How will they rule ??!

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Ever had someone under treat you as if they are better, smarter and you shouldn't be where you are and investigate you in order to hopefully remove you?
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Comey was fired because he was a weasel.

He was trying a power play on Trump, he’s the one that demanded the dossier be included in a security briefing, and then leaked it. CNN used the brief as a reason the dossier was newsworthy, that wasn’t by accident.

As far as Las Vegas, it’s probably reasonable to believe the FBI is trying to track down more than we know. Releasing info could cause the trail to go cold.
Oh yea, family members of the deceased have filed to have Paddocks assets frozen so they can sue. So his finances are going to come out despite a complete coverup to this point. And it will be nice to see where all the money came from.

Got to think that Mandalay Bay will get sued for some kind of neglect justified or not.
Wait, didn't he fire Comey? Meaning Comey reported to him?

Or maybe I'm missing something.

Pay attention John. McCabe was second in command under Comey. McCabe is just a big of crook probably even bigger crook than Comey. Comey's cronies are still imbedded. McCabe is the one that took over the Vegas shooting. McCabe is the one that accepted the $650K from Terry McCauliffe.

No clue why he is still there
Delicious watching the left lose their minds over Pence walking out of the Colts game.

I guess Pence doesn't have 1st amendment rights, but the NFL players do. Interesting.

I've seen people call it a political stunt during the anthem (which is not true because he stood for the whole anthem) but I guess kneeling players aren't doing a political stunt during the anthem. Ha, right.

Amazing how phony the left is. Totally fine when the left protests, but when the Vice President does, its a 'political stunt'

Cry more liberals. Keep showing us the hypocrites that you are.

Hmm, seems they don't give everyone from new York a pass. That' BS. They have him a pass because he' not the only one sick and twisted in hollyweird and they protect their own.

I hope they keep it up and the media as well. The 24/7 Trump bashing is doing the opposite of what they hope. It' actually helping him.

Took kids to a county fair last night. Had a Trump shirt on and stopped by gas station. Two little 80+ year old ladies said "I hope that means you like him" then said "he' the best thing that has happened for our country" and "we cancelled our cable because of how crooked they are"

I know it' anecdotal but I just believe that's a very common opinion.
Delicious watching the left lose their minds over Pence walking out of the Colts game.

I guess Pence doesn't have 1st amendment rights, but the NFL players do. Interesting.

I've seen people call it a political stunt during the anthem (which is not true because he stood for the whole anthem) but I guess kneeling players aren't doing a political stunt during the anthem. Ha, right.

Amazing how phony the left is. Totally fine when the left protests, but when the Vice President does, its a 'political stunt'

Cry more liberals. Keep showing us the hypocrites that you are.

Have not seen this..whats' the back story?
Have not seen this..whats' the back story?
screw you NFL. Eff you every little entitled prick down there kneeling. What a bunch of little scumbag sissy children they are. Kneel now then go to a night club later or strip club. Stay real you bunch of fragile pansies. NFL sucks and these are people we want to be role models. Kids in pewee leagues see this and then they want to replicate it. Are you all ok with this? Go to a little league football game and see a bunch of 9 year olds protesting racial injustice? Are you all that GD stupid to see how cancerous this is?
Hmm, seems they don't give everyone from new York a pass. That' BS. They have him a pass because he' not the only one sick and twisted in hollyweird and they protect their own.

I hope they keep it up and the media as well. The 24/7 Trump bashing is doing the opposite of what they hope. It' actually helping him.

Took kids to a county fair last night. Had a Trump shirt on and stopped by gas station. Two little 80+ year old ladies said "I hope that means you like him" then said "he' the best thing that has happened for our country" and "we cancelled our cable because of how crooked they are"

I know it' anecdotal but I just believe that's a very common opinion.

It is. But we don't have a mega phone and we don't want to deal with their bull crap so we just go on our way.
screw you NFL. Eff you every little entitled prick down there kneeling. What a bunch of little scumbag sissy children they are. Kneel now then go to a night club later or strip club. Stay real you bunch of fragile pansies. NFL sucks and these are people we want to be role models. Kids in pewee leagues see this and then they want to replicate it. Are you all ok with this? Go to a little league football game and see a bunch of 9 year olds protesting racial injustice? Are you all that GD stupid to see how cancerous this is?

Haven't left my recliner all day. Fantasy teams are killing it today.

Perfect summary of why not to trust elites/politicians and how they view us.

They don't care about us.

I saw Ann Coulter tweet earlier today that people have weapons because they don't trust their government to protect them. That's a great point. Look at Europe. They're being raped and blown up and their citizens stand by as cops and elites do nothing to stop them from being conquered.

Imagine the Berkeley police while conservatives had to fend for themselves as Antifa and Dems attacked them.

I don't think anyone should want to give up the tools to protect themselves when we have media, teachers and politicians justifying and calling for violence against conservatives. And if our government will put weapons in foreign enemies' hands then why on earth would you trust them?
Your post is just what Peggy Noonan said in her article yesterday in WSJ - and she's a damn hero for saying it.:

"Why do so many Americans have guns? I don’t mean those who like to hunt and shoot or live far out and need protection. I don’t mean those who’ve been handed down the guns of their grandfather or father. Why do a significant number of Americans have so manyguns?

Wouldn’t it help if we thought about that?

I think a lot of Americans have guns because they’re fearful—and for damn good reason. They fear a coming chaos, and know that when it happens it will be coming to a nation that no longer coheres. They think it’s all collapsing—our society, our culture, the baseline competence of our leadership class. They see the cultural infrastructure giving way—illegitimacy, abused children, neglect, racial tensions, kids on opioids staring at screens—and, unlike their cultural superiors, they understand the implications.

Nuts with nukes, terrorists bent on a mission. The grid will go down. One of our foes will hit us, suddenly and hard. In the end it could be hand to hand, door to door. I said some of this six years ago to a famously liberal journalist, who blinked in surprise. If that’s true, he said, they won’t have a chance! But they are Americans, I said. They won’t go down without a fight.

The establishments and elites that create our political and entertainment culture have no idea how fragile it all is—how fragile it seems to people living normal, less privileged lives. That is because nothing is fragile for them. They’re barricaded behind the things the influential have, from good neighborhoods to security alarms, doormen and gates. They’re not dark in their imagining of the future because history has never been dark for them; it’s been sunshine, which they expect to continue. They sail on, oblivious to the legitimate anxieties of their countrymen who live near the edge.

Those who create our culture feel free to lecture normal Americans—on news shows, on late night comedy shows. Why do they have such a propensity for violence? What is their love for guns? Why do they join the National Rifle Association? The influential grind away with their disdain for their fellow Americans, whom they seem less to want to help than to dominate: Give up your gun, bake my cake, free speech isn’t free if what you’re saying triggers us."
Pay attention John. McCabe was second in command under Comey. McCabe is just a big of crook probably even bigger crook than Comey. Comey's cronies are still imbedded. McCabe is the one that took over the Vegas shooting. McCabe is the one that accepted the $650K from Terry McCauliffe.

No clue why he is still there

Who is that on though?

When one of my reports is insubordinate or does a lousy job, he or she gets the Ari Gold treatment - get the fvck out.

If I let that kind of shit go on, any of the repercussions are squarely on my shoulders.

Trump can't allow incompetent people to keep their jobs then whine about the fact that he has incompetent people working for him.
Who is that on though?

When one of my reports is insubordinate or does a lousy job, he or she gets the Ari Gold treatment - get the fvck out.

If I let that kind of shit go on, any of the repercussions are squarely on my shoulders.

Trump can't allow incompetent people to keep their jobs then whine about the fact that he has incompetent people working for him.

Like I said no clue why he is still in his position. The same thing was said about Comey "Why hasn't Trump fired him yet?" until he was fired.

I don't know if he is trying to get him for more stuff or what. We shall see.
Like I said no clue why he is still in his position. The same thing was said about Comey "Why hasn't Trump fired him yet?" until he was fired.

I don't know if he is trying to get him for more stuff or what. We shall see.
it's probably not easy to fire someone who is actively trying to undermine you and get you thrown in prison ; not even for real crimes but procedural crimes. And the media will report every firing as politically motivated.

The entire United States government except Trump imo needs to be fired. It has been infiltrated by absolute communists for the last 8 years under Obama. And they will not stop trying to tear Trump away with some BS. Everybody employed in the US gov't should be swept into an active volcano if I had my way.
Delicious watching the left lose their minds over Pence walking out of the Colts game.

I guess Pence doesn't have 1st amendment rights, but the NFL players do. Interesting.

I've seen people call it a political stunt during the anthem (which is not true because he stood for the whole anthem) but I guess kneeling players aren't doing a political stunt during the anthem. Ha, right.

Amazing how phony the left is. Totally fine when the left protests, but when the Vice President does, its a 'political stunt'

Cry more liberals. Keep showing us the hypocrites that you are.

Pretty easy to see this was set up and totally premeditated. I bet Pence goes to Colts games once every several years at most.

Also, Indy's current roster has been involved in 35 separate incidents that have resulted in arrests, ranging from drugs to DUI to domestic violence to rape. If Pence supports all that, but gets his panties in a wad over a few guys kneeling for an anthem......
Pretty easy to see this was set up and totally premeditated. I bet Pence goes to Colts games once every several years at most.

Also, Indy's current roster has been involved in 35 separate incidents that have resulted in arrests, ranging from drugs to DUI to domestic violence to rape. If Pence supports all that, but gets his panties in a wad over a few guys kneeling for an anthem......

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Pretty easy to see this was set up and totally premeditated. I bet Pence goes to Colts games once every several years at most.

Also, Indy's current roster has been involved in 35 separate incidents that have resulted in arrests, ranging from drugs to DUI to domestic violence to rape. If Pence supports all that, but gets his panties in a wad over a few guys kneeling for an anthem......

Of course it was staged, he knew they were going to kneel.
My guess is he is friends with Manning, and wanted to see him honored.

The players arrested owe a debt to society, so I assume they paid it. The players are protesting to make a point that isn’t real.
Who is oppressed in this country?
The note on Paddock's hotel table was shooting distance and drop calculations, per some cop who revealed this to 60 Minutes. Airing tonight. The news just teased it.

No way, imo. Why would they (sheriff, FBI) withold that info? They were asked multiple times, iirc. Why would it conveniently come out on a stupid TV show? FBI witheld this so CBS could attract more viewers and be the one to break this stupid info?
Of course it was staged, he knew they were going to kneel.
My guess is he is friends with Manning, and wanted to see him honored.

The players arrested owe a debt to society, so I assume they paid it. The players are protesting to make a point that isn’t real.
Who is oppressed in this country?

I'm on record as not really caring about the anthem stuff. They can do what the want as far as I'm concerned.
The note on Paddock's hotel table was shooting distance and drop calculations, per some cop who revealed this to 60 Minutes. Airing tonight. The news just teased it.

No way, imo. Why would they (sheriff, FBI) withold that info? They were asked multiple times, iirc. Why would it conveniently come out on a stupid TV show? FBI witheld this so CBS could attract more viewers and be the one to break this stupid info?

Some thoughts on the slow trickle to the narrative that I have seen that seems to make sense. Some people believe they are now waiting longer to report so they can watch the public react. Then they will use the story that seems the most logical based on their research from the most accepted reaction. Whatever they come up with I expect it to be complete bs.
I had some lefties on Twitter try to argue with me that the military and vets weren't overwhemingly in favor of Trump.

They voted 2-1 for him over Hillay according to exit polls. It's no surprise that vets back Republicans more so. To suggest otherwise is dishonest.

Let's compare the left's stances and you tell me how it even comes close to lining up with proud patriots.

Hates the 2A.
Burns our flag at rallies
Kneels for the anthem
Sides with criminals over cops
Spit on troops and called them "baby killers" after Vietnam.
Protests recruiters on college campuses
Sides with foreign enemies. Even was in favor of North Korea over Trump.
Sides with Islam; the same ideology that these nuts have that kill our troops.

There are some lefties who are vets and got into the military for the wrong reasons but we have tons of family and friends who are vets and not one of them are Democrats or support that ideology.

This is the Army/Navy game reaction to Trump.
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I really hope the Packers beat the Cowboys. u
I'm on record as not really caring about the anthem stuff. They can do what the want as far as I'm concerned.
they already do. They are being enabled. Slowly the left pushes and forces its message to viewers who aren't there for politics. It doesn't matter. Keep giving and giving. It is the epitome slowly raising the temp until that frog is boiled.
Paddock had power tools and cable he used to setup his surveillance cams. Sheriffs said it looked like he'd been working for a few days setting everything up.

FBI had no evidence of this per their press conference with sheriff on Friday.

*i gotta watch 60mimutes more. This is gold. They're interviewing trumps social media manager about how he used Facebook. He crushed Dems at their own game (media manipulation) and they're so mad. Did they take micro-targeting too far????? Omg.

Cats pro day on DVR, just so you know I'm BBN 4 Lyfe.
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I'm on record as not really caring about the anthem stuff. They can do what the want as far as I'm concerned.

Who in your opinion is oppressed in the United States in 2017?
No one, and you agree,as you’ve stated on here several times that anyone can find work and succeed if they want it bad enough.

So, if you’re protesting the national anthem for a BS excuse, then what is the true motive?

When nothing is held sacred, then nothing is sacred. Honoring the flag during the national anthem should be something all of us come together on.
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Who in your opinion is oppressed in the United States in 2017?
No one, and you agree,as you’ve stated on here several times that anyone can find work and succeed if they want it bad enough.

So, if you’re protesting the national anthem for a BS excuse, then what is the true motive?

When nothing is held sacred, then nothing is sacred. Honoring the flag during the national anthem should be something all of us come together on.

Nobody. To me the anthem kneeling is a big non issue. Just like Russia and paper towels.

I'm tired of hearing about all of them. Let's hear about healthcare and tax care reform. Let's hear about bolstering the economy and jobs. Etc etc etc.
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