Debate Thread?

Also none of his points feel conservative at this point. He’s just spit balling constantly. Doesn’t feel like he’s operating by a set of principles other than what’s good for him in the moment. What conservative points did he make yesterday?
Shut the border. Drill baby drill. Stop the Dim-caused wars & threats, particularly Iran.
I don’t think people vote for platforms honestly. I already explained in my initial response. He’s exhausted a lot of people. When people are exhausted they will vote for change. I won’t vote for either one of them just like I didn’t vote for either presidential option in 2016 or 2020. I am an independent that leans liberal on a lot of social stuff and conservative on fiscal and security issues. I could be a gettable voter for either party but neither appeal to me in the least. Give me a strong independent that is sane and rational and I’m all in. Until then, no thank you.
Then you'll never be all-in.
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GA, NC, PA - I don't care what the polls you're seeing online say, the fundamentals in those three states massively favor Trump in this election. And those are the only three he needs.
You are correct.
I was counting AZ, NV, WI, MI, and Penn as battleground state's and giving Harris all but Penn.
I'm giving Trump GA and NC although they are most likely for a Harris steal.
I don't think Trump can steal a state from Harris but if it plays out that way Trump wins 270-268.
You are correct.
I was counting AZ, NV, WI, MI, and Penn as battleground state's and giving Harris all but Penn.
I'm giving Trump GA and NC although they are most likely for a Harris steal.
I don't think Trump can steal a state from Harris but if it plays out that way Trump wins 270-268.
I'll shocked if Kamala wins WI...
I don't think Trump prepared very well for this debate. Don't know if it's his fault, his handlers or whatever. If he sticks to the main issues the country really cares about like cost of living, protecting our borders, making our cities safer, etc. he should wipe the stage with Harris. She's got nothing to counter that.

As a friend of mine has said about Trump, I don't always like the way he swings the club but I like where the ball lands.
Good post. He said he didn't prepare at all. His debate word/points were like his rallies.
Maricopa is the problem with Arizona, but I think Trump will win that as well. I've been saying for months, that I believe Trump will end up with around 312 electoral votes, and nothing I've seen has changed my mind about that.
Maricopa is the problem with Arizona, but I think Trump will win that as well. I've been saying for months, that I believe Trump will end up with around 312 electoral votes, and nothing I've seen has changed my mind about that.
He's the hardest political candidate is history to accurately poll.
Plenty of people will vote for him who won't support him publicly.
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He's the hardest political candidate is history to accurately poll.
Plenty of people will vote for him who won't support him publicly.
Watch the National polling average on RCP - If Kamala doesn't have a 4 point lead (it's currently 1) by election day, I can almost guarantee you that she's toast. I'm not even sure 4 would do it.
Perfect example of what I said earlier: some care more about demeanor than policies. And she won on that - my point earlier.

She certainly did.

From my perspective I view government as a necessary evil. I want them to run the things as laid out in the constitution, and to do little else. And I want elected officials that at least appear to be humble public servants. I don’t want a king or a czar or an emperor. I always get the feeling that Trump views himself as a king. He wants to be anointed, not elected. He wants to rule with an iron fist, instead of doing his best to honorably conduct the business of the USA. He wants full credit for good outcomes and no blame for bad outcomes. His whole attitude is a turn off for me.

I’ll say again, I’m not a fan of either. But I may hold my nose and vote for her. Or maybe I’ll vote for the Libertarian again. Not sure yet.

Side note - was very disappointed that there was next to no discussion of a topic that needs to be addressed in the worst way. Spending, ever-increasing deficits, and the incredible size of the debt. Something has to be done, and quickly. But no one seems to care.
How is Kamala "change"? She's been running things for 3 years 😆

So, I guess your answer is that you have no answer and/or understanding of her policy positions. To be fair, it was a trick question, because she HAS no policy positions, but still.

YOU, just don't like Trump. That's it in a nutshell. I'd have respected you a little at least, if you'd just said that, instead of trying to dress it up.

You can leave now.

You asked and he answered. And it’s pretty obvious he meant people are just tired of Trump. He’s been ubiquitous for the last what, 20 years? It’s entirely logical that people would simply get tired of him, especially the schtick he’s been running since 2015.
Clown, the fact that Kamala spoke about actual policies and her intent as President whereas Trump's biggest policy comment of the night is "I have a concept of a plan" is what will likely persuade independents if they are truly on the fence about who to vote for. I don't, for a single second, believe there are actually people two months out from an election that could look at either candidate at this point and say "maybe?".

Trump has flipped the table so hard on what we expect from actual debates anymore that it's hard to say that anyone garnered anything from last night. You could make the argument that Kamala seemed calm and was definitely playing up a "prosecutorial" persona to get Trump off of his game but you could also easily argue that Trump was just playing to his base and they were likely eating it up.

Both candidates likely have about 25% of the vote locked up through party (or in Trump's case, Trump loyalty) alone. The question becomes less so about what age demographics get out (which was so prevalent during the Obama years) and moreso about how shifting population changes in the purple states continue to affect the electoral college. Florida appears to be getting redder and redder but it's at the expense of the mid and southwest. Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina (who has the worst republican gubernatorial candidate I've ever seen and may cost Trump the state), Georgia and Arizona are basically going to decide the election again.

Mark Robinson is a class A nut. I’ve been spending some time in rural NC as well, and same thing - just audacious Trump signage everywhere, yet Stein looks like he is going to win comfortably.
Your real time posts in the Political Thread last night were all about how Trump was winning big, Kamala was dumb and losing big time, etc. Talk about a lack of objectivity.

He’s an entertaining clown if nothing else. Never makes a real point, but he has the other angry white men in that thread lapping it up. Comedy gold.
Perfect example of what I said earlier: some care more about demeanor than policies. And she won on that - my point earlier.

It’s funny that you think she had the “demeanor.” Again, my wife cringes with Trump (I laugh, she cringes) and hates politics, but she was watching the first part of the debate and said, “she looks awfully smug.” I do not think it was a compliment.
Wildcatfaninohio said,

"I want them to run the things as laid out in the constitution, and to do little else."

"But I may hold my nose and vote for her."

Have you suffered a head trauma recently, or noticed the smell of burning toast?
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Does a Trump hater count? It's always hard to tell when Trump is debating if they are being fair or not because the moment a moderator interjects about anything it's immediately met with "fake news" or "that's not what I'm hearing". So, when one person is talking about taxes and the other person is talking about culture wars that don't even reflect the question asked, it's hard to say whether they should or should not interject.

The subject matter was pretty even as they did discuss immigration (a Harris weak point) and abortion (a Trump weak point) but they did tend to give more time to Harris' better subjects. That being said, Trump got the majority of mic time and, in spite of rules to limit interruptions, was allow to edge in whenever he wanted to.

Tough to say if anyone will see it one way or another with the biases we have now.
How do you view trumps view on abortion though? Leaving it up to the states. do you think that is good or bad?
It’s odd that people want to defend democracy and are afraid Trump wants to destroy democracy, but then they cry when he says let the representative governments of the states decide the issue of abortion. Literally putting faith in our constitutional form of government, but Kamala and others cry foul. Weird.
We know what things were like under Trump, and we know what things were like under Harris. So it shouldn't even NEED a debate. Everyone already KNOWS what these two are about, and they have LIVED the effects of having each in office.
This is the only thing anybody should be thinking about.