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[laughing] This one is titled -- Portland Hate Killer Ranted About Stabbings And Muslims On Facebook Amid Rising U.S. Hate Crime

They go through and list every single racist, violent, Islamaphobic thing he had to say on Facebook, but completely ignore and make no mention of Bernie Sanders or his dozens of pro Bernie posts. Best your ass they mentioned Trump, more than once, though.

They even take it a step further and basically blame trump for 1/3 of all hate crimes lol.
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CNN did not set the scene that he was an alt right white supremacists. Christian himself did that. You keep wanting the media to reference his Bernie posts, which some outlets are, but yet you want them to ignore his other ones which are alt right. If everything he was doing was all an act, then how come he just stabbed some folks in the midst of an anti Muslim rant. Was this incident all an act too?

By the way, CNN is just one media outlet. One of the most leftist media outlets, buzzfeed, has posted the things that you are crying about CNN omitting. They called him a passionate Bernie supporter who later supported, but did not vote for, Donald a Trump.

Either you didn't read the article or have taken the bait, hook, line and sinker.

The article clearly states he was ranting about everyone, not specifically Muslims.
It also states that the women may not have even been Muslim. I'm betting they aren't, as apparently after witnessing a double murder they just left the scene.
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You made that up. My claim was social media. I never claimed they called him a Trump supporter in that article. That article was linked just to prove how they're trying to frame it, and the narrative they're pushing, with a shit load of evidence to the contrary.

If the editors are willing to allow their journalists be misleading and not include all the facts, purposely pushing a false narrative, then it shouldn't come as a surprise that those same journalists working for said editors were calling him a Trump supporter on social media.

You posted that in response to my point that the mainstream media is not calling Christian a Trump supporter. The only ones I've seen calling him that are ones who are quoting his post in which he says he was going to vote for Trump but changed his mind. Which is 100% true.

All your article proves is that the media is framing Christian how he framed himself. It's not his fault that he posted what he did and stabbed folks while in the middle of a Muslim rant.
CNN did not set the scene that he was an alt right white supremacists. Christian himself did that.

Yes, he did, then he admitted it was an act. CNN knew this because they even allude to his Facebook posts in the article, but still failed to report it. Why is that? If they're going to report the scene that was set like it was fact, shouldn't the also mention that there's an admission that is wasn't fact?

but yet you want them to ignore his other ones which are alt right
Because he admitted they were fake. He was running psy-op, trying to stomp out the movement. His words, not mine.

If everything he was doing was all an act,

No one said everything. I already linked his Facebook post where a Trump supporter who was at the rally who called him out. That's when he admitted the racist alt right Nazi study it was him running psy-op, and that he was intent on stomping out movement down.

By the way, CNN is just one media outlet

The CNN article was just a reference to show how this is being framed. Again, if they're going to leave out facts and frame it that way in their reporting, where it's supposed to be factual, then it shouldn't come as a surprise that they automatically assumed he was a Trump supporter when giving their own personal opinion on social media.
Heres one explicitly blaming trump link

Heres one that cites a muslim group claiming trump must speak out about anti muslim sentiments

Huffington post says trump was referenced in at least 1/3 of hate crimes, in this same story

Public radio mentions he was seen at a trump rally he

And thats just in the first few results i saw.

You are lying either about looking; or about seeing. If you looked, its all over and not hard to find. So either you didnt look; or you looked but lied about what you saw.

Either way, youre the very worst type of political minion. One who arrogantly professes some knowledge, when really youre either completely uninformed, a liar, or both.

Congrats on sucking
- The first link is S Muslim group blaming Trump. They aren't the mainstream media.
- The second link is that same group asking him to speak out against it. Again, that is not the mainstream media.
- The third link mentions that he was seen at a Trump rally, which he was so I don't see how that is blaming Trump.

Looking through his Facebook posts, you will notice that this guy actually was going to vote for Trump but later had a change of heart so I honestly don't even think it would be that far off to say he was a Trump supporter. But as I keep saying, these articles you guys are posting aren't even saying that. The one article that did say that, which was not posted here, also called him a Bernie supporter. That article literally went tweet by tweet and just paraphrased each tweet.
Either you didn't read the article or have taken the bait, hook, line and sinker.

The article clearly states he was ranting about everyone, not specifically Muslims.
It also states that the women may not have even been Muslim. I'm betting they aren't, as apparently after witnessing a double murder they just left the scene.

My bad, he wasnt just ranting about muslims. He was ranting about multiple groups that alt right groups take issue with. Thanks for catching that.
- The first link is S Muslim group blaming Trump. They aren't the mainstream media.
- The second link is that same group asking him to speak out against it. Again, that is not the mainstream media.
- The third link mentions that he was seen at a Trump rally, which he was so I don't see how that is blaming Trump.

Looking through his Facebook posts, you will notice that this guy actually was going to vote for Trump but later had a change of heart so I honestly don't even think it would be that far off to say he was a Trump supporter. But as I keep saying, these articles you guys are posting aren't even saying that. The one article that did say that, which was not posted here, also called him a Bernie supporter. That article literally went tweet by tweet and just paraphrased each tweet.

Guess whos reporting in all the links im posting? THE MSM.

Just stop. You have zero credibility. May as well switch to yet another user name
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In other news, good to see lefties losing their mind because a scant few pointed out the female only viewing of wonder woman was sexist.

Theyre legit losing it.

Goes to further prove what we already knew - the left thinks its only a problem if white men benefit. Everything else is fine.

That isnt equality at all.
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Guess whos reporting in all the links im posting? THE MSM.

Just stop. You have zero credibility. May as well switch to yet another user name

None of those links are of the mainstream media calling him a Trump supporter, which was the whole point of this argument. You are conflating a Muslim group calling for Trump to speak out against this guy with the mainstream media calling this guy a Trump supporter. Those are two different things
Exactly. They didnt use terms verbatim like trump supporter. They jyst highlighted his pro trump posts without delving further

None of those links are of the mainstream media calling him a Trump supporter, which was the whole point of this argument. You are conflating a Muslim group calling for Trump to speak out against this guy with the mainstream media calling this guy a Trump supporter. Those are two different things

Nice attempt at a strawman/backpeddling.
My bad, he wasnt just ranting about muslims. He was ranting about multiple groups that alt right groups take issue with. Thanks for catching that.

What other groups was he ranting about? The witness said he was ranting about everything. You don't get to pick and choose the narrative that fits your argument.

You agree that he was a Bernie supporter, but you then say it's not a stretch to think he was a Trump supporter because he thought about voting for him. Do you think he had a change of heart after Bernie was out or was pissed because he felt like the DNC screwed Bernie?

The main point in all of this is the media ran with this because they thought it taint Trump, and a counter to the anger about Manchester, that's it in a nutshell. In a rush to print the story someone didn't do their homework, or they just didn't care about the facts.
the mainstream media is not calling Christian a Trump supporter.

Yes, they were. Not organizations, but individual journalists most certainly were. Don't give a shit if you don't believe. I know what I read.

All your article proves is that the media is framing Christian how he framed himself.

Framing people and setting scenes isn't their job. Their job is to report the facts, all of them. Not purposely leave out the ones that don't fit the narrative. That's called propaganda, not journalism.

Alluding to his Facebook posts, history, etc... but then completely ignoring and leaving out every single part that counters and contradicts their narrative is misleading, dishonest and shows their bias.

You can play stupid and defend them all you like, but anyone with any objectivity can see right through what they were trying to do.
What other groups was he ranting about? The witness said he was ranting about everything. You don't get to pick and choose the narrative that fits your argument.

You agree that he was a Bernie supporter, but you then say it's not a stretch to think he was a Trump supporter because he thought about voting for him. Do you think he had a change of heart after Bernie was out or was pissed because he felt like the DNC screwed Bernie?

The main point in all of this is the media ran with this because they thought it taint Trump, and a counter to the anger about Manchester, that's it in a nutshell. In a rush to print the story someone didn't do their homework, or they just didn't care about the facts.

The articles I have seen most talk about him ranting about muslims but there was also a quote that says his words "would best be characterized as hate speech toward a variety of ethnicities and religions." Me saying he was ranting about multiple groups seems to fit that quote.

I don't know exactly why he supported Trump after Bernie. He is a nut so I don't even know if he knows why. I do know, based on his posts, that he is far right on more than one issue so maybe that is the reason.

The media ran with it because it is a news worthy story. So far, they didn't post anything that wasn't a fact. They clearly did not take the angle you wanted them to take, but that doesn't make it a story that is lacking facts.
All your article proves is that the media is framing Christian how he framed himself. It's not his fault that he posted what he did and stabbed folks while in the middle of a Muslim rant.

[laughing] I had to come back to this because of how utterly fvcking stupid it is.

If I frame myself to be Bill Clinton's illegitimate black son, post a bunch of racist shit on Facebook, then go stab some people while ranting about crackers and honkies, do you honestly believe the media is going to frame me in that way instead of actually being journalists, reporting the facts, and telling the truth about who I really am?
You: they never say he was a trump supporter

Me: no. They just heavily imply it

You: i didint see any links

Me: links for days

You: they never say he was a trump supporter

You: The media implied that Christian was a Trump supporter.

Me: Prove it

You: links of a Muslim group calling for Trump to speak out against this.

Me: Muslim group =/= mainstream media
So far, they didn't post anything that wasn't a fact. They clearly did not take the angle you wanted them to take, but that doesn't make it a story that is lacking facts.

Seriously? It's lacking plenty of facts, very important ones. Ones that tell the entire story and shit on their narrative.

Real journalism doesn't involve picking and choosing which facts you want to report. Leaving out facts to mislead and push a certain angle isn't reporting. It's the textbook definition of propaganda. For a party that pretends to be so afraid of Russia, they sure do like to adopt a lot of their tactics
[laughing] I had to come back to this because of how utterly fvcking stupid it is.

If I frame myself to be Bill Clinton's illegitimate black son, post a bunch of racist shit on Facebook, then go stab some people while ranting about crackers and honkies, do you honestly believe the media is going to frame me in that way instead of actually being journalists, reporting the facts, and telling the truth about who I really am?

Apparently that is what you think they should do since you are mad at the media for not calling him a Bernie bro. This guy called himself a Bernie supporter yet turned around and posted about how pro life, pro gun, and anti minority he is which are clearly staples of Bernies platform, right?

This guy framed this as all an act, and yet he stabbed a bunch of folks while on an alt right rant. But the media should really report that he isn't for real. He was just playing.
The articles I have seen most talk about him ranting about muslims but there was also a quote that says his words "would best be characterized as hate speech toward a variety of ethnicities and religions." Me saying he was ranting about multiple groups seems to fit that quote.

I don't know exactly why he supported Trump after Bernie. He is a nut so I don't even know if he knows why. I do know, based on his posts, that he is far right on more than one issue so maybe that is the reason.

The media ran with it because it is a news worthy story. So far, they didn't post anything that wasn't a fact. They clearly did not take the angle you wanted them to take, but that doesn't make it a story that is lacking facts.

They ran with it because they thought it fit an agenda of a white Trump supporter that harassed a Muslim woman then killed 2 people. That turns out to not be true after a little digging.

I don't want any angle, I want an actual account of what happened. Out of all the murders that happened why did the media choose this one to be newsworthy?
You know why just like we know why.
Apparently that is what you think they should do since you are mad at the media for not calling him a Bernie bro. This guy called himself a Bernie supporter yet turned around and posted about how pro life, pro gun, and anti minority he is which are clearly staples of Bernies platform, right?

This guy framed this as all an act, and yet he stabbed a bunch of folks while on an alt right rant. But the media should really report that he isn't for real. He was just playing.

You keep saying an alt right rant, what was he ranting about? That's the gist of the whole argument here. The witness said he was ranting about everything, you say religions, what religions, it could've been all of them.
Apparently that is what you think they should do

No, I think they should report the truth, all of it. The truth doesn't have multiple angles. The truth isn't 75% of the facts. One angle, 100% of the facts. Anything less isn't the truth.

Purposely leaving out facts to take a certain angle and promote a certain narrative is almost egregious as making facts up. Either way, it most definitely isn't the truth. It's the truth they want you to believe; Russian style.
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You keep saying an alt right rant, what was he ranting about? That's the gist of the whole argument here.

He believes it's okay to leave out a few facts in order to slant the story to the angle you see fit. You know, what's a few facts when trying to get to the real truth? He's enjoys the propaganda. Eats it up faster than two scoops of ice cream.
They said he was ranting about muslims and then there was a quote about him ranting about a variety religions and ethnicities. Based on his past posts, it would be reasonable to assume that he was ranting about blacks, muslims, Jews, and Mexicans.

The media did report the truth. They reported that a man stabbed some folks while ranting about muslims and other minorities. They reported that he has made extreme posts in the past about folks of other ethnicities. They reported that he had some confrontations at a Trump rally a while back. Some have reported that he was a Bernie supporter but that he also almost voted for Trump. Those are all facts.

The one angle that you want them to take that they didn't is that this is all an act, even though he never said that. All that post that you keep referring back to implies is that he tried to make folks at that one rally look bad, but that does not mean that his whole alt right posts and actions are fake. Especially since he just stabbed some people in the midst of one of his alt right rants. Not reporting that isn't an example of them not posting or not caring about the facts.
They said he was ranting about muslims and then there was a quote about him ranting about a variety religions and ethnicities. Based on his past posts, it would be reasonable to assume that he was ranting about blacks, muslims, Jews, and Mexicans.

So what makes you think he's alt right? Can only alt righters be racist and rant about these things, but not Bernie supporters or any other idiot on the planet? Btw, he never claimed to be an alt righter.

The media did report the truth.

Only parts of it. As soon as they decided to report on his Facebook posts they have to report on all posts of substance that are related. They can't pick and choose to report only on the Trump support posts without reporting on the ones where he admitted it was an act.

They reported that he had some confrontations at a Trump rally a while back

But failed to report he wasn't there in support of Trump like he was pretending to be, but instead the complete opposite; to stomp out the movement (his words). That's a hell of a fact to leave out, don't you think?

The one angle that you want them to take

There aren't multiple angles to the truth.

but that does not mean that his whole alt right posts and actions are fake.

What is an "alt right post or action"? Can only alt righters make racist posts and stab people? Are Bernie supporters or any other idiot on the planet incapable of being racist and stabbing people? Again, he never claimed to be alt right. You have falsely labeled him that based on media propaganda.

Especially since he just stabbed some people in the midst of one of his alt right rants.

What is an "alt right rant"? Can only alt righters hurl racist insults and stab people? Are Bernie supporters or any other idiot on the planet incapable of being racist and stabbing people? For the last time, he never claimed to be alt right. The only place you have read that is in the media and on social media. He damn sure didn't say it.

Bottom line, the facts say he was a crazy, racist Bernie Sanders supporter, not an alt righter.
I'm fine with lining up McMullin against a firing squad for alleged treason as a test to see if he really is the leaker. If they shoot him and it stops the leaks we will have done the right thing, and if it doesn't we will still have ridden the world of more smug a-hole.
I doubt hes the only leaker, as it is pretty much obvious there are one or more in the WH. Now that Trump is back from his trip, hope he makes some staff changes.
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Btw, they also reported specifically about the claim, verbatim -- "One big problem, though, it's not true. In fact, the whole crazy theory had already been debunked by CNN and other news organizations."

So, if it's not true, and they've already debunked it, then where is their evidence? That's right, there is no evidence either way. That's my point. Just like Fox News, they can't honestly report something isn't true and that they've debunked it when they have no proof themselves.
The "therory" was based upon claims made by someone who admitted they lied. Thus, that therory is debunked because the information supporting the therory is fake.

The conclusion may very well be correct but again, the therory isn't. A conclusion without any basis is simply a guess.

News organizations, at least respected news organizations aren't in the business of making and reporting guesses as news. News is based upon fact. Fox, CNN nor any other news organization have any facts with regard to who killed Seth Rich.
They didn't have to. The implied it and left it open for degenerates to assume and draw their own conclusions. That's not how journalism works.

No where in that article did they actually tell the truth about who this guy really is and report the facts, facts that are very important and tell the whole story. Aren't they supposed to be journalists reporting the facts? Why is that? You know just as well as I. Because it hurts their narrative. So either stop being stupid or piss off.
So now you're concerned about facts? Just not so much with the Seth Rich story. Lol
Fox, CNN nor any other news organization have any facts with regard to who killed Seth Rich.
That's been my entire point from the very beginning, post after post I have explained exactly this to you. Are you slow?

So now you're concerned about facts? Just not so much with the Seth Rich story. Lol

You lie. I've never claimed anything regarding the Rich story. My stance from the beginning is no one knows.

I'll say it again, just like Fox doesn't know he's the leaker and DNC was involved, CNN doesn't know that he wasn't the leaker and DNC wasn't involved. I've taken no position, nor have I defended any. No one has the facts. It's that simple.

You're welcome to show proof

Here you go. 1:40 mark, verbatim -- "One big problem, though, it's not true. In fact, the whole crazy theory had already been debunked by CNN and other news organizations."

They went much further than just saying there's no evidence to support these claims. They're reporting Seth Rich being the leaker and the DNC being involved flat out isn't true. By reporting that they're not true, then by default, they're reporting that Set Rich isn't the leaker and the DNC wasn't involved. They can't honestly report that it's not true because they don't know whether it's true or not. No one does.

Also, they claim to have debunked these claims.To debunk means to prove false. How did they prove these claims false? There is no evidence that Rich wasn't the leaker just like there is no evidence he was. Same goes for the DNC being involved.

So where is there evidence that "debunks" these claims? Since I have provided you proof of CNN reporting this, now you can provide me CNN's evidence that specifically "debunks" the claims of Seth Rich is the leaker and the DNC was involved.

And the PI having not seen the emails his anonymous source says exist isn't proof when it comes to CNN, because they haven't seen the Comey memo that an anymous source say exist, yet they continue to report it as fact.

Btw, at the end, how is Anderson Cooper going to mock an elected official for saying there's stuff circulating on the internet, when CNN allows Maxine Waters to come on, daily, and run wild with Russian anonymous source Internet rumors, innuendo and conspiracy theories.

Matter of fact, CNN journalists run wild with Russian anonymous source Internet rumors, innuendo and conspiracy theories. Let me guess. As long as it's negative towards Trump anything goes, correct? The whole network is a joke.
You: The media implied that Christian was a Trump supporter.

Me: Prove it

You: links of a Muslim group calling for Trump to speak out against this.

Me: Muslim group =/= mainstream media

False. Read the links. Proof is in the pudding. This will be the last of the time ill waste on this issue as its plain to see.

Funny exchange here.

Journalism is dead. Finding an unbiased news source (in relation to politics) is akin to finding a unicorn.

Everything now is opinions catering to one side or the other.

Agreed. News should be fact without opinion. Opinion used to be for the editorial.

Now the editorial is reported as fact.
False. Read the links. Proof is in the pudding. This will be the last of the time ill waste on this issue as its plain to see.

Agreed. News should be fact without opinion. Opinion used to be for the editorial.

Now the editorial is reported as fact.

100% agree.

The line between news and opinion has become so blurred that it basically no longer exists. The larger problem is that many people can't differentiate the two.