How will they rule ??!

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[laughing] Everyone, including the MSM, immediately jumped to blame the Portland stabbings on an alt-right, white supremacist, Trump supporter. They knew the man's identify and everything, but never even bothered to actually check. Just automatically assumed that he had to be a Nazi Trump supporter.

Come to find out he's a hardcore, far left Bernie Bro. Hundreds of pro Bernie Facebook book posts. Dozens of very disturbing violent posts threatening Hillary and Trump supporters, and even one of him admitting to pretending to be a white supremacist at the free speech rallies just to incite and make the Trump supporters look bad.
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[laughing] Everyone, including the MSM, immediately jumped to blame the Portland stabbings on an alt-right, white supremacist, Trump supporter. They knew the man's identify and everything, but never even bothered to actually check. Just automatically assumed that he had to be a Nazi Trump supporter.

Come to find out he's a hardcore, far left Bernie Bro. Hundreds of pro Bernie Facebook book posts. Dozens of very disturbing violent posts threatening Hillary and Trump supporters, and even one of him admitting to pretending to be a white supremacist at the free speech rallies just to incite and make the Trump supporters look bad.

This why you can't jump to conclusions when violence breaks out at these so called "protest". The gig is up for this marxists behavior. Your lies do not penetrate the truth of open information on the internet. That is why they gave up the internet and that is why they are trying to censor it.
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[laughing] Everyone, including the MSM, immediately jumped to blame the Portland stabbings on an alt-right, white supremacist, Trump supporter. They knew the man's identify and everything, but never even bothered to actually check. Just automatically assumed that he had to be a Nazi Trump supporter.

Come to find out he's a hardcore, far left Bernie Bro. Hundreds of pro Bernie Facebook book posts. Dozens of very disturbing violent posts threatening Hillary and Trump supporters, and even one of him admitting to pretending to be a white supremacist at the free speech rallies just to incite and make the Trump supporters look bad.
Women's March‏Verified account@womensmarch
#PortlandStabbing shows link between Islamophobia & sexual harassment of women in public spaces. As feminists, we must fight Islamophobia.
It's as if the media has completely given up on verifying and fact checking these days. They just run with whatever supports the narrative. Biased professional bloggers is all they are.

Notice how they completely ignored the story of the liberal professor arrested for attacking Trump supporters with a bike lock?

But they jumped right on this incident. They're even reporting on and plastering this picture all over social media, taking it completely at face value and drawing their conclusions from it.

Hitler salute? American flag? Must be a white supremacist Trump supporter, end of discussion.


But in just five minutes of fact checking you can find a video of Trump supporters kicking him out of their rally.

And the Facebook posts of him admitting to "psy-op", pretending to be a Nazi, in an attempt to try to stomp out any pro Trump movement in Portland.

[laughing] Everyone, including the MSM, immediately jumped to blame the Portland stabbings on an alt-right, white supremacist, Trump supporter. They knew the man's identify and everything, but never even bothered to actually check. Just automatically assumed that he had to be a Nazi Trump supporter.

Come to find out he's a hardcore, far left Bernie Bro. Hundreds of pro Bernie Facebook book posts. Dozens of very disturbing violent posts threatening Hillary and Trump supporters, and even one of him admitting to pretending to be a white supremacist at the free speech rallies just to incite and make the Trump supporters look bad.
Has anyone in the MSM asked Bernie Sanders to disavow?
It's as if the media has completely given up on verifying and fact checking these days. They just run with whatever supports the narrative. Biased professional bloggers is all they are.

Notice how they completely ignored the story of the liberal professor arrested for attacking Trump supporters with a bike lock?

But they jumped right on this incident. They're even reporting on and plastering this picture all over social media, taking it completely at face value and drawing their conclusions from it.

Hitler salute? American flag? Must be a white supremacist Trump supporter, end of discussion.


But in just five minutes of fact checking you can find a video of Trump supporters kicking him out of their rally.

And the Facebook posts of him admitting to "psy-op", pretending to be a Nazi, in an attempt to try to stomp out any pro Trump movement in Portland.


That's a clash of clans rally and ol dude just got kicked out of his clan.
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It's as if the media has completely given up on verifying and fact checking these days. They just run with whatever supports the narrative. Biased professional bloggers is all they are.

Notice how they completely ignored the story of the liberal professor arrested for attacking Trump supporters with a bike lock?

But they jumped right on this incident. They're even reporting on and plastering this picture all over social media, taking it completely at face value and drawing their conclusions from it.

Hitler salute? American flag? Must be a white supremacist Trump supporter, end of discussion.


But in just five minutes of fact checking you can find a video of Trump supporters kicking him out of their rally.

And the Facebook posts of him admitting to "psy-op", pretending to be a Nazi, in an attempt to try to stomp out any pro Trump movement in Portland.


Can you please provide me with links of credible media outlets calling this guy a trump supporter?
Interesting. It appears McMuffin is a POS.

Leadership sources suspect the leaker is former CIA officer Evan McMullin, who attended the June 15 meeting in the Capitol in his capacity as a top policy aide to GOP Conference Chairwoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.). Two months later, McMullin launched a long-shot, independent run for president - an ultimately unsuccessful bid to deny Trump the White House.

McMullin, who has continued to badger Trump on Twitter and during TV interviews, did not respond to a request for comment. But McMullin alluded to the leadership meeting and McCarthy's Trump-Russia remark in a New York Times op-ed published in February.

And in The Washington Post story that first detailed the leadership meeting, McMullin is quoted acknowledging that he was present and specifically recalled McCarthy's remark about Trump. Both Ryan and McCarthy have called the comment a poor attempt at humor.

"It's true that Majority Leader McCarthy said that he thought candidate Trump was on the Kremlin's payroll," McMullin told the Post. "Speaker Ryan was concerned about that leaking."

I'm fine with lining up McMullin against a firing squad for alleged treason as a test to see if he really is the leaker. If they shoot him and it stops the leaks we will have done the right thing, and if it doesn't we will still have ridden the world of more smug a-hole.
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You might be a liberal if you think Putin wanted the Presidential candidate to win who will make America stronger.

I heard a podcast on War College by a Polish student of Putin sharing his educated opinion on Russia and its input on the election. I thought it made sense.

Russia, like everyone else, was convinced that Hillary was going to win the election. They didn't want her to win but knew she was going to. They considered her way more hawkish than they thought even Trump would be. They had had absolutely no fear of Obama.

To whatever extent they interfered in the election (which, by the way, no one could prevented had they tried) it was not to prevent her getting elected, but to cause her so many headaches to have to deal with after the election that she could not focus her attention on Russia.

But they are not happy about Trump being elected either because they fear his unpredictability. Trump, he said, was "Putin's Putin."

*This is definitely worth 30 minutes to listen to if you follow this Russia thing.

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Can you please provide me with links of credible media outlets calling this guy a trump supporter?
As I said, it's was all over social media. "Portland stabbing" hash tag was even trending at one point. Like or not, the views and opinions expressed by journalists and reporters there also represent the network they work for, especially when they link said network in their bios. No worries, though, I'm sure they've all been deleted now that the actual truth has been revealed.

You're welcome to show proof. You can't and you'll make up an excuse why.

You simply can't handle the truth.

Again, it was an Anderson Cooper telecast. He didn't just report there was no evidence to support Rich being the leaker or the DNC involvement. He went much further calling the claims fake news, lies, and conspiracy theories. He reported the opposite was the truth. That Rich wasn't the leaker and no DNC involvement.

He has no clue if those claims are fake, lies or conspiracies. All he knows at that there is no evidence to back them up, but by reporting the opposite, he, himself, lied and reported fake news. If this is too difficult for you to comprehend, then I'm not sure what to tell.
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Ok, then can you provide me the tweets from these mainstream media reporters tweeting that he is a trump supporter? Deleted tweets mean nothing to the internet. Once it's tweeted it is on the internets forever.
You're welcome to show proof. You can't and you'll make up an excuse why.

You simply can't handle the truth.
Btw, they also reported specifically about the claim, verbatim -- "One big problem, though, it's not true. In fact, the whole crazy theory had already been debunked by CNN and other news organizations."

So, if it's not true, and they've already debunked it, then where is their evidence? That's right, there is no evidence either way. That's my point. Just like Fox News, they can't honestly report something isn't true and that they've debunked it when they have no proof themselves.
If you are going to run with the narrative that the mainstream media is being misleading about who this guy is, then you should have some proof of it when challenged. So far, you've made a claim about the mainstream medias coverage on this and have only been able to back it up by saying, "weelll, I saw it on social media".
They absolutely began running with thr trump supporter angle. They even specifcally mentioned he had pro trump posts on his fb.

Now its scaled back to conservative or alt right.

Both are false. But they dont care
They absolutely began running with thr trump supporter angle. They even specifcally mentioned he had pro trump posts on his fb.

Now its scaled back to conservative or alt right.

Both are false. But they dont care
Who is they? Can I get some names of mainstream journalists or some links to articles from mainstream media outlets?
No where in that article do they call him a Trump supporter.
They didn't have to. The implied it and left it open for degenerates to assume and draw their own conclusions. That's not how journalism works.

No where in that article did they actually tell the truth about who this guy really is and report the facts, facts that are very important and tell the whole story. Aren't they supposed to be journalists reporting the facts? Why is that? You know just as well as I. Because it hurts their narrative. So either stop being stupid or piss off.
They didn't have to. The implied it and left it open for degenerates to assume and draw their own conclusions. That's not how journalism works.

Exactly. They didnt use terms verbatim like trump supporter. They jyst highlighted his pro trump posts without delving further
Exactly. They didnt use terms verbatim like trump supporter. They jyst highlighted his pro trump posts without delving further

Nope, the article he posted did not do that either.

Very ironic that you guys are making things up about what the media is saying while at the same time complaining about people making things up.
Nope, the article he posted did not do that either.
Yeah, you're right. In that specific article (not the tweets I saw) they didn't use the exact label.

Instead they just set the scene that he was an alt right white supremacist without reporting that he actually admitted it was all an act, and that he isn't actually an alt right anything.

Then they just allowed the ACLU to basically label him as an Islamaphobic racist inspired by Trump's rhetoric, all too happy to include that quote without reporting the facts to the contrary, proving that he hates Trump and would never be inspired by Trump.

What they did was simple, and even simpler for their ignorant brainwashed readers to conclude. Alt right white supremacist + Islamaphobic racist inspired by Trump. What do you think they are implying that equals? A far left Bernie Sanders supporter?

You can sit around and play dumb all you like, but by failing to do their job as journalists, and by not reporting important facts, telling the entire story, allowing their reading to assume the pretty picture they had already painted, they might as well labeled him a Trump supporter because they made damn sure they shaped the story to imply it.
If your claim is that they called him a Trump supporter, then yes, they actually have to call him a Trump supporter for your claim to be true.

You made that up. My claim was social media. I never claimed they called him a Trump supporter in that article. That article was linked just to prove how they're trying to frame it, and the narrative they're pushing, with a shit load of evidence to the contrary.

If the editors are willing to allow their journalists be misleading and not include all the facts, purposely pushing a false narrative, then it shouldn't come as a surprise that those same journalists working for said editors were calling him a Trump supporter on social media.
Nope, the article he posted did not do that either.

Very ironic that you guys are making things up about what the media is saying while at the same time complaining about people making things up.

Heres one explicitly blaming trump link

Heres one that cites a muslim group claiming trump must speak out about anti muslim sentiments

Huffington post says trump was referenced in at least 1/3 of hate crimes, in this same story

Public radio mentions he was seen at a trump rally here

And thats just in the first few results i saw.

You are lying either about looking; or about seeing. If you looked, its all over and not hard to find. So either you didnt look; or you looked but lied about what you saw.

Either way, youre the very worst type of political minion. One who arrogantly professes some knowledge, when really youre either completely uninformed, a liar, or both.

Congrats on sucking
CNN did not set the scene that he was an alt right white supremacists. Christian himself did that. You keep wanting the media to reference his Bernie posts, which some outlets are, but yet you want them to ignore his other ones which are alt right. If everything he was doing was all an act, then how come he just stabbed some folks in the midst of an anti Muslim rant. Was this incident all an act too?

By the way, CNN is just one media outlet. One of the most leftist media outlets, buzzfeed, has posted the things that you are crying about CNN omitting. They called him a passionate Bernie supporter who later supported, but did not vote for, Donald a Trump.
Huffington post says trump was referenced in at least 1/3 of hate crimes, in this same story
[laughing] This one is titled -- Portland Hate Killer Ranted About Stabbings And Muslims On Facebook Amid Rising U.S. Hate Crime

They go through and list every single racist, violent, Islamaphobic thing he had to say on Facebook, but completely ignore and make no mention of Bernie Sanders or his dozens of pro Bernie posts. Best your ass they mentioned Trump, more than once, though.
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