Debate Thread?

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Like the fly that sat on Pence's head, the only takeaway anyone will likely have is apparently one of these two running for president actually brought up during a national debate the bizarre and recent conspiracy theory that immigrants are eating our pets. This is some Lloyd Christmas type shit and I'm proud citizens of other countries will see that.
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Like the fly that sat on Pence's head, the only takeaway anyone will likely have is apparently one of these two running for president actually brought up during a national debate the bizarre and recent conspiracy theory that immigrants are eating our pets. This is some Lloyd Christmas type shit and I'm proud citizens of other countries will see that.
Cool edited YouTube video I guess. The whole "we're being invaded by brown people and fear the brown people" thing is very 2016 but hey, if one side is really going to waste time telling the country that their pets are going to be eaten by invaders, um, good job, good effort?
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Cool edited YouTube video I guess. The whole "we're being invaded by brown people and fear the brown people" thing is very 2016 but hey, if one side is really going to waste time telling the country that their pets are going to be eaten by invaders, um, good job, good effort?
They dropped 20.000 Haitian immigrants in an Ohio town of 48,000. If you are arguing that we have not been invaded by mass immigration I must assume you to be some sort of shill. I can not possibly believe you are truly this ignorant.
They dropped 20.000 Haitian immigrants in an Ohio town of 48,000. If you are arguing that we have not been invaded by mass immigration I must assume you to be some sort of shill. I can not possibly believe you are truly this ignorant.
You're moving the goalposts. No one is debating thousands of immigrants got settled in Ohio. The claim by the current Republican Presidential and VP candidates are that those immigrants are stealing and eating house cats. The police chief has said that's not true. Vance has come out and admitted it was probably not true, which is the best you're going to get from him in regards to admitting he was wrong.

Just admit you guys fell for some fake news and move on. Argue the values of allowing this many asylum seekers into the country on its merits, don't argue using fake fear mongering about things that never happened.
I mean, again, if the guy you like and his VP candidate want to waste time trying to make people scared of immigrants and make a talking point that for instance, my cute beagle is going to be stolen and eaten by a brown person, then the politicians you're into don't have their priorities in order.

Any amount of time they're spending trying to make immigrants seem like savages from the jungles of wherever like we're in 1940, that's a win for the other side. This isn't difficult.

BTW, I've recently won $1700 on DraftKings so I'm pretty happy about that. Maybe I'll buy my dog some mace and he can spray those evil people who don't look like me right in their America hatin' faces!

(I'm kidding because this is such a silly, stupid topic that some are taking seriously)
The people Trump had running the country did worlds better than the people Harris and Biden have running the country. The four years under Trump, even with the ridiculous Russian collusion Democrat hoax, were better than these past four years. Trump is Trump. Harris is the person that the Dems kicked out of the primary BEFORE Iowa!! Now they want you to believe that she can fix the crap she and Joe created domestically and internationally. If you are buying the Dem flip flop on Kamala, this debate did nothing to change the pill you have swallowed.
The people Trump had running the country did worlds better than the people Harris and Biden have running the country.
Lmao. The people Trump had running the country literally all quit and refused to endorse him this election. He couldn't keep a cabinet together. 40 out of 44 of his former cabinet members won't endorse him this time around. It's shocking to me that you guys just completely dismiss that. He chews people up, uses them for his gain, and throws them in the trash. He cares about no one but himself and has proven that time and time and time again. Ask Rudy how going to bat for Trump's been treating him.
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I have plans that we never implemented during the four years we were in control. I have been saving them for now!!! Plans to respect Ukraine’s sovereign border while opening ours. Plans to make food more affordable, after we inflated costs by flooding the economy with money we don’t have. Plans to fix housing costs (trust me, I am from California, I know how this works).

If you have a loved one who died of a fentanyl overdose these past four years (and there have been many), it had to make you feel good to hear Kamala recognizes your loss. Only if she could have done something to protect our families and friends from our attackers so they would still be here today. Failure.
Lmao. The people Trump had running the country literally all quit and refused to endorse him this election. He couldn't keep a cabinet together. 40 out of 44 of his former cabinet members won't endorse him this time around. It's shocking to me that you guys just completely dismiss that. He chews people up, uses them for his gain, and throws them in the trash. He cares about no one but himself and has proven that time and time and time again. Ask Rudy how going to bat for Trump's been treating him.

Yeah, that is why the four years under his administration was worlds better in every important way (economy, border, internationally) than the past four years. Good point!!
Non-partisan take:

I can't ever recall seeing two blowout debates in the same election year. I know there's been some years where one candidate won the first debate and the other candidate came back and won the next debate (Obama immediately comes to mind) but not both of them being landslides. And we have an unusual case here with a "relief pitcher" on the DEM side, but it was crazy to watch how well Trump did in the first one against Biden (when he mostly shut the hell up and let his opponent make unforced errors) and this one where he was hit with a master class in psychological warfare and went full-unhinged mode. Woodshed.

At the end of the day, I doubt it changed many voters' minds. #USA
Non-partisan take:

I can't ever recall seeing two blowout debates in the same election year. I know there's been some years where one candidate won the first debate and the other candidate came back and won the next debate (Obama immediately comes to mind) but not both of them being landslides. And we have an unusual case here with a "relief pitcher" on the DEM side, but it was crazy to watch how well Trump did in the first one against Biden (when he mostly shut the hell up and let his opponent make unforced errors) and this one where he was hit with a master class in psychological warfare and went full-unhinged mode. Woodshed.

At the end of the day, I doubt it changed many voters' minds. #USA

I caught it on radio so I didn't get a chance to see how it presented visually, but after the first 10 minutes or so Trump just started becoming increasingly more unhinged. The rants about the all how the dirty, murdering illegals are eating all our dogs and cats was just embarrassing and sad. Just racial, fear-driving, nutso weirdo shit. Harris is not a perfect candidate (as a dum-dum liberal, I'm actually a little disappointed by how much more to the center she's moved even though it's expected... a lot of her current talking points sound like a Republican from 20 years ago), but I was glad to see (er, hear) how well she did and how poorly Trump came off.
Non-partisan take:

I can't ever recall seeing two blowout debates in the same election year. I know there's been some years where one candidate won the first debate and the other candidate came back and won the next debate (Obama immediately comes to mind) but not both of them being landslides. And we have an unusual case here with a "relief pitcher" on the DEM side, but it was crazy to watch how well Trump did in the first one against Biden (when he mostly shut the hell up and let his opponent make unforced errors) and this one where he was hit with a master class in psychological warfare and went full-unhinged mode. Woodshed.

At the end of the day, I doubt it changed many voters' minds. #USA

Hilarious take Jeff!
The rants about the all how the dirty, murdering illegals are eating all our dogs and cats was just embarrassing and sad.
It's incredibly embarrassing that a former President and current candidate fell for fake news about immigrants eating pets and repeated it during a debate. Like it cannot be overstated how much the world is laughing at this man and this country for the fact that at least 1/3 of the country supports him no matter what he does.