How will they rule ??!

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Jesus Cardkiller your tired terminology is soooo played out. Most CORPORATIONS BLARGHHH are people like me that *do* need to the corporate rate dropped. You have no effing clue what good Sub Ss like me can do for the economy without Uncle Sam’s gratuitous foot on our throat.

Pretty far out of your lane as per usual. Feel free to start your own company and see what it’s like to fork over ungodly amounts of your hard earned money to the government and then be painted as a pariah for being “rich”. For f*cks sake that’s another thing, y’all about tainting the jury pool. You dumbasses have half the country think a “corporation” or “business owner” is evil just for being alive. Your a idiot.
Shocking was an outright acquittal. Not even manslaughter. WTF???

The WH kook will be a kook. He pounds the table for tax reform in one breath then brags on the strongest economy with the largest corporate profits in US history. Pointless when it mostly benefits the people that need it the least.

The kook will alienate our allies with a reckless retweet that endangers US diplomats, US citizens and local law enforcement all over the Muslim world. Wasn't he critical of the Obama administration in the prevention of Benghazi? Hello?

As if that wasn't bad enough, he talks tough about the NK midget as he watches this puny nation develop a nuclear capability that can reach not only space but put every major US city in its path.

Hail to the chief!!!
Moronic but typical post from you. Deflect and put blame on Trump for everything.
Overcome by record profits and frozen wages. I follow the markets fairly closely. The truth is there is wage inflation in places like China so some have already decided to come back. This is classic republican spin for corporate welfare. Drain the swamp!! What a freakin' joke!
You follow liberal mouth pieces so closely that your head is so far up their asses that you cannot see the real problems in this country.
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Yeah, I'm sure it's as accurate as the millions of illegal voters b.s. Only people caught voting illegally were Trump voters [roll]
That is a complete lie. Why are you guys so content with lying as a means for content in an argument? Is your position so weak or your intelligence so weak that you know you can't win any other way? In a word....yes.
Jesus Cardkiller your tired terminology is soooo played out. Most CORPORATIONS BLARGHHH are people like me that *do* need to the corporate rate dropped. You have no effing clue what good Sub Ss like me can do for the economy without Uncle Sam’s gratuitous foot on our throat.

Pretty far out of your lane as per usual. Feel free to start your own company and see what it’s like to fork over ungodly amounts of your hard earned money to the government and then be painted as a pariah for being “rich”. For f*cks sake that’s another thing, y’all about tainting the jury pool. You dumbasses have half the country think a “corporation” or “business owner” is evil just for being alive. Your a idiot.

Lol, Cardkilla doesn't know anything about business. Zero. Nada. Zilch.

I kinda feel the same. Kate will be a martyr.

When all the details are exposed on this POS, it'll change some minds. 5 deportations and awaiting a 6th while committing felonies and killing innocent women as an illegal. You can't sell common sense in a more concise package.

Hate that it came to this. But we needed a martyr to stop this insanity
Funny considering your rapists get to go to the Senate
That is a complete lie. Why are you guys so content with lying as a means for content in an argument? Is your position so weak or your intelligence so weak that you know you can't win any other way? In a word....yes.
not a lie and yeah you're supreme leader lies on the daily. So stick it

It’s funny isn’t it? On one hand you have some men using their position of power to grope, grab and sometimes rape women and that’s wrong. Okay, we can all agree on that. But then the picture is painted daily that all men are dogs and just want women’s bodies. Men bad.

But then on the other hand you have Pence who won’t even have lunch with another woman alone because of how society is today so that there is 0 chance rumors start or anything could occur... and he’s an idiot. A man can have simple lunch with a woman and it mean nothing... unless the above applies...

So which is it? Are all men dogs or is Pence an idiot for not being with another woman alone? Per usual you can’t win when they make everything out to be wrong.
Jesus Cardkiller your tired terminology is soooo played out. Most CORPORATIONS BLARGHHH are people like me that *do* need to the corporate rate dropped. You have no effing clue what good Sub Ss like me can do for the economy without Uncle Sam’s gratuitous foot on our throat.

Pretty far out of your lane as per usual. Feel free to start your own company and see what it’s like to fork over ungodly amounts of your hard earned money to the government and then be painted as a pariah for being “rich”. For f*cks sake that’s another thing, y’all about tainting the jury pool. You dumbasses have half the country think a “corporation” or “business owner” is evil just for being alive. Your a idiot.

If you think your getting a material tax cut (or a cut at all) as an active owner in an S Corp, you're probably going to be thoroughly disappointed.
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Lol, dems are the rapists and child molesters. It's not even debatable. There's a new dem busted everyday. Keep lying to yourself
Al Frankenstein - democrat
Conyers - democrat
Charlie rose - media shill democrat
Harvey - democrat fundraiser
Bill Clinton -democrat
Matt Laur - democrat/media shill

just to name a few. Democrat is officially the party of rape and child molestation. That's a fact.
What am I missing from the senate bill? In all seriousness I’m all ears pitchfork in hand, crack an egg of knowledge on me @Bill Cosby

Well the House bill, and the yet to be voted on with whatever amendments pass Senate bill will need to be reconciled. Im assuming we're going to end up with in a scenario where the worst provisions (i.e. least beneficial to everyday American taxpayers) survive.

What's the Senate give you at this point? A 20% deduction for qualified business income subject to various limitations and phase ins? I believe the Senate kept a state income tax deduction for taxes paid on business income, but I'll be surprised if that survives. I think DPAD also goes away in the Senate bill.

Honestly without knowing your specifics, and really having no idea what will come out of Congress, it's hard to say for sure.

The only thing I do know is my firm won't be losing any clients over this tax simplification.

Basically, Congress is just shuffling the cards and dealing out new winners and losers but looking at the cards pre deal. Need to find a way to slide into the seat that's being dealt the winning hand.
So, after a year of investigating, still no evidence of Trump/Russia collusion, and on top of Manafort's indictment, which had absolutely nothing to do with Trump/Russia collusion, all they have on the 'main player', Flynn, is lying to the FBI about a meeting, the same meeting he lied to Trump/Pence about and was fired for it, and just like Manafort, his crime/lies have absolutely nothing to do with Trump/Russia collusion. Call me unimpressed.
To get to that verdict, those jurors must have been Trump-triggered, where reason goes out the window and anything Trump supports must be opposed. It's like the travel ban, people go out of their gat dammed mind despite the fundamental protection of all American citizens being a very laudable goal, and only extreme vetting people coming from countries Obama had already identified as a threat due to their vetting deficiencies.

But, no! Trump is a racist! He's discriminating against Muslims! So they organize and attack an Executive Order that is meant to protect American citizens. They go against their own interest, but being Trump-triggered, they fail to recognize this.

These jurors must have thought the same way: If we convict this illegal immigrant, then Trump will be vindicated, he will have been right! And he will be allowed to build that wall. And that wall is racist toward Hispanics! How do we prevent this? know, maybe there is some merit to what this defense attorney is saying...

And so we remain unprotected, too stupid to build a wall to protect us because of the symbolic meaning it has to Trump-triggered liberals. Insane.
Jesus Cardkiller your tired terminology is soooo played out. Most CORPORATIONS BLARGHHH are people like me that *do* need to the corporate rate dropped. You have no effing clue what good Sub Ss like me can do for the economy without Uncle Sam’s gratuitous foot on our throat.

Pretty far out of your lane as per usual. Feel free to start your own company and see what it’s like to fork over ungodly amounts of your hard earned money to the government and then be painted as a pariah for being “rich”. For f*cks sake that’s another thing, y’all about tainting the jury pool. You dumbasses have half the country think a “corporation” or “business owner” is evil just for being alive. Your a idiot.
First off, it's YOU'RE an idiot... not your a idiot. If you are gonna insult someone at least get it right.

So you're a corporation? Or an LLC? Sorry but corporations absolutely do not need this tax break. They are making money hand over fist.

Small businesses, on the other hand, I can get down with. They do most of the hiring. Corporations are just leeches who use a country's resources and try to give back as little as possible.

I do find it hilarious when you just assume things you know nothing about. I've been running my business as an LLC since 2012. I know all about paying taxes, I pay them every quarter. I have an ecommerce shop, sell on ebay, amazon, in addition to contract web development work. So please GTFO if you don't think I know what I'm talking about. Just because I don't agree that corporations need their rate cut to 20% at the expense of everyone else. Every other time they've given corporations tax breaks or lower rates to repatriate earnings, it all went to shareholders and the executives. You think they're gonna give workers more money? LOL, please.

This tax cut is again, nothing but a redistribution to the donor class. Trickle down didn't work in the 80s and sure as $hit isn't gonna work now.
CNN Breaking News -- Mueller's special counsel charges Don Jr. and Eric, who were accompanied by Russian billionaires on their trip, with poaching big game, lions and elephants, from Africa. More evidence of Russia collusion.
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So, after a year of investigating, still no evidence of Trump/Russia collusion, and on top of Manafort's indictment, which had absolutely nothing to do with Trump/Russia collusion, all they have on the 'main player', Flynn, is lying to the FBI about a meeting, the same meeting he lied to Trump/Pence about and was fired for it, and just like Manafort, his crime/lies have absolutely nothing to do with Trump/Russia collusion. Call me unimpressed.
oh there's plenty of evidence, you just don't wanna believe it. Why is there so much contact with Russians from this administration/campaign? And if there's nothing to hide, why has everyone lied about meeting with Russians? I'm guessing you also know what Mueller has found too? Please tell us if you do.
There is simply no possible way a decent human being could vote for the values that Democrats support.
you guys really are a piece of work. So much hate for your fellow Americans. I'm sure Roy Moore has the right values. And Trump of course, just a great human being.