How will they rule ??!

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Gotta say, I'm pretty happy with Trump's first year especially considering how crazy the media and the left has been on a daily basis. Gotta get the wall built though. That's a must. No compromises whatsoever. That's a symbol above all else.

Still he got us this
- Passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act; sending Libs into a meltdown again cause of his inability to pass legislation.
-Erased a ton of Obama regulations
- Gorsuch for SCOTUS and appeals court
- ISIS taking a huge hit
- Jerusalem
- Paris
- ICE being allowed to do their jobs.
- Travel ban after the long mess
- Exposed media, DNC, FBI and Clinton
- Obamacare mandate
- Stock market/economy
BOOM! Go the heads of JamesLee, Fuzz/RQ, CardKilla, FT. CampbellCat, Deeeefense, and all of the other clueless libs on this site. In the words of Jim Carrey as the Grinch " This feels goooooood".
To be honest, and I am absolutely not a liberal- I don't really disagree with the essay. Notwithstanding the problems in Europe, exclusively created by leftist idiocy, Europe is still a great choice for a vacation, with an incredibly disproportionately amount of classy, attractive, polite people in every single country there. The obvious tourist attractions are also great, but I digress. Anyway, I would absolutely bet on a given person in Berlin or London or Paris (assuming a native) being more likely to be a more pleasant person than a randomly selected person from Philadelphia or Boston or New York. It's not even close. This essay may have been written by a liberal, but I can just as easily picture it from a old school Right source like Chronicles Magazine.
Yes but, what the author of that essay fails to point out is that geographic location has a lot to do with how people feel. It helps form a frame of mind. Yes upbringing does too but, when dealing with our country the author fails also to point out that the attitudes around especially now have been created by the left themselves. Gloom and doom is the order of the day. They are only tolerant of those who agree with their beliefs therefore creating an atmosphere of hate and loathing.
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To be honest, and I am absolutely not a liberal- I don't really disagree with the essay. Notwithstanding the problems in Europe, exclusively created by leftist idiocy, Europe is still a great choice for a vacation, with an incredibly disproportionately amount of classy, attractive, polite people in every single country there. The obvious tourist attractions are also great, but I digress. Anyway, I would absolutely bet on a given person in Berlin or London or Paris (assuming a native) being more likely to be a more pleasant person than a randomly selected person from Philadelphia or Boston or New York. It's not even close. This essay may have been written by a liberal, but I can just as easily picture it from a old school Right source like Chronicles Magazine.

It was about the pretentiousness and smugness oozing from the page. My personal favorite was the guess that Europeans go home and watch an intellectual documentary.

It's just beyond arrogant.
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Yes but, what the author of that essay fails to point out is that geographic location has a lot to do with how people feel. It helps form a frame of mind. Yes upbringing does too but, when dealing with our country the author fails also to point out that the attitudes around especially now have been crated by the left themselves. Gloom and doom is the order of the day. They are only tolerant of those who agree with their beliefs therefore creating an atmosphere of hate and loathing.

In the piece, it comes off as they romantize Europe like a fantasy and think of it as a movie with no real depth of knowing anything about those people. They see them as extras in a movie or something.

Like you said, same person doesn't register the leftist impact of life and the effect of "multiculturalism" on areas. Areas filled with vandalism/graffiti, homeless people using the streets as a bathroom and would be the guy who would be against cleaning the poop off the sidewalk cause it's "racist."

Pretty good example of why I hate these people.

LOL what a miserable prick.

Was recently in Italy. Was great seeing all the Renaissance art that hadn't been looted by the Nazis. And drinking wine in the Tuscan countryside at a winery that displayed some of the bomb fragments and shrapnel found on the property years after the United States fought off the Germans.

Unfortunately my only experience in France was their incredibly inefficient airport. I didn't have the time to visit the beaches of Normandy where many Americans lost their lives fighting rather than sitting home and watching documentaries.

So here I sit at my office. I'll probably be here until 8 or 9 tonight? Why? Because I choose to. Because I live in a country where I have the ability and opportunity to make more money and enjoy more things in this world than I ever dreamed of if I go out and do it.

And when I leave tonight I'll drive my German car home. Again, because I choose to, because thanks to America, I have a choice to drive something other than a German car.
In the piece, it comes off as they romantize Europe like a fantasy and think of it as a movie with no real depth of knowing anything about those people. They see them as extras in a movie or something.

Like you said, same person doesn't register the leftist impact of life and the effect of "multiculturalism" on areas. Areas filled with vandalism/graffiti, homeless people using the streets as a bathroom and would be the guy who would be against cleaning the poop off the sidewalk cause it's "racist."
There is a standard of behavior that Euros adopt that the dregs of US society abandoned long ago. They are taught to be respectful to themselves and others. Not much more to it. Not a lot of daddys at home to enforce those standards here.

We, in the US, are taught that it's okay to send our kids to school in pajamas b/c single parent thot mama goes to walmart dressed the same way all the time. SHe cusses out the cashier for an item that is priced incorrectly and she cautiously monitors her EBT card spending so she can save what little cash she has for smokes and a new rose tattoo.

Cultures are different. Go ****ing figure.
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LOL what a miserable prick.

Was recently in Italy. Was great seeing all the Renaissance art that hadn't been looted by the Nazis. And drinking wine in the Tuscan countryside at a winery that displayed some of the bomb fragments and shrapnel found on the property years after the United States fought off the Germans.

Unfortunately my only experience in France was their incredibly inefficient airport. I didn't have the time to visit the beaches of Normandy where many Americans lost their lives fighting rather than sitting home and watching documentaries.

So here I sit at my office. I'll probably be here until 8 or 9 tonight? Why? Because I choose to. Because I live in a country where I have the ability and opportunity to make more money and enjoy more things in this world than I ever dreamed of if I go out and do it.

And when I leave tonight I'll drive my German car home. Again, because I choose to, because thanks to America, I have a choice to drive something other than a German car.
:clap:[banana]:cool2:[cheers] Yes, we are the greatest nation on the earth. If they don't like it, go live in the country of their choice of government. Don't try to change ours because many, many, others like me will give you the boot to help facilitate your move to another country or the next life.
There is a standard of behavior that Euros adopt that the dregs of US society abandoned long ago. They are taught to be respectful to themselves and others. Not much more to it. Not a lot of daddys at home to enforce those standards here.

We, in the US, are taught that it's okay to send our kids to school in pajamas b/c single parent thot mama goes to walmart dressed the same way all the time. SHe cusses out the cashier for an item that is priced incorrectly and she cautiously monitors her EBT card spending so she can save what little cash she has for smokes and a new rose tattoo.

Cultures are different. Go ****ing figure.
Don't forget the Mad Dog 2020 or Thunderbird wine.
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The left are miserable people. Only a leftist could be upset about that.

They're also super concerned with taking away from others. It's not enough to get a raise/tax cut, no, they're obsessed with what someone else got. How they can hurt them.

Thank conservatives for this place not being a socialist third world crap hole because if the left had their way, it would be.
Libs were/ are so desperate about stopping this tax reform because they know without a doubt that working/producing Americans will have empirical proof that Trump/conservative policies greatly benefit their quality of life and that he does what he says.

Their tax returns will be bigger, 401k soaring, wages increased, and their insurance will go down. All because of Trump. They know they can lie every breath, but it won't help (much like Obamacare insurance increases they swore weren't happening, but Americans knew it was).

Their hopes of 2018 being a turning point just went up in smoke. They also know they may as well not even run a candidate in 2020 unless they find a Russian smoking gun (which they won't).
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Good luck ever expecting civility from conservatives again, leftists. Not going to happen after how you've acted.

Like, how moronic are you?

Speaking of Russia, it's more obvious than ever this is nonsense. Libs and msm are already setting the narrative that stopping this investigation is some epic abuse of power. So they must know it's over.

So it's obvious Mueller will just keep hanging around until he's shut down. Pivoting to Jill Stein was a dead giveaway on that point. JILL STEIN LOL.
I want one more person to tell me $1000/year isn't real money.

Did these people not own piggy banks as kids? Did they not watch pennies turn to dollars? Did they never learn the magic of saving, investing and accruing interest?

4 of us can eat at Denny's for less than $40. We do it at least once a month for the pancakes. That bit of average family fun is now paid for for 80% of those under this new tax reform, you ungrateful ****ups.
Speaking of Russia, it's more obvious than ever this is nonsense. Libs and msm are already setting the narrative that stopping this investigation is some epic abuse of power. So they must know it's over.

So it's obvious Mueller will just keep hanging around until he's shut down. Pivoting to Jill Stein was a dead giveaway on that point. JILL STEIN LOL.
Trump will troll Mueller by not firing him.
I want one more person to tell me $1000/year isn't real money.

Did these people not own piggy banks as kids? Did they not watch pennies turn to dollars? Did they never learn the magic of saving, investing and accruing interest?

4 of us can eat at Denny's for less than $40. We do it at least once a month for the pancakes. That bit of average family fun is now paid for for 80% of those under this new tax reform, you ungrateful ****ups.

Because to those people there is no sense of economy. Money just shows up in their account monthly without having anything to trade for it. No skill, knowledge, etc.

So they have no appreciation for the effort that goes into earning $1000. To them, money basically does grow on trees.
Because to those people there is no sense of economy. Money just shows up in their account monthly without having anything to trade for it. No skill, knowledge, etc.

So they have no appreciation for the effort that goes into earning $1000. To them, money basically does grow on trees.

Don't forget that most of the left have NO IDEA how an economy actually works. Look what they are taught in HS/college. Nothing but leftist BS about how the only way an economy moves forward is by letting the government do everything and taxing the heck out of anyone making money.
The #NeverTrump "conservatives" were mind blowing to me. Just a clueless bunch who had no real solutions to anything. Yeah, let's forfeit the presidency and try again in 2020. Ben Shapiro essentially said this in an interview. Brilliant guy but was clueless in that regard.

I was reminded of all of the Never Trump Republicans who chose not to show for the RNC in Cleveland or endorse Trump and instead root for Hillary. Any douche registered as a Republican but would vote for Hillary is no Republican.

If Trump didn't win, we'd be just like Europe and never would win again. And why would you ever want the Dems to control the SCOTUS or continue their corruption at our expense? Yeah, trot out Jeb Bush and get bitch slapped just like in 2008 and 2012. But it told me a lot about the Bush-type Republicans.
Frankly, couldn't stand Trump in Summer of '16 & as a person, still can't. Dropped membership in Pub Party when he was nominated. Never could support HRC & planned to write-in. In last days b4 election, finally decided I had to do anything I could to stop HRC, thinking it was futile, & voted for DT. Man, am I ever glad I did. But still think he's a prick.
Frankly, couldn't stand Trump in Summer of '16 & as a person, still can't. Dropped membership in Pub Party when he was nominated. Never could support HRC & planned to write-in. In last days b4 election, finally decided I had to do anything I could to stop HRC, thinking it was futile, & voted for DT. Man, am I ever glad I did. But still think he's a prick.
My sentiments exactly. 100%
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