How will they rule ??!

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First off I think you have a ridiculously broad view of what is propaganda...well, so broad it is inaccurate.

Could be some truth to that. Did you read this article? This what I think is happening. The money players are pushing both sides to radical views using every group they can and making some up along the way. The narratives are written to feed a side of the spectrum and to divide us with nonsensical distractions while the banks rob us blind and the government strips more of our liberties. Regardless of who the president is.

Leaked Descriptions Of Infamous "Russia Ads" Derail Collusion Narrative "They Showed Support For Clinton"

The batch of more than 3,000 Russian-bought ads that Facebook is preparing to turn over to Congress shows a deep understanding of social divides in American society, with some ads promoting African-American rights groups including Black Lives Matter and others suggesting that these same groups pose a rising political threat, say people familiar with the covert influence campaign.

The Russian campaign — taking advantage of Facebook’s ability to simultaneously send contrary messages to different groups of users based on their political and demographic characteristics - also sought to sow discord among religious groups. Other ads highlighted support for Democrat Hillary Clinton among Muslim women.

Of course, support for Hillary Clinton among minority groups was less enthusiastic than it was for Barack Obama, suggesting that the ads perhaps weren’t as effective as some Democratic lawmakers would have voters believe. Despite the innocuous description, WaPo insisted on reporting that the ads were meant to “sow dischord” among different voting blocs that supported Clinton. The paper of record also reported that the targeted messages “highlight the sophistication of an influence campaign slickly crafted to mimic and infiltrate US political discourse”…again without explaining exactly how they accomplished this.

These targeted messages, along with others that have surfaced in recent days, highlight the sophistication of an influence campaign slickly crafted to mimic and infiltrate U.S. political discourse while also seeking to heighten tensions between groups already wary of one another.

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Although I think he is a chicken shit, it seems like what the cowboys did is being misrepresented - the whole team supposedly stood for anthem. Kneeled for about 10 secs prior to. And fans booed them during the knee lol.

Guess Jones cut a deal with them to stand during and he would kneel with them beforehand.

If that's the last display for the Cowboys, then it was a good compromise.
A kneel is a kneel, before it or not.
First off I think you have a ridiculously broad view of what is propaganda...well, so broad it is inaccurate.

let me break down the things I post on here from twitter: 20 percent is things I get a laugh at and think several posters on here will find funny too (our politics are so sad and depressing we might as well find some levity in it. but also some of those silly things make an important point it would take 2-3 paragraphs to write like illustrating in a couple pics the hypocrisy of some false narrative.

another 20 percent is a lot of stories about the growing Muslim situation in Europe. You want to talk about division? There can be nothing but division with those people. It is the most hate filled ideology and people on the planet. They don't want to assimilate. How is it propaganda to shine a light on the growing problems of crime and rape and terrorism that Muslims are causing on that continent? It seems to me the propagandists are the ones who hide/don't tell those stories and push the narrative that Islam is peaceful. It is them that devolve to name calling (xenophobic, racist, Islamaphobic) if someone points out the truth.

20 percent is links to news stories from the wash post, ny times, cnn, etc. I don't even make an accompanying comment with many of those cause I think most posters know where I stand. They know I'm posting it cause I'm saying "isn't this story ridiculous" or "isn't this narrative they are pushing absurd"

20 percent is link to stories of the growing sickness and hatred of the left. wanting to push transgender issues on grade school kids, pushing this white supremacy/america is evil/capitalism is unjust all across the country on our college campuses and in the media which is creating a lot more militancy in our minority communities that will only have a negative impact on the country as a whole. Again, it seems like they are the ones peddling the propaganda, not the other side.

20 percent is very thoughtful things like the link to the immigrant who gave a very impassioned and cogent argument against the author Coates.

That is what the links I post consist of. With regards to your comments on division:

It is natural, unavoidable, and necessary that there will be division in a free society. You don't want complete uniformity cause that means you are living under some dictator or communist regime that doesn't allow dissent or stark disagreement. I wish we were more unified as country then we are but the right in the country isn't the group causing the stark divisions. Sure they play politics and try to rally their side to causes that all political parties do but it is the left/media/academia who aren't playing the normal game of division. The division they are producing is the dangerous kind cause they are trying to tear down the edifice of American values, America history...they are the propagandists, I'm just a silly poster on a message board posting stories that highlight their dishonesty and hypocrisy.
This is one of the best posts I have seen in this thread. Bravo to you.
Don't know what their life was like before age 15-16 but most of those NFL players were stars of their high schools/everybody giving them high fives and then colleges (some of which they would have no chance of getting into without their athletic ability) roll out the red carpet for them and they spend a few years as rock stars on a college campus and they then parlay that into becoming NFL players making millions...we may have oppressed or forgotten people in our society but these guys are the least oppressed people on the damn planet. If they lived in Africa or China or about anywhere on the rest of the globe they wouldn't have had the opportunities and good fortune they have here. I don't hate them I just wish it was in my power to force all them to live 2-5 years in Somalia...they would come back and kiss the ground of this great country if they had any sense or were capable of perspective.
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Yes and I'm glad he gave us some insight instead of the pages of twitter posts. I would rather read his views any day of the week than read a bunch of bs headlines from tweets. Please @WKBlu post more of your thoughts. We learn more that way.
Personally, I like the twitter posts. I like the political cartoons that Austin posts. This is a one stop shop for me. I don't have to scour the internet for news and I don't typically read twitter or facebook.

I vote the WKBlu continue on like he has been. It is infinitely better than reading the 8 year old opinions of rqarnold.
Personally, I like the twitter posts. I like the political cartoons that Austin posts. This is a one stop shop for me. I don't have to scour the internet for news and I don't typically read twitter or facebook.

I vote the WKBlu continue on like he has been. It is infinitely better than reading the 8 year old opinions of rqarnold.

Once he explained it in an intellectual way without name calling I can understand where he is coming from. I respect it more. He was wearing me out there for awhile not going to lie. I quit twitter to get away from that. I didn't want to call anybody out personally. That's not what I do. I had him on ignore because he rarely said anything. Glad he challenged my way of thinking and explained his. That is what it is about. Civil discussions.
Personally, I like the twitter posts. I like the political cartoons that Austin posts. This is a one stop shop for me. I don't have to scour the internet for news and I don't typically read twitter or facebook.

I vote the WKBlu continue on like he has been. It is infinitely better than reading the 8 year old opinions of rqarnold.

I can't even see the twitter montages on my phone. Too small.
Once he explained it in an intellectual way without name calling I can understand where he is coming from. I respect it more. He was wearing me out there for awhile not going to lie. I quit twitter to get away from that. I didn't want to call anybody out personally. That's not what I do. I had him on ignore because he rarely said anything. Glad he challenged my way of thinking and explained his. That is what it is about. Civil discussions.

Did I do a lot of name calling? If I did I'm unaware. That isn't my style. I'm all for discussion but sometimes none of us have time for it. ymmot31 may just be trying to see some headlines he missed during a busy day and you bigblue may want more of a long discussion oriented approach...I don't think either is wrong, I can engage in both but I can be long winded so sometimes it is a lot easier for me to just post some twitter stuff that interest me instead of typing.
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Cop shootings are just the tip of the iceberg.

It is more about the injustices in the judicial system. The fact that blacks receive harsher sentences than whites for the same crimes. Things like penalties for possession of a small amount of crack, cheap and common to black neighborhoods are much more severe than those for larger, much more expensive amount of cocaine, common to white neighborhoods. Even though they are different forms of the same drug.

The fact that cops are much more likely to pull their service weapon on blacks vs whites.
You make sheet up. Show us the data.
Did I do a lot of name calling? If I did I'm unaware. That isn't my style. I'm all for discussion but sometimes none of us have time for it. ymmot31 may just be trying to see some headlines he missed during a busy day and you bigblue may want more of a long discussion oriented approach...I don't think either is wrong, I can engage in both but I can be long winded so sometimes it is a lot easier for me to just post some twitter stuff that interest me instead of typing.

No go back and check the thread for the personal attacks if you really want to know who it was but that stuff is beneath me.
I was listening to a radio show the other day, and one of the speakers made a lot of sense, he said the problem is police use incorrect techniques when engaging people, and those mistakes tend to escalate the situation, things get out of hand and the police officer puts himself in circumstances where he must discharge his weapon. The solution is they need to be trained in proper technique and learn how best to de-escalate and be calm and in control of such situations. That won't only bring down the number of minorities shot by police, it will bring down the number of ALL people shot by police, which is an even better outcome.
Left wing radio no doubt. How the hell is that speaker qualified to know what the typical police do?
So wait, did I just watch Donte Stallworth on Don Lemon explaining that all this started for racial injustice?

Really? You unaware stupid F!

Donte Stallworth, a black professional football player, once served 30 days in jail for DUI manslaughter.

But please have him talking to your audience about racial injustice.