How will they rule ??!

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Hahaha, remember that time a bunch of Republican congressmen sent a letter to Iran telling them to ignore Obama? Should we have revoked all of their passports for treason?

You know who has the majority in the Senate and House? Which party is in the White House? So does everybody else and why they're all laughing when Republicans try to blame Democrats for the government shutdown. I mean don't you guys have some perfectly good Mexicans to blame for this?

It's going to be a bloodbath in 2018 and Republicans know it, which is why they are resorting to the dog whistle to excite their bigoted base to come out in the fall
Democrats shut the govt down, there is no reasonable debate to say they didn't...why else did they concede over the weekend? Plus they are quickly losing support..first trying to tell ppl the govt spends ppl money better than they do, then telling ppl they care about foreigners over their own citizens.
Hahaha, remember that time a bunch of Republican congressmen sent a letter to Iran telling them to ignore Obama? Should we have revoked all of their passports for treason?

You know who has the majority in the Senate and House? Which party is in the White House? So does everybody else and why they're all laughing when Republicans try to blame Democrats for the government shutdown. I mean don't you guys have some perfectly good Mexicans to blame for this?

It's going to be a bloodbath in 2018 and Republicans know it, which is why they are resorting to the dog whistle to excite their bigoted base to come out in the fall
How many votes does it take in the senate to pass? 60? How many republicans are in the senate? 51? Can you count? Do you understand how it works? Do you even work?, or do you steal from the American people. Drive by trolling is against the law in these forums so is stupidity. 2 strikes against you already.
Do you all remember the 18 women who accused Trump of some kind of sexual assault before the election and how hard he fought them? Now compare that the Stormy Daniels situation. I bet this one actually happened, but the only issue is a consensual affair with a porn star . . .

I don't know where the line is anymore anymore. It seems like saying in a private conversation "if your rich they let you do anything" is worse than a bunch of false accusations is worse than an actual affair.
Do you all remember the 18 women who accused Trump of some kind of sexual assault before the election and how hard he fought them? Now compare that the Stormy Daniels situation. I bet this one actually happened, but the only issue is a consensual affair with a porn star . . .

I don't know where the line is anymore anymore. It seems like saying in a private conversation "if your rich they let you do anything" is worse than a bunch of false accusations is worse than an actual affair.
Hahaha, remember that time a bunch of Republican congressmen sent a letter to Iran telling them to ignore Obama? Should we have revoked all of their passports for treason?

You know who has the majority in the Senate and House? Which party is in the White House? So does everybody else and why they're all laughing when Republicans try to blame Democrats for the government shutdown. I mean don't you guys have some perfectly good Mexicans to blame for this?

It's going to be a bloodbath in 2018 and Republicans know it, which is why they are resorting to the dog whistle to excite their bigoted base to come out in the fall

Show us your tits
you guys are so blinded by your hate for liberals that you view anything for your team as a win although this is gonna hurt nearly everyone who isn't already well off. Banks, Wall Street, Trump family, real estate, coal, oil, they all got a piece and congrats on the crumbs you might get. You applaud reducing workers rights and giving them to their employers. And hey if blows up the budget, who cares, we can take more from the poor and middle class...hoo ray!! Because they are stupid I guarantee the deficit doubles inside of 4 years. But they've got a taste now, so they'll be coming for your social security next.

And if you think there's anything in this tax bill that makes companies put people to work here, you're a freakin idiot. There's even more incentive to move jobs overseas now. Republicans sold out the American worker to a bunch of lobbyists and you're on here cheering like a bunch of drunk frat boys. Over some tax cut you ain't seeing much of, if any. It's already spoken for

Since you stopped by, would you care to revise your earlier statements Cardie?

This should be pinned to the top of the board.
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Hahaha, remember that time a bunch of Republican congressmen sent a letter to Iran telling them to ignore Obama? Should we have revoked all of their passports for treason?

You know who has the majority in the Senate and House? Which party is in the White House? So does everybody else and why they're all laughing when Republicans try to blame Democrats for the government shutdown. I mean don't you guys have some perfectly good Mexicans to blame for this?

It's going to be a bloodbath in 2018 and Republicans know it, which is why they are resorting to the dog whistle to excite their bigoted base to come out in the fall
Republicans telling the murderous regime in Iran to ignore the illegal actions by Obama and his plane full of cash is the same thing as Kerry telling the murderous Palestinians to ignore a President that is looking out for an US ally in the Middle East? Are you a parody account?
Republicans telling the murderous regime in Iran to ignore the illegal actions by Obama and his plane full of cash is the same thing as Kerry telling the murderous Palestinians to ignore a President that is looking out for an US ally in the Middle East? Are you a parody account?

No he's just hates America. Basically a terrorist or typical libtard.
Do you all remember the 18 women who accused Trump of some kind of sexual assault before the election and how hard he fought them? Now compare that the Stormy Daniels situation. I bet this one actually happened, but the only issue is a consensual affair with a porn star . . .

I don't know where the line is anymore anymore. It seems like saying in a private conversation "if your rich they let you do anything" is worse than a bunch of false accusations is worse than an actual affair.
Let me translate, "The Donald was a lying sleaze then and now".
Do you all remember the 18 women who accused Trump of some kind of sexual assault before the election and how hard he fought them? Now compare that the Stormy Daniels situation. I bet this one actually happened, but the only issue is a consensual affair with a porn star . . .

I don't know where the line is anymore anymore. It seems like saying in a private conversation "if your rich they let you do anything" is worse than a bunch of false accusations is worse than an actual affair.

First, this is a somewhat incoherent rant.

You know how many of those accusations were proven false (of the names that were actually made known )? And where were you when it was exposed about DNC donors paying six figures to accusers and even paying off a mortgage? Nowhere.

And sorry if we don’t give a flying damn if Trump allegedly had consensual sex over 12 years ago when we are dealing with an out of control FBI, a secret society of the deep state trying to create a coup while being aided by a massive traitorous act of the Democratic Party and Obama admin that deserves death by firing squad.

But yeah, let’s lose our marbles over talking about groupies letting celebs mess with them. That’s the real important stuff; not empowering terrorists, creating a mass invasion of the third world to conquer our nation and our intel agencies being weaponized to go after opposition.
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Lol. Democrats are just the trash of the trash. I’d love to see this party be purged. They’re an enemy to this country.

That fisa memo must be really bad.

Guess this lifts the veil on any of this being about seeking justice for collusion. It's already been outed that large majority of the releasethememo memes were done by Americans and not Russian bots as Schiff puts it. So he's lying there. If you're interested in fairness and justice, what's to hide? This was an attempted coup. And some high level people need to be charged with treason.
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The shit show that the Democratic Party is should disgust the majority of the country. What a horrible group of people with no message except hysteria. What do they stand for?

For law and order? Hell no. They have sanctuary states/cities and are now trying to punish people for cooperating with federal law. They're okay with government corruption and Dems targeting you through NSA, IRS, etc.

Lower taxes for the middle class? Nope. They called keeping more of your money, "stealing" because only the government knows what to do with it.

Sovereignty? Haha. Not a chance. They're hellbent on trying to import the third world simply to get power because they know these people will vote bigger government.

Freedom of speech? Nope. They have no issue going to your campus to shut you down. They have no issue going to your political rally to assault you. They have no issue with Silicon Valley scum censoring you.

Patriotic? The group who admires kneeling for the anthem, burns our flag, bashes the military and sides with foreign enemies? No. They call patriotism, "racist" nowadays.

Individualism? Nope. Their identity politics obsession calls for a love of collectivism. They don't believe in the individual. They see color, race, gender and sexuality. Oh, you're white? They hate you unless you're a selfloathing.

Life? Nope. They love to murder off a ton of children in the womb if it's inconvenient and they don't bat an eye.

Freedom of religion? If you're Christian, not at all. In fact, they like to encourage the radical LGBT nuts to drive hundreds of miles to seek you out intentionally and target businesses and ruin you.

Pro constitution? LOL. Nope. They seem to really hate this and our founding fathers.

Transparency? Not at all. In fact, they serve as a DNC PR firm and are lockstep with each other no matter what. Anything bad comes out about Dems, run interference and downplay it. Don't call for any pursuit of actual truth. Just try to get Trump.

They have made it clear what they are. They're for globalism. They're in favor of gun control. They want bigger government, more regulation and more control. They want to control what you can say. They have contempt for over half of the country especially in "flyover states." They're against protecting and putting Americans first. They have zero message except to try and run a 24/7 brainwashing hysterical media campaign to bash the president and dehumanize and shame anyone who supports him.

If anyone supports this party, it's either you're a moron, brainwashed, straight evil or all of the above.
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The shit show that the Democratic Party is should disgust the majority of the country. What a horrible group of people with no message except hysteria. What do they stand for?

For law and order? Hell no. They have sanctuary states/cities and are now trying to punish people for cooperating with federal law. They're okay with government corruption and Dems targeting you through NSA, IRS, etc.

Lower taxes for the middle class? Nope. They called keeping more of your money, "stealing" because only the government knows what to do with it.

Sovereignty? Haha. Not a chance. They're hellbent on trying to import the third world simply to get power because they know these people will vote bigger government.

Freedom of speech? Nope. They have no issue going to your campus to shut you down. They have no issue going to your political rally to assault you. They have no issue with Silicon Valley scum censoring you.

Patriotic? The group who admires kneeling for the anthem, burns our flag, bashes the military and sides with foreign enemies? No. They call patriotism, "racist" nowadays.

Individualism? Nope. Their identity politics obsession calls for a love of collectivism. They don't believe in the individual. They see color, race, gender and sexuality. Oh, you're white? They hate you unless you're a selfloathing.

Life? Nope. They love to murder off a ton of children in the womb if it's inconvenient and they don't bat an eye.

Freedom of religion? If you're Christian, not at all. In fact, they like to encourage the radical LGBT nuts to drive hundreds of miles to seek you out intentionally and target their businesses to ruin you.

Pro constitution? LOL. Nope. They seem to really hate this and our founding fathers.

Transparency? Not at all. In fact, they serve as a DNC PR firm and are lockstep with each other no matter what. Anything bad comes out about Dems, run interference and downplay it. Don't call for any pursuit of actual truth. Just try to get Trump.

They have made it clear what they are. They're for globalism. They're in favor of gun control. They want bigger government, more regulation and more control. They want to control what you can say. They have contempt for over half of the country especially in "flyover states." They're against protecting and putting Americans first. They have zero message except to try and run a 24/7 brainwashing hysterical media campaign to bash the president and dehumanize and shame anyone who supports him.

If anyone supports this party, it's either you're a moron, brainwashed, straight evil or all of the above.

I agree 100% but you could of saved the time by just saying, Democrats are for non American law abiding citizens. Or hard working legal American citizens.

And they don't give a shit about anything but money and power.
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WH actually clarified this. It's not so simple. There are some big ifs in there. It would only apply to current DACA recipients (690K), and they would also have to be screened and meet certain requirements beforehand.

The deal is only on the table if Trump is given the full $25 billion, $16-18 billion for the wall, the extra money for beefed up border security, complete end to chain migration and shutdown the visa lottery program.
Battle Over FISA Abuse Memo Heats Up

The Justice Department is making a last-ditch effort to prevent the release of a controversial memo alleging surveillance abuse involving the infamous Steele dossier.

In a letter sent Wednesday to California Rep. Devin Nunes, the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), Justice Department official Stephen Boyd argued that it would be “extraordinarily reckless” for the committee to release the memo without first consulting the Justice Department and FBI.

A spokesman for Nunes hit back at the DOJ letter on Wednesday night.

“Agencies that are under investigation by congressional committees don’t typically get access to the committees’ investigative documents about them, and it’s no surprise these agencies don’t want the abuses we’ve found to be made public,” Jack Langer said in a statement.

In his letter, DOJ’s Boyd said that the agency is “unaware” of any abuses of the FISA system.

"Everything in the memo they already have," Gowdy said. "What they don't know specifically is what are the complaints, but you can't possibly say a memo was reckless if you haven't read it."

"I would say this to my friend Stephen Boyd, let's lower the rhetoric. I mean, I would say this again. I like Stephen. I work well with him," Gowdy, a former federal prosecutor, replied. "It's really difficult to say a memo is reckless when you haven't read it. To the extent he says that they've seen no evidence of any impropriety or untowardness or inappropriate conduct during the process we just respectfully disagree."