How will they rule ??!

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No wonder Trump wanted to fire Comey...they were getting too close.
Back to this again for a moment because it's baffling that people are literally stupid enough to still believe this.

Trump didn't fire the entire FBI. Literally hundreds of agents are investigating the case. Fring Comey did absolutely nothing to impede their investigation. Their investigation carries on as usual, probably even amps up a bit.

Every bit of evidence those agents have or don't have, they still have or don't have. If they truly were "getting too close", then they're no further away now that Comey isn't their boss.
Back to this again for a moment because it's baffling that people are literally stupid enough to still believe this.

Trump didn't fire the entire FBI. Literally hundreds of agents are investigating the case. Fring Comey did absolutely nothing to impede their investigation. Their investigation carries on as usual, probably even amps up a bit.

Every bit of evidence those agents have or don't have, they still have or don't have. If they truly were "getting too close", then they're no further away now that Comey isn't their boss.

If anything it will reach sonic boom levels with "F Flynn then F Trump" McCabe still in position with a case of Russian lube.
boy if Obama or Hillary had this many associates who lied about meetings with Russia I'm sure you'd brush it aside as just some weird coincidence, onset of Alzheimer's. Weren't there more investigations by Republicans over Benghazi than 9/11?

It continues to be weird how these anonymous sources continue to be correct. I know it's hard to understand how investigative journalism works, but you generally don't out your sources. Thousands of businessmen and elected officials have been destroyed by anonymous sources leading to the truth.

Then you have Trump doing Putin's dirty work at the NATO summit. He talks nicer to Saudi Arabia, Russia, Turkey, and the Phillipines than our allies we've had since WWII. It's pretty amazing.

No wonder Trump wanted to fire Comey...they were getting too close.

You scream about being some sort of better patriots but have no cares about Russian influence in the White House or aiding a foreign country in subverting the United States government. Trump supporters are nothing more than modern day Brown shirts.
Wait didn't you want comey gone in november...why didn't Barry fire him..he was president then. Wait, shouldn't have comey have been fired for allowing Holder to run wild with fast and furious and everything else...oh yeah, you didn't want him gone then, bc you were told not to. Let me giess, you're upset about the Saudi arms deal...but let me guess you didn't raise any concern over the 100 billion nuclear deal with Iran when Beerock ignored the human rights issues that you care so much about. Let me guess, ppl are going to be dying in the street now, but you think the "affordable" (that was the sales pitch) care act was a raving success. You are mad about bombs, but you kept up a great deal with drone presidents 20k bombs last year and his foreign policy. See a pattern here. You only care about things when you are told to and are outraged when you are told to fall in line. What's the media telling you now....comey knew he acted on bad info two days ago and now Comey got fooled...or which us it...i cant keep up with the narrative they need to keep switching to. What's Debbie Wasserman telling you to believe today..shes got total credibility. I don't like Trump but I also don't like anything any liberal loon says bc it's all propoganda...thats easy to see.
boy if Obama or Hillary had this many associates who lied about meetings with Russia I'm sure you'd brush it aside as just some weird coincidence, onset of Alzheimer's. Weren't there more investigations by Republicans over Benghazi than 9/11?

It continues to be weird how these anonymous sources continue to be correct. I know it's hard to understand how investigative journalism works, but you generally don't out your sources. Thousands of businessmen and elected officials have been destroyed by anonymous sources leading to the truth.

Then you have Trump doing Putin's dirty work at the NATO summit. He talks nicer to Saudi Arabia, Russia, Turkey, and the Phillipines than our allies we've had since WWII. It's pretty amazing.

No wonder Trump wanted to fire Comey...they were getting too close.

You scream about being some sort of better patriots but have no cares about Russian influence in the White House or aiding a foreign country in subverting the United States government. Trump supporters are nothing more than modern day Brown shirts.
Even if there was contact with Russia, so what? If it happened it was nothing more than business. Honestly, Russia is a pretty good example of what we need for this country. They have strong, reliable leadership. Their media won't publish garbage to slander good leaders. Fringe elements of their population know to shut up and stay out of sight of they'll get beat up or more. 95% of the population is of rightful native heritage. Sounds ok to me.
I hope @cardkilla and the rest of the dems keep running with Russia until 2020. Will just ensure the dems get their ass kicked in 2018, and Trump will win by even more in 2020.

The American people don't care about these Russian stories. They care about jobs and keeping the country safe, which Trump is currently doing. But please, continue with the stupid Russia babble, you nutjobs.
Why are dems never called xenophobic when they constantly attack Russia? Every time our side brings up a muslim country its automatically deemed racist, but its perfectly fine for the left to constantly put Russia in a negative light? Even to the point of hysteria?
It's easy to see these people lack any and all critical thinking, only read the headlines, and take it as 100% fact.

Perfect example, the Kushner "bombshell" liberals are losing their minds over. Take the headline of the story for instance. Suggestive click bait propaganda:

Russian ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin

But, if you actually read the entire article you start to realize exactly what it is. A fact less hit piece strung together with innuendo and anonymous sources.

To start, this is buried 20 paragraphs down:

Neither the meeting nor the communications of Americans involved were under U.S. surveillance, officials said.

Which means, no one has evidence of Kushner saying or doing anything. The only "evidence" they supposedly have that this ever happened is from when the FBI intercepted the Russian ambassador's call when he supposedly relayed this back to the Kremlin.

Now, taking that into account, if you read even further, this is buried in paragraph 25:

Russia at times feeds false information into communication streams it suspects are monitored as a way of sowing misinformation and confusion among U.S. analysts.

So they're basically admitting that the Russians purposely feeds the FBI false information over tapped phone lines all the time, and since there's no evidence other than a call between the Russian ambassador and Kremlin, who's to say this isn't the case?

Continuing to read this is buried in paragraph 30:

“How would he trust that the Russians wouldn’t leak it on their side?” said one former senior intelligence official. The FBI would know that a Trump transition official was going in and out of the embassy, which would cause “a great deal” of concern, he added. The entire idea, he said, “seems extremely naive or absolutely crazy.”

That's a former senior intelligence official laying out how careless and dumb this idea would be, pointing out that even if they wanted to do it, it could never happen without them being caught.

According to their story, Kushner was making this request on behalf of Flynn. Flynn might be considered a prick, sell out, whatever, but he's also very intelligent and has a hell of a strategic military mind. You don't think he wouldn't have also realized how careless and dumb this request was, knowing that it could never work?

It gets even better, though. Buried in paragraph 40:

It is common for senior advisers of a newly elected president to be in contact with foreign leaders and officials. Obama administration officials say members of the Trump transition team never approached them about arranging a secure communications channel with their Russian contacts.

The State Department, the White House National Security Council and U.S. intelligence agencies all have the ability to set up secure communications channels with foreign leaders, though doing so for a transition team would be unusual.

Now they're admitting speaking with foreign leaders isn't out of the ordinary for a transition team, that Obama, nor anyone in his administration has knowledge of the Trump transition team making such a request, and that setting up these secure lines, although unusual for a transition team, really isn't that big of a deal anyways.

It continues. Deep down in paragraph 50:

Trump’s advisers were similarly secretive about meetings with leaders from the United Arab Emirates. The Obama White House only learned that the crown prince of Abu Dhabi was flying to New York in December to see Kushner, Flynn and Stephen K. Bannon, another top Trump adviser, because U.S. border agents in the UAE spotted the Emirate leader’s name on a flight manifest.

Another example of Trump's transition team being secretive; therfore, the secrecy doesn't automatically equal colluding with the Russians. If that's the case, is he colluding with the Muslims as well?

Even further in paragraph 55:

Russia would also have had reasons of its own to reject such an overture from Kushner. Doing so would require Moscow to expose its most sophisticated communications capabilities — which are likely housed in highly secure locations at diplomatic compounds — to an American.

This one speaks for itself. I mean, what else is there to say? Let's pretend that Flynn and Kushner are that stupid, but are the Russians really this stupid?

Now for the third to last paragraph where it all comes to fruition:

The Post was first alerted in mid-December to the meeting by an anonymous letter, which said, among other things, that Kushner had talked to Kislyak about setting up the communications channel. This week, officials who reviewed the letter and spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive intelligence said the portion about the secret channel was consistent with their understanding of events.

They've had this information for going on 7 months and they're just now running with it? Why is that? These people have had it out bad for Trump. There's no way they would sit on something like this. This tells they sat on it because they knew it was b.s., then months later they finally found someone to give a few quotes and anonymous source verify it, so they ran with it.

It's amazing you guys still entertain Killa. BigBlueRick stands in awe.

Also, why does Boehner wear so much makeup?
It's easy to see these people lack any and all critical thinking, only read the headlines, and take it as 100% fact.

Perfect example, the Kushner "bombshell" liberals are losing their minds over. Take the headline of the story for instance. Suggestive click bait propaganda:

Russian ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin

But, if you actually read the entire article you start to realize exactly what it is. A fact less hit piece strung together with innuendo and anonymous sources.

To start, this is buried 20 paragraphs down:

Neither the meeting nor the communications of Americans involved were under U.S. surveillance, officials said.

Which means, no one has evidence of Kushner saying or doing anything. The only "evidence" they supposedly have that this ever happened is from when the FBI intercepted the Russian ambassador's call when he supposedly relayed this back to the Kremlin.

Now, taking that into account, if you read even further, this is buried in paragraph 25:

Russia at times feeds false information into communication streams it suspects are monitored as a way of sowing misinformation and confusion among U.S. analysts.

So they're basically admitting that the Russians purposely feeds the FBI false information over tapped phone lines all the time, and since there's no evidence other than a call between the Russian ambassador and Kremlin, who's to say this isn't the case?

Continuing to read this is buried in paragraph 30:

“How would he trust that the Russians wouldn’t leak it on their side?” said one former senior intelligence official. The FBI would know that a Trump transition official was going in and out of the embassy, which would cause “a great deal” of concern, he added. The entire idea, he said, “seems extremely naive or absolutely crazy.”

That's a former senior intelligence official laying out how careless and dumb this idea would be, pointing out that even if they wanted to do it, it could never happen without them being caught.

According to their story, Kushner was making this request on behalf of Flynn. Flynn might be considered a prick, sell out, whatever, but he's also very intelligent and has a hell of a strategic military mind. You don't think he wouldn't have also realized how careless and dumb this request was, knowing that it could never work?

It gets even better, though. Buried in paragraph 40:

It is common for senior advisers of a newly elected president to be in contact with foreign leaders and officials. Obama administration officials say members of the Trump transition team never approached them about arranging a secure communications channel with their Russian contacts.

The State Department, the White House National Security Council and U.S. intelligence agencies all have the ability to set up secure communications channels with foreign leaders, though doing so for a transition team would be unusual.

Now they're admitting speaking with foreign leaders isn't out of the ordinary for a transition team, that Obama, nor anyone in his administration has knowledge of the Trump transition team making such a request, and that setting up these secure lines, although unusual for a transition team, really isn't that big of a deal anyways.

It continues. Deep down in paragraph 50:

Trump’s advisers were similarly secretive about meetings with leaders from the United Arab Emirates. The Obama White House only learned that the crown prince of Abu Dhabi was flying to New York in December to see Kushner, Flynn and Stephen K. Bannon, another top Trump adviser, because U.S. border agents in the UAE spotted the Emirate leader’s name on a flight manifest.

Another example of Trump's transition team being secretive; therfore, the secrecy doesn't automatically equal colluding with the Russians. If that's the case, is he colluding with the Muslims as well?

Even further in paragraph 55:

Russia would also have had reasons of its own to reject such an overture from Kushner. Doing so would require Moscow to expose its most sophisticated communications capabilities — which are likely housed in highly secure locations at diplomatic compounds — to an American.

This one speaks for itself. I mean, what else is there to say? Let's pretend that Flynn and Kushner are that stupid, but are the Russians really this stupid?

Now for the third to last paragraph where it all comes to fruition:

The Post was first alerted in mid-December to the meeting by an anonymous letter, which said, among other things, that Kushner had talked to Kislyak about setting up the communications channel. This week, officials who reviewed the letter and spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive intelligence said the portion about the secret channel was consistent with their understanding of events.

They've had this information for going on 7 months and they're just now running with it? Why is that? These people have had it out bad for Trump. There's no way they would sit on something like this. This tells they sat on it because they knew it was b.s., then months later they finally found someone to give a few quotes and anonymous source verify it, so they ran with it.

This happens every single time one of these hit pieces are put out.
it's just my opinion but Trumps son in law is a huge liability. I think Kushner and his idiot liberal wife (Donald's daughter) would sell Donald out in a heartbeat. Ivanka is a pie in the sky liberal and Jarod is a traitor imo.
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What exactly did Boehner accomplish by making this speech? Leaves no doubt that Republican are some of the biggest sob's standing in Trump's way of trying to fix the problems in this Country.
absolute piece of trash. I am all for it though. Keep talking. They have such egos they just can't shut up. I love it.
Why are dems never called xenophobic when they constantly attack Russia? Every time our side brings up a muslim country its automatically deemed racist, but its perfectly fine for the left to constantly put Russia in a negative light? Even to the point of hysteria?
Because the Russians are white. Therefore, it's not only acceptable, but commendable, for the Left to attack the Russians.
I hope @cardkilla and the rest of the dems keep running with Russia until 2020. Will just ensure the dems get their ass kicked in 2018, and Trump will win by even more in 2020.

The American people don't care about these Russian stories. They care about jobs and keeping the country safe, which Trump is currently doing. But please, continue with the stupid Russia babble, you nutjobs.

Pretty much.

Plus once Trump unleashes Ray Lewis and Jesse Jackson its game mfn over for Dems. In 2020 Young Jeezy will be appointed head of USDA and Dems will be done for.
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Back to this again for a moment because it's baffling that people are literally stupid enough to still believe this.

Trump didn't fire the entire FBI. Literally hundreds of agents are investigating the case. Fring Comey did absolutely nothing to impede their investigation. Their investigation carries on as usual, probably even amps up a bit.

Every bit of evidence those agents have or don't have, they still have or don't have. If they truly were "getting too close", then they're no further away now that Comey isn't their boss.
Trump believed it...why he said that firing Comey took the pressure off. But he's a simpleton with little knowledge of how the FBI or government in general works.
Over a million views, some kind of record. You need open eyes but not a open mind to post here.
Why are dems never called xenophobic when they constantly attack Russia? Every time our side brings up a muslim country its automatically deemed racist, but its perfectly fine for the left to constantly put Russia in a negative light? Even to the point of hysteria?
keep taking up for your Russians brethren. If Trump suddenly came out for gun control, you'd flip your position in a second.

Kremlingate will take care of itself. And yes, most patriotic Americans do care if their government officials are taking orders from Russia. I know the people you run with don't because they're anti-American but those who care about democracy actually do want to get to the bottom of this.
keep taking up for your Russians brethren. If Trump suddenly came out for gun control, you'd flip your position in a second.

Kremlingate will take care of itself. And yes, most patriotic Americans do care if their government officials are taking orders from Russia. I know the people you run with don't because they're anti-American but those who care about democracy actually do want to get to the bottom of this.
[laughing] wut

You should try stopping, stepping back, and reading what you write. It's hilarious.

And when is yall's mass apology letter to Mitt Romney going to be postmarked, btw? If Russia PRAISE BE TO THE MOTHERLAND has really permiated PRAISE BE TO TEH MOTHERLAND all of our minds shouldn't y'all run Romney as a D as the only person that can combat them?
boy if Obama or Hillary had this many associates who lied about meetings with Russia I'm sure you'd brush it aside as just some weird coincidence, onset of Alzheimer's. Weren't there more investigations by Republicans over Benghazi than 9/11?

It continues to be weird how these anonymous sources continue to be correct. I know it's hard to understand how investigative journalism works, but you generally don't out your sources. Thousands of businessmen and elected officials have been destroyed by anonymous sources leading to the truth.

Then you have Trump doing Putin's dirty work at the NATO summit. He talks nicer to Saudi Arabia, Russia, Turkey, and the Phillipines than our allies we've had since WWII. It's pretty amazing.

No wonder Trump wanted to fire Comey...they were getting too close.

You scream about being some sort of better patriots but have no cares about Russian influence in the White House or aiding a foreign country in subverting the United States government. Trump supporters are nothing more than modern day Brown shirts.
Are you really that naive or just stupid?
keep taking up for your Russians brethren. If Trump suddenly came out for gun control, you'd flip your position in a second.

Kremlingate will take care of itself. And yes, most patriotic Americans do care if their government officials are taking orders from Russia. I know the people you run with don't because they're anti-American but those who care about democracy actually do want to get to the bottom of this.
If trump came out for gun control we would and any other 2nd amendment supporters would be livid. But it's so stupid you brought that up considering that trump is the biggest pro gun president we've had since regan
keep taking up for your Russians brethren. If Trump suddenly came out for gun control, you'd flip your position in a second.

Kremlingate will take care of itself. And yes, most patriotic Americans do care if their government officials are taking orders from Russia. I know the people you run with don't because they're anti-American but those who care about democracy actually do want to get to the bottom of this.
Yeah, Trump is such a friend of Putin that hes making the USA military stronger, bombed Assad (a putin ally), making NATO stronger, and also being tougher on Iran (Russias biggest Ally)

See how stupid you look? Why the hell would Putin support any of what I posted above?
Why are dems never called xenophobic when they constantly attack Russia? Every time our side brings up a muslim country its automatically deemed racist, but its perfectly fine for the left to constantly put Russia in a negative light? Even to the point of hysteria?

Are there any Black Russians? Brown Russians? Tan Russians? Anything but White Russians?

Serious question
The fact that Russia continues to be the scandal and not the spying and unmasking is all the proof one needs, if there already wasn't enough, that the MSM are political activists and an extension of the Democrat party.

that comes out about Russia is anonymous sourced innuendo. Everything that comes out about the spying and unmasking is 100% fact in the form of previously highly classified court documents that have now been declassified.

What's driving the Russia story is the spying and unmasking story. Hillary was supposed to win so none of this ever got out. They never expected Trump to win, send a crazy ass tweet about being spied on and have people digging into this. Now they're all freaking the f out.
Trump believed it...why he said that firing Comey took the pressure off.

Being relieved because he finally fired an incompetent buffoon, who we now know was head of an agency that was running wild and breaking all kinds of laws, information that Trump most certainly was privy to doesn't = he believed it would impede or end the FBI investigation. Trump, and everyone in his administration, knew that the investigation would continue, regardless.

But he's a simpleton with little knowledge of how the FBI or government in general works.

[laughing] You're projecting.