How will they rule ??!

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Oh, he was outed as a leaker months before being canned. All of his aides had been fired for leaking. Well, two at least. Wasn’t it rather odd that the press never went after Priebus? Everyone else was taken to the shed except him. That’s not a coincidence.

Yep. That was the dead giveaway.

Liberal ran states just need to be their own country. They are an embarrassment to the rest of the country. 10 years ago I never dreamed I’d see an elected official (even a democrat) come out and say, “screw Americans, I’m fighting for non citizens.”

We are in the apex of corruption among our officials. Could you imagine the shithole America would have been if Hillary had won?
He deserves every ounce of it.. just not from these imbeciles.

But I hope they drive him insane. Or should I say I hope they drive him sane.

Americans should be protesting outside his house.

How crazy is it that illegals are here shouting, not in English about their rights. Their rights should stop at humane treatment during the deportation hearings. You're gonna cause a big stink, get the eff out.
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I’ve been reading about the American Revolution and just comparing it to today and you just have to shake your head at what we have allowed this place to become.

Immigration and Marxism has done a number on this place.
QAnon is the worst thing on the internet. Don't know why people by into that shit as if it's anything other than some random guy posting incredibly vague half sentence ramblings that can be twisted to apply to any situation you want.
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I’ve been reading about the American Revolution and just comparing it to today and you just have to shake your head at what we have allowed this place to become.

Immigration and Marxism has done a number on this place.
Was in a Dairy Queen last night. Remodeled with all the old b&w pics of Americana blown up as murals on the walls. Most of those pics from the 40s, 50s and 60s. You can draw a lot from those pics. See a lot of difference just in how people took care of themselves to simply appear in public.

I'll be damned if I could find a single tattoo or even an overweight thot wearing pajamas. No kids in just diapers running loose. People just seemed to care a little more. More pride in self, community and country. Made me jealous as all hell looking at those pics.
WH actually clarified this. It's not so simple. There are some big ifs in there. It would only apply to current DACA recipients (690K), and they would also have to be screened and meet certain requirements beforehand.

The deal is only on the table if Trump is given the full $25 billion, $16-18 billion for the wall, the extra money for beefed up border security, complete end to chain migration and shutdown the visa lottery program.
Sounds straightforward simple to me. What's so not understandable?

Lol. I can’t even with this. Check out the lede.

“(CNN) In our current political climate, the term "cuck" -- short for "cuckservative" -- has become an insult of the so-called alt-right, aimed at men they view as spineless and emasculated. The slur has its roots in the concept of cuckolding, or having an adulterous partner.

But, according to a recent study by David Ley, Justin Lehmiller and the writer Dan Savage, acting on cuckolding fantasies can be a largely positive experience for many couples, and hardly a sign of weakness.”

What a perfect example of leftist males and the pussy degenerates they are. And I love how if you’re against this, you’re the alt right. Haha.

Whatever. These people are so effed in the head. I see it was co-authored by the disgusting Dan Savage. Makes more sense.
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Trump should release the memo before he talks to Mueller and then reference it in every answer he gives him.

Gavin is Lt. Governor of California

He was also married to Kimberly Guilfoyle from Fox but cheated on her when he was Mayor with an aide’s wife.



That Kimberly Guilfoyle.
Expanding on that, I think it's been said before, but it's blatantly obvious this is all just a trap to get Trump to trip up and hope to trip him up on a technicality.

Clinton wasn't impeached for sexually assaulting or raping women, he was impeached for perjury.

Mueller: "Donald, what color were your socks on October 12, 2016"

Trump: "Um I don't know, blue?"

Mueller: "Wrong, that was the day you got dressed in the dark and they were navy blue, not blue"

Trump killing it overseas...AGAIN.

I was listening to CBS news radio on the drive, and they were all serious and professionally explaining how this could be very, very bad for Trump. Theresa May, Angela Merkel, and that Frenchy Dude will come together and set Trump straight, blablbalbblablabbl. Lmao.

Not gonna happen.
I think Cosby already said it but Trump would be crazy to talk to Mueller. You do not give that guy all. They have nothing. This whole thing is a sham. You do not give them any opportunity to trap you on a technicality or something.

Yep. Nothing good can come of it at all. Just ignore him like a gnat.

His time is about up. If trump talks, even if it doesn't result in any charges, they can extend this thing months and months to look into every single detail.
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