How will they rule ??!

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Plenty of questions about the shooting going unanswered due to the constant gun control argument distraction. Who benefits? Both sides.

The republicans get their 2nd A voters riled up. The NRA gets mass donations. Guns fly off the shelves.

The democrats get their gun control voters riled up. Police states are enlarged. More security cameras and militarized policing to expand their totalitarian control.

There is a conspiracy to cover up something and more people are now questioning the narrative.
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Plenty of questions about the shooting going unanswered due to the constant gun control argument distraction. Who benefits? Both sides.

The republicans get their 2nd A voters riled up. The NRA gets mass donations. Guns fly off the shelves.

The democrats get their gun control voters riled up. Police states are enlarged. More security cameras and militarized policing to expand their totalitarian control.

There is a conspiracy to cover up something and more people are now questioning the narrative.
The longer the motive is hidden, the clearer the motive was politically driven. I mean, the guy shot up a place where there were undoubtably a bunch of Republicans in attendance. What else could the motive possibly be?

He was another deranged liberal driven into violence by crazy anti Trump, anti GOP rhetoric. No different than the baseball field shooter.
The longer the motive is hidden, the clearer the motive was politically driven. I mean, the guy shot up a place where there were undoubtably a bunch of Republicans in attendance. What else could the motive possibly be?

I don't know. Plenty of theories out there. Not to sure what to believe when so much information is being with held, fabricated, or inconclusive.
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The longer the motive is hidden, the clearer the motive was politically driven. I mean, the guy shot up a place where there were undoubtably a bunch of Republicans in attendance. What else could the motive possibly be?

He was another deranged liberal driven into violence by crazy anti Trump, anti GOP rhetoric. No different than the baseball field shooter.
There ya go.
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Yep. I lived there 25 years and watched it sink into a quagmire. Baled out as soon as I retired. Don't miss it at all.

I think it's fascinating to see how fast it degenerated in 30-40 years. A huge influx of Mexicans and also served like a moth to the flame for degenerates with San Fran and the entertainment industry.

Think about the current state of Caifornia and remember that the same state voted Republican three straight presidential elections and also gave us Ronald Reagan.
The longer the motive is hidden, the clearer the motive was politically driven. I mean, the guy shot up a place where there were undoubtably a bunch of Republicans in attendance. What else could the motive possibly be?

He was another deranged liberal driven into violence by crazy anti Trump, anti GOP rhetoric. No different than the baseball field shooter.

I still don't really subscribe to this. This wasn't a Merle Haggard concert. Most of the new age country fans I know are hipsters. White yes, but hardly hardcore southern republicans.
I still don't really subscribe to this. This wasn't a Merle Haggard concert. Most of the new age country fans I know are hipsters. White yes, but hardly hardcore southern republicans.

I believe the secrecy of this means there's more to the story. I also think that crowd is likely 70-90 percent Trump voters. Was this political? I don't know. I have my suspicions but I can't say.

What I'm confident in is this...regardless of what comes out, absolutely nothing will change in terms of point of view. No one is brought back to life. If it's a radicalized Democrat, media and the left aren't going to suddenly change their way of thinking or their rhetoric. Supporters of the 2A are not going to change their way of thinking.

What could change, is the complete escalation of tensions to create more angst, more division and more hate between the two groups. I think a civil war is in the future. I have no idea of a timeline (could by 20-50 years) but I think it's inevitable.

Things are never going back to normal or civil. This will basically just create the possibility of political points and increase the violence and hate like the Hatfields vs McCoys.
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Bountygate (not the Saints incident) is a perfect microcosm of how the media operates.

Left Media - "Look at this jackass throwing paper towels like he's MJ practicing fadeaway jumpers."

Right Media - "Puerto Ricans can soak up all the water with those towels - they love it!"

Meanwhile, intelligent people are like "who cares." The things the media tries to cram down our throats as important are mostly laughable.


Perfect summary of why not to trust elites/politicians and how they view us.

They don't care about us.

I saw Ann Coulter tweet earlier today that people have weapons because they don't trust their government to protect them. That's a great point. Look at Europe. They're being raped and blown up and their citizens stand by as cops and elites do nothing to stop them from being conquered.

Imagine the Berkeley police while conservatives had to fend for themselves as Antifa and Dems attacked them.

I don't think anyone should want to give up the tools to protect themselves when we have media, teachers and politicians justifying and calling for violence against conservatives. And if our government will put weapons in foreign enemies' hands then why on earth would you trust them?
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What could change, is the complete escalation of tensions to create more angst, more division and more hate between the two groups. I think a civil war is in the future. I have no idea of a timeline (could by 20-50 years) but I think it's inevitable.

Civil War. The Democrats would follow the creed of Raping the children and killing the women.
Whiner in chief trying to distract from the corruption and lies coming from this administration. The ultimate snowflake. Or maybe trying to distract from the dismal jobs report or the fact that he is creating less jobs than Obama did in 2016.

It really is an adult daycare [roll]

Republicans need to grow up. They treat domestic and foreign policy like it's a gameshow.
I've been doing a lot of studying on our history and even going back to learn more about the settlers.

We took something that was so good, so groundbreaking and so beautiful and yes, we had flaws but the premise and idea was incredible. And what did we do? We have helped run it into the ground due to cancerous people, poisonous idea and allowed a disgusting culture to form and be adopted.

We call everything progress that's actually regressive. We've made things more convenient in terms of right and wrong and basic truth, we can't even get that right now.

On a somewhat related note, I was watching Ken Burns' series on the Civil War and they read the Sullivan Balleou letter. Just a basic soldier who died during the Battle of Bull Run. Despite this being in the 1860s, this guy had a better vocabulary and had better writing skills than our people have nearly 160 years later.
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They came out with just enough info on the Vegas Shooter, and the Sheriff was willing to curtail his statements still offering his opinion in ways to point in certain directions. But then all of a sudden we get another sheriff who seemingly has a different tone and message, but we shouldn't read between those lines?

We also shouldn't think anything of stories where the Vegas PD are pissed at how the FBI ran them out of the investigation and are keeping them in the dark.

Political or not, ISIS or not, crazy deranged white nutcase or not at this point a criminal investigation excuse is simply that because the dude is dead. Release the security footage, and please do not expect me to believe he had all those cameras and was not recording.

Oh yea, family members of the deceased have filed to have Paddocks assets frozen so they can sue. So his finances are going to come out despite a complete coverup to this point. And it will be nice to see where all the money came from.
I still don't really subscribe to this. This wasn't a Merle Haggard concert. Most of the new age country fans I know are hipsters. White yes, but hardly hardcore southern republicans.


Hillary won Vegas.

It could still be political. Modern country isn't necessarily Republican.
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have no idea of a timeline (could by 20-50 years) but I think it's inevitable.
I think it will happen under Trump. The left is getting more violent almost daily, and have politicians and even the MSM basically cheering it on. I don't see how this doesn't end badly.

Since the Russia narritive is dying, all they will have is violence
I think it will happen under Trump. The left is getting more violent almost daily, and have politicians and even the MSM basically cheering it on. I don't see how this doesn't end badly.

Since the Russia narritive is dying, all they will have is violence

What's so crazy is that we are settled with this

Antifa, Communists, Muslims, racist BLM, illegals, feminists who hate men and love abortion, the radicalized LGBTQ crowd and Dem elites


White conservatives, Christians, proud pro America types and vets and a small group of minorities who are demonized by the left for not conforming.
But then all of a sudden we get another sheriff who seemingly has a different tone and message, but we shouldn't read between those lines?

Pretty much.

Hey look guys we're out of ideas, nothing to see here. Btw, we put up some billboards with the FBI hotline number in case y'all citizens know anything. Thanks. Oh, and this tragedy will be called "the October 1 event". Y'all have a nice day!

*that was the oddest thing when that guy got up there to tell the media what this shooting was to be called. Wtf?

Then Cam Newton got sexist on somebodies ass!!!

All that will discussed now is the gun isssue and the sexist/racist stuff.

Stg Hillary did this. Or Oprah.
Money and time for entertainment are limited but there's several options and forms of entertainment to choose from.

That's why when NFL and NBA players pull their shtick and when TV shows and movies mock and lecture, more and more people can and will choose to look elsewhere.
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