How will they rule ??!

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Cop shootings are just the tip of the iceberg.

It is more about the injustices in the judicial system. The fact that blacks receive harsher sentences than whites for the same crimes. Things like penalties for possession of a small amount of crack, cheap and common to black neighborhoods are much more severe than those for larger, much more expensive amount of cocaine, common to white neighborhoods. Even though they are different forms of the same drug.

The fact that cops are much more likely to pull their service weapon on blacks vs whites.
I was listening to a radio show the other day, and one of the speakers made a lot of sense, he said the problem is police use incorrect techniques when engaging people, and those mistakes tend to escalate the situation, things get out of hand and the police officer puts himself in circumstances where he must discharge his weapon. The solution is they need to be trained in proper technique and learn how best to de-escalate and be calm and in control of such situations. That won't only bring down the number of minorities shot by police, it will bring down the number of ALL people shot by police, which is an even better outcome.
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I was listening to a radio show the other day, and one of the speakers made a lot of sense, he said the problem is police use incorrect techniques when engaging people, and those mistakes tend to escalate the situation, things get out of hand and the police officer puts himself in circumstances where he must discharge his weapon. The solution is they need to be trained in proper technique and learn how best to de-escalate and be calm and in control of such situations. That won't only bring down the number of minorities shot by police, it will bring down the number of ALL people shot by police, which is an even better outcome.
You could be right, but a lot of these situations wouldn't happen if no crime was committed. Also, bad things are always going to happen when you try to run from cops, or attempt to steal their guns etc...
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My read is that he danced around in order to not take a side or offend anyone.

So many cowards afraid to stand up to the left. The left is loud as hell and doesn't give a crap about forcing their views or your thoughts on anything yet we are bullied to be silent about ours?
You're right. What BLM is protesting is a way smaller number/percent than anything on that graph, so small that you couldn't even see any green on it. Yet BLM acts like it's the biggest issue in this country & crazily, millions believe them. Just how F'd up is that?

But the graph clearly shows that blacks murder whites is at a 9.83/0.77 = 12.7x (Think about that.) rate of the other direction. Net, tell me just who the racists in this country are?

I've said this so many times especially on this board. The majority interracial crime is overwhemingly black on white. Interracial rape, according to Heather McDonald and her stats, is almost exclusively black on white. So much that they couldn't find a documented case for 10 years during the study.

Everyone knows the truth and everyone is scared to say it. The worst cities for murder and violent crime are not because of whites.

Black guy walking in a white neighborhood at night Vs White guy walking in a black neighborhood at night.

Who's more in danger?

Our media will cover scumbags like Michael Brown and Freddie Gray but they won't talk about Channon Christian and Christopher Newsome and their horrific murders back when it happened.
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Yep! Full diversity of people who think democrats rape kids.

And think Bill Clinton is a rapist

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The 1 cop 1 suspect (or more) shootings (like Mike Brown) I can understand, accept and everyone else should know that is a likely outcome to escalated violence.

The multi cops vs unarmed single suspect really shouldn't end with shooting as the first defense for the cops. New procedures should be trained IMO. Like the GT student - cops acted according to training, aren't guilty of anything but I don't think the end result was necessary at the time it occurred.

Merger two topics together, i think it'd be great if some of these kneelers got involved with their community police and schools and created some programs to normalize police relations and teach about interactions/behavior.
I've said this so many times especially on this board. The majority interracial crime is overwhemingly black on white. Interracial rape, according to Heather McDonald and her stats, is almost exclusively black on white. So much that they couldn't find a documented case for 10 years during the study.

Everyone knows the truth and everyone is scared to say it. The worst cities for murder and violent crime are not because of whites.

Black guy walking in a white neighborhood at night Vs White guy walking in a black neighborhood at night.

Who's more in danger?

Our media will cover scumbags like Michael Brown and Freddie Gray but they won't talk about Channon Christian and Christopher Newsome and their horrific murders back when it happened.

I remember those murders. I don't remember seeing anything on tv news about them.
I'd like to see some support of this statement because I've seen just the opposite.
I asked for the data on military and ex military supporting the NFL kneelers, in particular African American service people overwhelmingly supporting the cause - but haven't seen anything from him yet...don't hold your breath.
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Good luck finding black people on social media that say anything about Antioch. You should read the posts. So many, "What about Dylan Roof? Eff white ppl."

Watching people try to communicate with them and it's like something is missing. Nothing is ever anyone's fault but whites. Everything is justified.
That's right. $300 million of your Cincinnati tax dollars going to the shit franchises that play on the river. Believe me my family paid our share to help fund these stadiums. No more.
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I remember those murders. I don't remember seeing anything on tv news about them.

The non-stop racial lecturing from liberals and blacks who cry about the slightest offense is enough. These people are nowhere to be found when whites are killed and discriminated against. There's no activist group to take up for whites. There's no one who gets fired for writing derogatory stuff about whites. There's no social media accounts that gets suspended for bashing whites and hoping they die and talking about raping them (there's a plethora of these).

We have the left changing racism now to mean only directed at whites and how other races can't be racist cause they don't have the power. That's bogus. There's plenty of black privilege.

You talk to an HR person and you see how much more difficult it is to fire a black person vs a white male.
That's right. $300 million of your Cincinnati tax dollars going to the shit franchises that play on the river. Believe me my family paid our share to help fund these stadiums. No more.

When the bengals were poor mouthing and groveling to the local politicians for a new stadium, one of the proposals by cinci officials was to impose a county tax, not only on hamilton county (cin), but on surrounding counties as well.
My reaction was "i'll be damned." fortunately most other residents of surrounding counties felt the same way.
I don't object to giving tax breaks to some business expansions, but subsidizing sport franchises is bs.
The GOP are the same as Democrats. No difference nowadays.

If you call yourself a Republican and you find yourself voting and agreeing with today's Democrat Party; you're not a conservative. You're a Democrat.

There should be some way for voters of a winning party to replace a politician that goes back on a promise.
The non-stop racial lecturing from liberals and blacks who cry about the slightest offense is enough. These people are nowhere to be found when whites are killed and discriminated against. There's no activist group to take up for whites. There's no one who gets fired for writing derogatory stuff about whites. There's no social media accounts that gets suspended for bashing whites and hoping they die and talking about raping them (there's a plethora of these).

We have the left changing racism now to mean only directed at whites and how other races can't be racist cause they don't have the power. That's bogus. There's plenty of black privilege.

You talk to an HR person and you see how much more difficult it is to fire a black person vs a white male.

Those (knoxville) murders were particularly horrific. if i remember correctly the victims were abducted, raped and tortured for days, before finally being killed.
Those (knoxville) murders were particularly horrific. if i remember correctly the victims were abducted, raped and tortured for days, before finally being killed.

Yeah but what about Trayvon or career crack dealer Freddie Gray?

Or that time someone asked Michelle Obama if she could reach something?

That evens up abducting a couple, raping both of them, repeatedly raping her, pouring bleach down her throat, shooting him and setting him on fire & putting her in a garbage can.
That's right. $300 million of your Cincinnati tax dollars going to the shit franchises that play on the river. Believe me my family paid our share to help fund these stadiums. No more.

I don't really agree with the whole federal tax subsidy as it relates to municipal bonds.

Municipalities are not taxed on income. They issue bonds. They don't deduct the interest on those bonds because they don't pay taxes. Bondholders aren't taxed federally on the interest income. No one pays tax. Absent those bonds, no one is paying tax.

Contrast that with a corporation that pays income taxes. That corporation deducts its interest payments when calculating federal income tax. Bondholder includes that interest payment in income. One person is paying tax on those dollars. Absent the bonds, one person paid tax on those dollars.

So municipal bonds aren't really subsidized. The issuance of municipal bonds isn't taking money from federal coffers unless you assume those dollars would be invested elsewhere in an ordinary income/tax generating activity.

Sure, sales tax or state and local taxes that are specifically levied for stadiums and deducted for federal income tax purposes are subsidized. But the marginal taxes directly levied for stadiums is probably peanuts.
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The city of Cincinnati also just spent well over $100 million on a little streetcar that does like a 2 mile figure 8. So sports stadiums shouldn't draw all the ire.
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So much for his "better stand before the anthem" comments. He and his entire team kneeled.
Although I think he is a chicken shit, it seems like what the cowboys did is being misrepresented - the whole team supposedly stood for anthem. Kneeled for about 10 secs prior to. And fans booed them during the knee lol.

Guess Jones cut a deal with them to stand during and he would kneel with them beforehand.

If that's the last display for the Cowboys, then it was a good compromise.
Well if that is the case then it's because of the 10 tweets of propaganda you post in a row on daily basis. Seriously you have some decent opinions that I agree with but you rarely post your actual thoughts.

I talk about the overly conspiratorial to break up the narrative the MSM wants us to talk about. It's more interesting to me that way. Half the time it is a shitpost.

History is the blue print for the division that you are seeing. You can help more by speaking about it with your intelligent post or feed it with your propaganda ten twitter posts.

You want to take down the greatest country with the biggest guns you don't invade with bombs my friend.

First off I think you have a ridiculously broad view of what is propaganda...well, so broad it is inaccurate.

let me break down the things I post on here from twitter: 20 percent is things I get a laugh at and think several posters on here will find funny too (our politics are so sad and depressing we might as well find some levity in it. but also some of those silly things make an important point that it would take 2-3 paragraphs to write what illustrating in a couple pics the hypocrisy of some false narrative.)

another 20 percent is a lot of stories about the growing Muslim situation in Europe. You want to talk about division? There can be nothing but division with those people. It is the most hate filled ideology and people on the planet. They don't want to assimilate. How is it propaganda to shine a light on the growing problems of crime and rape and terrorism that Muslims are causing on that continent? It seems to me the propagandists are the ones who hide/don't tell those stories and push the narrative that Islam is peaceful. It is them that devolve to name calling (xenophobic, racist, Islamaphobic) if someone points out the truth.

20 percent is links to news stories from the wash post, ny times, cnn, etc. I don't even make an accompanying comment with many of those cause I think most posters know where I stand. They know I'm posting it cause I'm saying "isn't this story ridiculous" or "isn't this narrative they are pushing absurd"

20 percent is link to stories of the growing sickness and hatred of the left. wanting to push transgender issues on grade school kids, pushing this white supremacy/america is evil/capitalism is unjust all across the country on our college campuses and in the media which is creating a lot more militancy in our minority communities that will only have a negative impact on the country as a whole. Again, it seems like they are the ones peddling the propaganda, not the other side.

20 percent is very thoughtful things like the link to the immigrant who gave a very impassioned and cogent argument against the author Coates.

That is what the links I post consist of. With regards to your comments on division:

It is natural, unavoidable, and necessary that there will be division in a free society. You don't want complete uniformity cause that means you are living under some dictator or communist regime that doesn't allow dissent or stark disagreement. I wish we were more unified as country then we are but the right in the country isn't the group causing the stark divisions. Sure they play politics and try to rally their side to causes that all political parties do but it is the left/media/academia who aren't playing the normal game of division. The division they are producing is the dangerous kind cause they are trying to tear down the edifice of American values, America history...they are the propagandists, I'm just a silly poster on a message board posting stories that highlight their dishonesty and hypocrisy.
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