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This is tongue and cheek because I know exactly what the guy is; a pos murderer that deserves everything coming his way, regardless of political affiliation.

With that said, I bet they don't come out and automatically accuse/imply that he's a radicalized, cop killing, alt left, BLM, Hillary Clinton supporting, domestic terrorist that needs to be charged with a hate crime.
So what makes you think he's alt right? Can only alt righters be racist and rant about these things, but not Bernie supporters or any other idiot on the planet? Btw, he never claimed to be an alt righter.

Only parts of it. As soon as they decided to report on his Facebook posts they have to report on all posts of substance that are related. They can't pick and choose to report only on the Trump support posts without reporting on the ones where he admitted it was an act.

But failed to report he wasn't there in support of Trump like he was pretending to be, but instead the complete opposite; to stomp out the movement (his words). That's a hell of a fact to leave out, don't you think?

There aren't multiple angles to the truth.

What is an "alt right post or action"? Can only alt righters make racist posts and stab people? Are Bernie supporters or any other idiot on the planet incapable of being racist and stabbing people? Again, he never claimed to be alt right. You have falsely labeled him that based on media propaganda.

What is an "alt right rant"? Can only alt righters hurl racist insults and stab people? Are Bernie supporters or any other idiot on the planet incapable of being racist and stabbing people? For the last time, he never claimed to be alt right. The only place you have read that is in the media and on social media. He damn sure didn't say it.
Bottom line, the facts say he was a crazy, racist Bernie Sanders supporter, not an alt righter.

- The alt right is a group that have extreme views that includes white supremacy, antisemitism, islamophobia, and white nationalism. This man's Facebook posts, along with his rant during this stabbing, show that he is alt right. He does not have to explicitly call himself that if his actions show him to be alt right.

- The post that you want them to refer to is not of substance to this story. He never said that his beliefs were an act, but rather that he went to that rally to taint their more conservative movement. I don't see why that is relevant here. In the article you posted they were simply pointing out a public incident where he displayed erratic behavior. They mentioned that he was there causing a stir and that the police had to separate him from others. That is accurate reporting. Moreover, the article you posted does not reference ANY of his Facebook posts, so your point stating that "As soon as they decided to report on his Facebook posts they have to report on all posts of substance that are related", makes no sense given that they did not report on his Facebook posts.

- There are multiple angles to the truth because their are multiple angles to stories. For this particular story, you could write a matter of fact piece solely about the stabbing, a piece about the stabbing but also write about his criminal background, or you could write a piece where instead of talking about his criminal background you choose to focus on his Facebook posts instead. All 3 would be taking different angles to the same story.

- A true pro Bernie supporter or a leftist is not going to go on a rant against muslims and then stab those who defended the muslims. Left wing extremist are obviously capable of violence too, but they wouldn't commit violence within this context. Most right wingers spend their time criticizing the left for being too soft on Islam and too PC about all the groups this guy said hateful things about, so why pretend it's just as likely for a leftist to make the posts that he was making as it is for someone on the alt right?

- What other political folks besides alt right people hurl insults about muslims? Again, you can't say the left because they are the same folks that are seen as little snowflakes about Islam. As for his Bernie support, it is true that he called himself a Bernie supporter, but it is also true that he expressed views that were clearly not in support of any Bernie agenda. This guy mislabeled himself. He made posts about being pro life and how you should get off his friends list and kill yourself if you are prochoice. He was also pro gun. He posted several islamophobic, anti Semitic,and white supremacist views which clearly are not Bernie views, because again, in any other context you would be accusing Bernie bros and leftists in general of being too PC about that stuff.

If a dude called him self a Trump supporter, but had a Facebook filled with posts supporting black lives matter, planned parenthood, illegal immigrants, and wanted to raise taxes on the rich, and then this same dude turned around and stabbed some folks while ranting about how the minum wage should be $15 an hour, would it really be fair to brand that guy a Trump supporter just because he said it? In the famous words of that random chick from that last batman movie, " Take a bucket of piss and call it Granny's peach tea. You won't fool a fly or me. I'm not gonna drink it"...If you really think that this guy was a Bernie supporter just because he said he was, then I got some Granny's peach tea for you to drink, sir.

Are you just a republican or are you alt right too? What is an alt righter to you?
So John Boehner is popular now? You see how this works, right guys?

Will stay an R for the duration of Trumps 8 years, after that my resignation letter will be peppered with epitaphs in grandiose fashion.

God bless, cuck republicans are awful. Worse than democrats, who are are egregiously awful, I think.
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He does not have to explicitly call himself that if his actions show him to be alt right.
Then you have no clue. A racist murderer doesn't automatically equal alt right. Look at my post just above yours for a perfect example.

A true pro Bernie supporter or a leftist is not going to go on a rant against muslims and then stab those who defended the muslims.
Says who? A true alt righter would never support a Socialist, especially one that's campaigning on mega expanding big government into enormous government and offering to give the entire bank away for free. Not a chance

What other political folks besides alt right people hurl insults about muslims?

All kinds. Muslims even hurl insults about Muslims. Your painting with an awfully big brush to push your alt right boogeyman.

Are you just a republican or are you alt right too? What is an alt righter to you?

I'm NPA. Nothing like what it is to you. You have fallen for the fear mongering.
Does anybody care to look at multiple sources anymore or they just go with the label the media tells them to place on people?

Dude was crazy. Period. Label him what you will. Place a label on him to damn a whole group of people. Keep up the divide and conquer radical tactics of cultural marxism all you want. We will continue calling you on your bs narrative. Your movement is dead no amount of dirty tactics or lies will save it.

REPORT: Portland Killer Voted for Bernie, Reported by Trump Supporters to Police, Who Did Nothing (VIDEO)

So John Boehner is popular now? You how this works, right guys?

Will stay an R for the duration of Trumps 8 years, after that my resignation letter will be peppered with epitaphs in grandiose fashion.

God bless, cuck republicans are awful. Worse than democrats, who are are egregiously awful, I think.
Cuck republicans are MUCH worse than democrats. We expect democrats to be awful because its who they are, clowns like Boehner, Ryan, McCain etc...are supposed to be on our side, they even pretend they are when everyone knows they are benedict arnolds.
So John Boehner is popular now? You how this works, right guys?

Will stay an R for the duration of Trumps 8 years, after that my resignation letter will be peppered with epitaphs in grandiose fashion.

God bless, cuck republicans are awful. Worse than democrats, who are are egregiously awful, I think.

At least the democrats are only halfway liars about there motives to destroy America. Established Republicans full on liars to destroy their party and America.
- So they want to hammer Kushner without evidence alleging that he wanted back channel contact (because he rightfully believed Obama was spying on him) with the Russians.

Hell, that's exactly what happened in The Sum of All Fears and we stopped nuclear war, so thanks. Hell, Chuck Todd would call for William Cabot to be executed for treason....

- can we, the people, be shown some evidence of, like, anything? 17 ORGANIZATIONS SAID RUSSSIA INTERFERE HACK ELECTION

Is that pretty much Z's list of 1000 climate change organizations etc? One investigates and the others echo?

Can we see some actual evidence of anything? Hack? Collision? Anything?

Don't we deserve this?
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Does anybody care to look at multiple sources anymore or they just go with the label the media tells them to place on people?

Dude was crazy. Period. Label him what you will. Place a label on him to damn a whole group of people. Keep up the divide and conquer radical tactics of cultural marxism all you want. We will continue calling you on your bs narrative. Your movement is dead no amount of dirty tactics or lies will save it.

REPORT: Portland Killer Voted for Bernie, Reported by Trump Supporters to Police, Who Did Nothing (VIDEO)

Does anybody care to look at multiple sources anymore or they just go with the label the media tells them to place on people?

And it's obvious. All you have to do is look at the policies he supported. There are liberals who are pro gun, controlled legal immigrantion and pro life.

I've never seen an alt right that supports some of things this guy supported; socialized medicine, big, huge government, everything for everyone is free.

I also haven't come across an alt right that championed Bernie Sanders while hating Trump and calling him the antichrist. This guy is as much as an alt right Trump supporter as I am a BLM Hillary supporter.


Then you have no clue. A racist murderer doesn't automatically equal alt right. Look at my post just above yours for a prefer example

Says who? A true alt righter would never support a Socialist, especially one that's campaigning on mega expanding big government into enormous government and offering to give the entire bank away for free. Not a chance

All kinds. Muslims even hurl insults about Muslims. Your painting with an awfully big brush to push your alt right boogeyman.

I'm NPA. Nothing like what it is to you. You have fallen for the fear mongering.

- True. A racist murderer does not automatically equal alt right. It all about the context surrounding the situation. If a black dude who has a history of posting negative rhetoric about white folks goes out and commits acts of violence against white folks or against those defending white folks, then that would clearly not equal alt right. But the context of this particular situation does show that he is alt right.

- And a true Bernie supporter would never support most of the things that this guy claimed to believe in. I agree, a true alt righter would never support a guy like Bernie which is why I said earlier that he mislabeled himself.

- My point in asking that question about other groups hurling Muslim insults was to say that this dude and his actions does not fit in any other political category besides alt right.

- NPA as in non partisan?
- can we, the people, be shown some evidence of, like, anything? 17 ORGANIZATIONS SAID RUSSSIA INTERFERE HACK ELECTION
And Clapper, under oath, said this wasn't true. Only three - FBI, CIA, NSA - made this determination and the other 13 signed on to offer support only after the investigation was completed.
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- My point in asking that question about other groups hurling Muslim insults was to say that this dude and his actions does not fit in any other political category besides alt right.
...which is simply your way of pigeonholing this guy into your worldview and aligning him within your narrative so you can assign blame for this man's misdeeds. Well, sorry, he's one of you.
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I agree, a true alt righter would never support a guy like Bernie which is why I said earlier that he mislabeled himself.

Do you know who Trump is to the alt right? Not the anti Christ, I can promise you that. This guy never labeled himself alt right, you and the media did.

Only thing he labeled himself as was a racist that supports Trump, but then he admitted to faking his support for Trump. He's still a racist, just one that supported Bernie.

My point in asking that question about other groups hurling Muslim insults was to say that this dude and his actions does not fit in any other political category besides alt right.

And what category is alt right? You seem to think that alt right automatically means anyone who is a racist, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, white supremacist, Nazi, and that only those on the alt right can hold such beliefs. You've fallen for the fear mongering. You know all you think you know about the alt right from Hillary Clinton and the media. It's laughable, really.

NPA as in non partisan?

No Party Affiliated.
...which is simply your way of pigeonholing this guy into your worldview and aligning him within your narrative so you can assign blame for this man's misdeeds. Well, sorry, he's one of you.
He got in a hurry due to the excitement of a racist white dude killing people and now is writing novels to avoid being disappointed yet again.

I mean, if white Trump voters were as violent and hate-filled as folks like him WANT to believe you would think rural America would be in a siege of racial violence. Just another data science denier.
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Which is why he stabbed folks while ranting about muslims. Clearly he was a left wing, PC snowflake.

Yet voted for bernie.

He was mentally ill. Had nothing to do with political affiliation.

But if youre looking for evidence of his political affiliation, it was to the extreme left.
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- True. A racist murderer does not automatically equal alt right. It all about the context surrounding the situation. If a black dude who has a history of posting negative rhetoric about white folks goes out and commits acts of violence against white folks or against those defending white folks, then that would clearly not equal alt right. But the context of this particular situation does show that he is alt right.

- And a true Bernie supporter would never support most of the things that this guy claimed to believe in. I agree, a true alt righter would never support a guy like Bernie which is why I said earlier that he mislabeled himself.

- My point in asking that question about other groups hurling Muslim insults was to say that this dude and his actions does not fit in any other political category besides alt right.

- NPA as in non partisan?

Listen, the guy was nuts, he was also a leftist who thought his actions would change the political tide.
He has a pattern of pretending to be something he's not.

The main issue is the media ran with hearsay and opinion instead of actual journalism, because they were trying to push a narrative.

Here's a link by USA Today on another murder, can you notice the difference?
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Which is why he stabbed folks while ranting about muslims. Clearly he was a left wing, PC snowflake.

Because someone on the left could never stab someone and rant about Muslims? Where do you come up with this shit? Some liberals stab people. Some liberals are also racist. Portland, as liberal as it is, even Oregon, has a history of racism.

Also, the cops who were familiar with him have also said that he suffered a head injury, was not all there and crazy. What's so hard to believe about a Bernie supporting, crazy ex convict who grew up in a city/state with a history a racism ranting at Muslims and stabbing people?
Do you know who Trump is to the alt right? Not the anti Christ, I can promise you that. This guy never labeled himself alt right, you and the media did.

Only thing he labeled himself as was a racist that supports Trump, but then he admitted to faking his support for Trump. He's still a racist, just one that supported Bernie.

And what category is alt right? You seem to think that alt right automatically means anyone who is a racist, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, white supremacist, Nazi, and that only those on the alt right can hold such beliefs. You've fallen for the fear mongering. You know all you think you know about the alt right from Hillary Clinton and the media. It's laughable, really.

No Party Affiliated.

- I labeled him alt right because his own posts put him in that category.
- I'm sure this fool isn't the only one in the alt right who also hated Trump. Clinton and Trump were the two most unpopular candidates ever so just like liberals and far leftists can hate Hillary, far right folks can hate Trump.
- Yes, I do believe only those on the alt right can hold those specific set of beliefs. Not because of Hillary or the media, but because I've seen it myself. I live in Kansas and have people around me who are alt right so I've seen it. I know people who are alt right and they share similar beliefs as this guy. I don't think they would ever do what this guy did, but I've certainly seen the anti Muslim/black/Jew mentality first hand. Do you not believe there is a fraction within the alt right that has those beliefs?
Because someone on the left could never stab someone and rant about Muslims? Where do you come up with this shit? Some liberals stab people. Some liberals are also racist. Portland, as liberal as it is, even Oregon, has a history of racism.

Also, the cops who were familiar with him have also said that he suffered a head injury, was not all there and crazy. What's so hard to believe about a Bernie supporting, crazy ex convict who grew up in a city/state with a history a racism ranting at Muslims and stabbing people?

Extremists on the left are definitely capable of stabbing someone, but it wouldn't be in the middle of a rant against muslims. Society can't have it both ways. They can't portray the left as Muslim sympathizers who are too PC about different races, religions, and sexual orientations but then hear a story about a dude stabbing someone while going on a rant against muslims and pretend that that person is a liberal.

I agree that this dude is crazy. I am not denying that he supported Bernie but then turned around and ranted about muslims, so it isn't hard for me to believe. My point is that even though he voiced support for Bernie, he clearly did not match up with Bernie's ideologies or beliefs, therefore he mislabeled himself. Why did he mislabel himself ? Probably because he is crazy.
- I labeled him alt right because his own posts put him in that category.

[laughing] No they don't. You put him in that category. Anyone can post racist stuff. You're assuming racist automatically = alt right. It's comical. It's like the Russia nonsense all over again. Anything bad = them.

I bet you think Pepe means are racist, too. Which, btw, this guy never posted a single Pepe meme. You don't find that odd? That's fvcking sacrilege, punishable by death. He's the most non alt right alt righter there's ever been.

Anyways, you're right. They're the boogeyman, coming to purge the country of minorities and liberals. Odd, though, these "alt right" killings never happen in the south where all the racist conservatives supposedly live, but always in Democrat run, liberal cities.
- I labeled him alt right because his own posts put him in that category.
- I'm sure this fool isn't the only one in the alt right who also hated Trump. Clinton and Trump were the two most unpopular candidates ever so just like liberals and far leftists can hate Hillary, far right folks can hate Trump.
- Yes, I do believe only those on the alt right can hold those specific set of beliefs. Not because of Hillary or the media, but because I've seen it myself. I live in Kansas and have people around me who are alt right so I've seen it. I know people who are alt right and they share similar beliefs as this guy. I don't think they would ever do what this guy did, but I've certainly seen the anti Muslim/black/Jew mentality first hand. Do you not believe there is a fraction within the alt right that has those beliefs?
Dude, you are labeling him alt-right as a jump-off to paint with a broad brush and assess blame. He was mentally ill. He is not representative of you, or me, or any group of people. The man acted alone, on beliefs that were solely his.

And quit acting like racist/sexist/misogynist/prejudicial beliefs cannot exist among leftist/liberals. It can, and it does.
Listen, the guy was nuts, he was also a leftist who thought his actions would change the political tide.
He has a pattern of pretending to be something he's not.

The main issue is the media ran with hearsay and opinion instead of actual journalism, because they were trying to push a narrative.

Here's a link by USA Today on another murder, can you notice the difference?

If you feel like he has a pattern of being something that he is not, then why are you so sure his posts about supporting Bernie Sanders are legit. His actions go against everything right wingers criticize liberals about. If right wingers were consistent on their views of liberals, they would identity this guy as not PC enough to be a leftist.

The media didn't run with hearsay and opinion. You and others are accusing the mainstream media of saying things that it did not say. All they did is report on this guys actions and then posted a quote from a Muslim group reacting to it. They did not run with any hearsay. They stuck to the facts.
I'm super far right on the political scale, which I guess makes me a racist according to the open minded left.

I believe whites are no better than anyone else. But if you believe there isn't a coordinated effort to make being white as something to apologize for then you are either deaf, dumb, or blind....or all three.
Dude, you are labeling him alt-right as a jump-off to paint with a broad brush and assess blame. He was mentally ill. He is not representative of you, or me, or any group of people. The man acted alone, on beliefs that were solely his.

And quit acting like racist/sexist/misogynist/prejudicial beliefs cannot exist among leftist/liberals. It can, and it does.

Those beliefs aren't solely his. There is a whole group of folks out there who are racists/sexists/misogynist. They are called the alt right.

The specific set of beliefs that this guy has is some alt right ish, like it or not. That doesn't make the left perfect. The left has extremist feminists, whom I hate just as much as the alt right. They have folks who have racist views against whites, which I also think is wrong. They have extremist views about things such as cultural appropriation and at times have extremist views about cops (i.e. Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon), but what the left does not have is white supremacist, white nationalist, islamophobic, or antisemitic views. This guy did, which makes him alt right. The fact that he is crazy as hell, doesn't take away the fact that he is alt right.
If you feel like he has a pattern of being something that he is not, then why are you so sure his posts about supporting Bernie Sanders are legit. His actions go against everything right wingers criticize liberals about. If right wingers were consistent on their views of liberals, they would identity this guy as not PC enough to be a leftist.

The media didn't run with hearsay and opinion. You and others are accusing the mainstream media of saying things that it did not say. All they did is report on this guys actions and then posted a quote from a Muslim group reacting to it. They did not run with any hearsay. They stuck to the facts.

Did you read the link I posted? That is journalism reporting facts without trying to push a narrative.
[laughing] Just your everyday, average alt righter offering words of encouragement to his liberal friends after the election.


And according to more of his posts/beliefs that I won't clutter up the board with. He also stands with Standing Rock; wants to tear down the pipeline; hates the military and wants to gut it to give free college to all; while also supporting big government and major tax hikes; and hates cops constantly, publicly, threatens to kill them.
Yet voted for bernie.

He was mentally ill. Had nothing to do with political affiliation.

But if youre looking for evidence of his political affiliation, it was to the extreme left.

I know republicans who voted for Clinton. Doesn't make them leftists.

You can be mentally ill and at the same time have a political affliliation. If a person goes out and shoots someone in the head because they feel that person culturally appropraited someone else's culture then that person would be crazy but they would also be a leftists, regardless of who they voted for.
Those beliefs aren't solely his. There is a whole group of folks out there who are racists/sexists/misogynist. They are called the alt right.

The specific set of beliefs that this guy has is some alt right ish, like it or not. That doesn't make the left perfect. The left has extremist feminists, whom I hate just as much as the alt right. They have folks who have racist views against whites, which I also think is wrong. They have extremist views about things such as cultural appropriation and at times have extremist views about cops (i.e. Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon), but what the left does not have is white supremacist, white nationalist, islamophobic, or antisemitic views. This guy did, which makes him alt right. The fact that he is crazy as hell, doesn't take away the fact that he is alt right.

Do you just ignore reality of a situation if it doesn't fit your preconceived notion of the world?