OT: RIP Charlie Hustle

I gotta admit I got misty eyed after hearing about the passing of Pete Rose. Him and Johnny Bench were the idols of most boys I played little league ball with. In the neighborhood when it rained, we would do Pete Rose slides in Jimmy's back yard...all of us tried to switch hit..lifelong Reds fans, I will admit this one stings more than most. One of the best to ever play the game, F*** the gambling BS..give the man his due and put him in the Hall..RIP Charlie Hustle...
Cheats like David Ortiz can get in the Hall of Fame after admitting to steroid use. I wish Pete could have made the HOF for his accomplishment as a player being the all-time hit king, most games played. Definitely a sad day and sick to my stomach right now. RIP Pete and thank you for the wonderful memories that you gave us Reds fans.
I gotta admit I got misty eyed after hearing about the passing of Pete Rose. Him and Johnny Bench were the idols of most boys I played little league ball with. In the neighborhood when it rained, we would do Pete Rose slides in Jimmy's back yard...all of us tried to switch hit..lifelong Reds fans, I will admit this one stings more than most. One of the best to ever play the game, F*** the gambling BS..give the man his due and put him in the Hall..RIP Charlie Hustle...
I am a Braves fan, but I dig the big red machine of the 70s
Cheats like David Ortiz can get in the Hall of Fame after admitting to steroid use. I wish Pete could have made the HOF for his accomplishment as a player being the all-time hit king, most games played. Definitely a sad day and sick to my stomach right now. RIP Pete and thank you for the wonderful memories that you gave us Reds fans.
They had another chance to make it right in 2015 after he finally admitted he did it. That was always the reasoning for his rejection and they still wouldn’t overturn it. Assholes. The conclusion of my paper is that you can’t have a hall of fame without Pete Rose. If it is meant to signify the greatest players ever then it’s worth is diminished without him in it.

I feel the same about Bonds. Steroids or not the dude was a HOF player, and the best hitter I’ve ever seen. Not only for power but average. I’ve never seen a more feared player at the plate. If you want to have a certain wing for steroid users, so be it but guys like McGuire and Sosa brought joy to years of fans and brought back interest in the game after the strike. It was a pretty even field when they played because apparently most did them or could if they wanted. Make that era separate from every other one but the best players deserve recognition. Clemens was obviously a HOF pitcher no matter what. Maybe his career would have been shorter but I don’t know how much that effects pitching.
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They had another chance to make it right in 2015 after he finally admitted he did it. That was always the reasoning for his rejection and they still wouldn’t overturn it. Assholes. The conclusion of my paper is that you can’t have a hall of fame without Pete Rose. If it is meant to signify the greatest players ever then it’s worth is diminished without him in it. I feel the same about Bonds. Steroids or not the dude was a HOF player, and the best hitter I’ve ever seen. Not only for power but average. I’ve never seen a more feared player at the plate.
I seem to remember a video when Big Papi first got exposed with this of him crying at the time on ESPN. It is crazy how much his career changed from Minnesota to his All-Star years in Boston. Gets around Manny Ramirez and that clown gets popped for using a women's fertility drug.

This is a pretty well done video of Manny's eccentric career to say the least.

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I seem to remember a video when Big Papi first got exposed with this of him crying at the time on ESPN. It is crazy how much his career changed to his All-Star years in Boston. Gets around Manny Ramirez and that clown gets popped for using a women's fertility drug.

This is a pretty well-done video of Manny's eccentric career to say the least.

Man ram was a hell of a hitter too. I know the roids help with power but it takes a lot of skill to hit that well roids or not. I totally get the argument of those who don’t want them in. I just think they played by the rules and lock room of the generation they were in. We will never know the exact % of who did juice or not, and how much it affected their performance overall so it is a tough thing to judge.
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R.I.P. slugger.

Man ram was a hell of a hitter too. I know the roids help with power but it takes a lot of skill to hit that well roids or not. I totally get the argument of those who don’t want them in. I just think they played by the rules and lock room of the generation they were in. We will never know the exact % of who did juice or not, and how much it affected their performance overall so it is a tough thing to judge.
The entire process is flawed. Made a special ruling to keep Pete Rose off the ballot for being permanently ineligible, yet Shoeless Joe was even put on the Hall of Fame ballot back in the day. You make an interesting point regarding the players in that era of the game with PED use being so rampant in the game and facing multiple others doing the same thing. I'm sure even some got by and never got caught who were slick in the way they cheated. I know the BBWAA votes on the Hall of Fame and in Rose's case the ruling by MLB blocked him from ever being eligible. There needs to be consistency in the process for those who violate the rules. If you are going to let one with Big Papi in, an entire can of worms gets opened up leaving out players like Bonds, Clemens, ARod, Sosa, McGwire etc who I would say had a bigger impact on the game than Ortiz. IMO, put them all in or leave them all out if they broke the rules. The voters shouldn't ride both sides of the fence here.
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Makes me mad.
Could've had Rose in the hall long time ago.
Kept bullshitting him.
I watched the documentary on Rose on hbo Max not 3 weeks ago.
Got damn shame. Greatest baseball hitter in history died today.
Not 2nd best
not top 10.....
My generation didn't keep you out Pete. I was born in '79. We'd put you in years ago. Old fkers are responsible. Just like for EVERYTHING else in this country. 💯

I wish you the best on your next career you started today. My generation will fix this bullshit for you. I swear it. Just like everything else in this country. It's almost time for Generation X to take over. And we WILL make things right.

We will all see you in time!
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😢 I don't follow the Reds or MLB like I used to. Free agency and money ruined it for me, but nothing will ever take away what it meant to me growing up. The Big Red Machine was special and I liked every player for different reasons. Bench was my favorite if I had to pick one, but Rose's hustle and drive to win was what I emulated. 14 was the number I wore when I played. The only profile picture I've ever had on here is the one to the left. Click on it and see the greatest starting lineup I have ever seen in baseball.
Man ram was a hell of a hitter too. I know the roids help with power but it takes a lot of skill to hit that well roids or not. I totally get the argument of those who don’t want them in. I just think they played by the rules and lock room of the generation they were in. We will never know the exact % of who did juice or not, and how much it affected their performance overall so it is a tough thing to judge.
There were rules against PED use that began in '91. There wasn't any testing yet until 2003. I'll give you it still take skills for any player to hit the ball, but it is an unfair advantage to those who played the game the right way. Increased muscle mass over players who weren't juicing for power as we saw with the record numbers at the time during the home run chases.

Also, allowed players to recover from injuries at a faster rate. While that in of itself doesn't effect the outcome of an individual game while players are out recovering from an injury and could make an argument something to return soon isn't a bad thing. Usage did not stop there. Skinny Bonds in Pittsburgh was a great enough player that he did not need to taint his legacy with steroids.
I gotta admit I got misty eyed after hearing about the passing of Pete Rose. Him and Johnny Bench were the idols of most boys I played little league ball with. In the neighborhood when it rained, we would do Pete Rose slides in Jimmy's back yard...all of us tried to switch hit..lifelong Reds fans, I will admit this one stings more than most. One of the best to ever play the game, F*** the gambling BS..give the man his due and put him in the Hall..RIP Charlie Hustle...
What he did pales in comparison to what most pro athletes do now. Every pro Hall of Fame is so watered down now anyways. Guys get in now that wouldn't even be an all star back in the 80s and earlier.
Cheats like David Ortiz can get in the Hall of Fame after admitting to steroid use. I wish Pete could have made the HOF for his accomplishment as a player being the all-time hit king, most games played. Definitely a sad day and sick to my stomach right now. RIP Pete and thank you for the wonderful memories that you gave us Reds fans.
It's a MLB problem that he's not in the HOF. Not enough people who mattered, actually cared.
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What he did pales in comparison to what most pro athletes do now. Every pro Hall of Fame is so watered down now anyways. Guys get in now that wouldn't even be an all star back in the 80s and earlier.
But if you try to bring this point up on a site like, they cry a river in protest to this fact.
Pete should have been in years ago, the thing that pisses me off about the steroid days is mlb knew players were juicing but the McGwire and Sosa homerun chase and Barry Bonds greatness was making them money so they turned a blind eye to it.
Which is why they shouldn’t punish the guys who did it. It’s beyond hypocritical..