limit. Just use some common sense and self awareness. By acting like that, they make it about them not us. Perpetuating racism by forcing you to accept their differences at the detriment of job description and general respect for the office.

Do the job you were elected to do. You can celebrate your culture and throw racist fits on your own ****ing time like the rest of us.

Wasn't making fun of anyone's culture, making fun of political stunts and optics that most people roll their eyes at
You know, I jave zero issue with folks celebrating their culture. But there is a time, a place and a ****ing limit. Just use some common sense and self awareness. By acting like that, they make it about them not us. Perpetuating racism by forcing you to accept their differences at the detriment of job description and general respect for the office.

Do the job you were elected to do. You can celebrate your culture and throw racist fits on your own ****ing time like the rest of us.

Right. I have no problem with their tie.

Their button is ridiculous. An 80 year old rape? Just because it was white men? Get that divisive nonsense out of here
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