How will they rule ??!

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Mash that guard was responding to the complaints in the hotel as security should. He wasn't just roaming that floor he was directed there as the guy below on the 31st floor called with complaint of shooting directly above him.

Maybe smoke detectors did go off but I guarantee that's not why they went there. I doubt that's even why they were alerted honestly, and I still feel the windows being busted had to have an alarm. Hell mine in my house do for the kids safety and we are ground level.

The security guard was followed up 20-30 seconds later by the police, and handed them his master key to get people out of their rooms..........kind of odd since that puts them in the way of a shooter who clearly like shooting at people.

On a side note, I really respect and appreciate this sheriff. Dude takes no shit from the media, clarifies mistaken comments, and leaves no room for doubt it's up to the media to take his comments and report them right.

In saying that yesterday 2 seconds after he gave the timeline they posted on the station as he is talking that it took 75 minutes to get to the shooter. That's false, it took them 12 minutes and when they got there he was no longer shooting.

The room was barricaded and they were clearing the floor and then had to equip the door with explosives to get in the room.

I doubt you'l find many businesses that pay to have an alarm on a 32nd floor window. Most peo0le don' even do it for their 2nd floor windows on their house.
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Thank you Hillary for letting the four Americans in Benghazi die while you tried to come up with a politically advantageous solution.

in sports news Pryor of the Raiders flipped off a fan ; guess why he said he did it. I'll give you TWO guesses.

Did he say someone called him a "ninja"... ???

(See also: Marcus Smart in 2014)
A couple of things that have occurred to me about the left regarding their talking points.

1). In response to pointing out how Chicago and strict gun control cities run by Dems have the highest gun crime, the left says, "They go to states with less strict gun laws and come back."

Are you not admitting that you have no way to enforce the law and that there are ways around your laws by this?

2) They complain about American Imperialism and gentrification. I've heard this many times. "We want to experience the culture of these countries. We don't want to see America everywhere."

Then why don't you take that stance with Europe suffering the Islamic imperialism trash? You want to go to London and have it look like Pakistan?

They complain about gentrification and how it pushes these people out of the neighborhoods and replaces them. Is that not what mass immigration is? Replacing people by importing folks who mass produce while the actual American people foot the bill for it?
Did he say someone called him a "ninja"... ???

(See also: Marcus Smart in 2014)

They do this all the time. If you hear that word, 99 percent of the time it's going to come from a black guy. And a white fan in Oakland isn't likely to attend a game in a league of 70% black and say that.

Remember the UNC N'Diaye that claimed Utah's Brittain Johnson called him that and then had to admit he lied?
Not having seen the whole inside of the hotel room I may be way off here, but I did find it interesting that 2 windows were knocked out. Initially we were told he knocked them both out to get different angles to shoot.

However, Sheriff said yesterday the door that went to the other part of the suite (believe where the bedrooms were located) was locked and had to be breached. So, I am wondering if that second busted window was in that part of the suite or was it part of the main suite the shooter was found in?

Makes minimal sense why he would bust out two windows and then lock the door that went to the second busted window. Were guns found in that part of the suite (the second section that had to be breached)?
Said a source not involved in the investigation.

Yes, possible and even Lombardo didn't knock that report down...but also possible Housleys comment is accurate - not sure why it offended you so much that he mentioned the shooter went with country festival for target base...almost like you are rooting for the shooter to fit a certain demo.................
That source is reportedly the manager of the property.

Me offended? LOL. I just would find it hard to believe that someone could do such meticulous planning and then virtually at the last minute decide to switch targets based upon the expected demographics of the target. It isn't like either festival was planned at the last minute, they are annual events. There expected demographics are known well in advance. I'd also find it hard to believe that a 60-something yr old white man would hate country music fans more than rap/alternative music fans. I think he just hated people, period.

According to the guy's neighbors he quiet and kept to himself...almost "aggressively unfriendly"... the "Get off my lawn" type. Perhaps because he was hiding something... I don't know.

The reports now that he had planed an escape to me are more signs of a troubled mind. I mean we know he was obviously troubled and evil but come on! How in the hell anyone could think that they were going to get out of a 32nd floor hotel room after spending 10+ minutes of shooting...and had ammo to continue shooting for much longer...without being killed or captured requires a delusional mind. Unless he had Seal Team-6 planning to help him get away, there was no other rational end to this horrific event.
That source is reportedly the manager of the property.

Me offended? LOL. I just would find it hard to believe that someone could do such meticulous planning and then virtually at the last minute decide to switch targets based upon the expected demographics of the target. It isn't like either festival was planned at the last minute, they are annual events. There expected demographics are known well in advance. I'd also find it hard to believe that a 60-something yr old white man would hate country music fans more than rap/alternative music fans. I think he just hated people, period.

According to the guy's neighbors he quiet and kept to himself...almost "aggressively unfriendly"... the "Get off my lawn" type. Perhaps because he was hiding something... I don't know.

The reports now that he had planed an escape to me are more signs of a troubled mind. I mean we know he was obviously troubled and evil but come on! How in the hell anyone could think that they were going to get out of a 32nd floor hotel room after spending 10+ minutes of shooting...and had ammo to continue shooting for much longer...without being killed or captured requires a delusional mind. Unless he had Seal Team-6 planning to help him get away, there was no other rational end to this horrific event.

You’re assuming he switched targets. He could’ve just been there to gamble and observe the crowd tendencies.

A reasonable person also doesn’t shoot up a concert. Possibly he thought if he could ignite a jet fuel storage tank it would cause enough chaos to give him cover.

He chose the vantage point in Mandalay strategically. That took scouting.
But my point is can you just bust windows 32 floors up with no signal to security?

If security is signaled then how does the windows being busted play out? Clearly he was only in one room to this point so was he supposed to bust one, run back to the other and start firing?

Think about this for a minute because even if there was a 2nd room, at this point the window shouldn't be busted out.
Why are you concerned about a signal to security? Fricken 10 second barrages of gunfire are a pretty loud signal to security. Add all of the people staying in rooms above, below and anywhere near. And I doubt that there is any alarm on 32nd floor glass. First or second floor...maybe.
A reasonable person also doesn’t shoot up a concert. Possibly he thought if he could ignite a jet fuel storage tank it would cause enough chaos to give him cover.
On this we agree...except again I say it takes a delusional mind to think that a burning jet fuel storage tank would result in a distraction large enough to get away. Very limited number of routes out from the room. Would not take an extremely large force to block all of those routes.
You’re assuming he switched targets. He could’ve just been there to gamble and observe the crowd tendencies.

To this point I would think they will be able to determine if he had intent at the first site. It was reported that he checked in with 10 bags at Mandalay Bay. Sure he could have carried up more over the several days he was there. Surely there is security video that shows him entering with that baggage. It will be interesting to see if he took up those kinds of numbers of bags. Of course, he could have been practicing a dry run and taking up bags without any firearms.
As for crowd tendencies...having attended likely 100+/- such events over the last 50+ years would that really take research? You got 20+ thousand people in a relatively small confined area. You're shooting fish in a barrel.
Why are you concerned about a signal to security? Fricken 10 second barrages of gunfire are a pretty loud signal to security. Add all of the people staying in rooms above, below and anywhere near. And I doubt that there is any alarm on 32nd floor glass. First or second floor...maybe.

Well maybe because it's a casino and that is a security that should be put in place to prevent suicides, and I assume the glass is clearly a denser/thicker product, but the idea that I could just bust a window open 32 floors up and no one would know until seen from the outside is kind of alarming. So that measure would quickly notify the room and location of a busted window.

I guess they don't give a shit maybe and it isn't worth it, however I've worked in building that at least had security measures from the 3rd floor up.

I'm not saying it's alarming for just this case, but in general people lose and suicide becomes an option.
To this point I would think they will be able to determine if he had intent at the first site. It was reported that he checked in with 10 bags at Mandalay Bay. Sure he could have carried up more over the several days he was there. Surely there is security video that shows him entering with that baggage. It will be interesting to see if he took up those kinds of numbers of bags. Of course, he could have been practicing a dry run and taking up bags without any firearms.
As for crowd tendencies...having attended likely 100+/- such events over the last 50+ years would that really take research? You got 20+ thousand people in a relatively small confined area. You're shooting fish in a barrel.

By tendencies, I'm speaking of the bottlenck locations, where security had traffic funneled to, and so forth.
On this we agree...except again I say it takes a delusional mind to think that a burning jet fuel storage tank would result in a distraction large enough to get away. Very limited number of routes out from the room. Would not take an extremely large force to block all of those routes.

I never said it was likely he'd escape, but a 500000 gallon fuel tank exploding would cause a one helluva diversion.
No doubt what Cam Newton said was probably stupid, but the overreaction to it is way over the top, IMO.
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Reports about his plan to escape are interesting. The gas explosion diversion is an explanation. I just dont see how thats going to do it.

The roof: Helicopter, base jump, or gliding suit?

Or out the window: base jump, gliding suit, or rapelling?

I just dont see any other way.

Of course, he could have been practicing a dry run and taking up bags without any firearms.

Id say thats exactly right
Man it took 12 minutes to get to him on the 32nd floor without a diversion.

If you weren't aware right away where Paddock was, and the a huge explosion happened and shots continued to ring out what are you going to do? The explosion would draw you away even if for 5 more minutes before heading back to figure out the suspect location that gives him that much longer.

My guess is had the explosion happened, and the security guard not happened he would have at least attempted an escape. The security guard alarmed him that they were in fact on to him quicker than he thought and panicked to off himself before being disabled and taken into custody.
Just said on Fox that when he sledgehammered the window the glass fell in the area the valet employees were at. They notified higher-ups, very quickly after the glass came down the shots began.
Ok if we are going to make fun of the media for chasing all of Trumps squirrel hunts then why are we also chasing stupid squirrels.

I wish he laughed and said, next question.
It's absolutely ridiculous. Though, I think Cam may've played the Race Card before, so this might be a little taste of karma. Dannon yogurt just dropped him, BTW.
I just wonder why no one was outraged at him doing the black power fist this past game. No one seemed to care about it. He says one stupid thing to a woman and that spurs outrage? Gimme a break.
I just wonder why no one was outraged at him doing the black power fist this past game. No one seemed to care about it. He says one stupid thing to a woman and that spurs outrage? Gimme a break.

Let's play the Battle of the Way-Too-Easily-Offended Special Interest Groups game*. In an upset, the Feminists won this round.

*straight white Christian males not included
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I just wonder why no one was outraged at him doing the black power fist this past game. No one seemed to care about it. He says one stupid thing to a woman and that spurs outrage? Gimme a break.

I don't know whatever happened to letting small things go. So someone is surprised you know about football? Big deal. Show him how much you know and stick it to him. It should be over right there. The fact this became a story is ridiculous.

Also black power is all the rage these days.
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Let's play the Battle of the Way-Too-Easily-Offended Special Interest Groups game*. In an upset, the Feminists won this round.

*straight white Christian males not included
Has more to do with her being in the media than her gender honestly but a powerful combo for sure. The virtue signaling is insufferable today.
Has more to do with her being in the media than her gender honestly but a powerful combo for sure. The virtue signaling is insufferable today.

I think you're right... might be more of a -WE are the ALMIGHTY MEDIA- card, than the Feminist/Sexist angle.
Stupid feminists. Sure would like to see a man vs woman war. Let's see who's all bad ass now? These loud mouthed ditzes would get pummeled. I bet you I'd kill 15 broads within 5 minutes.

Men would win that war in 3 hours nationwide. Then we would all turn gay.

That's the way the world will end
Well maybe because it's a casino and that is a security that should be put in place to prevent suicides, and I assume the glass is clearly a denser/thicker product, but the idea that I could just bust a window open 32 floors up and no one would know until seen from the outside is kind of alarming. So that measure would quickly notify the room and location of a busted window.

I guess they don't give a shit maybe and it isn't worth it, however I've worked in building that at least had security measures from the 3rd floor up.

I'm not saying it's alarming for just this case, but in general people lose and suicide becomes an option.
I'm clearly not an expert on suicides but I think the suicidal person is going to find an easier way than breaking structural glass and then crawling out that hole. It does not break easily. There are lots of high places from which one could jump in Vegas. Hell, just gain access to the roof. That will set off an alarm but is easy. Beside, chances are that the jumper would be on the ground before you ever summons anyone to the room to stop the suicide.
Stupid feminists. Sure would like to see a man vs woman war. Let's see who's all bad ass now? These loud mouthed ditzes would get pummeled. I bet you I'd kill 15 broads within 5 minutes.

Men would win that war in 3 hours nationwide. Then we would all turn gay.

That's the way the world will end


Best thing I've read all week!
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Stupid feminists. Sure would like to see a man vs woman war. Let's see who's all bad ass now? These loud mouthed ditzes would get pummeled. I bet you I'd kill 15 broads within 5 minutes.

Men would win that war in 3 hours nationwide. Then we would all turn gay.

That's the way the world will end
Don't underestimate their ability to nag us to death.
By tendencies, I'm speaking of the bottlenck locations, where security had traffic funneled to, and so forth.
But wouldn't that likely be different for different venues?

The areas are fenced off. The bottlenecks are at the gates. The gates are where?
The concert was being held at Las Vegas Village which has a band stage and bleacher seating to the left and right of the stage. It hosted part of the iHeart Radio Music Festival on Sept 23, just a week before this nutcase did his damage and at the same time as the Life is Beautiful Festival. If he was scouting the territory, wouldn't you scout the actual event space?
But wouldn't that likely be different for different venues?

The areas are fenced off. The bottlenecks are at the gates. The gates are where?
The concert was being held at Las Vegas Village which has a band stage and bleacher seating to the left and right of the stage. It hosted part of the iHeart Radio Music Festival on Sept 23, just a week before this nutcase did his damage and at the same time as the Life is Beautiful Festival. If he was scouting the territory, wouldn't you scout the actual event space?

It was the same venue Fuzz, the layout and security would be the same, or fairly close.

I don't if thats what he was doing, you could be exactly right about it being the original target, or he could've just been there to gamble. We don't even know if had a room facing the event then. What we do know is that he didn't shoot up that concert.

I'm guessing the guy spent quite a bit of time in Vegas.