How will they rule ??!

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[roll]No, less intelligent.
AustinTXcat, do you remember a comic you posted a couple of months back showing a line of kids entering college wanting to be engineers, doctors, etc. and then coming out the other side radicalized? That was a good one - any idea where you got it if you do recall it?.....
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AustinTXcat, do you remember a comic you posted a couple of months back showing a line of kids entering college wanting to be engineers, doctors, etc. and then coming out the other side radicalized? That was a good one - any idea where you got it if you do recall it?.....
I can't remember exactly, but I'll see if I can find it for ya.
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That seems to be a typical douche I would expect to be working for NYT wapo Google Facebook etc etc

Had a friend(somewhat) growing up that was a huge angry know it all.. Got thirty years probation around age 16 for multiple fights and other idiocy. But you couldn't tell him anything.. Now he works for Google. I imagine their offices being full of his clone. Just angry about everything just like the NYT douche
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I want to know what kind of shady sh*t goes on over there in Hollywood when people seem to bow down to this fat POS. There are so many other movie producers out there. It's not like this clown has a monopoly.
I want to know what kind of shady sh*t goes on over there in Hollywood when people seem to bow down to this fat POS. There are so many other movie producers out there. It's not like this clown has a monopoly.

I mean, I would maybe give Harvey a HJ for some hollywood cash. Let's be real. How many D's has Matt Damon sucked? Place is a total cesspool that society has turned into some sort of moral compass. It's very disturbing.
As female actress, how badly must you want a role to do what this guy wants you to do? Unbelievable.
Trump honoring NHL champion Penguins. Looks like a white supremacist convention.

*trump talks like he actually watches hockey. Maybe he does, idk.
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Trump honoring NHL champion Penguins. Looks like a white supremacist convention.

*trump talks like he actually watches hockey. Maybe he does, idk.

Maybe. Hockey is big in certain areas- New York, Chicago, Detroit, Boston, STL and the Canadian cities.
Maybe. Hockey is big in certain areas- New York, Chicago, Detroit, Boston, STL and the Canadian cities.

Trump doesn't strike me as a guy who knows much about any sport - he probably doesn't have any time to watch or even keep up with going on.

If you put a picture of Sidney Crosby next to a picture of Evgeni Malkin, he probably couldn't tell you which was which.
Trump doesn't strike me as a guy who knows much about any sport - he probably doesn't have any time to watch or even keep up with going on.

If you put a picture of Sidney Crosby next to a picture of Evgeni Malkin, he probably couldn't tell you which was which.

I wouldn't argue that. I'd say he knew quite a bit about football given he used to own the USFL and he probably knows a lot about or used to know a lot about baseball given he was always a Yankees fan.

But I don't think a billionaire has a lot of time to fill out brackets and watch TV shows on Netflix.
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This is Deandre Harris:



He was prepared for violence that day and was violent that day. This is how the media spins it:

Notice the headline, also in the article:

about how harris was seen in video being hit but somehow they missed all the available pics of him ready for and being violent

The white nationalists there that day were idiots and worthy of contempt and harris and those he came with are worthy of contempt. A normal mind can see those showing up with weapons that day regardless of color were idiots, the media acts like harris is innocent bystander, he isn't Rosa Parks he is punk.
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Don't look now, but Trump won.

Roger Goodell tells NFL owners ‘everyone should stand for the national anthem’

NFL Owners to Discuss Policy on Standing for Anthem

NFL 'quietly tweaks' policy on players standing for national anthem

As someone who thinks this whole thing has been idiotic, from Kaepernick wearing pig socks, to Trump calling for sons of bitches to be fired, to Jerry Jones kneeling with his team, to Pence blowing through a quarter million dollars to look like a patsy, can I ask since Trump won, what the prize is?

Did we get better healthcare out of this? Tax reform? More jobs? Are my fantasy football players going to put up more points now?

I have trouble declaring a "winner" in a meaningless battle.
I wouldn't argue that. I'd say he knew quite a bit about football given he used to own the USFL and he probably knows a lot about or used to know a lot about baseball given he was always a Yankees fan.

But I don't think a billionaire has a lot of time to fill out brackets and watch TV shows on Netflix.

The Netflix special on the USFL is good. Gives some insight into the real reason Trump has made the NFL his personal vendetta.
Nobody is winning. We're just getting more divided. Crumbling from within.

I understand Trump wants to keep his base happy, and since they have whiffed on most of the stuff he said he'd get done his first day in office, going after rich athletes and NFL owners is probably a net positive for him to keep up appearances. It's just so counter productive and gets nothing done that helps anyone.
Don't look now, but Trump won.

Roger Goodell tells NFL owners ‘everyone should stand for the national anthem’

NFL Owners to Discuss Policy on Standing for Anthem

NFL 'quietly tweaks' policy on players standing for national anthem

People get all pissed that Trump should stay out of this and has better things to do. Look. This is a culture war. George Bush didn't understand that. GOP still hasn't understood that. Trump gets it. Once something has been politicized like the NFL, go on the offense because it's just a tool gonna be used against you.

The left, like most bullies, can't stand when you dish it right back.

And guess what? Because of Trump, he got the media to acknowledge Antifa and defend them. He got the media and left to protest the national anthem.
People get all pissed that Trump should stay out of this and has better things to do. Look. This is a culture war. George Bush didn't understand that. GOP still hasn't understood that. Trump gets it. Once something has been politicized like the NFL, go on the offense because it's just a tool gonna be used against you.

The left, like most bullies, can't stand when you dish it right back.

And guess what? Because of Trump, he got the media to acknowledge Antifa and defend them. He got the media and left to protest the national anthem.

Trump's beef with the NFL goes back a long way. He's never been able to buy an NFL franchise, and he singlehandedly killed the USFL by leading the charge to try and compete with them directly. I guess he can say "now we're even," but he will never really get over the fact that they made him look like a fool in the mid 80s.
My opinion is that we have factions within our govt that are actually at war

One side supports an emerging global govt that will supplant the US economy and its sovereign power

The other side is leading a revolution against that movement and focusing on nationalism and building a sovereign economy back up

Sounds simplistic but I believe both forces are at work -- and team NWO is getting more and more desperate and furies with each passing day
In your opinion, which political figures are playing for team Nationalism?
FB was hot or not quasi revenge concept that a nerd made because he was mad at a girl.

Then he stole the Winklevoss' idea. Then stole every other good social media idea since.

Ill never know.

what does that have to do with cockroach story you replied to?