How will they rule ??!

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The left still does not get it. I guarantee you that there are more people out there who in public will denounce everything Trump because of fear of the backlash from unreasonable leftist friends but, will vote for him if he runs again in 2020. Not saying republicans will do well this year because some still have not gotten behind him. They will find him most reluctant to back them come November and the economy is booming.
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Having lived around Mexicans and illegals, types who can’t speak an ounce of English despite being here for 20-30 years, no way are these people anything like the immigrants of the past who came to be American and assimilated.

They come to feast off this country, send the money to those in Mexico. They steal people’s identities, they get free everything, their neighborhoods are always filled with graffiti and trash. I’d look outside my office window and watch a Mexican 20-something just tag stuff in broad daylight.

This isn’t even mentioning that they are responsible for 90 percent of the heroine in this country.

They’re third world people with a third world mindset. I’m talking throwing used toilet paper in the trash, getting drunk on the sidewalk, taking out the backseat of a van and sitting it in front of your house to have a picnic.

This BS reputation of “oh, they’re all hard workers” is a total lie in itself. Are some? Yes. But a ton just have no other options, make some cash for some Modelo and go back and stuff like 12 of each other in a small apartment.

Famous quote (paraphrasing) from the mother of a Mexican man who came to the US, “His stomach is there but his heart is in Mexico.”

You are supposed to come here to be American, buy into this culture and history, not make it a third word dump like you just left and then have the audacity to wave a Mexican flag around and protest our nation.
At first I thought you were talking about liberal democrats. Then I realized you were describing Mexicans that are in our country illegally. But come to think about it one is no better than the other.

Disrespecting Melania should be a capital offense.

Maybe I'm a simpleton, but how is a fully functioning toilet more offensive to some as a symbol of extravagant wealth than a painting?

At least the functioning toilet serves a function and is made of a metal that can be melted down and sold on the market.
Democrats: the "working class" party

this continue to really show the disconnect by the liberals to WORKING CLASS AMERICANS. you take a large sect of the their base who isn't working, doesn't work, doesn't want to work, a one time 1000 dollar check from the govt as a handout to people who arent' going to be recieving paychecks anytime soon isn't going to go very far. she's right about that. Buuuutt for the rest of us who work everyday for a damn living, get a paycheck week to week and our employer gives a 1000 dollar bonus, it helps out a shitton.

that 1000 dollars is an investment, by private companies, coming out of their own pockets, to their workforce. that money not only goes into my pocket, but goes right back into the economy. that is capitalism at its finest. but our liberal socialist don't understand that. they expect you and your employers to give as much money to them and allow them to distribute as how they see best.
Up to 1.8 million.

Could be worth it if it’s a long path, and he gets all he wants in return.

I have no problem if "dreamers" get a path to citizenship. That is not the same thing as immediate unvetted citizenship, aka, amnesty. get them documented, vetted, and make them earn their way the same way legal immigrants have and that will automatically weed out a miuch larger percentage than what people may think. It will also allow the ones to stay here that truly belong and want to be Americans. That is also why the dems hate that idea. They just want the bribe to give out amnesty as an exchange for future votes.
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I have no problem if "dreamers" get a path to citizenship. That is not the same thing as immediate unvetted citizenship, aka, amnesty. get them documented, vetted, and make them earn their way the same way legal immigrants have and that will automatically weed out a miuch larger percentage than what people may think. It will also allow the ones to stay here that truly belong and want to be Americans. That is also why the dems hate that idea. They just want the bribe to give out amnesty as an exchange for future votes.
If we get the wall, end chain migration, end the lottery system etc...I could deal with some sort of pathway to citizenship. I wouldn't necessarily love it, but if we get pretty much everything else we want, it would be hard to bitch too much.
Up to 1.8 million.

Could be worth it if it’s a long path, and he gets all he wants in return.
I wouldn't be so quick to accept the 1.8 million number. Not sure who these aides are, but, as of now, the WH's official position is this --

A senior administration official previously said just the roughly 690,000 immigrants who are covered by DACA would be eligible to apply for citizenship.
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I wouldn't be so quick to accept the 1.8 million number. Not sure who these aides are, but, as of now, the WH's official position is this --

A senior administration official previously said just the roughly 690,000 immigrants who are covered by DACA would be eligible to apply for citizenship.
There is a good chance that more than 1.8 slip through.
There is a good chance that more than 1.8 slip through.

Maybe, but doubtful. The three people - Kelly, Miller, Cotton - who have Trump's ear, confidence and blessing in these negotiations are very adamant about only including DACA recipients, and I dont see them budging.

You never know, though. Since Trump is asking for $25 billion now instead of $16 billion, then maybe he does include up to the 1.8 million, but I'd be shocked if it's more than that.
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The funny part is this would pass in the Senate but bomb in the house and then it's the GOPs fault when nothing happens.

And your point? You act like DACA ending is a bad thing. Democrats are mainly the ones pushing amnesty. As far as Trump is concerned, he's only doing it for the wall, beefed up border security, ending chain migration and shutting down the visa lottery program.

DACA are his ultimate bargaining chip. If he doesn't get all of those things out of it, he'll more than likely have no problem letting the deadline pass, which forces DACA a day in court, where it probably doesn't survive. Just like the travel ban, the Constitution is on his side.
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I wouldn't be so quick to accept the 1.8 million number. Not sure who these aides are, but, as of now, the WH's official position is this --

A senior administration official previously said just the roughly 690,000 immigrants who are covered by DACA would be eligible to apply for citizenship.
That’s why “up to” is important.

It will change, just a starting point.
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Trump offering up amnesty
Most are fine with DACA, especially if the measures are put into place where there's not another problem a decade from now.

schmoozing with the globalists

While kissing zero ass, touting MAGA, and America first. What's so bad about that?

The funny part is this would pass in the Senate but bomb in the house and then it's the GOPs fault when nothing happens.

By the way, I wouldn't be so quick to point fingers. Prominent Democrats are already howling, talking about how radical the offer is and how it goes way too far. Verbatim, "Dead on arrival!"
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