How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
That would be incredible. No way Dems let that happen. That's 55 electoral points they lose right there.

I'd settle for just LA, San Fran, Oakland and Berkeley leaving. A good portion of California isn't ultra liberal. Just a lot of major cities, like most states.

But if it has to be the whole state then so be it.
Can we go ahead and get the wall built around CA as well?

F Corker. People in TN hate him with a passion. He had no chance at winning re-election. Can def see him "begging" Trump for his endt.

Bannon is proving why he is much more valuable outside of Washington. He is a major thorn in Mitch's side with several of his cronies in midterm trouble.
I'd prefer we fight a war to prevent CA from seceding, honestly. So long as our bombs avoid the wine region. We do need the food they produce too.

Lefties love to parrot the talking point that CA is a net giver, and the flyover states are net takers for federal tax purposes. But (1) we are all citizens of the US, so breaking down net payer/taker by state is moronic (2) I haven't yet seen a study that includes allowing CA to have extremely high tax rates (thus lower effective federal rates) when calculating the net payer/taker status. Yes, you probably need less money when your 12% tax rates are subsidized by the federal tax deduction.

I wonder if this one would go down in history as a war over states' rights.

Maybe the war of eastern aggression.
How can you not hate the press?

Hey, libs, why don't you mention who shot him?

Scalise speaking for the Family Research Council gets chalked up as "anti-LGBT" even though it's called pro marriage and pro life in its own header and they stress an EMT being a lesbian.

Dems will only use "anti" labels on conservatives. Can't be pro life. No. It has to be anti-choice. Can't be pro religious freedom or Christian. No. It's anti-LGBT. Dems never call themselves pro murder or anti-religion.

Never mind that doctors and cops and firemen save people who have different ideologies all the time.
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BOOM! Just another exposing of these fake jerk offs and their virtue signaling. Wear your pussy hats and then bury exposing your financial gods' sexual assaults.
I'd prefer we fight a war to prevent CA from seceding, honestly. So long as our bombs avoid the wine region. We do need the food they produce too.

Lefties love to parrot the talking point that CA is a net giver, and the flyover states are net takers for federal tax purposes. But (1) we are all citizens of the US, so breaking down net payer/taker by state is moronic (2) I haven't yet seen a study that includes allowing CA to have extremely high tax rates (thus lower effective federal rates) when calculating the net payer/taker status. Yes, you probably need less money when your 12% tax rates are subsidized by the federal tax deduction.

I wonder if this one would go down in history as a war over states' rights.

Maybe the war of eastern aggression.

My biggest client is in San Mateo.

Our corporate travel policy allows for first class for international travel. If CA secedes, I get more leg room? Sign me up.
Similar situation, John.

I go to Ontario and Mira Loma quite often so if that becomes international travel, I get to bump my status as well.
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Had no idea it was Columbus Day until I called the OH Department of Taxation this morning.

If you're actually out protesting a holiday most productive Americans can't even find on the calendar, shoot yourself.
I did that last year, and will advise not to go that route!

Enjoy the holiday.
I wish Trump would act first and approve it. No vote at all, just a simple threat of wanting to is enough. No more fed support, no more vote power, and no more anything!
No more Fed support?
You do know that CA sends more $$ to the Feds than what it receives? Like it gets back only .78 cents for every $1 it sends. It ranks 46th in Federal dependency. Most of the money sent to CA is to pay for the military bases there and social security/Medicare benefits. If CA took its ball and went home the Feds would have make up for the lost revenue.

Want to cut down on Federal dependency? The 5 biggest dependents are...
  1. New Mexico -
    In the land of enchantment, residents get $2.19 for every dollar they pay in federal income tax, the fifth highest rate in the country. 37.89% of New Mexico's state revenue is supplemented by federal funding, which is the eighth highest in the country.

    New Mexico also has 18.50 federal employees for every 1000 residents, which ranks sixth highest in the country, and 9.03 non-defense federal employees per 1000 residents, which is the third highest rate in the country.
  2. Mississippi - In Mississippi, citizens receive $2.34 in return for every dollar paid in federal income tax, which ranks fourth highest in America. A whopping 43.68% of Mississippi's state revenue is comprised of federal funding, the highest such rate in the country. There are 10.61 federal employees for every 1000 Mississippi residents, which ranks 32nd in the country, as well as 3.42 non-defense federal employees per 1000 residents, which ranks 24th lowest in the country.
  3. Kentucky - In Kentucky, residents see $2.18 in return for every dollar paid in federal income tax, the sixth highest rate in the country. 35.26% of Kentucky's state revenue is contributed by federal funds, ranking 14th highest in the nation. There 15.38 federal employees per 1000 residents, which is good for the 11th highest rank in the country, as well as 3.61 non-defense federal employees per 1000 residents in Kentucky, which ranks 23rd highest in the country.
  4. Alabama - In Alabama, residents see $2.46 in return for every dollar paid in federal income tax, which ranks third highest in the US. 36.64% of Alabama's state revenue is comprised of federal funds, which is 11th highest in the country. Alabama has 10.36 federal employees for every 1000 residents, which ranks 20th highest in the country. The yellowhammer state also has 3.19 non-defense federal employees per 1000 residents, which ranks 20th lowest in America.
  5. Montana - In Montana, residents see $1.24 in return for every dollar they pay in federal income tax, the 18th highest rate in the country. 37.49% of Montana's state revenue is comprised of federal funds, which ranks tenth highest in the country.

    In addition, Montana has 13.51 federal employees per 1000 residents, good for 16th highest, and 8.74 non-defense federal employees per 1000 residents, which is fourth highest in the country.
No more Fed support?
You do know that CA sends more $$ to the Feds than what it receives? Like it gets back only .78 cents for every $1 it sends. It ranks 46th in Federal dependency. Most of the money sent to CA is to pay for the military bases there and social security/Medicare benefits. If CA took its ball and went home the Feds would have make up for the lost revenue.

Want to cut down on Federal dependency? The 5 biggest dependents are...
  1. New Mexico -
    In the land of enchantment, residents get $2.19 for every dollar they pay in federal income tax, the fifth highest rate in the country. 37.89% of New Mexico's state revenue is supplemented by federal funding, which is the eighth highest in the country.

    New Mexico also has 18.50 federal employees for every 1000 residents, which ranks sixth highest in the country, and 9.03 non-defense federal employees per 1000 residents, which is the third highest rate in the country.
  2. Mississippi - In Mississippi, citizens receive $2.34 in return for every dollar paid in federal income tax, which ranks fourth highest in America. A whopping 43.68% of Mississippi's state revenue is comprised of federal funding, the highest such rate in the country. There are 10.61 federal employees for every 1000 Mississippi residents, which ranks 32nd in the country, as well as 3.42 non-defense federal employees per 1000 residents, which ranks 24th lowest in the country.
  3. Kentucky - In Kentucky, residents see $2.18 in return for every dollar paid in federal income tax, the sixth highest rate in the country. 35.26% of Kentucky's state revenue is contributed by federal funds, ranking 14th highest in the nation. There 15.38 federal employees per 1000 residents, which is good for the 11th highest rank in the country, as well as 3.61 non-defense federal employees per 1000 residents in Kentucky, which ranks 23rd highest in the country.
  4. Alabama - In Alabama, residents see $2.46 in return for every dollar paid in federal income tax, which ranks third highest in the US. 36.64% of Alabama's state revenue is comprised of federal funds, which is 11th highest in the country. Alabama has 10.36 federal employees for every 1000 residents, which ranks 20th highest in the country. The yellowhammer state also has 3.19 non-defense federal employees per 1000 residents, which ranks 20th lowest in America.
  5. Montana - In Montana, residents see $1.24 in return for every dollar they pay in federal income tax, the 18th highest rate in the country. 37.49% of Montana's state revenue is comprised of federal funds, which ranks tenth highest in the country.

    In addition, Montana has 13.51 federal employees per 1000 residents, good for 16th highest, and 8.74 non-defense federal employees per 1000 residents, which is fourth highest in the country.
Fine. Why don't you and Cali form your own libtard country? You won't be missed as much as you hope.
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I ask every single time and even preemptively addressed the moronic attempted point this morning.

If we are all US citizens under the federal government, how is looking at an arbitrary breakdown of what each state gets meaningful at all? Please someone articulate a response.

Also, when you look at this giver/taker state shit, do you control for the fact states with high income tax rates are being subsidized through the deductibility of those high state taxes?
No more Fed support?
You do know that CA sends more $$ to the Feds than what it receives? Like it gets back only .78 cents for every $1 it sends. It ranks 46th in Federal dependency. Most of the money sent to CA is to pay for the military bases there and social security/Medicare benefits. If CA took its ball and went home the Feds would have make up for the lost revenue.
I doubt the state of CA sends the Feds anything. Now its residents might.
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the majority of Cali's economy comes from making movies. they need help just to have water. everything Fuzz posted has been rebutted already, he was called out bigly and like usual refused to come back and defend his bs. there are more illegals in southern Cali than many states have people. their roads and infrastructure are crumbling because they can't afford to allocate funds to such maintenance because the welfare state sucks them dry. let them try and the remaining money and non hollywood business will leave and they will turn into south africa. the gangs, mexican and black and gays will eat themselves alive. the military isn't conceding San Diego. it would be the best show going to watch the state eat itself alive.
I've always chuckled that CC gets credit for "discovering" America. By definition, how do you discover a mass of land that is already inhabited?
He made iAmericas known to the 99% of people then not living in the Americas & made known to the 1% living here that there were 99x more living elsewhere. I think that's a discovery both ways; i.e., two discoveries.