How will they rule ??!

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Coming Ramadan 2018
And everybody bitches because I drink too much.

True story.
Report reveals 92 percent of foreign nationals in federal prisons are illegal immigrants

A new report published Thursday by the Trump administration shows that 92 percent of foreign nationals in federal prisons are in the U.S. illegally -- a revelation that Attorney General Jeff Sessions said proves why the U.S. needs to follow through on President Trump's proposed immigration reform.

The 2017 report, from the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security, found that more than one in five individuals imprisoned were not born in the United States. In addition, 94 percent of foreign nationals in the custody of either the Federal Bureau of Prisons or the U.S. Marshals Service entered the U.S. illegally.
Not homo bashing... but, you ever notice how, even with high-level professionals, "Gay" is always the leading and preferred title/qualifier?

"Hi, I'm a gay universe saver and cancer curer."

It's almost like the need to be and be seen as gay is the leading aspect of these peoples' lives.

I don't feel the same need to tell people how much I love pussy. Never have. B/c it doesn't define me.
To innovate or vegetate

The tax debate between Republicans and Democrats illustrates two opposite visions of America — one for growth and hope and another for grim limits and ancient prejudices.

From the founding of the Republic through the middle of the recent Bush presidency, America, across recessions and recoveries, averaged better than 3 percent growth. President Obama managed only 1.8 percent, and now Democrats and academic economists tell us that’s as good as it gets.

According to them, productivity growth and adult labor force participation have been permanently reduced by powers beyond the forces of public policy. Eight years of more oppressive government regulations, higher taxes on businesses than abroad, more decadent universities and new policies enabling able-bodied adults easier access to Social Security disability pensions, food stamps, federal housing subsidies, Medicaid and the like had nothing to do with it.

Paradoxically, liberals want to give everyone a guaranteed annual income because computer programs and machines will eliminate the need for most workers.

My colleagues routinely attribute falling adult labor force participation to baby boom retirements. However, in 2006, the Bureau of Labor Statistics projected an aging population would lower the participation rate from 66.2 to 65.5 percent by 2016.

After Mr. Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi used the financial crisis as cover to build out the above-mentioned entitlements and enlarge the client class for Democratic politicians to mine, the participation rate fell to 62.7 percent.

With regulatory and business tax reforms in focus, investment and labor productivity have steadily gained since last spring, and the combination of artificial intelligence, robotics and portable computing — look in your pocket if you are not already reading this on a smart phone — promises a new age of progress.

Sadly, the regulatory state and high taxes have caused too many American firms to focus on lobbying instead of the next wave.

Ironically, liberals seem to lament America is not organized like China. Having lost the White House to the ultimate populist and ceded 33 governorships and most statehouses to Republicans, they treat Mr. Trump’s election as illegitimate. In the process, they dis democracy.

China is not telling young people work is superfluous or their government owes them a living. Instead, it is cornering the market on energy technology, poised to steal the electric car industry and targeting artificial intelligence as the battlefield for global economic dominance.

Only restoring innovation, the dignity of work and growth will create opportunities for rising incomes, care for an aging population and slay racial- and gender-based enmity. That requires focus on making the pie bigger, not cultivating fear and envy.

I'm hearing Watson most likely will come out as transgender in the pilot episode.

It's funny how they never seem to care that these moves tank and all they do is just destroy the fan base of the original. Your SJW audience views these as power moves. They don't actually care about watching it. They will ruin it like they do everything else.

And how many black people are watching Sherlock Holmes?
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Obama's idea of compassion for wounded warriors is to hold a cardboard sign that has a hashtag like moochelle did for her girls.
Totally nuts.
Watergate would not have even been a blip on the radar had it happened in the BO administration. So tame in comparison.
water gate is nothing compared to this. This is about as corrupt as you can get save having Trump killed. They made up a story to investigate using the FBI to throw people in prison. It doesn't get any worse than that. No way. Watergate is nothing. It's cheeseballs compared to what Obama did in multiple ways. Iran pay off, hezbola, and even the ambassador killed in benghazi was way more than some stealing of tapes. Good grief. Obama also invited al Sharpton multiple times to the white house and enabled black lives matter terrorism against law enforcement. Water gate ha
CBS asked a tax preparer to determine if taxes would increase or decrease for three families from three different states. Single mom from North Carolina making only $40,000 annually will save $1,300. Married couple from Rhode Island saves about $600. Married couple from high tax state California (who said they were certain that their taxes would increase), were informed that they will save $13,000 (because of elimination of alternative minimum taxes for individuals). Link below for any liberals who were claiming middle class would be screwed.
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All y'all that are still active on twitter and other social media sites please blow up anybody with the truth that nobody is stopping them from paying more taxes if they want. They can still follow the old tax code under Obama and pay their fair share. Please encourage them to hashtag it and post their acts of generosities. I am sure it will start a grassroots socialists movement that none of us can deny.
CBS asked a tax preparer too determine if taxes would increase or decrease for three families from three different states. Single mom from North Carolina making only $40,000 annually will save $1,300. Married couple from Rhode Island saves about $600. Married couple from high tax state California (who said they were certain that their taxes would increase), were informed that they will save $13,000 (because of elimination of alternative minimum taxes for individuals). Link below for any liberals who were claiming middle class would be screwed.

The newest party line is it doesn't help anyone making less than 150k. Hope things like this start opening people's eyes
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