How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Yeah, we know you leftists definitely care about deficits. You only supported a President who spent more than all presidents before him combined. 10 trillion f****** dollars.

If Rand needs advice on deficits, I don't think you leftists have the credibility to be giving it.
On this topic, the republican hypocrisy is nothing new. The next display seems to be pointing towards infrastructure.
I think he does. It lays perfect cover so the media is talking about meaningless tweets instead of Congress about to vote on tax reform.
Just watch the Huckabee Sanders pressers. Every question is about a Trump tweet, or something that Trump said. Never do ask questions about actual legislation or important things. Our press is a joke and they are too dumb to see how Trump constantly trolls them.
Rough times to be a man.

I remember the days when you could tell a woman co-worker that her big ol' tits would look good smothering your face. Now you get fired for that.
How long before it comes full circle back to The Donald? Apparently he's backtracking that the bus audio wasn't him after all. You'd think he'd be church-mouse quiet right about now.
Thank God I never kept numbers or had this kinda social media back in 2006.

Most in My fraternity would be in jail.

Liberals rape and molest kids like fat people love candy, but that's a-ok apparently to democrats.

Jesus Christ, I have never seen anything like it. democrats love rape and pedophilia and no one bats an eye. When I have kids, I WILL never let my kids around a democrat. Ever. I'll kill them. I'll stick a knife so deep into a democrat child raper that I'll kill his family too.
Not me. I've told a female she had the nicest tits in the most platonic way.

lmao. there is no way i could ever run for any political position, even at the local level. not today. i've never had a filter. i've always been a smart ass and said what i felt or or just what i thought would get a reaction out of people i don't like. not to mention no problem telling women what i was thinking, and every single one of them loved it. nonbitch liberal psychos actually love confident men and compliments. they didn't spend all that damn money and time putting their selves together to not get noticed. millennial women have grown up with millennial men, so basically having a pussy of their own and having to deal with so called men that wished they had one too.
lmao. there is no way i could ever run for any political position, even at the local level. not today. i've never had a filter. i've always been a smart ass and said what i felt or or just what i thought would get a reaction out of people i don't like. not to mention no problem telling women what i was thinking, and every single one of them loved it. nonbitch liberal psychos actually love confident men and compliments. they didn't spend all that damn money and time putting their selves together to not get noticed. millennial women have grown up with millennial men, so basically having a pussy of their own and having to deal with so called men that wished they had one too.

Shit i've had a sexual harrassment on the job. I don't give a shit. They are all are dirty ass whores to me. Get in the kitchen and make me a sammich and blow me. Women are nothing but vagina holes and frankly I don't give two shits about anyone elses opinion. They can blow me too.

Oh, my sexual harrassement was about me talking about masturbating and some woman heard it and got offended. f*** her.
i can't wait for some men to come out with their own "metoo" shit and calling out and accusing women of using their sexuality on the job to coerce these men into sexual favors for professional advancement and the men can play victim card. it is sort of like that domestic violence joke from the show "cops", whoever calls the police first isn't going to jail. see some man coming out of his trailer busted up and bloody but she called the called cops and his ass got his ass whooped and put in the cruiser. you got to get out in front of this shit.

both hollywood and the news media have been putting out utter crap for years now. this new found implosion of decadence and cutting each other's throats has by far been the best viewing tv to come on in years.
No females have yet been named as aggressors in these exposes of sexual harassment.

Yet, we have a thread here in the Paddock weekly detailing how a "naughty" female teacher abused their position of authority and trust to take advantage of a minor.

Some women abuse their positions of power to sexually harass men just as some men with power abuse it to sexually harass women. Watch how fast this whole movement loses steam when women become the accused rather than the accusers, and men start saying #metoo.
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For those of you who might be into gun collecting, the U.S. Army is expected to sell off thousands of surplus original Browning designed, Colt manufactured M1911/M1911A1 pistols. Some have never been issued and/or used, some were limited issued and barely used, while others were heavily issued and have battle scars from war.

They've been sitting in storage, collecting dust, since the 80's. Note that all military surplus firearms that originate from the Army Depot in Alabama go through a rigorous inspection and testing process to assess the condition of each firearm before making the cut.

Sales are based on this year’s National Defense Authorization Act, a massive defense policy bill recently approved by Congress and awaiting Trump’s signature. If interested, you'll be able to purchase them through the CMP (Civilian Marksmanship Program). For those not familiar, the eligibility requirements for purchases are here.
lmfao @ the NFL. They are proposing a new Social Justice fund of like 100 million dollars to address the needs of the African American community. They hope this will stop the protesting. One thing about libs , you give them money they ask for more. What a complete joke the NFL is. Anquan Boldin and Malcom Jenkins are the two idiots trying to secure "donations" to help only African Americans and the plight they face of dealing with consequences from their own dumb ass decisions. .

It appears that now "racism" is the term used to describe the outcome of blacks making similar decisions (en masse "black culture) and getting similar results. IMO racism is treating someone differently b/c of the color of their skin. Blacks want to corner the market on racism (obviously)
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lmfao @ the NFL. They are proposing a new Social Justice fund of like 100 million dollars to address the needs of the African American community. They hope this will stop the protesting. One thing about libs , you give them money they ask for more. What a complete joke the NFL is. Anquan Boldin and Malcom Jenkins are the two idiots trying to secure "donations" to help only African Americans and the plight they face of dealing with consequences from their own dumb ass decisions. .

It appears that now "racism" is the term used to describe the outcome of blacks making similar decisions (en masse "black culture) and getting similar results. IMO racism is treating someone differently b/c of the color of their skin. Blacks want to corner the market on racism (obviously)
No big deal, that’s like $5 per. That won’t even do one hand of a nail job.