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My new hope is that the Kentucky basketball team kneels during the anthem just to see the hicks' heads explode
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See I knew there would be one idiot to think it would matter, but in fact it wouldn't. I hope UK players kneel too and do you understand why?

If anything they are in an unjust situation. They are playing for free while millionaires are digging in against the president.

Nice job comparing incomparable situations dipshit.
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See I knew there would be one idiot to think it would matter, but in fact it wouldn't. I hope UK players kneel too and do you understand why?

If anything they are in an unjust situation. They are playing for free while millionaires are digging in against the president.

Nice job comparing incomparable situations dipshit.

Dem black boys better stay in line
My new hope is that the Kentucky basketball team kneels during the anthem just to see the hicks' heads explode


Gets upset at any criticism of anyone non-white and then immediately throws a stereotypical slur out. Yeah, quite the progressive.

I wouldn't give a crap if they didn't stand for the anthem. College basketball and football are total jokes. Both sports are filled with tons of people who have other people do their work for them, given bogus grades and extra gifts and treated like rock stars while people much smarter than them have to pay their way.

And way more racist blacks than there are whites. The anthem stuff is all anti-white, anti-American garbage.

Thanks for stopping by.

Gets upset at any criticism of anyone non-white and then immediately throws a stereotypical slur out. Yeah, quite the progressive.

I wouldn't give a crap if they didn't stand for the anthem. College basketball and football are total jokes. Both sports are filled with tons of people who have other people do their work for them, given bogus grades and extra gifts and treated like rock stars while people much smarter than them have to pay their way.

And way more racist blacks than there are whites. The anthem stuff is all anti-white, anti-American garbage.

Thanks for stopping by.

So football and basketball are jokes? Why are you on Rivals?
The NCAA is a joke, yes. They are building campuses and paying coaches millions of dollars while telling kids tuition is all they deserve.

So again, yes the kids have a reason to kneel.
I would LOVE for our basketball team to take knee. Many in the fanbase act like these kids can't have opinions, like they can't have voices. They're old enough to vote, and have a life outside of Rupp Arena. Having an opinion and being able to protest is not only protected at this university, but encouraged by President Capilouto.
I would LOVE for our basketball team to take knee. Many in the fanbase act like these kids can't have opinions, like they can't have voices. They're old enough to vote, and have a life outside of Rupp Arena. Having an opinion and being able to protest is not only protected at this university, but encouraged by President Capilouto.

Lol dumb. No matter what they believe, they shouldnt do anything that will hurt their brand.

Especially not so some anonymous keyboard liberal can get a stiffy seeing someone piss on our country
Lol dumb. No matter what they believe, they shouldnt do anything that will hurt their brand
"A man who stands for nothing, falls for anything"
If you truly believe in something you'll make some sacrifices. If they feel like they have to Make A Stand, then they can do whatever they need to do that.
"A man who stands for nothing, falls for anything"
If you truly believe in something you'll make some sacrifices. If they feel like they have to Make A Stand, then they can do whatever they need to do that.

Then YOU make a stand. Stop asking young black men to make the sacrifices while you post on anymous message boards. You and lefties can revel in anti us rhetoric. But you ought be the ones with skin in the game
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No, they aren't. So why can't people be concerned about that? It wasn't just black players participating in this protest.

You understand that injustice means unequal? You admitted it doesnt apply unevenly, which is accurate.

It also means the protest is nonsense.

But by all means, YOU protest all you want. Stop trying to take advantage of young black men and damage their earning power.
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Then make them. Stop asking young black men to make the sacrifices so you and lefties can revel in anti us rhetoric
I can't make anyone do anything. All I'm saying is that they have a right to do it, even with some of you hating them. And is it anti-US tor anti-injustice? You don't know what they guys feel or what's going on in their heads.
I can't make anyone do anything. All I'm saying is that they have a right to do it, even with some of you hating them. And is it anti-US tor anti-injustice? You don't know what they guys feel or what's going on in their heads.

Noone disputes they have a right. Its just a dumb business decision.

But easy for you to say, with nothing at risk. Anonymous message board poster. Not at all like young black athletes with millions on the line
You understand that injustice means unequal? You admitted it doesnt apply unevenly, which is accurate.
Acknowledging that white people can come into contact with bad cops is not diminishing the fact that there is a problem that black people face when it comes to dealing with law enforcement. Men can get breast cancer but the majority of the victims are women.
But by all means, YOU protest all you want
I've been kneeling since 2016 because, as an African-American male, I get scared every time a cop even looks at me.
Acknowledging that white people can come into contact with bad cops is not diminishing the fact that there is a problem that black people face when it comes to dealing with law enforcement. Men can get breast cancer but the majority of the victims are women.

I've been kneeling since 2016 because, as an African-American male, I get scared every time a cop even looks at me.

What does that even mean?

If youre any race, you should be very concerned anytime you have an encounter with police without witnesses. If you just started havinf those concerns in 2016, youre way late to the game.

It doesnt diminish that black people have bad experiences. WE ALL DO. So race has zero to do with it.

Not at all like those current black athletes in the NFL and NBA, that make millions, using their first amendment rights...

I have no clue what youre trying to say. My best guess is that youre attempting to sound like you knkw what youre saying. Yet all you really did was just throw several buzz words together that really made zero sense.
What does that even mean?

If youre any race, you should be very concerned anytime you have an encounter with police without witnesses. If you just started havinf those concerns in 2016, youre way late to the game.

It doesnt diminish that black people have bad experiences. WE ALL DO. So race has zero to do with it.
Kaepernick's point is that people of color face police brutality at a higher rate, and that the system does nothing to punish those officers who use unnecessary force and murder individuals that didn't deserve to die.

I have no clue what youre trying to say. My best guess is that youre attempting to sound like you knkw what youre saying. Yet all you really did was just throw several buzz words together that really made zero sense.
You were saying that those student-athletes shouldn't protest because they would risks having millions of dollars. I was point out that the current pro players in the NBA and NFL have spoken out and have engaged in forms of protest, risking their millions as well. But they did it, and their leagues are supporting them. So, I'm sure the teams that these student-athletes will be playing for in the future wouldn't have an issue with them using their constitutional rights as well (which means that the risks are more minimal than you think)
Kaepernick's point is that people of color face police brutality at a higher rate, and that the system does nothing to punish those officers who use unnecessary force and murder individuals that didn't deserve to die.

You were saying that those student-athletes shouldn't protest because they would risks having millions of dollars. I was point out that the current pro players in the NBA and NFL have spoken out and have engaged in forms of protest, risking their millions as well. But they did it, and their leagues are supporting them. So, I'm sure the teams that these student-athletes will be playing for in the future wouldn't have an issue with them using their constitutional rights as well (which means that the risks are more minimal than you think)


And theyre all risking millions. Its a dumb business decision.

Meanwhile, youre posting anonymously on an internet message board. Funny how you have plenty ideas of what they should do when you have no skin in the game.

And theyre all risking millions. Its a dumb business decision.

Meanwhile, youre posting anonymously on an internet message board. Funny how you have plenty ideas of what they should do when you have no skin in the game.
Most protests come with risks. Do you think the people participating in the Civil Rights Movement (one being my granddad) didn't have risks? If you truly believe in something, you'll risk it all. Again, I'll quote Malcolm X: "A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything."

And I never told anyone what they SHOULD do. I said I wish they would but you never saw me say what they should do. They can do whatever they want. And if you're really concerned with me being anonymous, we can take this conversation right over to my social media accounts where I'm NOT anonymous, and am saying the same stuff I'm saying on here. We can talk about me kneeling at every game for over a year now. We can talk about me speaking with President Capilouto when he invited minority leaders on campus to his house last year to speak on our concerns and to get our perspective about life on campus and in the world. We can talk about the countless symposiums, leadership conferences, and panels that I've been apart of that speaks on these issues.
What's the end game for kneeling - what would be the result they are wanting for ppl to stop?

Interesting how the kneeling started after 8 years of an African American president and African American attorney generals...most powerful person in world and leader of DOJ.

Student athletes do have much more to lose - they don't have a pro spot yet and all things equal, would probably get passed over by the non controversial player. Superstars won't have to worry, but mid draft picks would.

Kneeling doesn't have an end game and has turned attention away from why it was initially started. People are now trapped in it - forever it seems.
Truth hurts sometimes.

Most protests come with risks. Do you think the people participating in the Civil Rights Movement (one being my granddad) didn't have risks? If you truly believe in something, you'll risk it all. Again, I'll quote Malcolm X: "A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything."

And I never told anyone what they SHOULD do. I said I wish they would but you never saw me say what they should do. They can do whatever they want. And if you're really concerned with me being anonymous, we can take this conversation right over to my social media accounts where I'm NOT anonymous, and am saying the same stuff I'm saying on here. We can talk about me kneeling at every game for over a year now. We can talk about me speaking with President Capilouto when he invited minority leaders on campus to his house last year to speak on our concerns and to get our perspective about life on campus and in the world. We can talk about the countless symposiums, leadership conferences, and panels that I've been apart of that speaks on these issues.

OR...we could talk about your seeming inability to understand that 1st amendment rights do not extend to the workplace. I suppose you are also unaware that each of those players signed a contract to represent a TEAM for a certain amount of money. The rules they agreed to prior to accepting MONEY to allow someone to tell them how to act while representing the TEAM have no merit with you, do they?

I would LOVE for our basketball team to take knee. Many in the fanbase act like these kids can't have opinions, like they can't have voices. They're old enough to vote, and have a life outside of Rupp Arena. Having an opinion and being able to protest is not only protected at this university, but encouraged by President Capilouto.

That life outside Rupp Arena that you mentioned? Yeah, well that's where they are free to protest anything they want. But while they have that uniform on and people pay good money to see them PLAY BASKETBALL, then no, keep your political opinions to yourself or be prepared to hear mine.

"A man who stands for nothing, falls for anything"
If you truly believe in something you'll make some sacrifices. If they feel like they have to Make A Stand, then they can do whatever they need to do that.

That quote applies just as easily and appropriately for these protests. If the black community is serious about changing race relations, or police treatment, then stop thieving and killing at such an accelerated rate compared to every race and ethnicity on Earth. That's a tough one because you can't have someone do it for you, it has to come from within. Might want to start by having more homes with a strong father figure to pass along a good work ethic.

No, they aren't. So why can't people be concerned about that? It wasn't just black players participating in this protest.

Blacks don't have a monopoly on being mislead by the media and falling for a false narrative. Statistics are often tricky critters and peer pressure can be very compelling.

I can't make anyone do anything. All I'm saying is that they have a right to do it, even with some of you hating them. And is it anti-US tor anti-injustice? You don't know what they guys feel or what's going on in their heads.

They gave up their right to protest when they signed the contract. See above.

Acknowledging that white people can come into contact with bad cops is not diminishing the fact that there is a problem that black people face when it comes to dealing with law enforcement. Men can get breast cancer but the majority of the victims are women.

I've been kneeling since 2016 because, as an African-American male, I get scared every time a cop even looks at me.

Good to see that you realize white people come into contact with BAD COPS as well. Glimmer of hope right there. Are there any other reasons blacks face problems when dealing with cops? Does the frequency they commit crimes compared to the rest of the population have anything at all to do with it?

How hard is it to understand that when a cop tells you to stop that he didn't just challenge you to a footrace, or when he tells you to drop the gun he means right now and not after you wave it around and tell him how you feel?

Not at all like those current black athletes in the NFL and NBA, that make millions, using their first amendment rights...

???...? I'll just say that they aren't using 1A for that. They are using their physical gifts to play a game at a high enough level that people are willing to pay to watch them do it. You know, like whores. If you hire a whore and she starts giving you unsolicited fishing advice, just say "no thank you ma'am, I've got a buddy for that".

Kaepernick's point is that people of color face police brutality at a higher rate, and that the system does nothing to punish those officers who use unnecessary force and murder individuals that didn't deserve to die.

NO, they do not. Remember what I said about statistics being tricky critters? You have no idea how many white people are treated badly by cops because it is not a narrative. Numbers don't lie, but people lie with numbers. You want to use some numbers and disregard others. It doesn't work that way in the real world.

After you address the black children killed by inner-city violence by blacks, then you can start talking to me about cops.

Most protests come with risks. Do you think the people participating in the Civil Rights Movement (one being my granddad) didn't have risks? If you truly believe in something, you'll risk it all. Again, I'll quote Malcolm X: "A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything."

Sorry about the civil rights deal. That was bad and I'm more than sure that no one here will disagree with that. However, rioting and looting was not the proper way to protest regardless. You don't get to assert your rights by trampling on someone else's rights. Not a tough concept.

As for that quote, you can attribute it to Malcolm X if you like, but it would be just as genuine if from here on out I attribute it to you. It appears in print before he was even born.

Welcome to the political thread.

Donald Trump is your president.
Acknowledging that white people can come into contact with bad cops is not diminishing the fact that there is a problem that black people face when it comes to dealing with law enforcement. Men can get breast cancer but the majority of the victims are women.

I've been kneeling since 2016 because, as an African-American male, I get scared every time a cop even looks at me.

There is reason you came here to talk politics because if you tried it on another board you get destroyed no matter the issue. That's because politics don't belong in sports no matter what side you are on or issue that is a problem in america.

What is the end game? When will it stop? Will you kneel for men when they protest that they don't get equal donations for breast cancer research? That sounds absurd but people want to go to the game to enjoy unity and get away from the horrors of the world. Who is to say that the next protestors choose to protest something you don't agree with? Then what?

Can you personally name any local police in your area? Do you know them? Have you tried to reach out? Where is the kneeling for that the scared little girl walking clutching her purse while she walks to the car that thinks just like you? "I get scared every time a male even looks at me."

The injustices in this world are far and wide. Some of us choose our state motto. United We STAND. Divided we fall. If your kneeling is dividing us further then maybe your message is being lost. Maybe we need to change our approach.
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There is reason you came here to talk politics because if you tried it on another board you get destroyed no matter the issue. That's because politics don't belong in sports no matter what side you are on or issue that is a problem in america.

What is the end game? When will it stop? Will you kneel for men when they protest that they don't get equal donations for breast cancer research? That sounds absurd but people want to go to the game to enjoy unity and get away from the horrors of the world. Who is to say that the next protestors choose to protest something you don't agree with? Then what?

Can you personally name any local police in your area? Do you know them? Have you tried to reach out? Where is the kneeling for that the scared little girl walking clutching her purse while she walks to the car that thinks just like you? "I get scared every time a male even looks at me."

The injustices in this world are far and wide. Some of us choose our state motto. United We STAND. Divided we fall. If your kneeling is dividing us further then maybe your message is being lost. Maybe we need to change our approach.

Exactly. Women just need to shut up and stay in the kitchen and quit stealing all the cancer money