How will they rule ??!

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really fantastic, so glad I've got you to give me the lowdown on that. If you think I'm talking about a mom and pop corporation I just don't know what to tell ya. I'm guessing there might be a mom and pop corporation out there with thousands of employees and multiple offices. I'm sure that's what you thought I was talking about.

Let me break it down for you like a small child. You know the corporations that have those letters next to them you see in like this paper called the Wall Street Journal? There's like these numbers next to them and sometimes they go up and sometimes they go down. And sometimes people paint these pretty squiggle lines on them that kinda look like a mountain range outline. Yeah, those f'ing corporations! The ones who hide billions of dollars in panama or the Caribbean.

I'll be waiting to hear the outrage over the deficit spending for this. I mean just a year or so ago it was all any of yous could talk about.
Looks like Republicans are just picking winners and losers like everyone else, although I was told by every Republican on here how that's bad, cause that's not capitalism.

Again, this tax cut bill is a load of crap. Sounds like for a good portion of taxpayers, it's a tax increase. Which I also thought Republicans didn't do.

Just a shame cardkilla doesn't have an ounce of reasonableness in him.

He does have some points, but then follows valid points up with lies and bullshit.

IMO, this tax reform is smoke and mirrors, and just changes the winners and losers. But, I think the numbers show, for the most part statistically, people will have their taxes go down a little bit.

The stock market (thise corps with the numbers next to them hes talking about) has been going gangbusters under Trump thinking tax cuts will be coming. Do i look at tgose companies as the enemy? No. I own a lot of them. So does the vast majority of Americans with a retirement account.

Are the execs overcompensated a lot of times, sure. But I'm not going to cut off my nose to spite my face.

Edit: on mobile, so there's a bunch of typos
You're the dissector using half sentences to respond.

Because I don't care about the rest of your nonsensical, uninformed talking points. My only point was that you were being dishonest about the phase outs. Below is your post...

Defend to the end. Drain the swamp!!

Enjoy your tax cuts that phase out, better wages and bonuses for execs and a safer American embassy. [jumpingsmile]mfao

I specifically responded only to the part where you claimed, as a matter of fact, that they phase out. I called you out on your dishonesty and corrected you. Again, that was my only point. I couldn't care less about the rest of your ramblings.

But that's what politicians like you do to further an agenda.

My only agenda was to correct the lies you were spreading.
The story has already changed. Now, supposedly, Trump directed Flynn to reach out to multiple countries, not just Russia, about matter concerning the Middle East. Were they colluding to destroy ISIS?
The story has already changed. Now, supposedly, Trump directed Flynn to reach out to multiple countries, not just Russia, about matter concerning the Middle East. Were they colluding to destroy ISIS?
So Flynn was doing national security adviser type of things. Wow, what a traitor.
Its been engraved into american culture somehow that admitting you are wrong is a negative life altering event.

But what were we wrong about? What are we supposed to be admitting? You can say it over and over, doesn't make it true. Was Trump impeached and I missed it? What laws did he break? Has it been proven that Trump directed Flynn to contact Russia with the intent to collude with them to meddle in the election?
So Flynn is going to testify that a senior campaign official told him to contact the Russians about a vote at the UN and some sanctions. This occurred in December (after the election). What the heck does this have to do with election interference or collusion?

"Flynn and the senior officials discussed both the recently implemented U.S. sanctions on Russia as well as the fact that they did not want Russia to escalate friction between the two nations, lawyers on special counsel Robert Mueller's team told a federal judge Friday.

After the discussion, Flynn telephoned the Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak. Afterwards, he called the senior transition official and reported the sanctions discussion, prosecutors said. "
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They really should run with the "merry Christmas Jesus" story. Much higher chance of impeachment than this stupid Russia stuff - WHICH BASICALLY GOT TRUMP ELECTED YOU DUMBASSES. You're gonna keep crying about Russia while Trump trounces whatever pro-world pos you trot out for 2020. Then what?
You're correct, I will never admit that anyone should have voted for Hillary. Good job, you sure got me.

No one should of voted for Trump either........... You'd rather the nation be destroyed by god himself than vote for someone other than a republican. If republicans tied themselves to a black hole........ you'd follow in to your doom.

You could of been one of the smart people trying to push america into voting for neither but instead you allowed yourself to be a lemming. Would one of them been voted in even with you advocating neither should get it??? Probably but standing up for whats right is what should matter. Its like if 1000 people are watching a woman drown and doing nothing about it........ do you do what the others do to fit in or do whats right?
But what were we wrong about? What are we supposed to be admitting? You can say it over and over, doesn't make it true. Was Trump impeached and I missed it? What laws did he break? Has it been proven that Trump directed Flynn to contact Russia with the intent to collude with them to meddle in the election?

thinking he'd make america great again yet instead all it is , is embarrassment after embarrassment. Lets start with that. How many things that he promised to do have been done yet by the way?
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Sounds like the ABC story is total bullshit. The plea agreement doesn't even mention Trump, why would Flynn be testifying against Trump? Makes no sense.

More fake news.
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thinking he'd make america great again

Not for lack of trying. As much as you lot love to claim it, he's not a dictator. He can't force his will.

yet instead all it is , is embarrassment after embarrassment.

According to who? Your opinion doesn't speak for everyone else and means absolutely nothing. What you find embarrassing, others could find funny, different or a refreshing change from Obama.

How many things that he promised to do have been done yet by the way?

Again, not for lack of trying. He's tried to keep them all, every damn one of them. Try naming some that he hasn't actually tried to get done.

It's not his fault Democrats are obstructionists and would rather the country get worse off than to see him succeed. It's also not his fault most Republicans are spineless and roll over at the first sign of scrutiny. Nor is it his fault that liberal judges ignore the Constitution/law and are trying to govern from the bench and unlawfully blocking parts of his agenda.
No one should of voted for Trump either........... You'd rather the nation be destroyed by god himself than vote for someone other than a republican. If republicans tied themselves to a black hole........ you'd follow in to your doom.

You could of been one of the smart people trying to push america into voting for neither but instead you allowed yourself to be a lemming. Would one of them been voted in even with you advocating neither should get it??? Probably but standing up for whats right is what should matter. Its like if 1000 people are watching a woman drown and doing nothing about it........ do you do what the others do to fit in or do whats right?

We did stand up for whats right, thats why we voted Trump. It's why Trump won states no Republican has won in 30 plus years.
thinking he'd make america great again yet instead all it is , is embarrassment after embarrassment. Lets start with that. How many things that he promised to do have been done yet by the way?

Exactly what positions has he flip flopped on since being elected?

You stayed at home or voted Johnson if I recall. What's Johnson's stance on immigration?

Trump hasn't dodged any issue/cause that he campaigned on last year. If establishment Rinos push back and side with Dems, what's he to do?

The Rinos need to be pointed out for who they are and people can vote accordingly in the midterms.

If you want to get your panties in a wad over Twitter, go ahead.
Jeff Flake is the 50th vote for tax cuts/ANWR drilling/Obamacare mandate repeal bill. Collins is leaning toward becoming the 51st. Corker may be the only vote against. A black day for the lunatic left but a great day for America.
This is why Mueller charged Flynn today, IMO. They want this knocked out of the news. Now dumb Trump/Russia crap will be all over TV for the next week or so. Tax bill will be ignored.
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Exactly what positions has he flip flopped on since being elected?

You stayed at home or voted Johnson if I recall. What's Johnson's stance on immigration?

Trump hasn't dodged any issue/cause that he campaigned on last year. If establishment Rinos push back and side with Dems, what's he to do?

The Rinos need to be pointed out for who they are and people can vote accordingly in the midterms.

If you want to get your panties in a wad over Twitter, go ahead.

Your last point here is important Dave. That was me for awhile - overlooking actual policy and agenda because he acts like a jackass on social media.

Once you kick that to the side you see that Trump hasn't done anything policy wise that's out of line - even if you're a hardcore liberal, what is there to be pissed about? I'm all ears.
Judicial Watch releases 29 pages of FBI emails centered around the Clinton/Lynch tarmac meeting.

First, they (DOJ/FBI) lied and said they had no such documents, but then when Fitton wouldn't go away and turned up the heat, the FBI magically found them.

The documents show that the FBI was more worried about damage control and catching the person who leaked the meeting, then they were the actual meeting and the investigation into Hillary.

Judicial Watch Releases 29 Pages of FBI Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting Documents Previously Withheld by Justice Department
Small businesses have the option to be corporations or LLC's, and the form of business has absolutely nothing to do with making the business itself "good" or "evil." You can be a small "mom and pop" corporation, or a large multinational LLC. Of course, you know this given that you know everything about everything since you formed an LLC for yourself once.

What I find hilarious is that you absolutely don't know sh!t but pontificate as if you do.

I don't believe for one second that cardkilla owns a business. Sorry, I just don't. I'd say there's a 5% chance that's true. And even if he does, he doesn't sound like a smart businessman.

If someone doesn't understand there is a difference between limited liability entities, nevermind what the difference actually is, then no way they own or are in anyway involved in business decision making.

Classic lib. Little knowledge, yet repeat parts of what you hear to appear knowledgeable
Like I said......... people like you would never admit it.........

Admit what? You think having Democrats in control of anything is good for this nation? Clueless.

I'll take the guy who exposed our media, wants to stop illegal immigration and gave us the Supreme Court.

By all means, keep telling us that we backed the wrong person. Lol. Democrats are the scum of the earth.
Flynn also pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his work for Turkey. This is on top of his lies to them about contacts with Russia and him actually being fired for lying to Trump/Pence about said contacts with Russia.

Again, I'm no prosecutor, but the last thing I'd do is put my star witness on blast as a compulsive liar who can't be trusted, charge him with and allow him to plead guilty to perjury, then rely on his testimony and/or expect a courtroom to lend any credibility to his testimony. A competent defense attorney would have a field day during cross examination.

In my non-prosecutorial opinion, if Flynn truly had the goods on Trump, there's no way Mueller shits on Flynn's credibility like he has and charges/allows him to plead guilty to perjury before his courtroom testimony.

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Because I don't care about the rest of your nonsensical, uninformed talking points. My only point was that you were being dishonest about the phase outs. Below is your post...

I specifically responded only to the part where you claimed, as a matter of fact, that they phase out. I called you out on your dishonesty and corrected you. Again, that was my only point. I couldn't care less about the rest of your ramblings.

My only agenda was to correct the lies you were spreading.
I think by now we all know your agenda. You politicize EVERYTHING. You create political absolutes that dissect fragments of a paragraph or conversation.

Again, things STILL in the Senate plan...
A. Business cuts remain permanent, individual cuts are temporary.
B. SALT deductions have been eliminated.
C. FIFO becomes mandatory eliminating tax preferences for investors.
D. Standard and child deductions go up.
E. Corporate rate lowers from 35% to 20%

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Judicial Watch releases 29 pages of FBI emails centered around the Clinton/Lynch tarmac meeting.

First, they (DOJ/FBI) lied and said they had no such documents, but then when Fitton wouldn't go away and turned up the heat, the FBI magically found them.

The documents show that the FBI was more worried about damage control and catching the person who leaked the meeting, then they were the actual meeting and the investigation into Hillary.

Judicial Watch Releases 29 Pages of FBI Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting Documents Previously Withheld by Justice Department
Every part of govt under Obama was weaponized and these dipshits that freak out about every DT tweet were laying back holding their ankles.
I think by now we all know your agenda. You politicize EVERYTHING. You create political absolutes that dissect fragments of a paragraph or conversation.

Again, things STILL in the Senate plan...

B. SALT deductions have been eliminated.

Incorrect. Up to $10,000 in property tax can still be deducted under both he House and Senate bills. Property tax is a SALT. Also 70% of Americans don't itemize already; they take the standard deduction. With the doubling of the standard deduction under this bill that figure will jump to about 90%. So only the wealthiest 10% are going to lose out on that SALT and most of those will be in high tax states like CA, NJ, NY and IL. So the SALT change is going to have very little effect on the middle class.
I think by now we all know your agenda. You politicize EVERYTHING. You create political absolutes that dissect fragments of a paragraph or conversation.

Again, things STILL in the Senate plan...
A. Business cuts remain permanent, individual cuts are temporary.
B. SALT deductions have been eliminated.
C. FIFO becomes mandatory eliminating tax preferences for investors.
D. Standard and child deductions go up.
E. Corporate rate lowers from 35% to 20%


What are you not comprehending about I couldn't care less about what else you have to say about the plan. It's irrelevant and wasn't the point of our conversation. You're deflecting. I only quoted you to correct your half truth about the phase out. You were being dishonest and misleading and I pointed it out. That's it.
Also, since Flynn is fully cooperating with Mueller, the Democrats better hope he has the goods on Trump because if there was actual collusion, Flynn was in that small circle and would most definitely know. If someone of Flynn's stature in the administration doesn't have the goods on Trump, then Mueller might as well pack it up and go home because there aren't any goods.