How will they rule ??!

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Nobody is winning. We're just getting more divided. Crumbling from within.
I disagree with that. There is a certain group who are becoming more united. The group that splintered off from the rest of us was already divided. They were given a false flag narrative from the last administration and they continue to run with it. They were being coddled and urged on and now that the tit has been removed from their mouths, they are crying loudly.
I understand Trump wants to keep his base happy, and since they have whiffed on most of the stuff he said he'd get done his first day in office, going after rich athletes and NFL owners is probably a net positive for him to keep up appearances. It's just so counter productive and gets nothing done that helps anyone.
Don't go all stupid on us now John, you had turned a corner. What did Trump whiff on? The things that his own party caused him to whiff on. If you can't acknowledge that he's had to defend himself from both parties for the last 9 months, then maybe you should read more and post less until you get your groove back on.
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Rev. Al Sharpton threatens boycott of ESPN over 'outrageous' Jemele Hill suspension

Did that piece of shit ever pay his back taxes? Trump should tweet out the specifics of that deal.
Don't go all stupid on us now John, you had turned a corner. What did Trump whiff on? The things that his own party caused him to whiff on. If you can't acknowledge that he's had to defend himself from both parties for the last 9 months, then maybe you should read more and post less until you get your groove back on.

Oh I can acknkowledge that. But part of running a country means getting people, especially those on the same side of the aisle, to get on board with your agenda. Trump has been highly successful in the private sector and many thought this experience would translate. So far, it hasn't.

Despite my dislike for his twitter rants and nonsensical diatribes, I've given Trump plenty of credit for exposing some of the problems in DC and for being tough on immigration. I'm not, however, going to give him a free pass for alienating senate votes he absolutely requires to get things done. Either he doesn't understand this or he doesn't care. Neither are acceptable excuses.
Oh I can acknkowledge that. But part of running a country means getting people, especially those on the same side of the aisle, to get on board with your agenda. Trump has been highly successful in the private sector and many thought this experience would translate. So far, it hasn't.

Despite my dislike for his twitter rants and nonsensical diatribes, I've given Trump plenty of credit for exposing some of the problems in DC and for being tough on immigration. I'm not, however, going to give him a free pass for alienating senate votes he absolutely requires to get things done. Either he doesn't understand this or he doesn't care. Neither are acceptable excuses.
Or, maybe it's up to us to pick up what he's laying down and vote out the deadweight at the first opportunity? As I've said before, he said he would drain the swamp, but he didn't say who the swamp was hiding. He's doing a great job of showing us. He's not playing nice because it's not a nice game.

Don't live in a microwave society John, it takes longer to fix something than it does to fvck it up.
Don't go all stupid on us now John, you had turned a corner. What did Trump whiff on? The things that his own party caused him to whiff on. If you can't acknowledge that he's had to defend himself from both parties for the last 9 months, then maybe you should read more and post less until you get your groove back on.
Was thinking the same thing. But, I believe he is probably going to abandon the GOP if they continue to fight him and his support continues from us. I am through with the GOP myself.
Was thinking the same thing. But, I believe he is probably going to abandon the GOP if they continue to fight him and his support continues from us. I am through with the GOP myself.

I honestly don't really even view Trump as a republican. He's a classic liberal on most social issues. I love his tough stance on immigration - wish he was even more tough on it honestly, but he's the only one that's willing to say Islam = bad.

I've said before that it will take many election cycles to clean up generations of corruption. Trump has definitely started that ball rolling. Hopefully the next few POTUS are on the same page.
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Oh I can acknkowledge that. But part of running a country means getting people, especially those on the same side of the aisle, to get on board with your agenda. Trump has been highly successful in the private sector and many thought this experience would translate. So far, it hasn't.

Despite my dislike for his twitter rants and nonsensical diatribes, I've given Trump plenty of credit for exposing some of the problems in DC and for being tough on immigration. I'm not, however, going to give him a free pass for alienating senate votes he absolutely requires to get things done. Either he doesn't understand this or he doesn't care. Neither are acceptable excuses.
He is fighting the old guard that does not want to change. It will take a while but, I fear that somewhere down the line they will screw him royal. We need a strong third party to fall in with to teach these established crooks that we mean business.
I understand Trump wants to keep his base happy, and since they have whiffed on most of the stuff he said he'd get done his first day in office, going after rich athletes and NFL owners is probably a net positive for him to keep up appearances. It's just so counter productive and gets nothing done that helps anyone.
If you're blaming Trump for "not getting anything done" then you haven't been paying attention.

I would argue that exposing McConnell, Corker, McCain, et al has helped tremendously.

Exposing those cockroaches to light shows us exactly where everyone stands... and they most definitely are NOT for the American people.
If you're blaming Trump for "not getting anything done" then you haven't been paying attention.

I would argue that exposing McConnell, Corker, McCain, et al has helped tremendously.

Exposing those cockroaches to light shows us exactly where everyone stands... and they most definitely are NOT for the American people.

That's why I used "they" rather than "he."

Politics is a team game, sadly.

For the record I believe McCain would have been on the same team had Trump not called him a coward during the campaign.
That's why I used "they" rather than "he."

Politics is a team game, sadly.

For the record I believe McCain would have been on the same team had Trump not called him a coward during the campaign.
He doesn't want McCain on his team. McCain is the king of the swamp that needs to be drained.
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As someone who thinks this whole thing has been idiotic, from Kaepernick wearing pig socks, to Trump calling for sons of bitches to be fired, to Jerry Jones kneeling with his team, to Pence blowing through a quarter million dollars to look like a patsy, can I ask since Trump won, what the prize is?

Did we get better healthcare out of this? Tax reform? More jobs? Are my fantasy football players going to put up more points now?

I have trouble declaring a "winner" in a meaningless battle.
The Leftists/Communists got absolutely CUCKED on a SOCIAL ISSUE. That is YUGE. Every other Republican bastard would have wilted under the "He's RAYSIS!!" smear jobs in about 2 seconds and been begging for forgiveness like a bitch. Trump not only said "FVCK OFF", he's actually gonna succeed at making them stop.

Again, massive win. Nice to finally see someone unafraid to stick it up the Marxist's ass in the war against our culture and heritage. The same thing should be done when they agitate to remove statues/monuments/street names etc.: No. Grow up. The world doesn't revolve around your bruised feelings/vagina/pussy hat.
The Leftists/Communists got absolutely CUCKED on a SOCIAL ISSUE. That is YUGE. Every other Republican bastard would have wilted under the "He's RAYSIS!!" smear jobs in about 2 seconds and been begging for forgiveness like a bitch. Trump not only said "FVCK OFF", he's actually gonna succeed at making them stop.

Again, massive win. Nice to finally see someone unafraid to stick it up the Marxist's ass in the war against our culture and heritage. The same thing should be done when they agitate to remove statues/monuments/street names etc.: No. Grow up. The world doesn't revolve around your bruised feelings/vagina/pussy hat.
Every other Republican has been too scared to push back in the culture war.
We don't want the country to be divided, but the left does. Conservatives are simply starting to fight back in the culture war and Trump is the leader. Even with his faults, and there are too many to mention, he is exposing the left and making them own their disgusting ideas.
Then you'll tell me that Canadians are 5x points.


Deal with it