How will they rule ??!

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I'm not so sure. They think we need duplicate immigration laws to enforce "remain in Mexico". So...

And the border bill she was talking about would have essentially just created more bell hops to help with the illegals luggage while they got rubber stamped and put on a bus, along with a "wink" as they were given their hearing date, and told not to miss it. LOL
haha Lindsey Graham wants Trump to win as much as Mitch McConnell does. They would rather be in the minority and make strong statements they don't intend to back up and play pretend rather than for Trump and an American First mind set ever truly win big in Washington.

Exactly. Playing both sides against the independents in the middle to destroy our sovereignty and out people that still want to to preserve their rights.
She doesn't tell dozens of lies. Keep at it.
Okay, she tells "scores" of lies?

A "gross" of lies?

A metric ton of lies (given that the weight of 1 lie = 2.2 pounds or 1 kilogram)

500 troy ounces of lies (given that each lie = 31.1 grams)

Should I keep on going? Or is that sufficiently pedantic for you?
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Okay, she tells "scores" of lies?

A "gross" of lies?

A metic ton of lies (given that the weight of 1 lie = 2.2 pounds or 1 kilogram)

500 troy ounces of lies (given that each lie = 31.1 grams)

Should I keep on going? Or is that sufficienly pedantic for you?
How about a butt load of lies? A buttload is an actual measurement.
You misread the room. I'm pointing out the ABSURDITY of concentrating on that, and not why there are thousands and thousands of illegal Haitian immigrants flooding Springfield. You don't GET that? LOL

Trump hammered her on immigration and the left's defense for her immigration policy is that, in FACT, household pets are NOT actually being consumed. Really? 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄
The people of Springfield are claiming their pets and ducks and geese from the parks are being hunted by the Haitian immigrants. Are we to not believe what they are witnessing and experiencing themselves? What did Springfield MF’n Ohio do to deserve 20k Haitian immigrants planted in their city? Seriously did the citizens of that city welcome and expect that their population increase by 33% in 3 years all with immigrants from a third world country?
Trump didn't "hammer her on immigration". He kept going back to it, but he had nothing to say for his killing a bill that she approved regards adding more funding for protecting the border. Mr emotiCONMAN.
Trump is currently a private citizen. He had no control over that bill. And you need to explain to us the nuances and actual facts of what that bill would have done before you claim it to have been some sort of solution.
And also, we already HAVE the resources and laws to close the border and enforce "remain in Mexico" so there IS no excuse for the border trouble. If people are flooding over the border, and causing problems, it's not a "law" problem it's a "will/motivation to enforce" problem. THAT is what he should have said.

And so, I will agree with this; Trump missed numerous opportunties to put her on the canvas, and didn't do it. That does NOT mean that I think he lost. I said before that avoiding a disaster was a win for him, and he managed to do that (Springfield pets is not a disaster, it's late night TV fodder)
Let's see the numbers on pet eating.

Also, I want to hear what the 35 percent that think Kamala would better handle the economy are thinking. That would make a fascinating study.

It's clear that the plan was to try and make Trump have a Colonel Jessup moment (the Harris camp said as much), because they know it's down to that now. And they couldn't pull it off. Trump definitely played defense for most of it, but in the long game, that was probaby the right choice. Because it's not about the debate, it's about November.

It's the middle of September, and Harris is massively behind even Clinton's numbers, like I said earlier.

Trump doesn't need another debate, and if I were him, I wouldn't agree to it, unless it's by HIS rules this time.
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The legacy media going completely into the tank for one political party is one of the most consequential developments of the last 25 years.

Sure there was always an understanding that the NYT and most of legacy media was left leaning, but they've gone full blown activist over the last 10-15 years and it's alarming how many people either a) don't recognize it or b) openly support it because it benefits their 'team.'
The legacy media going completely into the tank for one political party is one of the most consequential developments of the last 25 years.

Sure there was always an understanding that the NYT and most of legacy media was left leaning, but they've gone full blown activist over the last 10-15 years and it's alarming how many people either a) don't recognize it or b) openly support it because it benefits their 'team.'

It's been longer than 25 years. The good news? Legacy media is pretty much in hospice care now. Just like magazines and newspapers, they're on their death bed and so they don't swing a very big hammer anymore.
The people of Springfield are claiming their pets and ducks and geese from the parks are being hunted by the Haitian immigrants. Are we to not believe what they are witnessing and experiencing themselves? What did Springfield MF’n Ohio do to deserve 20k Haitian immigrants planted in their city? Seriously did the citizens of that city welcome and expect that their population increase by 33% in 3 years all with immigrants from a third world country?

There is actual videos if people really were interested in the truth and not just gotchas at Trump.

At least we’re not in England (yet) where they will imprison you for even daring to say such things about the invaders.
Remembering 9/11.

If Kamala DID have the questions, and her answers were rehearsed then well, ummm... She did even worse than I thought.

There is no way, that that mess coming out of her mouth was planned LOL. I don't believe it.

I'm not for gun control or red flag laws, but, given that she's a gun owner now (LOL) I think she should be an exception. And I say that PRIMARILY for her own safety. Can you imagine she and Cheney getting together to clean their weapons? 😆 😆

The LA Times did an overnight poll re: the debate, and Harris came out on top 51 to 49, which is discouraging I guess, until you remember that that is in LOS ANGELES lol
Elon says it better than I can:

This seems to be the consensus amongst non loons. Sounds like trump missed several great opportunities, took all her bait, while also being hounded hy moderators.

Also post debate Taylor Swift endorsed her, which of course had nothing to do with the debate. Unfortunately that will have some impact as her cult will definitely vote with her.
They’re claiming they want another debate. That doesn’t suggest they thot they won. You KNOW it won’t be on Fox if there is one.

Since Trump took the bait so often maybe they think they can do it again. Maybe someone can get through to him. Actually a number of us on here could debate better.

Here’s a sample.

Yes David there is something I’d do different about Jan 6. I would have addressed the public from the Oval Office on Jan 5th letting them know I’d recommended to Speaker Pelosi that I’d provide 10000 national guardsmen to ensure there’s be no issues the next day … and she refused. That’s what I’d do differently.
Yeah, I think she looked better last night than normal, but she had help from the moderators. Also, this is the first time I have seen her actually being able to answer questions without cackling and making too many circular talking points. I think we will find that like Hillary, she was given the questions before hand.

Bottom line though, Trump is his own worst enemy with his inability (maybe unwillingness) to stay with the subject matter of the question. He gets too angry.
Disappointed Harris didn't hammer Trump for brining up how much he loves Orban. Orban is a dictator. He turned Hungary into the first non democracy in the EU. Having Orban endorse Trump is absolutely not a win for Trump, despite him thinking it is.

Trump cozies up to Putin, he literally salutes Kim Jong Un, and he loves Orban. These are not the allies the President of the United States should be having.
False. Not surprised though, lying is a dim character trait.
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If you want to see real debate, watch prime minister's questions in the UK and whatever the equivalent is in Canada. They actually debate. And most of them would wax the floor with our politicians because of that. The current conservative leader in Canada is amazing. I just can't stand a bunch of Democrat hacks hosting the debate, writing the questions, and then assisting the Democrat candidate. David Muir will be big at the cocktail parties.
We don't NEED a bill to close the border. And he specifically SAID that.

And I use a lot of emoticons, because a few people on here have no sense of humor or an ability to tell when I'm doing satire or being sarcastic, so I thought visual aids would help. (seems to be getting mixed results...)

But, as I said, we don't need a bill to close the border. But she (and you, it would seem) are too half-witted to know that. 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄
Libs can't keep up with the emotions in the room. That has been going on forever here. Like their delusional leaders/masters, they run with talking points that are almost always taken out of context and incomplete in there actual meaning.
Do you honestly think Taylor Swift fans even know HOW to vote?

Sadly irrelevant. She has an army of cult followers that will do what she says. It wont have a great impact because they were all voting blue anyway because its pounded in their head abortion is some sacred right thats somehow stolen from them.

In fact that being her target market is probably exactly why she even made the endorsement. Ts is atrocious in every way except the one that really matters - marketing and making money.
Holy Wow! Geez.

She's lying nonstop, in totality and completely without any compunction whatsoever.

But a lot of these people are brainwashed, don't even know fact from fiction; like the fine people hoax. They think that's real. It's all some version of that. Her using that vile and pernicious divisive lie for political expediency alone would be enough for me to not vote for her, were I still a dem voter.