How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I didn't actually see them enforce it. I don't know if they were timing people or it was just there for people who were trying to slow things down.

Well, give ME that job, and guaranTEE you that it's getting enforced. LOL

"That's FOUR minutes. Drop the pencil and move to the scanner."

"But I didn't finish."

"Well, you've finished all you're GOING to, now beat it."
Probably seeing all the instances of fraud and residing themselves to the fact Trump won’t likely be allowed to win.
He won once. He lost once. Because he was widely hated.

Just because you've adopted his lies doesn't create some bizarre machinery for keeping Republicans from office. As was pointed out many times: Trump underperformed in 2020. Lots of Republicans won office. Why did he underperform? His narcissism, greed, misogyny, stupidity, vanity, cowardice. His fraud and rape. His non-stop lying. And he's the apotheosis of the bully. For starters. And let's not forget: he never shuts up. And his formulaic self-praise. People are always coming up to him with tears in their eyes. And they all call him "Sir." And I haven't mentioned his theft of government documents. Or his extortion of Ukraine. Or his abuse of the courts. Or doubling down on calling for the death of the Central Park 5. Their confessions were forced from them. OTOH, Trump was found liable for sexual assault. No forced confession. In fact, in the famous Access Hollywood tape, he gloated about grabbing women by the pussy. Didn't turn out to be locker room joking, did it?
I've only voted twice. Biden and Harris were my votes and I would've preferred a better choice both times. I did not vote for them because they were Democrats, but only because I preferred them over Donald Trump. Because of the electoral college and living in Kentucky, I knew my vote would not matter in the outcome of the election.
mean tweets got you, huh? 60 some odd years of life with no votes, but gotta vote against the orange man bad. I feel sorry for you.
From the 2024 GOP platform:
1. Seal the border
2. End inflation
3. Prevent WWIII
4. Support and Defend the Constitution
5. Protect Medicare and Social Security with no cuts, including no changes to the mandatory retirement age.
I call BS. There is NO way you want these things and still voted for Kamala. She personally destroyed your first two and is on her way to destroying your other 3. Sorry, pops. You lack credibility if those are your top issues that you agree with GOP.
Fwiw … Trump was a life-long Democrat, too.
Then he saw how the dims were destroying the country. Glad he finally joined the side trying to save the country. But congrats you helped destroy it.
I agree totally ... go ahead and increase the FICA and MEDICARE rates and limits, if necessary to insure solvency and benefits.
of COURSE you feel that way ... now that you're on the other side. You must not give 2 chits about the younger generation to include your grandchildren. You are 100% okay with OTHERS paying higher so you can keep your viagra low...
For those worried about NC, you might want to check this analysis out which takes the early vote result (with one day left) into consideration. NC also now requires ID to vote which was not the case in 2020.

I just started seeing this guy about 3 weeks ago. He really knows his stuff...analysis county by county off the top of his head.
We need to outlaw political adds on TV and internet. Most countries do not allow it.
Couldn't disagree more. If the US went this way, then the corporate uniparty media would choose ALL of the candidates and, in essence, run the country. If it is a fact that most countries do not allow it ... you have to understand they do not have a free press and that should steer any clear thinker away from that idea.
Politicians should not be able to discuss the other candidate running. It should only be about what your policies are and why you are the better candidate. That would stop about 75% of the misinformation from both sides. It would also take TV/media out of elections.
Here is my observation. Every Kamala ad has been a lie. Every single one. I have not seen one of her ads that has been honest, esp WRT her attacks on trump. Having said that, I wish we could stop rewarding pols for talking trash about the other candidate. Stop telling me why I shouldn't vote for them, but why I should vote for you ... AND know this ... you're a pol, so no one trusts you. tell me what you've done in your life or votes that you have ALREADY cast that support your position." For example ... Kamala says she wants to build a border wall and lower taxes. If anyone believes either one of those, then they are a special kind of stupid and have no business being outside a padded cell.
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^ I had a write-in city council vote that I needed help to figure out how to do on "the screen machine". Added a minute or so.
I just started seeing this guy about 3 weeks ago. He really knows his stuff...analysis county by county off the top of his head.
He did a segment on the Sean Spicer show a few weeks back. That's how I became aware of his real data based work. He also has his final prediction for Nevada (Trump +2.5%) on his website.
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And these news reporters are pushing the false narrative and lies to help try to imprison him. I think each and every one of them should receive the same type of treatment they are trying to impose upon him. They should be tried and imprisoned for lying and falsifying information to help try to imprison him.
Couldn't disagree more. If the US went this way, then the corporate uniparty media would choose ALL of the candidates and, in essence, run the country. If it is a fact that most countries do not allow it ... you have to understand they do not have a free press and that should steer any clear thinker away from that idea.

Here is my observation. Every Kamala ad has been a lie. Every single one. I have not seen one of her ads that has been honest, esp WRT her attacks on trump. Having said that, I wish we could stop rewarding pols for talking trash about the other candidate. Stop telling me why I shouldn't vote for them, but why I should vote for you ... AND know this ... your a pol, so no one trusts you. tell me what you've done in your life or votes that you have ALREADY cast that support your position. For example ... Kamala says she wants to build a border wall and lower taxes. If anyone believes either one of those, then they are a special kind of stupid and have no business being outside a padded cell.
Man I love this discussion: I go by discussions I have had with people living in other countries. So not all other countries, as I have not had conversations with someone from everywhere. NZ/AUS/JAPAN/Spain/Portugal are a few, Netherlands and so forth.

Our media is far too involved in politics, that is why other countries do not allow it. But I see your point as well so no easy fix there.

But adds that mislead (been on both sides but like you point out more on one side by far than the other), should be able to be legally stopped and made to have people / media have to retract, fined and such. If you are getting a billion or even 400 million for you to use and you use it to spread misinformation then you should be fined, and not like $10k but like $150k first offense, 1Mil 2nd offense. That would put a stop to it. It is easy to have a 3rd party view adds go to what is referred in said add and bring it to an election commission. Fine would be immediate. If you are a TV / Media any form / show favoritism toward one candidate over any other then said media platform/station is fined in a similar way. Debates should never be run by employees of the same media (CBS hosts a debate then Fox has the rep and vise versa). There should be representative of election commission on site to control that debate keep everyone in line. Thing are so easy to fix. When you start talking about 1 billion of $400 million being raised then you need to be held accountable for every little thing you say. Fines would control who a candidate pics to talk on stage and such. Maybe this all sounds easy and is far harder to implement. I dont know.
I don't think anyone denies that the earth is warming (again) But I DO think that reasonable people can legitimately say that man isn't causing it.

There is a big difference between the two.
The same people who are pushing man is having an affect on the climate for climate change) are the same ones who say man can't affect the climate. (See HARP and Hurricanes post).
Not trying to be a smartass here, genuinely curious. Can a lefty please give a rational explanation how a heavily populated state like Florida can wrap up their election results on the same night unlike Maricopa County, PA, Michigan, and others? This isn’t 2020 and the surge of mail-in ballots is not even remotely similar to that year.

Maricopa may be the most incompetent, embarrassing.
Mike Benz on Poso today said that one of the plans they have is to claim the vote counting or disenfranchising was so bad they will appoint a nonpartisan group to recount the vote. Kamala is apparently having her election night party at Howard University and a group that is heavily involved in claiming voter suppression is being run out of there for democrats. Benz thinks they know they are losing and are going to try to win it in the courts. He's saying they send out the antifa and blm mobs to intimidate judges.... No matter who wins it's going to be a shit show for months.
All I know is we have about 4 days of relative calm left before all hell breaks loose one way or another. Nov. 6 until Jan. 20 is going to be ridiculous.
No there’s not…not even a little bit. Ending the electoral college will end any semblance of balance and we will turn into a one party state and tyranny of the majority will be the future.

Just imagine if Dems could win the White House by manufacturing as many votes as they want in just California where are no checks and balances whatsoever…
This^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^it still boggles the mind how so many people cannot see this. However, I should not be surprised given how downright ignorant and dumb people have become on the left.
Man I love this discussion: I go by discussions I have had with people living in other countries. So not all other countries, as I have not had conversations with someone from everywhere. NZ/AUS/JAPAN/Spain/Portugal are a few, Netherlands and so forth.

Our media is far too involved in politics, that is why other countries do not allow it. But I see your point as well so no easy fix there.

But adds that mislead (been on both sides but like you point out more on one side by far than the other), should be able to be legally stopped and made to have people / media have to retract, fined and such. If you are getting a billion or even 400 million for you to use and you use it to spread misinformation then you should be fined, and not like $10k but like $150k first offense, 1Mil 2nd offense. That would put a stop to it. It is easy to have a 3rd party view adds go to what is referred in said add and bring it to an election commission. Fine would be immediate. If you are a TV / Media any form / show favoritism toward one candidate over any other then said media platform/station is fined in a similar way. Debates should never be run by employees of the same media (CBS hosts a debate then Fox has the rep and vise versa). There should be representative of election commission on site to control that debate keep everyone in line. Thing are so easy to fix. When you start talking about 1 billion of $400 million being raised then you need to be held accountable for every little thing you say. Fines would control who a candidate pics to talk on stage and such. Maybe this all sounds easy and is far harder to implement. I dont know.
Too many words. In general my problem with what I think you're suggesting is a few unelected people decide what is and what isn't "disinformation". I agree this would be hard to implement. [Edit: the biden-Harris regime tried to do that ... with predictably disastrous results. I appreciate what you're trying to get at, but there is ZERO way to trust government to do it.] This is one of the beauties and dangers of free speech. And IMO, the left is using that beauty against us, just like Alinsky described.
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How would the board idiots (dims) feel if ONLY GOP watchers were allowed in Fulton county or in other places, like all of Cali??

Do you think they would quickly become election deniers??
Georgia's Governor and SOS are such pathetic people. How you could let the State of Georgia be competely run by corrupt Atlanta is unforgiveable.
I stated why there's concern: 8 billion people with smaller and smaller margins.

You appear to have cobbled together your understanding of the science from non-scientific sources.

As for what evidence you've seen or haven't seen, the reality isn't going to change.
There it is. More platitudinal sophistry.
Shout "It's duh science!" and then stroll away with your nose in the air.
All scientific THEORIES should be questioned and challenged.
Especially if it's a pigeonholed causation with the only answer being the deconstruction of 1st world standards of living.
Then it really needs to be questioned meticulously.