How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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This is completely fake and you knew that before posting it. Look at the totals. The top few blue ones are more than the entire red list combined. If this were real the Biden campaign would've had multiple times what the Trump campaign did, when in reality they were close to even.


Two people post this same fake crap within minutes. And y'all have the absolute audacity to accuse liberals of being NPCs only regurgitating talking points. Forever projecting.

Where is the evidence of this broad racism that runs across the Republican party as you say? how does it manifest itself in policies, agendas, etc. Where please? and don't give me garbage about the dozen or so backwoods hicks who come out of the hollers once in a blue moon to prance around some county courthouse square. They don't count. They are useless dregs that everyone laughs at. I would also like for you to how the policies of Democrat run cities and the policies of Democrats in general have improved the lives of those in the Black Communities they serve and in general over the course of the past 60 years. Bring statistical date to the table. I'm talking about incomes (adjusted for inflation), Jobs, Crime, Two parent households, Drug use, etc., and tell us what Republican policies are responsible for any of it?

It's voting against their socialist policies purportedly designed to "help" them. That's what's "racist."

There is none. No evidence whatsoever.

They vote Democratic in their own best interest, despite being socially conservative. Even more illustration of exactly what the Republican party really is. Not even those social alignments can make them vote R.
And once again, What have Democrats done that's been "In their best interest" over the course of the past 60 years?
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Holy shit man. This is such soft racism that I had to read it twice. Black people aren’t slaves anymore. Quite the comparison.

And, (again), every non-white legal immigrant isn’t coming here with white collar backgrounds.
THEY WERE SLAVES THOUGH. Like what about that do you not get? They had NOTHING. Vivek's parents went from skimming the top of Indian society to skimming the even bigger pool of ours. Black people were stuck drowning on the bottom the entire time. Nothing about the situations is similar.
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Lol what? We're the largest agricultural exporter in the entire world, even exporting more food than we import while at the same time being the world's biggest consumers. We could sustain a population multiple times what we have now.
That’s not possible is it? Since he already served two terms? He’ll need to just run things in the background like the Biden admin.

Or could a former president be vp and get skipped over to the speaker if the president was unable to serve?
The 12th basically says if you aren't eligible to be President anymore, you can't be VP either.
What pleasure do yall get from having a circle jerk and ganging up on one poster who has different views?? It's comical

I'm seriously not a Republican or Democrat. I have and will vote for any party.

I am seriously pissed off right now. Trump clearly has a plan to seize and keep power forever. He told the crowd they'll never have to vote again of they get in him this time. That's scary shit and the least American thing I've ever heard. Do away with elections, um OK

And then it's senile Joe and now Kamala, ugh. Wtf is someone with common sense supposed to do in this election?? It's a lose lose lose lose proposition

Just the way Trump speaks, conducts himself, incites violence, racism and homophonic and misogyny, not to mention project 2025 and doing away with free elections, banning porn, abortion, weed, yeah hell no

Then a far left liberal in Kamala who has butchered our borders and sucked her way to the top

I mean wtf kinda mess is this?? We are the greatest country in the world and have literal shit to chose from for Presidential candidates

I'm sad and disgusted

So am l, reading this drivel. Off to ignore you go.

I'm sure you're a new 'moderate' poster...
Dude you're just flat wrong. Asian immigrants have overall much higher education and income levels than other immigrant groups. That's even why y'all specify "Asian" or "Indian" for this conversation, as those are some of the few classifications you can point to that fit your narrative. "Indians" are literally the wealthiest immigrants of all, and if you break "Asian" down into all of its composite countries hardly any of them, basically only the rich ones, conform. Check out how Burmese or Cambodian immigrants are doing in the good ol' US of A.

Theyre also born 1000 miles away across water. They have to get here which is way tougher than paying attention in school and doing your homework.

Of course thats the difference. Some cultures value, hard work, education and family, others dont. Those that do, succeed more often. Its that way regardless of race.

The greatest societal crime against blacks the last 50 years was the dems hijacking their "best interests". Blacks were much better off as a people before dems got involved and convinced them to start bussing, get on the draw, advocated they were victims, and destroyed their family core. Not to mention advocating killing untold millions of their babies. Now those kids, if not killed in the womb, grow up without a father, being bussed all across cities to pretend someone is trying to educate them, drugs and other crimes being blamed on "over policing" and unfair sentencing, on and on.

So if anyone wanted to really help, theyd remove the bs above and encourage personal and societal accountability, remove massive handouts, stop blaming and shaming. It would take a generation but things would get better.

At the end of the day, its these cultural differences that make the difference, not the color of skin. Fix culture and fix the problem.
Is this his 3rd or 4th time with "covid"? I know several people who are "vaccinated" 🙄 that have had "covid" at least three times. Meanwhile not at my non-vaccinated house. Thank the Lord for protection and discernment.

And since the saying is that the vaccine prevents death now, where are all the unvaxxed dead? 25% never took it. Where are the dead?

Never forget. Never forgive.
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They aren't pro-Hamas, they're pro-Palestinian. The Palestinian people deserve freedom and equality just like everyone else. Hamas is a horrible religious fundamentalist extremist group. That does heinous, reprehensible things in the ongoing war. But they're just one faction across millions of stateless and powerless Palestinian people, the entire political spectrum, fighting for their freedom. We need to all be working towards a solution to the problem instead of enabling the most extreme faction to just grow and grow by bombing them a clear path to new members.
The 12th basically says if you aren't eligible to be President anymore, you can't be VP either.

"But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States."

But you know, @Lost In FL heard it from rightwing nutbags, so it must be true. 'They love the Constitution so very much and know so very many things about it. The most, some would even say. Our big, beautiful Constitution. In fact, just yesterday one of my supporters came up to me and said I should make Charlie Kirk my VP. And I thought that was a brilliant idea! Someone 30 would make a great VP.'
Biden Quote from the article:
“Justices should be required to disclose gifts, refrain from public political activity and recuse themselves from cases in which they or their spouses have financial or other conflicts of interest. Every other federal judge is bound by an enforceable code of conduct, and there is no reason for the Supreme Court to be exempt,”

Funny how that doesn't apply to the Judges in the Trump cases. They can have conflicts galore and it's "nothing to see here"
Some exceptions did. But the statistics, that y'all yourselves are using to compare minority groups, are all about averages. Of which the Black population and whichever Asian immigrant population you want to compare it to have entirely different socioeconomic backstories.

The problem, generally, is with the unwillingness of public educators to let research guide their methods, rather than politics and false social constructs that amount to racism and lead to failure.
Saw the point made on X, but if Kamala Harris thinks Biden is so incapacitated as to warrant his removal using the 25th amendment, significant questions are going to go unasked by the media about her support for him to continue serving so long as she was given the power in the Democrat party.

But hey guys look at Venezuela. They’re totally corrupt. Look down there.
Sounds like extortion to me…..
What pleasure do yall get from having a circle jerk and ganging up on one poster who has different views?? It's comical

I'm seriously not a Republican or Democrat. I have and will vote for any party.

I am seriously pissed off right now. Trump clearly has a plan to seize and keep power forever. He told the crowd they'll never have to vote again of they get in him this time. That's scary shit and the least American thing I've ever heard. Do away with elections, um OK

And then it's senile Joe and now Kamala, ugh. Wtf is someone with common sense supposed to do in this election?? It's a lose lose lose lose proposition

Just the way Trump speaks, conducts himself, incites violence, racism and homophonic and misogyny, not to mention project 2025 and doing away with free elections, banning porn, abortion, weed, yeah hell no

Then a far left liberal in Kamala who has butchered our borders and sucked her way to the top

I mean wtf kinda mess is this?? We are the greatest country in the world and have literal shit to chose from for Presidential candidates

I'm sad and disgusted
"i'm not a Republican or a Democrat..." Then proceeds to pound out all the insane liberal fear porn narratives about Trump. Proving you limit your media sources to left wing propaganda outlets.

Yet another "Independent" coming into this forum. You're all the same.
If Kamla had said there would be no more elections if she wins, my God what different narrative. She'd be communist, dictator, un American, i mean come on

The hypocrisy dudes, my God

If we ignored context, yeah we too would look stupid. Instead, she apparently assumed the Dem nomination without ever receiving a primary vote for president. It’s far more likely that someone who attains power like that and has no history of being president might think they could … can’t even finish the sentence, because the rubes pushing your inane narrative cannot tell us how Trump would achieve your nutty fear mongering claims.
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Theyre also born 1000 miles away across water. They have to get here which is way tougher than paying attention in school and doing your homework.
Which generally takes a certain level of financial stability and status. You get it now? Starting at the top and starting at the bottom are not the same thing.
What pleasure do yall get from having a circle jerk and ganging up on one poster who has different views?? It's comical

I'm seriously not a Republican or Democrat. I have and will vote for any party.

I am seriously pissed off right now. Trump clearly has a plan to seize and keep power forever. He told the crowd they'll never have to vote again of they get in him this time. That's scary shit and the least American thing I've ever heard. Do away with elections, um OK

And then it's senile Joe and now Kamala, ugh. Wtf is someone with common sense supposed to do in this election?? It's a lose lose lose lose proposition

Just the way Trump speaks, conducts himself, incites violence, racism and homophonic and misogyny, not to mention project 2025 and doing away with free elections, banning porn, abortion, weed, yeah hell no

Then a far left liberal in Kamala who has butchered our borders and sucked her way to the top

I mean wtf kinda mess is this?? We are the greatest country in the world and have literal shit to chose from for Presidential candidates

I'm sad and disgusted
Dude…… you have been thoroughly marinated in so many Trump hoaxes. Open your eyes and ears.
What? Announcing you're going to pick a woman isn't DEI, but announcing you're going to pick a black woman is? How is the world? What about all the qualified men for Trump's SCOTUS slot who never had a chance? Blatant hypocrisy.

Slow down, pup, and actually attempt reading AND comprehending.

Take a breath, now, and do it again, because you probably need a few go-throughs.

Okay. Maybe now, you can back off your slander about hypocrisy.


That all said, Trump replaced a woman Justice with a woman Justice. There is, again, a distinction that I hope you are purposefully avoiding because your religion is politics and you want to please your god.
That all said, Trump replaced a woman Justice with a woman Justice. There is, again, a distinction that I hope you are purposefully avoiding because your religion is politics and you want to please your god.
That isn't a distinction. When Scalia died Trump didn't announce he was going to replace him with a man. When Kennedy retired nothing. Only ACB got the DEI announcement.