How will they rule ??!

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I’ve been reading about the American Revolution and just comparing it to today and you just have to shake your head at what we have allowed this place to become.

Immigration and Marxism has done a number on this place.

The american revolution was mostly fought by 1st and 2nd generation immigrants. So the "number" it has done is to allow our country to exist. And then asian & irish immigrants were responsible for the majority of construction during the industrial revolution. So we should take all these dreamers and roll out a huge infrastructure plan and use immigrants as a tool like we used to.
The american revolution was mostly fought by 1st and 2nd generation immigrants. So the "number" it has done is to allow our country to exist. And then asian & irish immigrants were responsible for the majority of construction during the industrial revolution. So we should take all these dreamers and roll out a huge infrastructure plan and use immigrants as a tool like we used to.

Yeah, totally the same as the Mexican and Muslims coming over today. They’re practically the same as the folks who built this country.

I too, love third world replication and disregard for our culture and history and their voting socialistic and their zero attachment to this country.
When the Irish came to the US we treated them just as shitty if not worse as we now treat South Americans and they still happily built the country for us. They now make up something like 20% of the population. Mexicans love to build, just point them to the nearest roof.
as for the perfectly fine with turning the middle east into glass. It's been a warzone for 2000 years, just speed the process up for them.
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The american revolution was mostly fought by 1st and 2nd generation immigrants. So the "number" it has done is to allow our country to exist. And then asian & irish immigrants were responsible for the majority of construction during the industrial revolution. So we should take all these dreamers and roll out a huge infrastructure plan and use immigrants as a tool like we used to.
Yeah, the Asians and Irish actually liked our country.
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Yeah, the Asians and Irish actually liked our country.
no they didn't, the Irish had no choice because they had no food to eat back home. And asians came mostly as indentured slaves. We treated them like shit and abused every ounce of their will. it took multiple generations before they integrated into the culture and actually "liked" the country. The Irish took over the police departments of most cities and then americans had to stop looking down on them or get their asses kicked.
Yeah, the Asians and Irish actually liked our country.

Having lived around Mexicans and illegals, types who can’t speak an ounce of English despite being here for 20-30 years, no way are these people anything like the immigrants of the past who came to be American and assimilated.

They come to feast off this country, send the money to those in Mexico. They steal people’s identities, they get free everything, their neighborhoods are always filled with graffiti and trash. I’d look outside my office window and watch a Mexican 20-something just tag stuff in broad daylight.

This isn’t even mentioning that they are responsible for 90 percent of the heroine in this country.

They’re third world people with a third world mindset. I’m talking throwing used toilet paper in the trash, getting drunk on the sidewalk, taking out the backseat of a van and sitting it in front of your house to have a picnic.

This BS reputation of “oh, they’re all hard workers” is a total lie in itself. Are some? Yes. But a ton just have no other options, make some cash for some Modelo and go back and stuff like 12 of each other in a small apartment.

Famous quote (paraphrasing) from the mother of a Mexican man who came to the US, “His stomach is there but his heart is in Mexico.”

You are supposed to come here to be American, buy into this culture and history, not make it a third word dump like you just left and then have the audacity to wave a Mexican flag around and protest our nation.
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no they didn't, the Irish had no choice because they had no food to eat back home. And asians came mostly as indentured slaves. We treated them like shit and abused every ounce of their will. it took multiple generations before they integrated into the culture and actually "liked" the country. The Irish took over the police departments of most cities and then americans had to stop looking down on them or get their asses kicked.
So now that they can afford to go back, should we expect a lot of Irish and Asians to go back since things were so bad here that they left their native country in the first place?
Immigration in the US is such a small problem, we have the perfect geography. In Europe its a HUGE problem and they are completely screwing it up. Their dumb asses better build a huge as wall in front of turkey and shut down the Mediterranean/Aegean before there is no more Europe. let them all flow to russia and make it their problem
Federal law enforcement officials told Fox News on Wednesday that thousands of FBI cellphones were affected by the technical glitch that apparently prevented those Strzok and Page messages from being stored or uploaded into the bureau’s archive system.

So the texts were never missing or destroyed they just never got auto uploaded to the server. they were all still sitting on the phones.
Immigration in the US is such a small problem, we have the perfect geography. In Europe its a HUGE problem and they are completely screwing it up. Their dumb asses better build a huge as wall in front of turkey and shut down the Mediterranean/Aegean before there is no more Europe. let them all flow to russia and make it their problem
I agree with the European immigration problem.
Having lived around Mexicans and illegals, types who can’t speak an ounce of English despite being here for 20-30 years, no way are these people anything like the immigrants of the past who came to be American and assimilate.

They come to feast off this country, send the money to those in Mexico. They steal people’s identities, they get free everything, their neighborhoods are always filled with graffiti and trash. I’d look outside my office window and watch a Mexican 20-something just tag stuff in broad daylight.

This isn’t even mentioning that they are responsible for 90 percent of the heroine in this country.

They’re third world people with a third world mindset. I’m talking throwing used toilet paper in the trash, getting drunk on the sidewalk, taking out the backseat of a van and sitting it in front of your house to have a picnic.

This BS reputation of “oh, they’re all hard workers” is a total lie in itself. Are some? Yes. But a ton just have no other options, make some cash for some Modelo and go back and stuff like 12 of each other in a small apartment.

Famous quote (paraphrasing) from the mother of a Mexican man who came to the US, “His stomach is there but his heart is in Mexico.”

You are supposed to come here to be American, buy into this culture and history, not make it a third word dump like you just left and then have the audacity to wave a Mexican flag around and protest our nation.

On the west coast the day after the election and watched Mexicans protest while carrying the Mexican flag and chanting, “Not my president, brown and black united.”

It's amazing the racist bullshit you're allowed to continually post on here.

Sounds like you live/work in a an impoverished neighborhood where the acts you described typically occur.

I opened the backdoor to my office to find a white woman pissing next to my co-worker's car.

I was on a smoke break and witnessed a white dude stop and piss in the neighbor's shrubbery.

On another smoke break, a white dude stopped his car in the middle of the street, got out, asked me for a light, lit up a blunt and drove off.

There are constantly empty Busch Light/Bud Ice tall cans laying by the curb.

All of this in broad daylight. All of this in a predominantly (almost exclusively) white, historic, affluent neighborhood. SHOCKING, I know.
It's amazing the racist bullshit you're allowed to continually post on here.

Sounds like you live/work in a an impoverished neighborhood where the acts you described typically occur.

I opened the backdoor to my office to find a white woman pissing next to my co-worker's car.

I was on a smoke break and witnessed a white dude stop and piss in the neighbor's shrubbery.

On another smoke break, a white dude stopped his car in the middle of the street, got out, asked me for a light, lit up a blunt and drove off.

There are constantly empty Busch Light/Bud Ice tall cans laying by the curb.

All of this in broad daylight. All of this in a predominantly (almost exclusively) white, historic, affluent neighborhood. SHOCKING, I know.
They are white trash and should be prosecuted. Did you call the cops?
Yeah, totally the same as the Mexican and Muslims coming over today. They’re practically the same as the folks who built this country.

I too, love third world replication and disregard for our culture and history and their voting socialistic and their zero attachment to this country.
Voting for the same type of governance that they escaped from in the first place. That should give you an idea of the caliber and intelligence of the people we are allowing to come here.
I wasn't complaining. I've read enough of his posts to know what he was/is inferring.

Merely pointing out to his bigoted mind that every race, including what he views to be the superior race, does all of the same things he complained about.
Immigration in the US is such a small problem, we have the perfect geography. In Europe its a HUGE problem and they are completely screwing it up. Their dumb asses better build a huge as wall in front of turkey and shut down the Mediterranean/Aegean before there is no more Europe. let them all flow to russia and make it their problem
So, we should wait for our problem to get to the point that Europe is at before we address it? No, Europe may be to far gone now but, we are not. We need to fix it now and not allow it to get to that level. As long as we keep our 2nd Amendment in tact, we can also ensure that does not happen because, at one point, it would probably turn in to a fight.
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I wasn't complaining. I've read enough of his posts to know what he was/is inferring.

Merely pointing out to his bigoted mind that every race, including what he views to be the superior race, does all of the same things he complained about.
Weak argument with the racist post. If that is your only come back, you lose. It does not work here any more. Come with something more substantial.
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Merely pointing out that every race does all of the same things he complained about.

Agreed. So why is it racist for him to point out Mexican trash, but okay for you to point out white trash? Aren't both mirror examples of trash, regardless of race? Yet, depending on which race they are, you find one example acceptable and the other racist? Seems like a double standard.
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I wasn't complaining. I've read enough of his posts to know what he was/is inferring.

Merely pointing out to his bigoted mind that every race, including what he views to be the superior race, does all of the same things he complained about.

Which race is responsible for the most successful nation in history?
Immigration in the US is such a small problem, we have the perfect geography. In Europe its a HUGE problem and they are completely screwing it up. Their dumb asses better build a huge as wall in front of turkey and shut down the Mediterranean/Aegean before there is no more Europe. let them all flow to russia and make it their problem

Do you know how much money is spent on immigration?

Far from a small problem.. in fact, just the opposite.
I wasn't complaining. I've read enough of his posts to know what he was/is inferring.

Merely pointing out to his bigoted mind that every race, including what he views to be the superior race, does all of the same things he complained about.
So you were being racist because you think his post was racist?

Uhh...ok. Now there's some twisted logic. Sounds like some stupid shit @cardkilla would say.
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So you were being racist because you think his post was racist?

Uhh...ok. Now there's some twisted logic. Sounds like some stupid shit @cardkilla would say.

Damn, you guys are ridiculous. If you read his post and then mine and conclude that I was being racist then I don't know what to tell you.

No where did I write a rant about how whites are terrible.
As for the timing of the announcement, two years before the league's debut, many might point to McMahon's relationship with President Donald Trump, who this fall criticized the NFL for allowing its players to kneel and sit during the national anthem. McMahon said players in his league will not be given the forum to take a personal stance while on the playing field.

"People don't want social and political issues coming into play when they are trying to be entertained," McMahon said. "We want someone who wants to take a knee to do their version of that on their personal time."

McMahon said being the only owner of all of the teams will allow him to do whatever he wants.

"I can say, 'Here are the rules, and as long as you are playing football in the stadium for us, you follow these rules.'"

McMahon also said he would preclude any player with a criminal record, which would disqualify former Texas A&M quarterback and Heisman Trophy winner Johnny Manziel.

"We are evaluating a player based on many things, including the quality of human being they are," McMahon said. If you have any sort of criminal record or commit a crime you aren't playing in this league."

Salaries will be determined, but McMahon said players will make more money for winning.

"To me that's common sense," McMahon said. "Everyone in America lives when they perform, they get a raise or bonus. That's capitalism."



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