How will they rule ??!

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Tom Fitton says the Trump admin is still protecting Hildabeast. Sessions and Rod.
I had someone tell me a few days ago that they think the reason Sessions is doing this is because he is building a case behind the scenes, and doesn't want anything released that could harm the case.

I'm not so sure I agree with it though. I don't see why it would take months to build a case on her. I'm no lawyer but if it can take me 5 seconds to see she broke numerous laws, why would it take Sessions 9 months? You couldn't have a more clear cut case.
I had someone tell me a few days ago that they think the reason Sessions is doing this is because he is building a case behind the scenes, and doesn't want anything released that could harm the case.

I'm not so sure I agree with it though. I don't see why it would take months to build a case on her. I'm no lawyer but if it can take me 5 seconds to see she broke numerous laws, why would it take Sessions 9 months? You couldn't have a more clear cut case.

Another theory from the comments of the Fitton vid. Not to sure I believe either theories. This has gone on through too many presidents and administrations. The swamp protects the swamp.

Deplorable KJ17 hours ago
Trump is very smart and a student of Sun Tsu. He met with Mueller for a "job interview" the day B4 Mueller was appointed Special Counsel. Then Rosenstein appoints Mueller. All Dems & GOP sing Mueller's praise, how fair he is etc. Mueller has 9/11 controversy/cover up, Benghazi, delivering Uranium to Russia for Hillary etc in his past. Is it possible POTUS discussed how Mueller could be a hero by bringing down all the corrupt officials or how his legacy could be ruined by his participation in some of those crimes?? Would be hard for Dems & MSM to deny Mueller's findings after they have praised him for 9 months. But what do I know?
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Tom Fitton says the Trump admin is still protecting Hildabeast. Sessions and Rod.
Neither Mueller nor Sessions are doing anything to touch Clinton, Obama admin officials or anyone else in the swamp.

I don't know a whole lot about this one -

But I've recently seen articles talking about how the justice dept is going to reopen Whitewater case files ....?

Might be worth a look if you're interested --
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Is it that they're all involved with sports and somehow think their opinion is more important than everyone else's?
Or is it that they are all spoiled entitled sports figures who know less about the real world than my teenager but seem to think their opinion matters. Good for Trump for disinviting the Warriors and calling out the NFL. Last time I looked, he is an American as well and can use the office to get out the message that Michael Bennet is a lying ass, Kaepernick is a dick and we are ball better off when sports figures play sports and stop being half ass activists.
Muhammad Ali was an activist willing to risk all for his beliefs and values in a racially charged time when blacks feared for their safety much less freedom's. Today, the African American community wants to blame anybody but themselves for the high violent crime, disintegration of the family, poverty etc. If the NFL players and other athletes actually think cops are the biggest threat to the well being of African American males they are being utterly dishonest and morally lazy. Unless and until I see these athletes working to solve chronic and systemic issues within their own community then I have neither the time nor inclination to listen to their liberal BLM talking points. In short, SHOVE IT!
F*@k that. Stupidest f&$king shite ever. I've moved on to shots, she's had enough of me and went to bed and the dogs are hiding in the basement. Will probably end up blacked out drunk, throwing up everywhere and passing out on the couch.
Last time I mixed shots, my ass nearly got arrested on a plane after landing on a flight between Frankfurt GE and Dallas, TX. True story.

Be careful, bro.
A MLB player kneeled tonight.

A black one? Not many of them (American blacks) in the show.

I won't watch another NBA or NFL game. It's very clear how they feel about whites, cops and conservatives. They can kneel and I have the right to give them the bird and not watch their BS. I'll stick with the MLB and NHL who rarely have any of these issues.

And let's not forget that these athletes in basketball and football are often passed along through school despite being total morons, never held an actual job and get in trouble with the law (the NFL) at an alarming rate and much higher than white players. That's a fact and has been proven.

These peple have been given everything and still hate whites and this country.
Looked this up a while back

The NFL "front office" is 100% tax exempt and I believe it's set up as a "Charitable Institution"

The individual franchises pay municipal and/or state taxes I believe

So -- unless it's changed in the past year --- that's at least partially true

and sickening...
Why? Why does our government look upon professional sports as "charitable"? Are you aware that the only two days of the year that a pro sports game is not played is the day before and the day after the MLB All Star Game?

It's a shell game. "Hey, dumbass, look at this, don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain." Sports are a pastime, a diversion. But from what? Unbelievable how many people can name the starting 11 for the Patriots, but can't tell you the names of 2 SCOTUS members.

The XFL was cancelled because of low ratings. Guess what? The XFL far outpaced the NHL finals that same year. Why does the NHL maintain a place as a quasi major sport? To fill a gap, that's why.

Sports aren't outside of politics. Sports are an arm of politics. A tactic.
Pat Tillman is the opposite of these BLM NFL turds.
I don't give a shit what Lebron James thinks about the weather, I sure as shit don't care about his politics. I appreciate the LJ is a good basketball player and probably one of the best. That's it though. That's where it ends.

No one in sports can tell me anything to change my mind about politics. No one in politics can tell me anything that will change my mind about politics. I see what's going on and I make up my mind based on that.

I like Bill Cosby but I think he's wrong sometimes. I like Warrior but I think he's wrong sometimes. I like Willy but I think... well...I like Willy.

JohnKBA was vilified when he first showed his hoser ass here. He's a smart dude though and evidently self aware. He has seen the light.

He was able to extrapolate the facts and ascertain that liberalism is indeed a self defeating disease.

What does all that mean? Let me know, I'm drunk as hell.
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Watch this video. I think dude is onto what she's saying but he's taking the dem side in his questioning to point out the stupidity of it all. Disclosure: I've read Ayn Rand since a long time ago. I read her as an aside because I read everything. It wasn't until later in life that I gave her the credit she deserves. She is a philosopher and MLK jr. is a gnat on the wall in comparison. In fact, I would say that Thomas Sowell is the greatest black philosopher of all time, even though the list is extremely short. She provides insight that enlightens us all. Blacks and whites have the same plight. Powers that be subject us to a world that puts us at odds against each other rather than them because that is the way they maintain power. Whites are smart enough to understand. Well, a few of them are.
I honestly think Trump could avoid D.C for the next 3 years and stay in 100% campaign mode and get re-elected without any legislation passing at all. No wall, no repeal, no tax reform? No problem. His base loves red meat.
yeah and his base is dwindling. Most un-American, me first President I hope we ever see. About to get us into war with North Korea and probably Iran soon after that. If Obama had said half the things Trump has said about people you all would be rioting in the streets. I'll never forget how un Presidential you thought he was for going on the View. But all the hatred Trump spews is just fine. All the golf he plays is just fine. All the corruption by his administration is just fine. All the bigotry is just fine.

He has no respect for American ideals or morals but you keep acting like he does. First President elected by Russia but somehow we're supposed to think he's as American as apple pie. GTFO. Republicans have zero morals left. Party full of hate and racists. I'm looking through these comments just shaking my hide at the blatant racists hiding behind these keyboards. But hey, that's his base.
If you're one of those floaters out there, give Ayn a chance. Study what she has to say. You don't have to agree with everything, but bear in mind where she came from and what she's seen. Also bear in mind some of the great philosophers and the time period in which they lived.

Even though it has been quite a few years, she has a bullseye on todays politics.

Why do you think the way you do? Either way, give it a look and a listen.
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yeah and his base is dwindling. Most un-American, me first President I hope we ever see. About to get us into war with North Korea and probably Iran soon after that. If Obama had said half the things Trump has said about people you all would be rioting in the streets. I'll never forget how un Presidential you thought he was for going on the View. But all the hatred Trump spews is just fine. All the golf he plays is just fine. All the corruption by his administration is just fine. All the bigotry is just fine.

He has no respect for American ideals or morals but you keep acting like he does. First President elected by Russia but somehow we're supposed to think he's as American as apple pie. GTFO. Republicans have zero morals left. Party full of hate and racists. I'm looking through these comments just shaking my hide at the blatant racists hiding behind these keyboards. But hey, that's his base.

You stupid son of a bitch. I quoted all I read, and that was an accident because it was just there in front of me. NO, his base is growing and you dumbasses better understand it. Some day I may have the good fortune to gun you down in the street. That is what you are begging for but you are too stupid to realize it.

I've told you not to touch the hot stove, but you have blistered hands. I've told you that the cliff is steep, but you have broken legs.

Shut your dumbass mouth and crawl back into your safespace, You have no traction here and have slipped way too far down the slope. Idiot.
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And NO, you f(cking idiots that think that I'M the one who dropped a dime on Jason...I had him on ignore for over a year prior to that. I had no idea what he said or to whom. With your limited intelligence, I guess I was the easy target. LEK the liar is gone, maybe he is the one. Z is gone, maybe he is the one. Maybe it was someone NONE of us know.

It wasn't me bitches. I wouldn't expend the time on that piece of shit to do it.

Interesting that he didn't tell you that he had been fired from a previous job for the same basic thing. Didn't know that did you? dumbasses. People talk on the internet. I hear things, things that are provable. If any cocksucker, such as @Kooky Kats or @Rupp'sRunt or @TheySoSensitive or @Tskware wants to pursue it further, I'm sure we can. Bring it on assholes.
Better check gyero bitch. You will become a topic of conversation. So much for blending in to the cooool crowd.
@TheySoSensitive What are you going to do now boy? Are you going to say some disparaging things about me in an attempt to regain control? Well, you never had it. I am your superior and you will realize it when I continue to ignore your juvenile rebuttals. Later, dickhead.
Look at you, you piece of shit, you can't even drink as long as me. You're a pussyboy. Bring some proof, any proof at all that I'm the guy that dropped a dime on that Jason asshole. Can you? Nope. It didn't happen. The entire thing probably happened from within but you idiots are too stupid to realize, or conceive, something like that. DUH
Unfortunately all President Trump has suceded in doing in my opinion is to create more sympathy for those protesting the National Anthem. You will now see more not less.

It was next level stupidity on his part. Makes me nervous about how he's dealing with NK. Like really nervous.
Unfortunately all President Trump has suceded in doing in my opinion is to create more sympathy for those protesting the National Anthem. You will now see more not less.
I think that's why Trump did it. He wants more to do it so the ratings tumble even more. He handed the NFL enough rope to hang itself. And they are going to hang themselves bigly. You can see it coming a mile away.