How will they rule ??!

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sorry but this response cracked me up:


Paul Krugman is a complete idiot. I work in the investment business and NO ONE pays attention to him.
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Let's just be real... Kapernick's protest all started so he could plow a Muslim woman originally from Egypt. Dude was a Christian who had 0 problems with the USA until he met her. I imagine it went something like this:

"Wow you're hot."

"You want this? You gotta be woke first."

"Okay. Woke me please."

And here we are today.
Cop shootings are just the tip of the iceberg.

It is more about the injustices in the judicial system. The fact that blacks receive harsher sentences than whites for the same crimes. Things like penalties for possession of a small amount of crack, cheap and common to black neighborhoods are much more severe than those for larger, much more expensive amount of cocaine, common to white neighborhoods. Even though they are different forms of the same drug.

The fact that cops are much more likely to pull their service weapon on blacks vs whites.

So far this year there have been 164 blacks fatally shot by police.
So far this year there have been 326 whites fatally shot by police.
32 of the 490 killed were unarmed, per the washington post.
Amazon is amazing. i placed two separate orders last week, amazon prime, free two day delivery.
I received each order less than 24 hrs later.
They say two days just in case something gets screwed up. Almost always one day for me. Probably depends on your location as well.
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Acknowledging that white people can come into contact with bad cops is not diminishing the fact that there is a problem that black people face when it comes to dealing with law enforcement. Men can get breast cancer but the majority of the victims are women.

I've been kneeling since 2016 because, as an African-American male, I get scared every time a cop even looks at me.

Actually when you compare number of police interactions, amount of violent crime committed and number of people killed by police: the people that should be outraged is white people. It's actually shocking more of us black guys aren't killed. A lot more.

It's hilarious. You wanna loot a store? Who do you turn to for advice? Wanna buy crack coke heroin? Do you drive to a white neighborhood and ask someone you see outside? No. we are killing a lot more white people vs them killing us.

Kaepernick's point is that people of color face police brutality at a higher rate, and that the system does nothing to punish those officers who use unnecessary force and murder individuals that didn't deserve to die.

You were saying that those student-athletes shouldn't protest because they would risks having millions of dollars. I was point out that the current pro players in the NBA and NFL have spoken out and have engaged in forms of protest, risking their millions as well. But they did it, and their leagues are supporting them. So, I'm sure the teams that these student-athletes will be playing for in the future wouldn't have an issue with them using their constitutional rights as well (which means that the risks are more minimal than you think)

Again, then how about doing something to fix the problem. Do you not see the correlation between amount of crime committed? Based on amount of murders and other violent crime, we black men should be pretty thrilled with the amount. Maybe if we stop killing each other, selling drugs and robbing folks the number will go down even further.
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AG Andy beshear says he will not ask state agencies to cut budgets per bevin's request because he believes that is illegal, and governors should not ask state to do anything that's illegal.

Idk who advises that man to talk, but I'm glad they do.
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The problem with all these protests is they are fighting against individuals, not institutions. The world will NEVER be racism free. There will always be an individual person somewhere who treats someone with a different skin color differently (whether it be a white, black, Asian, etc). Can you try to enlighten them? Sure. But taking a knee won't do a thing to change that.

And you can talk about cops and injustice all you want but I think deep down you know the media controls this narrative and makes it look far worse than it is. For every cop they show doing something truly disguisting (SC cop shooting unarmed black man in the back), 100s of thousands do their jobs right. They take a small sample and make it seem like it's happening everywhere.

I live in Danville, KY. We have a diverse police force made up of mostly white and black men. We have had 0 cop shootings resulting in the death of anyone that I'm aware of. That's not a good media narrative though. Doesn't fit. They only want to focus on controversial or wrongful deaths of minorities; not cops actually doing their job.

So while racism certainly exists on an individual basis, it does not within institutions. And of those individuals, any person of any skin color can be racist. But that's a whole other post.
I would LOVE for our basketball team to take knee. Many in the fanbase act like these kids can't have opinions, like they can't have voices. They're old enough to vote, and have a life outside of Rupp Arena. Having an opinion and being able to protest is not only protected at this university, but encouraged by President Capilouto.
Perhaps they already have been. Have you been in the locker room to see?
Acknowledging that white people can come into contact with bad cops is not diminishing the fact that there is a problem that black people face when it comes to dealing with law enforcement..
If you're talking cops by "law enforcement", the fact is whites have violent encounters with them at a higher rate per encounter than blacks.

Yes, blacks have a lot higher encounter rate. But why is that? Because cops target blacks? Or perhaps because cops patrol high crime areas at a higher rate & those areas happen to be disproportionately high black? The latter can be fixed by cops abandoning high crime areas & leaving the residents to fend for themselves.
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Let's just be real... Kapernick's protest all started so he could plow a Muslim woman originally from Egypt. Dude was a Christian who had 0 problems with the USA until he met her. I imagine it went something like this:

"Wow you're hot."

"You want this? You gotta be woke first."

"Okay. Woke me please."

And here we are today.
Then: The face that launched a thousand ships.
Now: The HPOA that brought the NFL to its knees.
Kaepernick's point is that people of color face police brutality at a higher rate, and that the system does nothing to punish those officers who use unnecessary force and murder individuals that didn't deserve to die.

You were saying that those student-athletes shouldn't protest because they would risks having millions of dollars. I was point out that the current pro players in the NBA and NFL have spoken out and have engaged in forms of protest, risking their millions as well. But they did it, and their leagues are supporting them. So, I'm sure the teams that these student-athletes will be playing for in the future wouldn't have an issue with them using their constitutional rights as well (which means that the risks are more minimal than you think)

How about bad shit happens because the crap holes are filled with constant crime. Neighborboods filled with murders all the time. Black men commit an absurd amount of crime. An absurd amount.

You think cops don't know that and don't know to be on edge? You see a lot of black men going to work having issues with police? No. You see moronic career criminals resisting arrest and thinking they will get a good outcome.

Think about it. Freddie Gray, career crack dealer and arrested a million times. Michael Brown just committed strong-arm robbery and evidence showed he attacked Wilson. Eric Garner, career criminal ignoring his warnings and selling illegal cigs and resisting, Philando Castile-a guy ignoring the request (same guy who has videos of himself and that scumbag woman just driving around and smoking weed in a car with a toddler), etc.

How many of these instances are cops just driving around and just going up to people who haven't done anything? How hard is it to keep your hands on the wheel and do as you're told? Stop committing crime, stop running and then also trying to fight a cop and then playing victim when the situation goes south resulting in the black community destroying the city and looting.

It's amazing that the issue is "we need to fix cops" instead of, "Hey, we need to fix the black community." It's always someone else's fault when it comes to blacks committing crime or doing something. Never fails. No personal responsibility ever.

Young black men kill each other at such an alarming rate especially considering their population size. The worst cities in our nation for murder all have the same thing in common- a huge black population or a majority black population. It's a cultural problem of violence and no respect.

So what this boils down to is a large portion of the black community who hate whites, hates cops, have no appreciation for this country and want to lecture everyone else without fixing their own backyard that continues to be a constant self destructive path of broken homes, idolizing street culture and not caring for education and complete scorn for blacks who buck the trend and don't blame the world for their problems, take care of their children, educate themselves and work hard. Those good people get labeled as "Uncle Toms" or "House _" simply because they don't stay a delusional and angry person that's mad at the world.
*member when ex gov beshear was featured on election night at that weird lil diner with like 6 people talking bout healthcare? lmao. That was an odd choice. sorry, I jus think the beshears are some of the worst politicians in my lifetime. meaning they are horrible liars and speakers.
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If you're talking cops by "law enforcement", the fact is whites have violent encounters with them at a higher rate per encounter than blacks.

Yes, blacks have a lot higher encounter rate. But why is that? Because cops target blacks? Or perhaps because cops patrol high crime areas at a higher rate & those areas happen to be disproportionately high black? The latter can be fixed by cops abandoning high crime areas & leaving the residents to fend for themselves.

They did leave Baltimore after the Freddie Gray incident. Guess what happened. Record-number of murders in that city.

Listening to someone try and be obtuse about the reality of black crime and neighborhoods is frustrating. Cops go to black areas the most for the same reason fishermen go to where the most fish are. That's where there's the most crime.

I believe most people are pretty sick of the "I'm a victim" and "I'm oppressed" narrative that's always pushed while we sit through the craziest theories like "The government sent these hurricanes to take out people of color" (real theories online) or "The government invented AIDS to take out black people" (Obama's Jeremiah Wright said this).

Another reason why we are sick of this is because of the silence from the black activists and the media when

Blacks kill whites (nearly 90% of interracial violence is black on white)
Blacks rape whites
Blacks kill cops
Blacks kill blacks

We just had a black power nut kill a white woman in church and it's already buried in the news. Yet we get to hear about supposed poop swastikas for weeks.
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So far this year there have been 164 blacks fatally shot by police.
So far this year there have been 326 whites fatally shot by police.
32 of the 490 killed were unarmed, per the washington post.

That's a fact? wow.
Kell quoting Malcolm X is quite appropriate. MLK was a beacon of strongly appealing to humanity and positive and was effective. Malcolm X championed anger and "any means necessary" and was not.
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The media wants to play victim but how can you not hate them?

24/7 coverage of Charlottesville where a woman dies in a protest (killer snd victim were the same race mind you and had to tear down statues), 24/7 coverage of Missouri poop swastika (never even proven-no pic), heavy-handed lecturing to all whites over Dylan Roof (had to ban Confederate flags) but absolutely nothing now about Antioch. Doesn't fit the racial narrative or the gun control narrative.
Let's experiment, shall we? Just like when our military withdraws from a foreign country, our police withdraw from, say, 10 communities where protesting police actions has been the most agressive. We turn those areas over to the communities themselves, provide equivalent financial funding for policing those communities, provide training and turn over the equipment and resources to the communities.

You want control? You got it. Police are no longer "they" it's "you." Let's see what happens.
Let's experiment, shall we? Just like when our military withdraws from a foreign country, our police withdraw from, say, 10 communities where protesting police actions has been the most agressive. We turn those areas over to the communities themselves, provide equivalent financial funding for policing those communities, provide training and turn over the equipment and resources to the communities.

You want control? You got it. Police are no longer "they" it's "you." Let's see what happens.
Oh I like that idea. We can take the funding from the wall that will never be built in mexico and build little miniature walls around Baltimore, seattle , san fran etc. Let drug dealers earn tax credits by using their tunnel building talents to build tunnels from Juarez directly to let's say Chicago. I'd definitely be in support of a rail system from notorious smuggling routes to sanctuary cities. Just make sure anyone who gets out of city limits is shot on sight.

Turrets with armed guards and high powered gatlin guns should be stationed and programmed to shred anything that triggers its motion sensor.
How about bad shit happens because the crap holes are filled with constant crime. Neighborboods filled with murders all the time. Black men commit an absurd amount of crime. An absurd amount.

You think cops don't know that and don't know to be on edge? You see a lot of black men going to work having issues with police? No. You see moronic career criminals resisting arrest and thinking they will get a good outcome.

Think about it. Freddie Gray, career crack dealer and arrested a million times. Michael Brown just committed strong-arm robbery and evidence showed he attacked Wilson. Eric Garner, career criminal ignoring his warnings and selling illegal cigs and resisting, Philando Castile-a guy ignoring the request (same guy who has videos of himself and that scumbag woman just driving around and smoking weed in a car with a toddler), etc.

How many of these instances are cops just driving around and just going up to people who haven't done anything? How hard is it to keep your hands on the wheel and do as you're told? Stop committing crime, stop running and then also trying to fight a cop and then playing victim when the situation goes south resulting in the black community destroying the city and looting.

It's amazing that the issue is "we need to fix cops" instead of, "Hey, we need to fix the black community." It's always someone else's fault when it comes to blacks committing crime or doing something. Never fails. No personal responsibility ever.

Young black men kill each other at such an alarming rate especially considering their population size. The worst cities in our nation for murder all have the same thing in common- a huge black population or a majority black population. It's a cultural problem of violence and no respect.

So what this boils down to is a large portion of the black community who hate whites, hates cops, have no appreciation for this country and want to lecture everyone else without fixing their own backyard that continues to be a constant self destructive path of broken homes, idolizing street culture and not caring for education and complete scorn for blacks who buck the trend and don't blame the world for their problems, take care of their children, educate themselves and work hard. Those good people get labeled as "Uncle Toms" or "House _" simply because they don't stay a delusional and angry person that's mad at the world.

Church shooting was just random roid rage. Equal opportunity killer that just hit 8/8 white in a diverse congregation.

The lies the media tells. If this were reversed. Tired of it.
I would LOVE for our basketball team to take knee. Many in the fanbase act like these kids can't have opinions, like they can't have voices. They're old enough to vote, and have a life outside of Rupp Arena. Having an opinion and being able to protest is not only protected at this university, but encouraged by President Capilouto.
Not true at all. Its your side who acts like people who disagree with the kneeling can't have an opinion.
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