How will they rule ??!

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Why in gods name is there an argument about him being a Trump supporter when he said in his own words on Facebook that he voted for Bernie Sanders?

They couldn't pull a white hispanic angle here, so they came up with Bernie voter= alt right Trump supporter? lol uh ok.
So anyone who is a racist, sexist, misogynist is alt right, and only alt right? Do they have to be all three to qualify? Or, does two out of the three earn them the label? What if they're none? Can they still be alt right if they get jumped in?

[laughing] Damn, that brain must be washed to mush by now.
WSU is your average liberal who is upset that he wasn't a Trump voter. Just too scared to admit that he was disappointed.
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So anyone who is a racist, sexist, misogynist is alt right, and only alt right? Do they have to be all three to qualify? Or, does two out of the three earn them the label? What if they're none? Can they still be alt right if they get jumped in?

[laughing] Damn, that brain must be washed to mush by now.

If you are a political person and you hold those beliefs along with the others that I mentioned, then yes, you are alt right.
Stupid is as stupid does and that Forde is the epitome of doing stupid.
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Must be nice to hide behind the internet when disrespecting someone who could easily beat your ass, especially on a day meant to honor those who serve, have served, or lost their lives in battle. What a pos
Can anyone give the context of this??? What did the guy say that got Forde that upset in the first place? Forde should know better than to respond the way he did.
If you are a political person and you hold those beliefs along with the others that I mentioned, then yes, you are alt right.
Proof? I mean, for you to be so certain there has to be some sort of fact based guide to you little litmus test; otherwise, you're just randomly labeling and attacking an entire group of people, which makes you a generalizing, stereotyping bigot.

You better watch out, you just might be more like Jeremy Christian than you realize.
Yahoo probably approves. Any attention Forde gets from this is "good" attention in their eyes. Almost all media wants controversy, they threw ethics out the window a long time ago.
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The proof is in his actions.
We weren't talking about him. You said anyone who is a racist, sexist, misogynist is alt right, and only alt right. That's an entire group of people, millions, that you're generalizing.

Provide proof that a racist, sexist, misogynist can't be anything politically other than alt right; otherwise, you're exactly as as I said, a prejudice bigot, and more like Christian than you realize.
We weren't talking about him. You said anyone who is a racist, sexist, misogynist is alt right, and only alt right. That's an entire group of people, millions, that you're generalizing.

Provide proof that a racist, sexist, misogynist can't be anything politically other than alt right; otherwise, you're exactly as as I said, a prejudice bigot, and more like Christian than you realize.

Anyone who are those things, along with the others things I mention (white supremacist, islamophobe, etc..) are alt right. You can be racist and be a lib. I just said a few posts ago that some leftists are racist against whites and that I dislike feminists ( they are basically female sexists) so not only did I not say that only the alt right can be those three things, but I gave you samples of leftists being those things too. But when you are racist or prejudice against "the other "(muslims, jews, blacks) and you couple that with being a nazi white supremacists, then you are the alt right.
Anyone who are those things, along with the others things I mention (white supremacist, islamophobe, etc..) are alt right.

So no proof is needed? You just generalize, label and attack as you see fit? Cool. I like this game. Anyone who is a rapey, creepy, perverted, child molesting fag is a liberal, and only liberal. Can't possibly be anything else.
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Why differentiate that they're cultural. Marxists when it's clear that more than a few are on board with economic Marxism and even recreating our govt to match the political ideas of that foul ideology - seeing it now? It's a revolution
And why bother calling ANYONE sexist anymore? Haven't we done away with the bourgeoisie concept of gender? How can I be sexist if all one needs to do is believe that they're the opposite sex - and it is accepted? See? ThAts what insanity will eventually do to you -
So no proof is needed? You just generalize, label and attack as you see fit? Cool. I like this game. Anyone who is a rapey, creepy, perverted, child molesting fag is a liberal, and only liberal. Can't possibly be anything else.

The dude who created the alt right, Richard Spencer, was a white supremacist so Im not sure why it is such a radical thing for me to say that alt righters are right supremacists.
I'm super far right on the political scale, which I guess makes me a racist according to the open minded left.

I believe whites are no better than anyone else. But if you believe there isn't a coordinated effort to make being white as something to apologize for then you are either deaf, dumb, or blind....or all three.

It's Stalinist divide/conquer while making use of the idea of groups to shake things up and intimidate - its al Ben done. Before Nd the Marxist left isn't even trying to obfuscate their tactics and sources of all Inspiration
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The dude who created the alt right, Richard Spencer, was a white supremacist so Im not sure why it is such a radical thing for me to say that alt righters are right supremacists.
The racist whore that created planned parenthood was an outspoken eugenicist who deeply disliked poor - immigrants - and minorities -- and her bust is in the Smithsonian Institution n-- so nothing surprises me politically anymore. --like sun tzu said -you wage war - by deception
Richard Spencer created nothing. He hijacked the language to make it something it is not so the cultural marxists can label and control. Just like this idiot from Portland tried to do. Why is this so hard for these commies to understand that their rules for radicals is exposed? We know your playbook.
We weren't talking about him. You said anyone who is a racist, sexist, misogynist is alt right, and only alt right. That's an entire group of people, millions, that you're generalizing.

Provide proof that a racist, sexist, misogynist can't be anything politically other than alt right; otherwise, you're exactly as as I said, a prejudice bigot, and more like Christian than you realize.

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This thread has went to shit over a completely retarded argument. This has to be one of the dumbest arguments in this entire threads almost 2000 page history. Congrats, WSU. Bringing up Richard Spencer? Good lord...
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I can't even find the original source. I wonder if it were deleted?

The dude who created the alt right, Richard Spencer, was a white supremacist so Im not sure why it is such a radical thing for me to say that alt righters are right supremacists.
I am utterly, utterly, amazed by your lack of intellect.

But let's take this to its/your logical conclusion.

So if a lefty is arrested for child pornography then all lefties are into child porn, amirite?